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Ключевые слова
stress / academic load / prevention / student / stress stages / prevention

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — N. Mirzayeva

For a modern student, as for any person, stress is not a supernatural phenomenon, but rather a reaction to accumulated problems, to the endless process of dealing with everyday difficulties, to factors related to the work and activities of the organization or events in his personal life. Students studying at the university are constantly under the influence of stress factors. Excessive mental stress of a student from studying has a strong impact on the psyche and is often the cause of emotional overload. stress can have very serious consequences. How to deal with stress at school? The degree to which a student's stress tolerance is developed is of crucial importance both for the educational process and for the life of a person entering the adult world. Naturally, it is almost impossible to influence the conditions accompanying learning, and therefore it is much more effective not to "fight the system", but to look for ways to normalize the mental state.

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Mirzayeva Nargiza Asrarovna

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11097809

Abstract. For a modern student, as for any person, stress is not a supernatural phenomenon, but rather a reaction to accumulated problems, to the endless process of dealing with everyday difficulties, to factors related to the work and activities of the organization or events in his personal life. Students studying at the university are constantly under the influence of stress factors. Excessive mental stress of a student from studying has a strong impact on the psyche and is often the cause of emotional overload. stress can have very serious consequences. How to deal with stress at school? The degree to which a student's stress tolerance is developed is of crucial importance both for the educational process andfor the life of a person entering the adult world. Naturally, it is almost impossible to influence the conditions accompanying learning, and therefore it is much more effective not to "fight the system", but to look for ways to normalize the mental state.

Keywords: stress, academic load, prevention, student, stress stages, prevention.


As you know, stress, which has a protracted character, caused by difficulties with academic performance, with the elimination of academic debt, can further lead to depressive states. The period of study has a significant impact on personal development, attitude to future professional activity, psychological and physiological state of the student, therefore, the problem of educational stress and its impact on students is very relevant.

Studies have shown that students are divided into several types in relation to stress and the ability to prevent it from controlling them: one constant stress is simply necessary, without it they feel uncomfortable, too calm life seems sluggish and sleepy to them; others cannot imagine their existence without a quiet and peaceful life, and the slightest change in its habitual course knocks them out of their rut; still others can safely live with or without stress. For a healthy student, stresses will not pose a threat if their number does not exceed his recovery abilities. The main danger is not to notice your tense state, not to let it pass, but to succumb, which will lead to chronic stress.


The article examines the sources, impact and practical methods of preventing educational stress in students of higher educational institutions through working with literature, studying sources and analyzing data.


Working with literature and theoretical analysis.


As the analysis of the literature shows, students' learning stress develops due to a large flow of information, due to the lack of systematic work in the semester, during the session, due to quarrels, failures and other life events, which are designated as mental injuries. Let's identify the following factors that cause problems and difficulties for a university student:

Academic pressure: high expectations on the part of teachers, the volume of educational material, lack of time to complete assignments, work not completed on time; unfulfilled or incorrectly completed assignments; a large number of missed classes; insufficient knowledge of the discipline; poor academic performance in a particular discipline; lack of interest in the discipline or the work offered to the student; increased academic load.

Social pressure: the desire to meet public expectations, stress from social interactions with classmates, fear of the assessment of others.

Financial problems: changing financial situation, lack of funds for education, housing, food and other basic needs.

External problems: problems of the extracurricular sphere, poor physical conditions (deviation in room temperature, poor lighting or excessive noise, etc.).

Personal problems: family problems, health, lack of sleep, type of nervous system, personal factors (illness of a family member, change in the number of friends, conflicts with loved ones, relocation.

Neurosis, a functional disease of the nervous system, can become a consequence of educational stress. When the nervous system suffers, resources are depleted, forcing the student's body to work at the limit. If there is constant stress in a person's life, which a person does not fight in any way, then this has such a strong detrimental effect on the immune system and health, which practically guarantees the occurrence of any disease. According to WHO, 45% of all diseases are associated with excessively strong and prolonged psychological stress or stress.

