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The Scientific Heritage
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strategies and tactics / anxiety / pandemic anxiety / University students / psychological resistance / students.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zaytseva I., Grynyuk S.

The article deals with strategies and tactics of conscious psychological resistance to pandemic anxiety of University students in Ukraine, the EU and the world. The concepts of "anxiety", and "pandemic anxiety", agerelated psychological features of higher education students have been revealed. The psychological aspects of distance and blended learning in pandemic for University students and its impact on their emotional state have been analysed The consequences of "pandemic anxiety" for University students have been analysed.

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other ways, thereby getting an assessment, a credit. What students actively use.

In addition to all of the above, there is a problem of frames. It means that not every teacher of physical culture and sports, who came to work with students, has the right level of motivation. To attract students to classes, you need to prepare carefully. In the first classes, you need to convey to the students the importance of these classes. It is from the point of view that this is done not only for their general development, but also for the implementation of further qualification activities.

In particular, many universities may have problems with funding. Actually, in the field of physical culture and sports. This may cause a lack of funds for the training of future specialists.

Physical training is important and necessary for every student, every future specialist studying at a technical university. This can be explained by the fact that

with the help of it, you can be ready for future professional activity not only in the form of well-developed physical qualities, but also some mental qualities that can be influenced by means of physical education. But at the same time, there are problems, and they are not insignificant. And for successful improvement, introduction and implementation of something new, there is a need to work on all the problems that can prevent this.


1. Amelin A. N., Pashinin V. A. Table tennis. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport, 1999. 192 p.

2. Ivanov G. D. Professional and applied physical training of students. Alma-Ata, 1998. / / URL: [Electronic resource] https://search.rsl.ru/ru/rec-ord/01007631529 (Accessed: 25.03.21).

3. Raevsky R. T. Professional and applied training of students of technical universities: a textbook for those universities. Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 1985. 136 p.


Zaytseva I.

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Grynyuk S.

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor National Aviation University


The article deals with strategies and tactics of conscious psychological resistance to pandemic anxiety of University students in Ukraine, the EU and the world. The concepts of "anxiety", and "pandemic anxiety", age-related psychological features of higher education students have been revealed. The psychological aspects of distance and blended learning in pandemic for University students and its impact on their emotional state have been analysed The consequences of "pandemic anxiety" for University students have been analysed.

Keywords: strategies and tactics, anxiety, pandemic anxiety, University students, psychological resistance, students.

1. Introduction

The COVID-19 pandemic has become a serious challenge not only for University students in Ukraine, the EU, but also for all mankind. Due to quarantine restrictions and lockdowns we have begun a new life in which the level of pandemic anxiety is very high. Thus, University students faced a lot of problems: the lack of digital opportunities, a lot of independent work, lack of personal contact and verbal communication; control of their emotional reactions; looking for sources of income; difficulties in social communication [5]. All the problems, mentioned above, have led to uncertainty, disorganization, panic attacks.

Today one of the most controversial and urgent problem is COVID-19 pandemic and adaptation to life in a post-pandemic society. However, the problem of looking for strategies and tactics of conscious psychological resistance to pandemic anxiety of University students in Ukraine, the EU. To solve the problem, we

have to respond quickly to threats and challenges and develop strategies and tactics of conscious psychological resistance to pandemic anxiety, especially for University students -future professionals who must be competitive in today's realities.

2. Content

Psychological resistance to the pandemic anxiety of University students in Ukraine, the EU and the world requires the development and adherence to effective strategies and tactics that should be justified. Their successful implementation is possible, in our opinion, under certain conditions. Firstly, it is the awareness of the problem of pandemic anxiety not only of students, but also of humanity as a whole. Secondly, it is the development of a methodology of successful psychological resistance to pandemic anxiety of University students.

The psychologists define anxiety as an emotional state which can be whether an episodic manifestation

or a stable state [1; 2; 5]. University students are vulnerable to increased anxiety as well as other emotional and behavioral disorders due to their young age. It is a period of personality development, motivation, and setting and achieving new goals, facing difficulties such as adaptation (especially for first-year students); increasing the amount of educational material, independent work, practice; stressful situations related to passing exams / tests; independent decision-making, responsibility and self-discipline etc.

However, anxiety, which is common for most students, is exacerbated by adaptive quarantine or lock-down and has different features. Under today's conditions, not only University students, but also most people are facing a new challenge, called "pandemic anxiety", or COVID-19 anxiety syndrome. The main peculiarities of "pandemic anxiety" are the following: post-traumatic stress, general stress, anxiety, health concerns; reduced intellectual performance, excessive emotional stress, the formation of low self-esteem, frustration, irritability, loss of confidence in the future, etc. [7].

