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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Volkov Pavel Borisovich

Scientific interest review of the problem of adaptation of the educational process participants in the process of merging of educational institutions in the scientific-educational cluster. This problem is studied against the background of influence on the restructuring process of the three directions in modern Russian higher education: innovation in the educational process and the introduction of new educational technologies; differentiation and specialization; continuous education of a person throughout his life. The process of restructuring creates tension, so the aim of the study was to determine the quality of the work and training of teachers and students during the reorganization of the educational institution by merger in a scientific-educational cluster. The factor analysis presented scores of educational process, research and communication activities of the faculty and students. The result: students and teachers with low stress resistance are not associated with the willingness to change. Unwillingness to change creates tension and does not allow them to operate effectively in an unfamiliar environment, show initiative, make decisions.

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Scientific interest review of the problem of adaptation of the educational process participants in the process of merging of educational institutions in the scientific-educational cluster. This problem is studied against the background of influence on the restructuring process of the three directions in modern Russian higher education: innovation in the educational process and the introduction of new educational technologies; differentiation and specialization; continuous education of a person throughout his life. The process of restructuring creates tension, so the aim of the study was to determine the quality of the work and training of teachers and students during the reorganization of the educational institution by merger in a scientific-educational cluster. The factor analysis presented scores of educational process, research and communication activities of the faculty and students. The result: students and teachers with low stress resistance are not associated with the willingness to change. Unwillingness to change creates tension and does not allow them to operate effectively in an unfamiliar environment, show initiative, make decisions.


tensions, adaptation, stress


Pavel Borisovich Volkov

Lecturer, Glazov State Pedagogical University, Glazov, Russia


Owing to the diverse relations between the directions in higher education, it is the system. The higher education system has a complex structure, and the mutual influence of the components is nonlinear, and the system of higher education is exposed to external factors. The effectiveness of educational process depends on the improvement of organizational forms (Romanov Y. 2015).

The importance of model educational institutions in the higher education system, which arise on the basis of diversity initiatives and innovations. The emergence of a new model of educational institution can be assessed as new knowledge, i.e. the product of scientific research and educational technology as a service by way of study.

The development of market mechanisms in higher education contributes to the fusion of the Autonomous functioning of educational institutions in major scientific and educational cluster. The creation of educational clusters in the region allows to increase competition in the field of educational products and services, increase the number of customers and demand, to diversify the offer of educational products and services (Golovanova N., 2015).

Reformers in the field of higher education on the basis of the so-called Hong Kong variant, carried out the merger of educational institutions on a territorial basis. However, the regions in Russia is so large, that there was a lack of understanding of the management bodies of higher education in the field in terms of the Association of higher education institutions located in different cities of the Republic, located from each other at a distance of over 200 kilometers. Moreover, each of the peripheral universities is the main enterprise in the municipal education and research center for vocational and General education. Hope that this merger will lead to the development of distance education, is a desirable prospect, but not a real fact, since the self-education of the population is the aim of the reforms, but not the means.

We have proposed a model educational cluster " institute - college " which reflects the logic of activities in the field of regional educational system (Volkov, 2016).

Integration of educational institutions of the region into a unified educational space in the form of a cluster of education «institute - college»", on the one hand, and the differentiation of educational services in various educational forms, on the other hand, have determined the choice of integrative-differentiated approach.

Integration activities for students of pedagogical specialities in continuing education is carried out in the following areas:

- education (includes freshmen into the educational "institute - college ", which is the training activities;

- educational and professional (students 2 and 3 training courses master courses, choose elective courses that include professional actions;

- professional (students of 4-5 courses fulfill the knowledge in production practice in a professional environment).

Formation of professional culture of the future expert system by implementing pedagogical technologies, one of which is the technology concentrated training that includes the integration of subjects disciplines in modular block system (Volkov, 2016).

The mechanism of realization of technology of continuous pedagogical education in the «institute - college» in the Udmurt Republic is presented as promoting specialist, consisting of the following components:

- sredovye factors and conditions provided by the educational cluster: select additional educational programs, individual educational trajectories of the route; the formation of educational and professional competencies; the possibility of obtaining higher education within a reasonable time;

- personal resources students (motivation training activities; the level of autonomy and responsibility; cognitive activity; an interest of the individual in receipt of vocational education).

Implementation technology of continuous pedagogical education in the «institute - college» is carried out by:

- reflexive activities of students, which ensures that cognitive activity, build programs of personal-professional development;

- information resources for educational, scientific and professional activities of students;

- assessment and correction of students through the selected criteria and indicators.

