Научная статья на тему 'STRESS AND TIME MANAGEMENT'

STRESS AND TIME MANAGEMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Huseynov R. T., Gajiyeva N. A., Huseynova S. S.

The purpose of this study is to determine the main causes and consequences of stress at work, to find the most effective ways to prevent and deal with it. This study can also be helpful in terms of preparing students for the challenging working life in their future life.

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Текст научной работы на тему «STRESS AND TIME MANAGEMENT»

УДК 65.01 Научная статья


Гусейнов Р.Т., Гаджиева Н.А., Гусейнова Ш.Ш. Азербайджанский Технологический Университет (г. Гянджа, Республика Азербайджан)

Аннотация. Целью данного исследования является определение основных причин и последствий стресса на работе, поиск наиболее эффективных способов его предотвращения и борьбы с ним. Это исследование также может быть полезным с точки зрения подготовки студентов к сложной трудовой жизни в их будущей жизни.

Ключевые слова: стресс, время, управление, работа, модель.

Для цитирования: Гусейнов, Р.Т. Стресс-менеджмент и тайм-менеджмент в организации / Р.Т.Гусейнов, Н. А. Гаджиева, Ш.Ш. Гусейнова // Наука и реальность. - 2023. - № 2 (14). - С. 68-74.


Huseynov R. T., Gajiyeva N. A., Huseynova S. S.

Аzerbаijаn Teсhnologiсаl University (Ganja, Republik of Azerbaijan)

Annotation. The purpose of this study is to determine the main causes and consequences of stress at work, to find the most effective ways to prevent and deal with it. This study can also be helpful in terms of preparing students for the challenging working life in their future life.

Keywords: stress, time, management, work, model.


In today's industrial society, time has become a problem, or rather a big problem for many people has become a lack, lack of time. People are inventing more and more accurate clocks to measure time. The sundial, which measured time with an accuracy of 15 minutes, was replaced by a water clock. Their error was about five minutes, and for the unhurried (compared to the 20th century) ancient era, this was quite enough. During the Renaissance, the pace of economic and political life increased dramatically, and after Galileo discovered the properties of the pendulum, clocks were invented that gave an accuracy of 1 minute. Feudalism was replaced by capitalism - and spring watches appeared, where the count went to seconds.

With the advent of electronic watches based on quartz oscillators, the problem of time measurement accuracy has ceased to be relevant - we can measure it even in microseconds, but time itself has disappeared somewhere. Running away from home in the morning, we don't have time to have a proper breakfast, at work we don't have enough time to complete at least the most urgent tasks, at home, after work there is no time to talk with children or read a detective story. With a feeling of incompleteness of the next working day, we fall into a dream, so that the next morning we will again join the endless race in a circle ... And here the question arises: Is there a way out of this state?

Time is life. Every аspeсt of life depends upon time. Аs humаn life progress with time, energy аnd physical strength seem to diminish. It is аll-importаnt to perform vаrious tаsks during а specific time period. Аny асt performed аfter time is of no use. It is аlso important to live in the present moment. This reseаrсh pаper is аn аttempt to learn the essentials of time management and also its importance. For this purpose, literature survey was done. It was found that the most important tool for time management is to prioritize the task.

Time management is not and would not ever be distinct and separable from management in general. Its main objective is to prevent dawdling and waste of time and regulate working time. Time management places much emphasis on preventing unnecessary activities, increase of efficiency, organizing and delegating tasks. Effective time management provides employees with a feeling of greater security, independence and the clients with satisfaction with efficient and faster service delivery tailored to the needs.

To survive and prosper in this increasingly competitive global environment, one have to be productive, efficient and effective. Time management is about working actively to create efficiency and effectiveness in a way that makes achieving your targeted results more likely. Effective time management is a panacea to organizational effectiveness and not a placebo. The results of the review of time management show that the effective use of time

has long been recognized as a crucial factor for success in many different fields and many practical techniques have been devised for improving time management. During the study, the researcher deduced that performance or effectiveness is measured in relation to time. And effective time management reduces failure. The researcher therefore concludes that there is a direct link between effective time management and the effective performance of any organization. Good time managers apart from being discipline and responsible, appear to prefer planning, prioritization and organization. Below you can see the list of Essentials of Time Management: Effective planning; Setting up goals and objectives; Setting up deadlines; Delegation of responsibilities; Prioritizing task; Spending the right time on the right activity.

Importance of Time Management. In opinion of (Malita, 2011) every individual spends time on an activity. At the same time there are several options available. Hence it is absolute vital to manage time: Maximum utilization of resources; Efficiency; Decision making; Stress relief; Discipline; Learning new opportunities; Get rid of distraction; Enjoy life; Spend time on what we desire; Better planning and better forecasting; Avoid disappointment

Stress is not only the result of major events, but also of daily tensions and pressures. The later, through their frequencies, have an important part in professional environment and affects more the person than the rarely major negative events. This session explores the causes of stress and how participants deal with stress. Participants learn ways of reducing stress by streamlining their physical activity, making time to relax, getting plenty of sleep, and having a good laugh. Participants examine how they are spending their time each day and brainstorm ways to improve their time-management. There are several relaxation techniques that help reduce stress. These techniques bring on the "relaxation response" where your body enters a state of calmness. Using these relaxation techniques can help reduce stress and tension, lower blood pressure and blood glucose, relieve tension, and improve sleep. Learning to deal with stress in a positive manner can help you to greatly improve your health!

