Научная статья на тему 'Сценарий открытого мероприятия по английскому языку для студентов экономических специальностей'

Сценарий открытого мероприятия по английскому языку для студентов экономических специальностей Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
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Текст научной работы на тему «Сценарий открытого мероприятия по английскому языку для студентов экономических специальностей»

Библиографический список

1. Бахмудова О.Г., Везиров Т.Г. Профессиональная компетентность будущих учителей изобразительного искусства в условиях информатизации образования. Инновации в образовании-2009. Доклады участников научно-практической конференции Липецк, 2009. С.16

2. Бахмудова О.Г. Формирование профессиональной компетентности будущих учителей изобразительного искусства на основе компьютерно-графического моделирования. Модернизация системы непрерывного образования Дербент, 2010. С. 246

Ж.М. Блиева Н.И. Хосроева

сценарий открытого мероприятия по английскому языку для студентов экономических


Ключевые слова: компетенция, культура речи, высокий уровень, коммуникативная компетенция, речеповеденческий аспект, текстовой аспект, экспрессивные средства, качество речи.

Роль преподавателя как «проводника» знаний не может ограничиваться простым формированием базовых и профессиональных компетенций как условием успешного речевого общения. Большое внимание должно уделяться качеству коммуникативного общения, что можно осуществить формированием структурно-экспрессиологической субкомпетенции, входящей в состав языковой компетенции, предполагающей знание выразительных средств языка и умения их использования в речи [1].

Коммуникативная компетенция проявляется в двух аспектах - речеповеденческом и текстовом. Эти аспекты имеют общую основу в виде коммуникативных качеств хорошей речи, которые наряду с постулатами речевого общения имеют соответствия в пословицах, поговорках, афоризмах и других языковых средствах. Идиомы, пословицы, крылатые выражения являются основными средствами создания экспрессивности и, следовательно, показателями качества речи.

Для достижения своих дидактических целей преподаватель может использовать не только формы аудиторной, но и внеаудиторной работы. При изучении иностранных языков в вузе обращение к внеаудиторным формам работы должно становиться распространенным явлением и быть составной частью процесса обучения, что поможет решить как учебные, так и воспитательные задачи. Наш опыт показал, что внеаудиторные формы работы помогают повторить старый и освоить новый языковой материал, актуализировать его в новой обстановке, приближенной к жизненной. Внеаудиторные формы обучения являются прекрасным полем для креативного и инновационного формирования навыков качественной речи и повышения профессионализма в условиях вуза и могут носить как открытый, так и закрытый характер [2].

В предлагаемом сценарии использованы 21 выразительное средство (пословицы, поговорки, идиомы и устойчивые выражения), имеющие точные эквиваленты в русском

© Блиева Ж.М., Хосроева Н.И., 2013

Вестник университета № S, 2013

языке. Некоторые из них по происхождению связанны с русскими сказками, например, «Night is the mother of counsel» или «The tale is short in telling, but the deed is long in do-

Открытое мероприятие "THE THRICE - NINE LANDS, THE THRICE-TEN TSARDOM" представляет собой выпускное занятие для студентов факультета управления Северо-Осетинского государственного университета им. К.Л. Хетагурова. Место мероприятия в учебном процессе: выпускное занятие (VI семестр).

Цели мероприятия:

1. Образовательные:

- обобщение ранее изученной базовой и профессиональной лексики и грамматики за период обучения;

- обобщение экспрессивных средств языка (пословиц, идиом, поговорок и крылатых выражений).

2. Развивающие:

- развитие элементов творческой деятельности как качества мышления, интуиции, пространственного воображения;

- развитие мировоззрения;

- развитие памяти;

- развитие навыков групповой самоорганизации;

- развитие умения вести диалог;

- развитие эстетических представлений и художественного вкуса.

3. Воспитательные:

- воспитание активной жизненной позиции;

- воспитание гуманизма и любви к прекрасному;

- формирование у обучающихся определенных жизненных ценностей.

Задачи мероприятия:


- организовать монологическую и диалогическую речь;

- разработать бизнес проекты и провести презентации;

- организовать устное обсуждение презентаций проектов.

Дидактический материал: текст сценария, программа мероприятия.

Оборудование урока: ПК (2 шт.), динамики, проектор, интерактивная доска, штатив, микрофоны, фото- и видеокамеры.