The most well-known psychological features of quarantine as a form of isolation are the following: inaction, passive attitude, monotony, monotony of the interior of the room, lack of communication etc. [1; 2;3].

To our mind, the methodology of conscious psychological resistance to pandemic anxiety of University students should be based on the following strategies: ecological consciousness development, actualization of spiritual potential; elimination of value-semantic dissonance; awareness of abilities and inclinations, life and professional goals, the most important needs of self-realization; making effective decisions to resist pandemic; achieving emotional balance; providing effective communication under the conditions of physical and social isolation; adherence to the tactics of conscious psychological resistance to viral diseases etc. [4, p. 17-30]. Let's analyze the strategies of conscious psychological counteraction to pandemic anxiety of high school students.

Ecological consciousness development, actualization of spiritual potential. The education system should be aimed at the development of environmental awareness as an understanding of the integrity of the natural environment. Among the factors influencing the actualization of spiritual potential, we can distinguish personal (personality development), social (social influence) and functional (activity functions are the cause of the development of spiritual potential).

Elimination of value-semantic dissonance. The discrepancy between ideals, values and meanings can create value-semantic dissonance - internal conflicts that were formed simultaneously or at different age stages of life. For example, in a pandemic during distance and blended learning, the conflicts are the following: the contradiction between the large number of resources for such learning formats and the lack of quality resources [6; 8: 9]. This strategy should be aimed at using the most favorable opportunities in certain situations, in our case, in a situation of distance or blended learning in a pandemic.

Overcoming the negative impact of phantom thinking, making effective decisions to resist pandemic. With the beginning of the pandemic, a person finds himself in a new information reality, perceives destructive information not only from Internet resources, but also from relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances. To overcome the influence of phantom thinking, it is necessary to neutralize the causes of its occurrence: to develop critical thinking, paying attention to the reliability of the source of information [9].

Achieving emotional balance. Psychological resistance to viral diseases involves the control of a person's emotional state. If a person controls his emotion reactions, this emotional state is conveyed to other people and can help them in psychological resistance to the pandemic. The phenomenon of emotional transference occurs when people redirect emotions or feelings about one person to an entirely separate individual.

Providing effective communication under the conditions of physical and social isolation. Under the conditions of quarantine, most people find themselves in conditions of isolation that is unusual for them. Online communication can compensate the feeling of loneliness but cannot replace face-to-face communication. In addition, in lockdown or quarantine, most people stay in limited space with their families. Providing effective communication under the conditions of physical and social isolation, it is recommended to discuss ways of spending free time with other family members, maintain your traditions, use the Internet to attend concert and exhibition halls, theaters, electronic libraries etc. [4]. All the recommendations given above will promote self-development, improve emotional state.

Adherence to the tactics of conscious psychological resistance to viral diseases. Tactics of psychological adherence involves changing habits and behavior of the individual and adherence to new habits.

The psychological aspects of distance and blended learning in pandemic for University students and its impact on their emotional state have been analyzed.

Due to analysis of strategies and tactics of conscious psychological resistance to pandemic anxiety of students in Ukraine, EU and in the world, review of modern scientific literature sources, difficulties and features of distance and blended learning, our own pedagogical experience and the experience of our colleagues from foreign universities we have managed to develop appropriate methodology. Thus, the defining step to solve the problem of searching strategies and tactics of conscious psychological resistance to pandemic anxiety of University students in Ukraine, the EU and the world is the implementation of the methodology in the educational process. In the future we plan to conduct a psychological training to be able to get out of stress, caused by the conditions of forced social distancing and implement it.

3. Conclusion. The conducted research does not examine all aspects of the stated problem in Ukraine. A detailed analysis of the problem is presented in the team research of the scholars Kovtun O. V, Sultanova L. Y., Grynyuk S. P., Zheludenko M. O., Zaytseva I. V., Zasluzhena A. A., who due to the NRFU competition

"Science for the safety of human and society" are working on the project "The potential of higher education plagued by a pandemic: global, European, national dimensions" (Project registration number: 2020.01 / 0172). The National Research Foundation of Ukraine provides financial support for the project from the State Budget. The competition was initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and The National Research Foundation of Ukraine in May 2020, aimed at supporting the best research projects due to human security issues, in particular the safety of human under the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic.


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