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Ключевые слова
physical education / sports / physical culture / directions of development / students / technical university

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Vasilenko V., Demesheva N., Navka K., Peshkova K., Sugita A.

This article discusses the current direction of pedagogical activity to improve the professional applied physical education of students. The authors of the article consider questions about the need to teach students physical culture and sports, the main directions of physical culture development in a technical university.

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сферах. Эффективному решению данной задачи способствует использование художественной литературы в процессе обучения истории. По курсам Отечественной истории литературные произведения привлекаются в качестве выразительного материала на уроке.

Произведения художественной литературы служат для учеников важным ознакомительным источником с историческим прошлым.

Таким образом, использование художественной литературы на уроках истории является обязательных элементом в процессе формирования исторических знаний у школьников, так как способствует формированию компетентного выпускника, способного реализовать себя в различных потенциально значимых сферах общества, а значит, отвечает требованиям ФГОС, предъявляемым к современному школьному образованию.

Список литературы

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3. Вяземский Е.Е., Теория и методика преподавания истории / Е.Е. Вяземский О.Ю., Стрелова. - М.: «ВЛАДОС», 2003. - 384 с.

4. Долгина Т.Г., Современный урок истории как основная форма реализации требований ФГОС // Молодой ученый. - [Электронный ресурс] - URL https://moluch.ru/archive/93/20695/ (дата обращения: 20.05.2021).

5. Мандельштам О.Э., Стихотворения. - М.: «Эксмо», 2020. - 384 с.

6. Паршаченко П.И., Художественная литература на уроках истории// Преподавание истории в школе. - 2001. - №5-6. - C.15.

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8. Студеникин М.Т., Методика преподавания истории в школе / М. Т. Студеникин. - М.: «ВЛАДОС», 2000. - 239 с.

9. Фадеев А.А., Разгром/Александр Фадеев. -М.: Эксмо, 2016. - 640 с.

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12. Шоган В.В., Методика обучения истории. Художественные образы на уроках истории: учебное пособие для вузов / В. В. Шоган, Е. В. Сторо-жакова. - [Электронный ресурс]. - URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/447788 (дата обращения: 20.05.2021)

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Vasilenko V.

Senior Lecturer

Sakhalin Institute of Railway Transport - a branch of the Far Eastern State Transport University in

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia Demesheva N. Senior Lecturer

Sakhalin Institute of Railway Transport - a branch of the Far Eastern State Transport University in

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia Navka K. Student

Sakhalin Institute of Railway Transport - a branch of the Far Eastern State Transport University in

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia Peshkova K. Senior Lecturer

Sakhalin Institute of Railway Transport - a branch of the Far Eastern State Transport University in

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia Sugita A. Senior Lecturer

Sakhalin Institute of Railway Transport - a branch of the Far Eastern State Transport University in

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia


This article discusses the current direction of pedagogical activity to improve the professional applied physical education of students. The authors of the article consider questions about the need to teach students physical culture and sports, the main directions of physical culture development in a technical university.

Keywords: physical education, sports, physical culture, directions of development, students, technical university.

Professional and applied physical training for students is of great importance for their further professional practice.

This can be explained by the fact that this type of physical training has a positive effect not only on the development of the physical qualities of future railway workers, but also on their mental component. These specialists are trained both professionally and physically by specialized technical universities. Therefore, competencies related to health-saving technologies play an important role in the learning process. These technologies should instill in the student the skills to preserve and correct their health in order to successfully pass the examination to determine the professional suitability of railway transport workers.

Probably the most common factor is the level of endurance development. And on the other hand, responsibility.

Due to the importance of such training, its improvement. And if we also take into account the pace of development of society and changes in it that are taking place at the present time, then this importance grows even more significantly. But it is not so easy to achieve this, something can always interfere, some problems may appear. That is why for successful improvement, it is necessary to take into account all the problems that may arise in this case.

The purpose of this scientific work is to study the current issues of improving the professional applied physical education of students studying at a technical university, and to offer a solution to the problem that has a positive impact.

Physical education in higher education institutions is aimed at training high-level specialists using the best methods of organizing the educational process. That is why the key value is given to the level.

Professional and applied sports training is a special type of physical development, it is carried out in accordance with the norms and specifics of the direction that a particular student is studying.

General physical training of students does not solve all the tasks that are set before the physical education of students. That is why, in such educational institutions, it should be carried out in such a way that both the conditions and the nature of future activities are taken into account.

Professional and applied physical training has a huge impact on improving the level and quality of professional training, as well as reducing the time it may take to master labor skills [3, p.101].

In addition, applied physical training increases the body's resistance to the adverse effects of the future production environment, reduces the risk and severity of diseases and contributes to the longevity of employees, as well as provides a level of professional fitness for work in railway transport.

The main goal of professional and applied physical training can be described as the purposeful development and maintenance of a sufficient level of mental and physical qualities in a person, which is especially demanding. It also includes specific professional activities, as well as the development of the functional sta-

bility of the human body to the conditions of this activity and the simultaneous training of applied motor skills and skills that are especially necessary in certain areas, special external working conditions.