Сказочница Царь

Царевна, голубка (горлица) Советник Молочная Река Глашатай

Василиса Премудрая Царевна Лягушка Эксперты

Tale-teller (TT)

Tsar (TS)

Turtle-bird (TB) Tsarevna (TsN)

Councilor (CN) Milk River (MR) Public crier (PC)

Vasilisa the Wise (VW) Frog Tsarevna (FTs)

Expert 1 (Ex 1) Expert 2 (Ex 2) Expert З (Ex З)

Красная Шапочка Little Red Riding Hood (RH)

Мама Mummy (MM)

Бабушка Granny (GN)

Серый Волк Grey Wolf (GW)

Охотники Hunter 1 (H1)

Hunter 2 (H2)

Старик The Old Man (OM)

Старуха The Old Woman (OW)

Вовка Vovka (V)

Золотая Рыбка Gold Fish (GF)

TT: In a certain tsarzdom there was a Tsar named Unhappy. He became bankrupt as a result of the economical crises, single, since his tsarina left him because of his bankruptcy, and that is why, very unhappy about it.

One day he went out hunting. He tramped about the woods all day long, but no game came his way. It was getting late when feeling weary and out of humour he turned his way homewards . Suddenly he saw a turtle-dove sitting in a tree. He thought to have a shot at it. But lo and behold!

The bird looking like any other bird, began speaking in a human voice.

TB: Do not kill me, Your Excellency, do not wring my poor neck. Take me home alive and put me in the window. But mind, as soon as I begin to doze, slap me with your right hand, and great good fortune shall be yours.

TT: He took the dove home, put it in the window and waited. By and by the dove tucked his head under its wing and dozed off, and the Tsar never forgetting what it had told him, slapped it with his right hand. The dove fell on the floor and turned into Marya Morevna the Lovely Tsarevna. A maiden as fair as the sky at dawn, the fairest maiden that ever was born.

TsN: You have managed to catch me, and I will manage to help you. Marry me and I will make you a faithful and cheerful wife.

TT: And so the matter was settled. The Tsar married Tsarevna Maria and they were very happy. But one day Maria found her husband sitting down and hanging his head.

TsN: Why are you so sad, my Tsar? Why have you hung your head?

TS: Oh, dear! I am a bankrupt. Something is wrong in our fairy-land and I am quite at a loss.

TsN: What a thing to worry about! Go to bed; night is the mother of counsel.

TT: On the following morning, as soon as the Tsar woke up Tsarevna gave him a piece of


TsN: You Excellency, you have a councilor named Clever. Call him and ask to describe the situation in the fairy-land. It is high time to sound alarm.

CN: I am here , Your Excellency.

TS: Our Excellency is worried about the state of affairs, and declare the state of emergency.

CN: You are absolutely right, Your Excellency. The situation is much of a drama.

TS: In detail, please.

CN: Your Excellency, the treasure is empty. The financial situation has been becoming complicated in connection with non-payment of public utilities especially of light and heat. The public services threaten to stop delivering electrical energy and gas. The citizens have stopped paying taxes and explain it by lack of money because of the unemployment.

TS: How do they live?

CN: Badly, Your Excellency. They quarrel, persecute each other, extort.

TS: How horrible!

CN: Oh, Your Excellency, there are cases of kidnapping . Pretty Karlson does not want to be content with Junior's favours and began taking hostages

TS: Oh, I see. The law of the jungle is dominated in our land. But people can go fishing or gathering berries and mushrooms, can't they? Our land has always been rich in natural gifts.

CN: Your Excellency, littering, environmental pollution, and graffiti have destroyed the ecological balance. Fish and animals gave up all hope and immigrated to safer seas and forests. As for the flowers, berries and mushrooms, they have called a strike and don't grow.

TsN: Out of the blue, an idea came to me. I will go to Milk River with Jelly banks to ask it for the way out.

TT: And she went.

TsN: Dear, Milk River with Jelly Banks, We and our people are in the trouble. Do help


MR: Maria Morevna the Lovely Tsarevna , don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. You'd better turn your way homewards and go to bed; tomorrow is another day

TT: Maria Morevna, the Lovely Tsarevna followed the advice and went to bed. In the morning she told the Tsar that she had seen a dream.

TT: Three days, and three nights they were discussing the dream, and then a public crier appeared in the main square of the land.