With the continuous nature of teacher education the student is given the opportunity to obtain the necessary professional knowledge and skills; generate value orientations and quality personality that makes the introduction in educational process variability and diversity of educational forms, dates, programme content and sequence of the stages of learning. The learning process is ensured by the leading role of the individual student, its autonomy and creativity in mastering professional skills (Volkov, 2016).

Formation of the students ' research, communication, educational competencies is via vzaimosväzanye and interdependent blocks (modules) work programmes in the disciplines of professional specialization and related academic disciplines.

The most productive and the best in this aspect of the principle of integrativnosti, since the competence of future specialists have formed on the basis of interdisciplinary relationships, integrity. Integration is manifested in the ways of learning. Connecting methodological approach in integrative learning is differentiated approach, which is able to ensure optimum interaction of structural subdivisions of the education cluster to implement infrastructural continuity of relationships, the effectiveness of educational activities.

Thus, the model educational cluster «institute - college» is a commodity (product scientific research), which are not physically measured and which are not without a certain minimum of scientific knowledge, professional competence, knowledge, prior training. The functioning of the education cluster "institute - college" in the educational market is determined by the service sold by their legal owners as many times as you can find it buyers. Implementation of educational services leads to an unlimited multiplier of income.

In the context of reforming the educational system there is tension. Allocate 2 kind of tension: emotional, occurs when experiencing uncertainty, anxiety, and operating, resulting in increased requirements for professional competencies, workability. Note that the tension arises

as a whole rather than individually. In a situation of tension occurs degraded, slowing the pace of work. Interest research on the Organization of the activities of the students and teachers of institutions of higher education; Group processes and features of human behaviour in the group in the context of reform.

A major factor in raising the level of tension is ignorance about the features of the forthcoming merger of the educational institutions, the Organization of the educational process, training, conditions of work load. Awareness increases the reliability of educational activities.

According to many foreign authors (Isaksen S. G., Lauer K. G., 2002), climate affects organizational productivity and well-being thanks to the fact that contributes to the flow of organizational processes, such as planning, problem solving, decision-making, communications, coordination and the individual processes of learning and creativity, motivation, activity

No less important is the value of individually-psychological qualities, which have the potential to overcome the difficult professional situations. In this case, it is logical to assume that individually-psychological qualities of the individual determine stress.

Objective: to determine the quality of labour and student teachers and students in the reorganization of the educational institution by merging in educational and scientific cluster

Materials and Methods

The object of the study were made by students and teachers in two Humanities Glazova educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education: Glazovsky State Pedagogical Institute and Ârskogo Polytechnic College. A total of 260 people. Of these, 30 teachers and 230 students (18-24 years old) 1 -4 training courses.

To achieve the objectives of the study were used the following methods: Multivariate ILicnostnyj r. R.Cattell (C) questionnaire (form C); 2. Questionnaire "desire for change" (Sapronov, Leontjev); 3. The technique of determination of tolerance to ambiguity (Badner); 4. Author's questionnaire to evaluate organizational climate or socio-psychological atmosphere in the team and team members ' satisfaction assessment.

Results and Discussions

At the stage of statistical processing of the evaluations of organisational climate obtained on the scale of the author's questionnaire, they are entered into the factor analysis procedure.

Applying principal component analysis, was allocated two groups of factors, the total informative value of which is at 0.51, or 51% of the variance.

The first group of factors focused on educational process: planning, organization, control.

The second group of factors defines the interaction of the members of the team: support, respect, free discussion of problems

In our opinion, two groups of factors allow us to evaluate the organizational climate in the


At the stage of statistical processing of the evaluations of the organizational climate Factor analysis were subject to a General assessment of satisfaction with the educational process, research and communication activities of the faculty and students. The result of statistical processing of the obtained structure from 3 factors: satisfaction with the educational process; satisfaction with results of research work; satisfaction with information exchange in the team. The total informativeness of leaves of 0.60, or 60 % of the variance.

In the second stage, the factor scores of the participants in the study were averaged. Average factor rating for the faculty and the average factor score of student groups. Average values characterize the socio-psychological atmosphere in labor and student groups and overall satisfaction of the members of the groups.

Analysis of content of educational process showed an average level of adaptation of the faculty to model educational cluster " institute - college "; the reduction from high to average level of satisfaction with the results of research work (a decrease in the level of citations, number of publications, development of textbooks and teaching AIDS, etc.); verbal indicator (communicative activity) is at a high level.