Professional sports training of students is an integral part of physical education in higher technical educational institutions, but, unfortunately, many of its aspects need to be improved [2].

When training specific specialists, it should have its own distinctive features. It is for this reason that we need to look for the most effective, successful means of physical education, which will be aimed at improving the performance of future professionals.

It can be assumed that the purposeful selection of such tools should be preceded by the identification of professionally important and necessary physical, intellectual and other qualities that a person needs for a qualified activity. This focus is expressed in a certain content and methods of professional and applied physical culture.

For example, for the development of basic physical qualities, you can suggest using elements and exercises from athletics, gymnastics.

To take a specific example, then: for the development of general endurance, you can use running exercises from athletics. To develop strength, focus on strength exercises. You can also develop speed by running exercises. The difference with the development of endurance will be that there will be different: the length of the run segments, the number of repetitions, the heart rate (HR), as well as the methods by which these physical qualities will be developed.

For the development of such aspects as concentration, memory capacity, attention, thinking, you can use elements of game sports.

You can use both sports games and mobile games. The choice of the game method in the development of these qualities of a person can be explained by the specific features of games. Namely, the fact that there you need to have time to keep track of everything and everyone, calculate who to give the pass to, or calculate the trajectory of the passage.

Train the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors, various forms of hardening [1, p. 75].

Many aspects can be attributed to the current problems in professional and applied physical training, here are some of them.

Everyone knows that many actions, work in the professions began to be replaced by machine work. In this regard, it can be difficult to predict what may be replaced in the near future, which parties can not be affected.

On the other hand, you can influence everything to the maximum. There may be another problem here. Namely, the disinterest of the students themselves in physical education classes.

Currently, not all students of higher educational institutions understand and realize the importance of physical culture. From many you can hear objections, questions "Why is this necessary?". And here comes the next problem.

Almost all universities have such a system: instead of practicing physical culture, you can earn points in

other ways, thereby getting an assessment, a credit. What students actively use.

In addition to all of the above, there is a problem of frames. It means that not every teacher of physical culture and sports, who came to work with students, has the right level of motivation. To attract students to classes, you need to prepare carefully. In the first classes, you need to convey to the students the importance of these classes. It is from the point of view that this is done not only for their general development, but also for the implementation of further qualification activities.

In particular, many universities may have problems with funding. Actually, in the field of physical culture and sports. This may cause a lack of funds for the training of future specialists.

Physical training is important and necessary for every student, every future specialist studying at a technical university. This can be explained by the fact that

with the help of it, you can be ready for future professional activity not only in the form of well-developed physical qualities, but also some mental qualities that can be influenced by means of physical education. But at the same time, there are problems, and they are not insignificant. And for successful improvement, introduction and implementation of something new, there is a need to work on all the problems that can prevent this.


1. Amelin A. N., Pashinin V. A. Table tennis. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport, 1999. 192 p.

2. Ivanov G. D. Professional and applied physical training of students. Alma-Ata, 1998. / / URL: [Electronic resource] https://search.rsl.ru/ru/rec-ord/01007631529 (Accessed: 25.03.21).

3. Raevsky R. T. Professional and applied training of students of technical universities: a textbook for those universities. Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 1985. 136 p.


Zaytseva I.

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Grynyuk S.

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor National Aviation University


The article deals with strategies and tactics of conscious psychological resistance to pandemic anxiety of University students in Ukraine, the EU and the world. The concepts of "anxiety", and "pandemic anxiety", age-related psychological features of higher education students have been revealed. The psychological aspects of distance and blended learning in pandemic for University students and its impact on their emotional state have been analysed The consequences of "pandemic anxiety" for University students have been analysed.

Keywords: strategies and tactics, anxiety, pandemic anxiety, University students, psychological resistance, students.

1. Introduction

The COVID-19 pandemic has become a serious challenge not only for University students in Ukraine, the EU, but also for all mankind. Due to quarantine restrictions and lockdowns we have begun a new life in which the level of pandemic anxiety is very high. Thus, University students faced a lot of problems: the lack of digital opportunities, a lot of independent work, lack of personal contact and verbal communication; control of their emotional reactions; looking for sources of income; difficulties in social communication [5]. All the problems, mentioned above, have led to uncertainty, disorganization, panic attacks.

Today one of the most controversial and urgent problem is COVID-19 pandemic and adaptation to life in a post-pandemic society. However, the problem of looking for strategies and tactics of conscious psychological resistance to pandemic anxiety of University students in Ukraine, the EU. To solve the problem, we

have to respond quickly to threats and challenges and develop strategies and tactics of conscious psychological resistance to pandemic anxiety, especially for University students -future professionals who must be competitive in today's realities.

2. Content

Psychological resistance to the pandemic anxiety of University students in Ukraine, the EU and the world requires the development and adherence to effective strategies and tactics that should be justified. Their successful implementation is possible, in our opinion, under certain conditions. Firstly, it is the awareness of the problem of pandemic anxiety not only of students, but also of humanity as a whole. Secondly, it is the development of a methodology of successful psychological resistance to pandemic anxiety of University students.

The psychologists define anxiety as an emotional state which can be whether an episodic manifestation

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