PC: Attention, everybody! By the will of Tsar, do as Councilor like a competition for the best business project is announced. All the participants must present a portfolio with a business plan of the legal type of business; its characteristics : name, symbol, mission, slogan, and ad. All the persons interested may take part in the competition. The winners will be rewarded from the tsar financial fund as a primary capital.

TT: The tale is short in telling, but the deed is long in doing. A day passed, and another flew by and finally, the day has come and the folk from all the districts of the fairy-land arrived and the presentation has begun.

VW: Your Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen! We are here to be eye-witnesses of the great phenomenon. The delightful wind of changes has blown, and these changes will concern everybody in our fairy-land. The point is that all the citizens have lived their lives written by their authors, so far. Many deserved heroes have had shelters not worthy of living, for example, our respectful Frog Tsarevna spending all her life in the old dull pond close to the farmer's house.

Today, our dear Tsar gives us an opportunity to rewrite our stories and try our best to realize the dream of the life. It means that everybody who is keen on business has to make the decision what type of legal structure , namely, Sole Proprietorship, Partnership ,or Corporation is best for their business and future being. The terms of the presentation will read my secretary the Frog Tsarevna.

FT: Your Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen! The terms of the presentation are, first, telling the prehistory of setting up the business; second, the definite form of presenting the material; third, using presentation graphics, slide show, and technical devices.

As a result of casting of lots, the first to begin its presentation is "Hoods & Patties"

RH: Your Excellency! Ladies and Gentlemen! Let me tell you our prehistory.

It was a day when I, as usual, went to my dear granny carrying my lovely basket full of tasty patties baked by my mom. My travelling was rather tireless and safe until, all of a sudden, there Grey Wolf appeared.

GW: Hello! Haven't seen you for ages! I am so glad to meet you again. What are you doing here and where are you going, my pretty girl, all alone in the woods? Aren't you afraid?

RH: He who goes into the woods should never be afraid of wolves. I am picking flowers and berries.

GW: Lo and behold! Are you kidding? Where can you see flowers and berries? Show them to me, and I'll help you to pick them up. Everybody in our forest knows that they have called a strike and refused to grow. I think it's better for you to tell me the truth and show what you have in your basket smelling so delicious

RH: Dear Grey Wolf, I am really cheating but not because I'm greedy but because my dear granny is ill and mom baked cabbage patties of flour remains. I can't treat you because my granny must take pills after each meal, otherwise she will upset her stomach.

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GW: Why should I think of your granny's stomach when I am as hungry as a wolf. Make your mind. Either I will eat these tasty cabbage patties, though I hate them, or you yourself.

RH: In the meantime, two hunters emerged from the wood.

H1: What is the matter? What are you doing here you big bad wolf?

GW: Little Red Ridding Hood and I are speaking about setting up a business.

H2: Sounds good! And what kind of business are you going to run?

GW: In my opinion, we must run dentist's. My strong and healthy teeth will be a good


RH: I was so surprised that I agreed at once, and asked Grey Wolf to give the opportunity to speak to my granny or mom.


MM: After a long discussion, examining needs and demands, researching the local market we came to the conclusion that the most actual trends will be baking patties and making hoods.

We have called our partnership "Hoods & Patties". The idea of making hoods belongs, naturally, to my daughter as she is tied of wearing one and the same red hood. Having examined the experience of Coco Chanel she has designed some models for all the seasons, and now she is going to present them.

RH: Sound track, please. (Stevie Wonder «I Just Called to Say...») Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn are presenting hoods.

RH: Our slogan is:"It's all in the bag".

MM: Our ad is:"A movable feast"

GN: As for the second kind of activity, that is baking patties and buns, the idea is mine. We can bake patties with various fillings. I am sure our bakery will attract many customers. Our slogan is: "Sit on the stump, and have a bun". Our ad is:" Have a patty and don't think about calories"

Ex1: How many members are there in your business?

RH: To begin with, my granny and mom will run a bakery.

Ex1: What fillings are you going to use in your patties?

MM: Various. From fruit and vegetables to meat and mushrooms.

Ex2: Where are you going to get raw material? Our forest is out of everything.

GN: Grey is going to import it from the nearest neighbour forest.

Ex2: Do you trust Grey?

MM: We promised him to satisfy his voracious appetite with meat pies and he agreed to be our Import Manager.

Ex3: My question is to Red Hood. Are you going to hire a personnel for promotion and distributing your production?

RH: We can't afford it now, but I think that our girls-models will do the task brilliantly. By now we have had some orders for the spring.

