UNIVERSITY DISTANCE LEARNING DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN UKRAINE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zaytseva I., Grynyuk S.

In this article, the author has clarified the role of distance learning under the conditions of Covid-19 pandemic, analyzed its peculiarities: its advantages and disadvantages, educators' and students' perception of distance learning, the challenges and responses of higher education.

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безпеки людини та суспшьства», метою якого е тд-тримка та фшансування найкращих наукових прое-ктiв iз вирiшення питань безпеки людини, зокрема безпеки в умовах СОУГО-19.

Список лггератури

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3. Освггая сфера шсля карантину. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу : https://www.pedrada.com.ua/article/2785-osvtnya-sfera-pslya-karantinu).

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7. Як змшиться освгга тсля пандемiï : 5 про-rH03iB свiтових експерлв. [Електронний ресурс]. -Режим доступу: https://osvitoria.media/experience/yak-zminytsya-osvita-pislya-pandemiyi-5-prognoziv-svitovyh-ekspertiv/

8. Якою буде вища освiта пiсля COVID-19? [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/vyshcha-osvita-pislia-koronavirusu/30655858.html

9. Як COVID-19 може змшити освiту майбут-шх поколiнь [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: https://pon.org.ua/novyny/7840-yak-covid-19-mozhe -zmniti-osvtu-maybutnh-pokoln.html

10. Is Digital Learning Effective in the Workplace? [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: https://elearnmag.acm.org/archive.cfm?aid=568598

11. Digital Educational Action Plan. [Електрон-ний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: https://ec.europa.eu/education/education-in-the-eu/digital-education-action-plan_en

12. Rethinking Education in the Digital Age. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: https://www.europarl. europa. eu/Reg-Data/etudes/STUD/2020/641528/EPRS_STU(2020)64 1528_EN.pdf


Zaytseva I.,

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Grynyuk S.

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor National Aviation University


In this article, the author has clarified the role of distance learning under the conditions of Covid-19 pandemic, analyzed its peculiarities: its advantages and disadvantages, educators' and students' perception of distance learning, the challenges and responses of higher education.

Keywords: distance learning, educators, students, pandemic, advantages, disadvantages.

1. Introduction

The importance of distance learning has been confirmed in guiding documents of the Ukrainian government [3; 13]. The significant role of distance education in providing a flexible and accessible learning environment for University students performed a significant part in March 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic has forced Ukrainian universities to rapidly shift online, and no date has been confirmed for them to reopen. With the second coronavirus peak that took place in October 2020, many higher University institutions shifted into distance learning.

Clearly, this pandemic has tremendously affected students of higher educational establishments and educators: they faced new challenges at the beginning of

the new 2020-2021 academic year - the organization of effective distance and blended learning and adaptation to today's requirements.

During a pandemic Covid-19 the principles of classical education are changing to conceptually new, priority strategies and key approaches to implement quality management in higher education. This form of distance learning differs much from an educational process conducted in class and conventional distance education because distance learning under the conditions of a pandemic was suddenly, unreadily and forcefully implemented [2; 4; 8].

The unexpected crisis caused by coronavirus pandemic has made Ukrainian educators to solve a lot of

problems: how to cope with a much more intense workload, high demands and expectations, provide support to students and perform administrative matters etc. Moreover, today there are technological problems of educational infrastructure, the growing amount of digital content, lack of training and skills among educators and students, the lack of methodological developments in the field of distance education etc.

The main difficulties that students face involve the lack of digital opportunities, a lot of independent work, lack of personal contact and verbal communication etc.

Having faced today's challenges, in particular working in distance learning conditions during corona-virus pandemic, we have stated that COVID-19 pandemic has given us the possibilities to point out both the benefits of distance learning and its drawbacks.

2. Content

Online learning is defined as learning experiences in synchronous or asynchronous environments using different devices (e.g., mobile phones, laptops, computers etc.) with internet access. training principles, but their implementation is specific [4]. Distance learning facilitates the promotion of students' the interests and serves the needs of educators as permits to make the best of numerous educational resources, providing an unlimited educational space for different categories of students [1; 5; 7]. In these environments, students can be anywhere (independent) to learn and interact with instructors and other students.

The use of distance learning helps to form and develop students' skills and abilities [6; 8]:

- ability to quickly adapt to conditions that change unpredictably and rapidly;

- ability to independently plan their activities; make decisions, and be responsible for them; select the necessary information;

- ability to present the results of activities using information technology;

- the ability to use online educational resources.

Among the benefits of distance learning are the

following [9; 10; 11]:

- the knowledge and skills provided to all categories of students regardless of their age, place of living, and physical disabilities;

- it is a type of life-long education;

- it prepares students for independent learning, working with information, and developing their knowledge and professional skills;

- it forms a global, fundamentally new educational space etc.

While suggesting to use distance learning, teachers should take into account that modern students are representatives of a new generation, also called centennials. It should be remarked that the main feature of this generation is the ability to perceive and analyze a large amount of information, separate its important pieces from the minor ones, synthesize and combine information into clusters [3].

The main principles of distance learning are the following: accessibility, affordability, flexibility, interactivity, simultaneousness, openness and objectivity, life-long learning [12; 13].

Interactivity of learning permits to receive feedback, providing dialogue and support not possible in most traditional training systems;

Flexibility of distance learning in the choice of educational institution, place and time of the study. Students have the opportunity not to attend training sessions, and study at a convenient time and in a convenient place;

Simultaneousness of distance learning is carried out through combining of professional and studying activities as well as simultaneously studying in the Ukrainian and foreign universities;

Openness and objectivity of the students' knowledge assessment, independence from the teacher's subjective opinion, implementing corresponding programs of evaluation.