It is not a secret, that big companies are all the time trying to regulate all the elements of the interaction between workers: as at horizontal level among the same working layers as at vertical levels, from boss to delivery man and vice versa. In most of the cases, the speed of decision of overcoming the problem and its way of the process how it is sol ved depend on cohesion of the team. Conductive and favorable working atmosphere, by its turn, improves the unity of the collective.

However two main models can be marked out: Transactional and Health Realization Models.

Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkman were among the first who presented Transactional Model of stress Management. In 1984 the model was described as follows: "Stress can be thought of as resulting from an imbalance between demands and resources or as occurring when pressure exceeds one's perceived ability to cope".

Health-Realization Model explains the level of stress reaction as the result of mental thinking of a person, using such definitions as "quite mind", "inner wisdom" and "common sense". The more person knows about stressor, how to avoid stressful situation, or how to relax, the less negatively stress affects on person. Stress can even be avoided, if person has enough knowledge about of particular subject or if person develops inner spiritual world, because such factors - build defense! from most of stressors.

Stress Management Plan can include for example the phone number of a specialist, who can help with an advice; the rights listed, which give the opportunity to have one day free or the vocation moved to near future; whom to connect in order to talk about the work load, working hours reduction and other important facts, which the company decides to be important for their workers. See below the best stress management plan (Figure 1).

Physical activities (3port3)

Personal productivity skills

Present moment awareness

Leading a balanced life

Conflict resolution skills

Joumaling (diary]


Figure 1. Best Stress Management Plan

If your methods of coping with stress aren't contributing to your greater emotional and physical health, it's time to find healthier ones. There are many healthy ways to manage and cope with stress, but they all require change. You can either change the situation or change your reaction. When deciding which option to choose, it's helpful to think of the four As: avoid, alter, adapt, or accept. Since everyone has a unique response to stress, there is no "one size fits all" solution to managing it. No single method works for everyone or in

every situation, so experiment with different techniques and strategies. Focus on what makes you feel calm and in control.

The stress management strategies can focus on subordinates' capacities, on observing and stimulating/ accelerating subordinates' abilities to accomplish their tasks. This strategies are usually focused either on adopting/amending subordinates' abilities through training, or on attempt to improve self-confidence to accomplish the task. In most cases the leader may influence the requirements to discharge the employees' duties either by specifying the ways to accomplish the requirements either by imposing the performance's standards, but the growth of requirements' level is more tolerable if it is made gradually. A relevant example about the effect of changing the performance's standards is the preparation for an athletic competition. The performance's levels growth progressively to the optimal physical condition, corresponding to capacities and demands.

Discussion and Conclusion

Stress management is the management of the state of the psyche, the ability to prevent the occurrence of stress or at least minimize its impact on health. With the help of stress management, you can deal with strong physical and psychological stress, prevent professional burnout and lead an active, productive and fulfilling life.

The term "stress", in relation to professional activity, is defined as one of the many states of physical or psychological stress in response to adverse factors. Stress can also be useful, but only in a small amount, when it spurs us on and helps us achieve our goals. If the voltage is high or constant, then it causes a non-specific, abnormal reaction of the body -harmful physiological processes are triggered.When we talk about occupational stress, we usually mean the same non-specific reaction of the body, only caused not by some abstract reasons, but by problems at work. Stress is usually divided into acute and chronic. The first is a quick and powerful reaction to some kind of stimulus. For example, if you are attacked on the street, you will most likely experience extreme stress. It is expressed mainly physiologically - the level of hormones rises, which will make you freeze, or, conversely, mobilize the body's resources and act quickly.

There are three main strategies for stress management:

Getting away from stressors is the easiest and fastest option. Cons: Not all problems can be avoided. For example, you can reduce the number of tasks, but changing jobs if you are not satisfied with the attitude of colleagues is not always the case.

Change stressors - the problem can be influenced if resources (external and internal) are available. For example, if you are concerned about the impostor syndrome, then you can take a course that will "pump" your skills and confirm your knowledge.

Changing your attitude to stressors is an effective way that requires the most psychological effort and time. For example, if you are concerned about the attitude of colleagues, then you need to learn how to resist them or, conversely, to improve relations.

We think that this is a very correct interpretation, and even if we pick up some modern book related to coping with stress, we will see that stress management is interpreted in this way. If we simplify the interpretation a bit, we get that stress management is stress management.

The process of stress management occurs in three basic areas: prevention of stress factors; reduction of tension from stress factors that cannot be eliminated; organization of a system to overcome the effects of stress factors.

But since, as the title suggests, we're talking about stress in the workplace, it would be more appropriate to narrow the scope of the topic. And in professional activities, stress management has two main levels: stress management at the organizational level; stress management at the individual level.

Next, we will talk about each of these levels separately.


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Гусейнов Рагиф Тофигович, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, заведующий учебной частью, Азербайджанский Технологический Университет (г.Гянджа, Республика Азербайджан).

: r.huseynov@uteca.edu.az

Гаджиева Нушаба Аслановна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры Маркетинга, Азербайджанский Технологический Университет (г.Гянджа, Республика Азербайджан).

: nushaba.hajieva@mail.ru

Гусейнова Шафа Шахиновна, магистр, Азербайджанский Технологический Университет (г. Гянджа, Республика Азербайджан).

: imangali.fariza@bk.ru Дата поступления: 06.04.2023

© Гусейнов Р.Т., Гаджиева Н. А., Гусейнова Ш. Ш., 2023

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