Ex4: Are you going to distribute your production at home or abroad?

RH: Everywhere. Grey will export hats and import raw material.

E4: So, he is your Import-Export manager, isn't he?

RH: Quite right.

VW: Any more questions? No questions. Then we can go to another presentation, and you may take your seats.

Secretary: I invite the second company "Laundromat"

OM: You know our history how my good-wife and I lived on the shore of the deep blue ocean. We lived in a tumble-down hovel for thirty-three summers and winters. I used to fish for our living my wife spun yarn on her distaff...

OW: How many times can you tell the story? Everybody has known it since childhood. I'd better tell how a boy of about 8 year came to our fairy-tale. I saw him when I was sitting on the doorstep with my broken wash-tub before me.

V: Hello, the Old Woman. I know you. You are from the fairy-tale "The Fisherman and the Gold Fish".

OW: Hello, darling.

V: I know all your troubles. I don't think you were right. If you hadn't been tired of being tsaritsa, you wouldn't have been left with the broken wash-tub.

OW: Oh, darling, it's the honest true. Live and learn. And now my poor husband wears dirty shorts as I can't wash them in this bath-tub.

V: Don't worry, we'll think up something. I'll go to the sea shore, and try my best to speak to the Gold Fish.

OW: And he went to the sea- shore.

V: Gold Fish! Where are you?

GF: Why are you raising a cry?

V: I'd like ...

GF: What did you say? Did you cast the net? Did you catch me? I'd like ...

V: Don't set out, Gold Fish. I'd like to ask you to help us to organize a kind of business to earn for living. The young should help the old. The Old Woman is so sorry. She doesn't want to be mistress of the seas with her home in the blue waters. She doesn't want you to do her commands and errands.

GF: What does she want now?

V: She wants to run her business.

GF: And what's that got to do with me? I am happy enough.

V: That's a very selfish reason. You should be thinking about others. That's what is called sympathy.

GF: OK. Unbosom yourself.

V: As a matter of fact, I have an idea but not initial capital. If you agree to be our investor, we'll be able to combine our financial and physical resources.

GF: What business are you going to run?

V: It might be laundry or cleaner's.

GF: OK. It's for the last time I help this Old Woman. Build your business plan involving setting goals and developing action plans. Determine what you want to accomplish and decide how much of your dream can be accomplished in a specific period of time, and develop goals to describe it. Think of the name, slogan and ad. Do your best to convince me.


OW: So, here we are to present our association named "Laundromat". It's a kind of self-service business when you can perform all the operation: load the washing machine, choose the proper detergent and condition. However, the presence of the administrator is admitted. It will be a pleasure for her to advise on different questions. She'll also help you in packing clean things. Our slogan is: fast - qualitative - available. Our ad is: time is money

Ex1: Why do you think that your business will be competitive.

OW: Laundromats are not so widely run as they were 30 years ago when I was a lady in the prime of life. Now there is not any Laundromat in the whole tsarsdom.

Ex2: What services can you offer?

OW: Though laundromats have the same list of services as usual laundries: washing, drying, ironing of all kinds of clothes, uniform, surgical garbs, they have a number of advantages.

Ex2: What are they?

V: First, it is time saving due to the latest equipment, and time, as you know, is money. Second, it is money saving since you needn't use your water, gas, and electricity. Third, not everybody can afford to buy an expensive washing-machine or detergent to have careful washing. Fourth, you can control the process. Fifth, you can wash things of various sizes such as pillows, rugs, etc.

Ex3: How can you estimate the probability of putting at risk?

GF: Running business cannot be without running a risk. Nothing venture, nothing gain. The first and the main risk is absence of customers. To avoid it we have made the market research, and connected ties with small businesses and the public to examine the needs and demands for our services. The second is inability to pay of customers. It is not easy to estimate the probability of this risk. The best way to insure from it is to expand a number of possible customers. The more we'll have them, the better, and it's my cup of tea to solve the problem.

VW: Any questions? No questions. Then, let's go on to the discussion.

Библиографический список

1. Сковородников А.П., Копнина Г.А. О культурно-речевой компетенции студента высшего учебного заведения. // Филологические науки , №3, 2009. С. 4-5

2. Блиева Ж.М. Психолого-педагогические условия формирования языковой компетенции студентов в учебно-воспитательном процессе вуза.// Монография. Владикавказ, 2008. С. 67-68

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