STRESS: HISTORY, CAUSES AND WAYS TO OVERCOME IT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Ключевые слова
stress / adaptation / health / psychology / coping strategies / well-being / emotional balance / mental health / physiological reactions / behavioral decisions. / стресс / адаптация / здоровье / психология / стратегии выживания / благополучие / эмоциональное равновесие / психическое здоровье / физиологические реакции / поведенческие решения.

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Ashurov Rustamjon Furkatovich, Mavlyanova Zilola

Stress has become an integral part of modern life, affecting our health and well-being. This article examines the nature of stress, its consequences for the body and psyche, and offers a variety of approaches and techniques for adaptation.

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Стресс стал неотъемлемой частью современной жизни, влияющей на наше здоровье и благополучие. В данной статье рассматривается природа стресса, его последствия для организма и психики, а также предлагаются разнообразные подходы и техники адаптации.

Текст научной работы на тему «STRESS: HISTORY, CAUSES AND WAYS TO OVERCOME IT»

УДК: 159.944



2nd year student of the Faculty of Pediatrics, Samarkand State

Medical University. The city of Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan.

ORCID ID 0009-0003-2232-7696 MAVLYANOVA ZILOLA Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Traditional Medicine, Samarkand State Medical University. The city of Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan. ORCID ID 0000-0001-7862-2625


Stress has become an integral part of modern life, affecting our health and well-being. This article examines the nature of stress, its consequences for the body and psyche, and offers a variety of approaches and techniques for adaptation.

Key words: stress, adaptation, health, psychology, coping strategies, well-being, emotional balance, mental health, physiological reactions, behavioral decisions.




студент 2 курса факультета педиатрии Самаркандского государственного медицинского университета. Город Самарканд Республика Узбекистан. ORCID Ю 0009-0003-2232-7696

МАВЛЯНОВА ЗИЛОЛА доктор медицинских наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой медицинской реабилитации, спортивной медицины и народной медицины, Самаркандского государственного медицинского

университета. Город Самарканд Республика Узбекистан.

ORCID ID 0000-0001-7862-2625 АННОТАЦИЯ

Стресс стал неотъемлемой частью современной жизни, влияющей на наше здоровье и благополучие. В данной статье рассматривается природа стресса, его последствия для организма и психики, а также предлагаются разнообразные подходы и техники адаптации.

Ключевые слова: стресс, адаптация, здоровье, психология, стратегии выживания, благополучие, эмоциональное равновесие, психическое здоровье, физиологические реакции, поведенческие решения.



Samarqand davlat tibbiyot universiteti Pediatriya fakulteti 2-kurs talabasi. OZbekiston Respublikasi, Samarqand shahri.

ORCID ID 0009-0003-2232-7696 MAVLYANOVA ZILOLA Tibbiyot fanlari doktori, dotsent, Samarqand davlat tibbiyot universiteti Tibbiy reabilitatsiya, sport tibbiyoti va xalq tabobati kafedrasi mudiri. OZbekiston Respublikasi, Samarqand shahri.

ORCID ID 0000-0001-7862-2625 ANNOTATSIYA

Stress zamonaviy hayotning ajralmas qismi bo'lib, sog'lig'imiz va farovonligimizga ta'sir qiladi. Ushbu maqolada stressning tabiati, uning tana va psixika uchun oqibatlari ko'rib chiqiladi, shuningdek, turli xil yondashuvlar va moslashish usullari taklif etiladi.

Kalit so'zlar: stress, moslashish, salomatlik, psixologiya, omon qolish strategiyalari, farovonlik, hissiy muvozanat, ruhiy salomatlik, fiziologik reaksiyalar, xatti-harakatlar qarorlari

Work, personal relationships, social obligations, and the constant flow of information create conditions for stress in most people. Stress is a natural reaction of the body to external and internal factors, which allows you to mobilize resources to overcome difficult situations. However, if stress becomes chronic, it can negatively affect health and quality of life.

Adaptation to stress is a key process that allows a person to maintain psychological and physical balance in the face of constant change and pressure. Adaptation mechanisms include a wide range of responses, from physiological changes in the body to psychological strategies and behavioral decisions. Understanding the nature of stress and effective adaptation techniques is an important aspect for maintaining well-being and improving quality of life.

In this article, we will look at the main aspects of stress, its impact on the body and psyche, as well as discuss various approaches and adaptation techniques that will help you cope with daily stressors and maintain a high level of health.

The word "stressor" began to denote not only physical, but also purely psychological influence, and the word "stress" - a reaction not only to physically harmful influences, but also to any events that cause negative emotions. Selye identified three stages of stress. The first is the reaction of anxiety, expressed in the mobilization of all the resources of the body. When the body manages (due to previous mobilization) to successfully cope with external influences. During this period, increased stress resistance may be observed. If the effect of harmful factors cannot be eliminated and overcome for a long time, the third stage begins -exhaustion. The adaptive capabilities of the body decrease. During this

period, he resists new "harms" worse, and the danger of disease increases - [2, 3].

From the point of view of medicine, hysteria and neurasthenia are mental disorders and are subject to correction by psychiatrists. However, the influence of stress on a person is not limited to neurological disorders. The term "stress" appeared in medicine from physics, where it denotes the tension of the system due to the force applied from the outside under the pressure of external factors. Stressors can be environmental causes: Air pollution, Jumps in atmospheric pressure: Magnetic storms; Sudden changes in air temperature. Medical stressors are any diseases (from traumatic injuries to infectious ones), social stressors are conflict situations in the team, society. The impact of stress on a person is great - it negatively affects physical and psychological health - [1, 5].

