Научная статья на тему 'Структурно-функциональная модель физкультурно-спортивной деятельности спортивных клубов вооруженных сил Анголы'

Структурно-функциональная модель физкультурно-спортивной деятельности спортивных клубов вооруженных сил Анголы Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Болотин Александр Эдуардович, Фернандес Альберту

В работе представлены результаты проведенного исследования по разработке структурно-функциональной модели физкультурно-спортивной деятельности спортивных клубов Вооруженных Сил Анголы. Экспериментально подтверждена высокая эффективность разработанной структурно-функциональной модели физкультурно-спортивной деятельности спортивных клубов Вооруженных Сил Анголы при проведении физической подготовки с военнослужащими.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам о здоровье , автор научной работы — Болотин Александр Эдуардович, Фернандес Альберту

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Structurally functional model of sports activity for sports clubs of Angola armed forces

The work presents the results of the conducted research on development the structurally functional model of sports activity for the sports clubs of Armed forces of Angola. High efficiency of the developed structurally functional model of sports activity for the sports clubs of Armed forces of Angola has been experimentally proven during the training process with the military men.

Текст научной работы на тему «Структурно-функциональная модель физкультурно-спортивной деятельности спортивных клубов вооруженных сил Анголы»

Контактная информация: blinkovsn@mail.ru УДК 796.075; 796:338.2; 796:658



Александр Эдуардович Болотин, Заслуженный работник высшей школы РФ, полковник запаса, доктор педагогических наук, профессор,

Военный институт физической культуры,


Альберту Фернандес, подполковник, начальник управления Вооруженных Сил Анголы,

Луанда, Ангола


В работе представлены результаты проведенного исследования по разработке структурно-функциональной модели физкультурно-спортивной деятельности спортивных клубов Вооруженных Сил Анголы. Экспериментально подтверждена высокая эффективность разработанной структурно-функциональной модели физкультурно-спортивной деятельности спортивных клубов Вооруженных Сил Анголы при проведении физической подготовки с военнослужащими.

Ключевые слова: физическая подготовка; физкультурно-спортивная деятельность; военнослужащие Вооруженных Сил Анголы; структурно-функциональная модель.


CLUBS OF ANGOLA ARMED FORCES Alexander Eduardovich Bolotin, the Honored worker of the higher school of the Russian Federation, reserve colonel, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor,

Military institute of physical training,


Albert Fernandez:, the lieutenant colonel, head of department of Armed forces of Angola,

Luanda, Angola


The work presents the results of the conducted research on development the structurally functional model of sports activity for the sports clubs of Armed forces of Angola. High efficiency of the developed structurally functional model of sports activity for the sports clubs of Armed forces of Angola has been experimentally proven during the training process with the military men.

Keywords: physical preparation, sports activity, military men of Armed forces of Angola, structurally functional model.

Now questions of safety of Angola provide its Armed forces. Over the last ten years there were almost revolutionary changes in approaches to their use in interests of the state.

Problems of achievement of good results in military-professional work military men demand from them display of the whole complex physical, psycho emotional and functionality. Meanwhile, the arising exhaustion causes loss of interest to employment by physical preparation in military men, especially after planned employment on combat training. Such negative tendency stimulates search of new means, forms and methods of improvement of a physical condition and strengthening of health of military men of Armed forces of Angola. However, the carried out analysis of the scientific literature testifies that scientific-theoretical approaches to use of sports clubs in interests of improvement of process of physical preparation at the moment aren't developed, pedagogical conditions for maintenance of high efficiency of such activity are not proved, have not found reflection the questions opening the maintenance of sports activity of sports clubs. Proceeding from the above-stated, the urgency of the present research is defined:

- insufficient level of physical readiness and a functional condition of an organism

of military men of Armed forces of Angola;

- weak theoretical and experimental validity of the maintenance of sports activity of sports clubs of Armed forces of Angola for increase of level of physical readiness and working capacity of military men;

- objective necessity of search of new forms of the organization of sports activity of sports clubs.

The carried out analysis of a condition of process of physical preparation in Armed forces of Angola has allowed establishing the reasons negatively influencing level of physical readiness of military men (tab. 1).

Table 1

The reasons of low level of physical readiness and functional condition of military men _____________________________of Armed forces of Angola (n=187)____________________________________

The importance (rank a place) The reasons of low level physical readiness Rank indicator, %

1 Underestimation of a place and role of physical preparation in system of combat training of military men 22,2

2 Discrepancy of operating legal documents regulating process of the organization, carrying out and control of physical preparation of military men, modern to requirements 19,0

3 Discrepancy of physical readiness to requirements to level of physical suitability for military service 16,2

4 Insufficient financing of process of physical preparation 14,0

5 The absence of an effective system of imparting military officers need to exercise regularly and to be constantly ready to perform service and combat missions 11,0

6 Discrepancy of level of material resources and infra-structure to problems of development of physical preparation in Armed forces of Angola in modern conditions 9,2

7 Insufficient quantity of experts in physical preparation for maintenance effective process functioning of physical preparation 8,4

The conducted research has shown that the major problem demanding the urgent decision, the substantiation and working out of effective system of sports activity of sports clubs of Armed forces of Angola in interests of improvement of quality of physical preparation of military men is. Now there is a point of view that physical preparation of military men assumes the account not only external circumstances of military service, but also specific features of an organism. In this connection, creation of the same groups on level of physical readiness for training employment on the basis of sports clubs is necessary. Thus the special attention was given to two aspects: to increase of personal competence of military men in questions of a technique of carrying out of independent physical training and motivation increase to regular employment by military-applied sports.