Analysis of content of educational process showed a high level of adaptation among the students of the sample to the model educational cluster " institute - college"; an increase from low to moderate level of satisfaction with the results of the research work (number of performances with reports at student's scientific conferences, content quality term papers and dissertations; number of publications, students in collections, the increase in the share of

independent work in the total volume of academic work, etc.); the verbal indicator (communicative activity) was high: organized various student education, for example, student trade Union, the councils of the faculties, sports club, creative artistic amateur groups.

Study of various indicators of adaptation to work and study in educational cluster "institute - college" showed that the smallest difficulties are observed by the teachers and students in communicative activities. A comparison of U-criterion of MaHHa-YuTHU test (p= 0.05) showed that the sample group actively interact within groups and with other people.

Low expression levels were observed in the teaching environment according to the degree of satisfaction of the educational process and the level of satisfaction with the results of the research work. The data are given in table 1.

Table 1. Averages in the groups of the sample evaluation questionnaire copyright organizational climate and evaluation of satisfaction with team members

Parameter Figure in the group of teachers Student group rate Standard deviation (o)

Communicative activities 3,81 4,25 1,058

Scientific - research activity 3,18 3,72 0,952

Vklucaemost' in job training 3,49 3,65 0,799


Analysis of indicators table. 1. determined that the socio-psychological atmosphere of the teaching staff has a situation characterized by an increase in the communicative linkages that were more neutral and negative connotation, as indicated by a low level of satisfaction with the results of research work and the satisfaction of educational process. Group members actively discuss the changes in the organizational structure of educational institutions, they are critical of present and future companies, find positive characteristics in the past. Adapting to the changes happening with labour, with sense of tension, which affects the efficiency and professional results of work of the group.

Socio-psychological atmosphere in the student team is defined as positive. In this situation, a high level of communicative interaction has a positive effect on the satisfaction of students with the results of educational and research activities. Students readily put forward, discuss ideas of reorganization, propose a more creative and original solutions. Student members of the team trust each other, they dominated a good mood, they are open to new ideas and eager to prove themselves and their abilities in different fields: art, sport, science. This has a positive effect on the socio-psychological atmosphere in the student team, which is the basis for high performance in education, research and communication activities.

Socio-psychological atmosphere in the student team At the third stage, was performed correlation analysis using Spearman correlations of the Relationship of the factors of socio-psychological atmosphere (organizational climate) in labor and student groups and overall satisfaction of the members of the groups are given in table. 2.

Table 2. Results of correlation analysis using spearman correlations

Variable pairs Spearman in the group of teachers Spearman a group of students p-level

Engagement parties - the satisfaction of educational process -0,36 0,65 0,04

Planning, organization, control, -Satisfaction result of research work -0,34 0,59 0,06

Support, respect, free discussion of issues - Satisfaction of communicative activities 0,52 0,76 0,07

In the process of aggregating data, organizational climate has significant correlations for all the studied variables. The obtained correlation coefficients vary within the range of r = 0.369 to r = 0.767 when levels of reliability r < 0.05.

The most significant correlations (at the highest odnopromil'nom the threshold of reliability) are installed between the determinants of the interaction between team members and the variable "satisfaction of communicative activity (r = 0.767 p < 0.05) studennceskom and (r = 0.524 p < 0.05) in Professorial-teaching staff.

This positive relationship indicators means that when vovysenii the level of satisfaction of the communicative activity is enhanced with the support, respect, free discussion of the issues in the discussion, debate.

Reliable connection moderate found in a sample of students between variables, planning, organization, control with variable result satisfaction research (r = 0.596 p < 0.05), and "engagement" with satisfaction the educational process variables (r = 0.652 p < 0.05).

Data correlation analysis indicate a direct relationship satisfaction result of research and educational process with indicators of socio-psychological atmosphere. The higher the satisfaction activities options, the higher organizational climate parameters, and, vice versa, the higher the level of organizational climate, the above settings satisfaction with research and educational process students.

Negative connection below the average level of significance detected in a sample of Professorial-teaching structure between variables, planning, organization, control with variable result satisfaction research (r =-0.342 p < 0.05), and "engagement" with satisfaction the educational process variables (r =-0.365 p < 0.05).

In this case, the negative relationship between ratio sets the following parameters: the higher the satisfaction activities options, the following organizational climate, and, vice versa, the higher the level of organizational climate, the following satisfaction with research and educational process.

Since the negative connection below the average level of significance, there is a dominance of the assessment of individual teachers. For example, dissatisfaction with the educational process may be related to lack of teacher's teaching loads, insufficient knowledge of college students, low cognitive activity of students, etc.