Stress contributes to adaptation, but in the case of prolonged stress, anxiety becomes pathological and the adaptive reserve is depleted, and consequently, stress resistance decreases and vulnerability to any stress factors increases. As a result, intensive, extreme or chronic, constant stress becomes a risk factor for the development of pathological conditions and worsening of the course of chronic diseases redistribute energy and adaptive resources to those parts of the body that are crucial for self-defense. Stress can ensure the immediate survival of the body, but it can also disrupt physical and mental well-being. With chronic stress, the level of anxiety and restlessness increases, and stress resistance decreases sharply - [4, 5].

The universal concept of stress was formulated by the world-famous Canadian physiologist Hans Selye, which had a great impact on various areas of human science: psychology, medicine, sociology and other fields of knowledge. The problem of studying the mechanisms of emotional stress, which is the price for progress and civilization; the development of methods for overcoming stressful situations is especially relevant today.

Like many thousands of years ago, our body responds to difficult life situations with an instant response of the nervous system with the involvement of the mental sphere. Modern life situations lead to a sharp increase in psychological stress on a person associated with his process of perception, especially with a lack of information, with the complexity of decision-making, with responsibility and danger of human activity. In addition, the pathogenic influence of environmental factors on human health is sharply increasing.

At present, there are mostly unfavorable changes in the mental health picture of the population. There is a significant increase in the number of neuropsychiatric diseases, primarily those that are the most characteristic reaction to mental stress. These are, first of all, neuroses, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychosomatic disorders, characterolo-gical and pathocharacterological reactions, as well as reactive psychoses, deprivation development of the personality. Thus, in the 15 economically most developed countries, the prevalence rate of mental illness for a period of 98 years (1900-1998) increased 10 times and now stands at 303.7 per 1000 population; the growth of neuroses (61.7 times), alcoholism (58.2 times), oligophrenia (30 times) is especially significant. In Russia, in 1950-1998, the incidence of mental disorders rose from 137.4 to 301.3 per 1000 inhabitants - [7]. The number of suicides (and the majority of suicidal people with mental disorders), alcoholic psychoses, addiction diseases in general (and not only chronic alcoholism, but also drug addiction, substance abuse), borderline (non-psychotic) forms of psychopathology, at the origins of which psychological and other stress is also often located, is sharply increasing (catastrophically in recent years); These painful addictions can mask other mental suffering.

In turn, the depletion of the body's protective functions under stress, negative factors of various nature lead to a more frequent exacerbation and unfavorable course of mental illnesses, the main cause of which is,

for example, a hereditary predisposition (schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, epilepsy, etc.).

A disease is formed under an unfavorable set of circumstances for an individual - external and internal. Here the entire biography of a person, developed during life, starting from birth, reaction stereotypes, resources, endurance, vulnerability of the person to stress can be important - [1, 6].

For adequate and timely adaptation to stress, you need a reserve and the "ability" of the body to use it correctly. Proper nutrition is a source of substances that are important for stress resistance and adaptation to stress. In relation to stress, approaches to proper nutrition can be divided into 2 directions: 1) replenishment of the deficiency of nutrients, vitamins, trace elements, which are actively consumed during the period of stress and the implementation of the stress reaction. The need for "anti-stress" products increases during this period. Food alone cannot make up for a large shortage of micronutrients, but during this period, with the help of dietary supplements, you can create conditions for better intake and assimilation of the necessary substances and ensure energy metabolism, as well as maintain recovery processes at the proper level; 2) maintaining an adequate intake of micronutrients for the formation of an adaptive reserve and stress resistance is the most important preventive stage - [2, 7].

By origin, somatic (environmental) and psychomental stress are distinguished. Somatic stress is caused by the influence of environmental factors that directly change the homeostasis of the body. Such factors include: abrupt changes in climatic conditions (ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity): jet lag; excessive physical activity: pain syndrome; psycho-emotional stress arises as a result of the influence of sufficiently strong factors that affect the human body through the exhaustion of the activity of higher nervous activity - [3, 8].

In an unstable state, aspirations and goals are chosen by a person, without taking into account his own capabilities. Any desire to achieve something, in fact, a negative emotion, becomes positive when the desired result is achieved. The goal remains unattainable - the emotion becomes a strong stressor. In extreme conditions, the influence of stress on human behavior, depending on the initial state of health and temperament, as a character trait, is especially noticeable People with different attitudes to the surrounding reality behave in completely different ways. According to Pavlov's classification, there are four types of higher nervous activity, weak (melancholic) and three strong, but with some features: unbalanced, reacting to any impact with a violent reaction - choleric; balanced, inert -phlegmatic; mobile and balanced - sanguine. The influence of human stress of different types of higher nervous activity is not the same. No matter how strange it may seem, but unbalanced people tolerate stress most easily. The effect of stress factors on such a person ends with the level of the primary response of the body. Whereas in balanced people, stress passes into the second phase of adaptation, and then leads to exhaustion - [5, 9].

Conclusions: In today's world, stress has become an inevitable aspect of our daily lives, but we have the resources to adapt to it and even benefit from it. Understanding the nature of stress and effective adaptation techniques are key to maintaining health and well-being. By using a variety of coping strategies, we can strengthen our psychological resilience and improve our quality of life. Obtained from this article, will help you successfully cope with the challenges of the modern world and find harmony between yourself and the world around you.


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