Exam stress occupies one of the first places among t he causes of frustration among students of higher education. The exam can serve as a factor influencing the student's psyche, his mood, well-being, and psycho-emotional state. Research shows that exam stress has a negative effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems of students.

Based on the stages described in the concept of stress development by G. Selye, Yu.V. Shcherbatykh identified three "classical" stages reflecting the process of psychological stress associated with passing exams. The first stage (the stage of mobilization or anxiety) is associated with the situation of uncertainty in which the student finds himself before the exam begins. Psychological stress during this period is accompanied by excessive mobilization of all body resources. At the second stage (adaptation), which occurs after receiving the ticket and beginning to prepare for the response, the body manages to successfully cope with harmful effects due to previous mobilization. This level of its functioning is energetically excessive and is accompanied by an intensive waste of vital resources. If the body has not been able to adapt to an extreme factor for some time, and resources have been depleted (for example, a very difficult ticket has been found), then the third stage of exhaustion begins. These three phases of stress development can be traced over a longer period of time - throughout the session, where the anxiety phase develops during the test week preceding the exams, the second phase usually occurs between the second and third exams, and the exhaustion phase can develop by the end of the session. According to the results of a study by Gorodetskaya I.V. and Solodovnikova O.I., conducted on the basis of Vitebsk State Medical University, it was found that high academic workload is the main factor causing the development of stressful situations for most university students. Study-related stress is most pronounced among undergraduates, then its level decreases, reaching the lowest value among graduates. The most frequent manifestations of educational stress are poor sleep, a feeling of constant lack of time, bad mood, depression, low performance, increased fatigue; the least frequent

are difficulty breathing, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, headache, disruption of social contacts, communication problems, tension or muscle trembling. Of course, during the examination session, the workload of students is especially high. Working with a lot of information, diverse activities that need to be completed in a short time, debt liquidation, insufficient foundation of knowledge in the studied disciplines, non-compliance with the daily routine, diet, lack of sleep are factors contributing to stress.

As you know, stress, which has a protracted character, caused by difficulties with academic performance, with the elimination of academic debt, can further lead to depressive states. The period of study has a significant impact on personal development, attitude to future professional activity, psychological and physiological state of the student, therefore, the problem of educational stress and its impact on students is very relevant.

Studies have shown that students are divided into several types in relation to stress and the ability to prevent it from controlling them: one constant stress is simply necessary, without it they feel uncomfortable, too calm life seems sluggish and sleepy to them; others cannot imagine their existence without a quiet and peaceful life, and the slightest change in its habitual course knocks them out of their rut; still others can safely live with or without stress. For a healthy student, stresses will not pose a threat if their number does not exceed his recovery abilities. The main danger is not to notice your tense state, not to let it pass, but to succumb, which will lead to chronic stress.

As we know, under stressful influences, a person's emotional, physiological, and intellectual state changes: pulse and heartbeat quicken, blood pressure rises, muscles tighten, anxiety, fear, irritability and nervousness appear for minor reasons, fatigue increases, indifference to others and one's own fate arises, human behavior changes, difficulties arise when making a decision, the concentration of attention decreases. These are the effects of stress, which are talked about not only by students, but also by other people.

The most effective methods of dealing with stress at school include behavior modification, i.e. reviewing and changing one's attitude to what is happening, getting rid of worries about what cannot be influenced, and mastering ways to get out of negativity. And for this, psychologists recommend several techniques:

Keeping a diary. It has long been proven that it is very useful to transfer experiences, thoughts and emotions to paper. This allows you to get rid of negativity and relieve the psyche. It is also useful to analyze records in order to understand the causes of your conditions and find ways to solve problems.

Sports activities. Mentally and physically, physical exertion allows you to feel much better. Workouts, exercises, jogging and other similar activities are an opportunity to release excess energy and calm down, distract yourself and think about something. Of course, health is getting better thanks to sports.