Since the restructuring process creates tension, one of the objectives of our research was devoted to the study of adaptation of students and employees of educational institutions to the situation of tension, which means the merger process of the educational institutions in the education cluster «institute - college». In this regard, we have studied the relevant indicators in groups with different levels of resistance.

Analysis of individual personal characteristics of subjects with the use of personal study multifactorial Cattell (C) questionnaire (form c); questionnaire "desire for change" (sapronov, Leontiev); method for determination of tolerance to ambiguity (Badner) showed that students and teachers with high his activity in different educational, research, communicative activities. They show emotional restraint, not critical statements, are searching for optimal solutions; different ability to adapt to the situation, flexible.

Investigated in samples with low his differ not hospitality, reticence, have bad mood, are conservative in solving problems, delegate authority responsible moments for other people. Data are presented in table 3.

Table 3. Average values in groups to adapt to work and study in the education cluster

«Institute - C ollege»

Group Average values for scales

Novelty Complexity Undecidability The overall rate

A group of teachers 15,3 30,5 12,1 58

Student team 19,2 34,2 11,6 65

p= 0,016 0,23 0,64 0,02

As a result of the comparative analysis of adaptation to work and study in the educational cluster "institute-college" have been revealed statistically significant differences for "novelty" subskale (p = 0.016) and total (p = 0.02) (see table 3).

Students and teachers with high his are more adaptability to work and study in the education cluster «institute - college».

This fact is evident in the persistence in situations related to the appearance of new characteristics of the situation. Accordingly, students and teachers with low his less adaptable to the new characteristics of the situation. For this group of traditions, habits, established a leisurely lifestyle, schedule training sessions are essential for their well-being. Therefore, the transition to the innovative ways for them comes with tension, with a reduction in performance and results of occupational and educational activities. For example, a teacher with his low will feel comfortable in a normal environment (familiar to the audience, a typical social circle at the Department, etc.) than in unusual conditions (move from building to building, overcoming the long distances between buildings, uncomfortable working conditions at the unequipped computers audience, etc.).

The study showed that students and teachers with low are not related to his willingness to change, i.e., work and study in the education cluster «institute - college». The reluctance to change does not allow them to operate effectively in unfamiliar surroundings, take the initiative and make decisions.

Students and teachers with a high level of resilience of willing to expand its arsenal of knowledge, skills, and experience. Moreover, the very idea and mechanism of its implementation in the educational model in the cluster «institute - college» as a factor in the desire to change the traditional mode of activity is the result of labor people with high stress resistance.

Study of the interaction of individual psychological characteristics of students and teachers with different levels of resistance, found that people with high inclined towards creativity in his work initiative; have a high capacity for work; active in the cognitive, academic, athletic and sports, social activities. Work and study is a platform for expression of self-affirmation. To illustrate the relationship of individual psychological characteristics of students and teachers with different levels of stress resistance in table 4.

Table 4. Average values of personal dynamism in groups

Factors of personal dynamism PPS group Student's collective P =

Activity - passivity 7,04 8,01 0,01

Aspiration to novelty - inertness 5,24 7,48 0,01

Changes - stability 6,06 7,62 0,01

Adaptability - uneasiness 10,5 12,4 0,01

Analysis of table 4 established a relationship of neuro-mental stability with the personal dynamism (M = 7,04) u (M = 8,01), namely, the factor "activity-passivity".

This relationship indicates that the personality, his high, will seek to expand to expand the arsenal of their knowledge, skills, and experience.

Neuro-psychical stability also has a strong positive relationship with factor "the desire for novelty-inertia (M = 5.24) and (M = 7.48). Students and teachers, his low, not taking the initiative, not ready to decide.

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A strong positive relationship established with the factor "change-stability (M = 6.06), and (m = 7.62). This relationship indicates a higher level of stability, the more desire for change in people with high levels of stress.

A strong positive relationship established with the factor "adaptability-anxiety» (M = 10,5) u (M = 12,4). Adapted to changes in personality shown mobility, flexibility, increased efficiency, show high results in work and study. They extract the lessons, gain experience in situations of tension. People with a low level of his feel uncomfortable in complex situations, see them as a threat.


In this paper, a model educational cluster "institute - college" which reflects the logic of activities in the field of regional educational system.

Integration activities for students of pedagogical specialties in the system of continuous education is carried out in the following areas: education (freshmen included in the educational environment of the cluster "college-university", which is based on training activities; educational and professional (students 2 and 3 training course learn academic subjects, choose elective courses, including professional activities; professional (students of 4-5 courses fulfill the knowledge in production practice in a professional environment).