The carried out analysis has allowed defining the basic pedagogical conditions necessary for high efficiency of application of the given methodical approach to process of physical preparation of military men. The rank structure of pedagogical conditions is presented in table 2.

During poll of experts in physical preparation the basic directions of perfection of process of physical preparation of military men of Armed forces of Angola were defined. Thus the special attention was given to increase of individual level of erudition of military men in questions of carrying out of independent physical training.

During the further research the structurally functional model of activity of sports clubs with a view of increase of level of physical readiness of military men was proved. The Structurally functional model of sports activity of sports clubs of Armed forces of Angola is presented in drawing 1. Efficiency of the given model of activity of sports clubs was checked

during pedagogical experiment.

Table 2

The pedagogical conditions necessary for increase of efficiency process of physical _________preparation with military men of Armed forces of Angola (n=187) _________

The importance (rank a place) The pedagogical conditions Rank indicator, %

1 Educational and material resources development on sports, rational use of training complexes of sports clubs 21,0

2 Creation on the basis of sports clubs of groups for playing sports taking into account individual interests of military men 17,2

3 The account of individual indicators of a functional condition and physical readiness of military men 14,2

4 Differentiation of groups for carrying out of trainings on indicators of a functional condition of an organism and physical readiness of military men 13,0

5 The organization of work of constantly operating educational and methodical complex on training of military men to a technique of carrying out of independent physical training and inculcation of skills of a healthy way of life on the basis of sports club 11,2

6 Presence of system of monitoring over level of a physical condition of each military man 9,1

7 Planning of physical preparation of military men taking into account modern requirements 8,0

8 Creation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in groups of military men engaged depending on sports interests 6,3

The basic lines of activity of sports clubs of Armed forces of Angola



Working out and introduction of the new military-applied sports meeting modern requirements

Increase at military men of motivation to regular employment by physical preparation and military-applied sports


Orientation of each military man to a healthy way of life and struggle against bad habits

Increase of individual level of erudition of military men in questions of carrying out of independent physical training

Actions ....+.....

- The organization of training process in the sport selected the military man.

- Carrying out of

competitions i

military-applied sports.

- Creation of system of psychological and material stimulation of military men for high

individual level of

physical readiness.

- Carrying out of motivation actions.

- Carrying out of “days

of health”, sports holidays, mass sports competitions to

participation of

members of families of military men.

- Creation of

constantly operating methodical center on training of military men.

- Working out of methodical recommendations about carrying out of independent physical training.

Result: improvement of quality of process of physical preparation in Armed forces of Angola

Draw. 1. Structurally functional model of sports activity of sports clubs of Armed forces of


Results of the spent pedagogical experiment testify to high efficiency of the developed structurally functional scheme of activity of sports clubs of Armed forces of Angola in interests of increase of level of physical readiness of military men.

At military men of experimental group indicators of a functional condition of an organism, physical readiness and professional working capacity have authentically improved, and in control group these changes weren't so essential.


Thus, the conducted research testifies to high efficiency of the developed structurally functional model of sports activity of sports clubs of Armed forces of Angola at carrying out of physical preparation with military men.


1. Borisov, A.V. Feature military-professional work officers of radio engineering parts of Military-air forces of Antiaircraft defense // Actual problems military-vocational training and physical preparation in Armed forces Russian federation. - 2008. - № 8. - P. 314.

2. Kuznetsov, A.V. Physical preparation of officers of radio engineering parts of Military-air forces of Antiaircraft defense : The manual / A.V. Kuznetsov. - Yaroslavl, 2004.

- 117 p.

3. Prihodko, V. N. Management of independent physical training of officers of radio engineering parts of Military-air forces of Antiaircraft defense : The manual / V.N. Prihodko.

- Yaroslavl, 2003. - 127 p.

4. Savin, M.V. The maintenance of physical-sports activity of sports club of Rocket strategic forces / M.V. Savin // Uchenye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgafta. - 2009. -№ 3 (49). - P. 81-84.

Contact information: a_bolotin@inbox.ru

УДК 796.035 (075.8)


Татьяна Александровна Брусник, старший преподаватель,

ГОУ ВПО «Шадринский государственный педагогический институт» (ШГПИ)


Современный образовательный процесс не обеспечивает студентов достаточным двигательным режимом, что заметно сказывается как на общем самочувствии, так и на состояние опорно-двигательного аппарата, особенно осанки и стопы. Выявленные средства из оздоровительных видов гимнастики, избирательно направленные на укрепление опорно-двигательного аппарата, могут положительно влиять на его состояние.

Ключевые слова: опорно-двигательный аппарат, оздоровительные виды гимнастики.


STUDENTS Tatiana Alexandrovna Brusnik, the senior teacher,

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The Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute


The modern educational process doesn’t provide the students with sufficient moving regime, that affects noticeably as well as on the overall health as on the condition of the support-motor apparatus, especially body posture and feet. The revealed means of gymnastics fitness aspects, selectively

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