Emotional release. Stress often causes negative emotions, and, as already noted, they need to be environmentally spilled out.

Change of activity. When you get a day off, you definitely need to spend it differently from a weekday. It is best to radically change the surrounding conditions and employment. The more diverse types of activities there will be in life, the better for the body and psyche.

In fact, there are many more methods of dealing with stress at school, and, objectively speaking, they do not differ at all from methods of dealing with stress at work and in everyday life.

But there are also special situations that require a more specific approach. One of these situations is the upcoming exam. Even a little stress on the eve of the exam is a hindrance to concentration on preparation. The best way to avoid this is to eliminate stressful factors in advance or try to adapt to them. Plus, you should not skip lectures, while studying the material of a particular program, do all the work asked by the teachers.

The correct daily routine should not be neglected. To maintain productivity and high efficiency, worry less and better assimilate information, it is advisable to go to bed and wake up at the same time, sleep at least eight hours a day, take breaks from classes during the day, spend more time outdoors. Compliance with the proposed recommendations is an opportunity to strengthen the psyche, normalize the psycho-emotional state and keep the body in good shape as a whole. But perhaps the best option would not be to take emergency measures to neutralize the effects of stress, but to prevent and prevent it in everyday life.

How to prevent stress at school. It is quite easy to avoid unpleasant situations related to stress in the future. To do this, you do not need to wait for the first signs of stress to appear. On the contrary, it is necessary to make sure that they do not make themselves felt. Here are some recommendations:

1. Monitor your self-esteem and maintain it at the proper level. Low self-esteem is one of the serious sources of stress and academic performance problems.

2. Maintain the level of knowledge. Go to lectures regularly, read related literature, and do not create academic difficulties. This will also help to avoid overstrain and excessive loads.

3. Train your memory. The better the memory, the faster and more you will be able to remember, and this is one of the most important abilities for learning.

4. Develop a sense of humor. Laughter not only prolongs life, but also serves as a wonderful way to prevent stress, because it promotes the production of anti-stress hormones and the hormone of happiness, which have a beneficial effect on the psyche.

5. Lead a healthy lifestyle: Proper nutrition, adequate sleep and avoiding bad habits are also important to reduce stress and maintain overall well-being.

6. Actively relax. As we already know, regular physical exercise and sports activities help reduce stress levels and improve mood. Also, active recreation helps to relieve emotional and physical stress, which leads to stress. Therefore, it is important to exercise, play active games, take walks and move more.

7. Relax, meditate, take SPA treatments. Each person has the opportunity to self-regulate; therefore, he can independently influence the phenomena occurring to him. The desired result can be achieved with the help of breathing exercises, manipulations for progressive muscle relaxation, exercises to change unrealistic conclusions. The benefits of bath procedures have been proven by scientists. For example, meditation allows a person to calm down the running of thoughts, understand the causes of events more deeply and better understand themselves.

8. Develop stress tolerance. Stress tolerance is formed by the following measures: self-observation of the appearance of stress; the use of test methods to determine the level of stress; psychological assistance from the social environment; the formation of will, endurance, endurance; performing physical exercises.

9. Time management: schedule planning, prioritization, efficient use of time for study, recreation and entertainment.

10. Social support: Communication with friends, family, professional counselors or psychologists can help students to unload emotionally and get support.

Along with these recommendations, you can make it a rule to perform all kinds of breathing exercises and psychological techniques. Regular use of them will serve as a powerful weapon against stress during study. However, even after graduation, they will serve as a useful tool for preventing stress at work and in everyday life.


So, learning stress is an absolutely normal reaction of the body associated with the daily life of each student, an integral part of the lifestyle. It depends on the student himself how often and for how long he will be in a stressful state, what will be the manifestations of educational stress. The key to getting rid of stress is a conscious attitude towards it. Stress management is determined by the choice of strategies, methods and techniques to optimize the negative impact of stressors on humans. Knowledge of the psychological nature of stress and methods of its correction will contribute to the preservation of students' health and better education at the university.


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