In terms of reforming the educational system present tense. In a situation of tension occurs, the loss of function slowing the pace of work.

The main factor increasing the level of tension is lack of awareness about the features of the upcoming merger of educational institutions, organization of educational process, teaching load, working conditions. Awareness increases the reliability of educational activities.

Equally important is the value of individual psychological qualities, which carry the potential to overcome difficult professional situations. In this case, it is logical to assume that individually-psychological qualities of the person determine stressoustojchivosti.

With the help of factor analysis were allocated to drivers. The first group of factors focused on educational process: planning, organization, control. The second group of factors defines the interaction of the members of the team: support, respect, free discussion of problems.

Analysis of content of educational process showed an average level of adaptation of the faculty to model educational cluster "institute - college"; the reduction from high to average level of satisfaction with the results of research work; communicative activity was at a high level.

Analysis of content of educational process showed a high level of adaptation among the students of the sample to the model educational cluster "Institute College"; an increase from low to moderate level of satisfaction with the results of the research work communicative activity was at a high level.

The study shows that the organizational climate in the teaching staff has a situation of tension. Socio-psychological atmosphere in the student team is defined as positive.

The data of correlation analysis indicate a direct connection of the satisfaction with the result of the research work and educational process with the socio-psychological atmosphere. The above parameters of satisfaction with the activities, the higher the settings, organizational climate, and, conversely, the higher the level of organizational climate, the above parameters are satisfied with the results of the research work and educational process.

Analysis of the personal properties allowed to make a generalized personal portrait of the sample teachers and selection of students. Students and teachers with a high level of stress be ready to expand the Arsenal of their knowledge, skills, experience. Moreover, the idea and its implementation into a model educational cluster "University College" as a factor in the desire for change in the traditional mode of operation is the result of work of people with a high level of stress.

The study showed that students and teachers with low stress resistance are not associated with readiness to change, i.e. work and study in educational cluster "Institute College". The unwillingness to change does not allow them to operate effectively in an unfamiliar environment, show initiative, make decisions.

Correlation analysis showed that the level of stress is closely associated with the personal dynamic, with factors: "desire for novelty - inertia", "change is stability", "adaptability - anxiety". With the increase of stress tolerance of the individual the impact of these factors increases.

The results of this study can be used when conducting psychological research among students, teachers in the reorganization of educational institutions, with their merger into a major


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2. Golovanova N. (2015) Pedagogical contradictions of modernization of higher education // Alma Mater. № 10. - Pp. 5 - 8.

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4. Romanov Y. (2015) Aspects for innovative development of higher education in the frame of Federal dedicated programme of development of education in 2016-2020 // Alma Mater. 11. Pp. 5 - 16.

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6. Volkov, P.B. (2015) Modeling behaviour of members of the institution in the context of its restructuring: Achievement of high school (pp.58-62). Sofia Bulgaria.

7. Volkov, P.B.(2016) Education cluster "college-institution" of higher education as a factor in ensuring quality continuing pedagogical professional education in the Udmurt republic "European Journal Of Natural History" 4 (pp. 130 - 133)

8. Isaksen S. G., Lauer K. G. (2002) The Climate for Creativity and Change in Teams. Creativity and Innovation Journal, Vol. 11. № 1. Pp. 74-86.



It is well known that early foreign language teaching is of great intellectual and moral potential. Early learning foreign language is important because success in mastering the subject at subsequent stages of training depends on how goes the training at the initial stage. It is necessary to clearly define the objectives as well as strategies of early learning, which is based on the game (artistic or creative) as the key method of early foreign language teaching.


early teaching, foreign language, initial stage, objectives, strategies, methods,

classification of educational games


Serafima Evgenyevna Zaitseva

PhD, Associate Professor, Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: sima-zaitseva@yandex.ru

Today nobody should be convinced that early learning of a foreign language promotes not only more durable and free practical ability, but also carries a great intellectual and moral potential. There is a proverb: "The more languages you know the more you are a man".

Starting learning a foreign language from the second grade it is important to know that the processes of education and development of pupils were in line with modern techniques. Basic functions of foreign language as a school subject lies in the development of general language ability of every student in its most basic philological education, in the formation of abilities and willingness to use a foreign language as a communication tool as a way of familiarizing with different national culture. All of these features of the subject are realized from the first steps of learning.

Learning a foreign language at an early age is helpful for all children regardless of their starting abilities as it provides:

- an indisputable positive impact on development of mental functions of a child: his memory, attention, thinking, perception, imagination;

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