It is considered to be a relatively cheaper mode of education in terms of the lower cost of transportation, accommodation, and the overall cost of institution-based learning [2].

But well-planned distance learning experiences are totally different from courses offered online in response to a crisis caused by the pandemic Covid-19. Universities working to maintain instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic should understand those differences while evaluating this emergency distance learning. The threat of COVID-19 has presented some unique challenges for higher educational institutions. For universities, it is a challenging task to shift all face-to-face courses to remote learning in such a short period of time. Some students without reliable internet access and/or technology struggle to participate in digital learning [4].

Remote learning demands appropriate hardware, software, and a high-speed internet connection. Beyond digital literacy challenges, educators and student need to find new ways to communicate and use learning tools effectively.

Despite the advantages of distance learning, today educators in Ukraine are facing the challenges due to the growing amount of digital content, having technological problems of educational infrastructure, lack of training and skills, the lack of methodological developments in the field of distance education etc. Besides, under the conditions of Covid-19 they need to do many things online: teach, attend online meetings, prepare materials due to the syllabus, provide support to students and perform administrative matters etc. In reality a lot of educators are facing numerous challenges, for instance, they have not got enough support and sufficient training on how to deal with such a crisis, were caught unprepared for distance learning.

Besides, a level of understanding, the range for innovative teaching, and mechanical conduct of classes were the significant challenges for educators. The lack of face-to-face interaction with students was a great challenge for educators: they were unable to understand the mood of students, get the feedback, and thus it was difficult to change the teaching pattern.

Besides, in March 2020, when all higher educational institutions in Ukraine abruptly switched to distance learning following the precautionary measures, internet access and the quality of internet connection

became a vital challenge for many educators and students especially in some remote areas: villages, settlements, small towns. So, the difficulties with distance learning were also technical. Most of the challenges were related to educators and students and their responses to the needs of online teaching, which include uninterrupted electricity connection, intermittent signal issues.

As for students, they face a lack of digital opportunities, personal contact, motivation and verbal communication. Besides, they have a lot of independent work which needs special skills that students especially freshmen, do not have and need to be formed and develop. Some students reported a lack of interest and attention during distance learning as they were not accustomed of learning with smartphones, laptops and computers. And these activities took place with unstable internet connection. Besides, a lack of motivation as immediate feedback was not possible in this online teaching-learning transition phase perceived by both educators and students.

Higher educational establishments should implement changes to distance learning. In response to the novel coronavirus pandemic we should analyse the steps already taken by educators from countries to understand what approaches have worked, what approaches haven't worked and how to tackle the challenges we face today.

Knowledge and skills should be provided to all categories of students regardless of their age, place of living, and physical disabilities. Students should be prepared for independent learning, working with information, and developing their knowledge and professional skills.

3. Conclusion. The conducted research does not examine all aspects of the stated problem in Ukraine. It remains to be investigated whether and how the higher education system is able to cope with the transfer of all distance learning forms. A detailed analysis of the problem is presented in the team research of the scholars Kovtun O. V, Sultanova L. Y., Grynyuk S. P., Zheludenko M. O., Zaytseva I. V., Zasluzhena A. A., who due to the NRFU competition "Science for the safety of human and society" are working on the proj ect "The potential of higher education plagued by a pandemic: global, European, national dimensions" (Project registration number: 2020.01 / 0172). The National Research Foundation of Ukraine provides financial support for the project from the State Budget. The competition was initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and The National Research Foundation of Ukraine in May 2020, aimed at supporting the best research projects due to human security issues, in particular the safety of human under the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic.

With this sudden shift away from the classroom we think whether the adoption of online learning will continue to persist post-pandemic, and how such a shift would affect the Ukrainian education market. The system and the skills that were gained by the educators, students and University administration can be used in the post pandemic period, in case of missing lessons or other similar special cases.

Ukrainian educators have re-realized the distance learning in a new way, have adapted the assignments to the new format of the lessons, that could be positively reflected on their qualification.

With the spread of the coronavirus disease expected to worsen before it gets better, administrators should take quick action to prove that remote learning is not just the use of computer devices in education, but rather a means of expanding educational frontiers and the advancement of learning potential. We hope that distance learning will become a type of life-long education aimed at the formation of a global, fundamentally new educational space. However, many problems have not already been solved because there was no time to get into details of quality assurance as the main aim was to save the education process and continue it in any possible format. So, the quality of distance learning needs future study.


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Kopteva G.

Siberian Transport University, Reader, PHD in Philology


The modern world is the one of constant changes and development. Social requirements constantly vary, high rates of development of sciences put before the person more and more complex challenges. They challenge to his creative thinking, to his abilities to react to unexpectedness and to meet changes both in a public situation and in the field of science. In the article we prove the necessity of getting education during the whole period of active human life, and also the necessity of self-education - at the same time. Here the essence of the process of self-education has been determined. Direct influence of self-education on the work of brain and on the intellectual development of a person is emphasized. Among different reasons, the necessity of self-education for professional development is proved. Ways - how to stimulate and to force oneself to study - are offered, and also some peace of advice on the organization of the process of self-education is given.

Keywords: self-education, intellectual development, brain of a person, ways and characteristic features, modern calls, motivation, advice and results.

The modern world is the world of constant changes and constant development. Social requirements constantly vary, high rates of development of sciences put before the person more and more complex challenges. They challenge to his creative thinking, to his abilities to react to unexpectedness and to reconstruct the activity in reply to change of a public situation and both to scientific and social great events.

It is clear, that nowadays a young person (and in the view of last tendencies the elderly, too) should understand precisely: «in order to succeed in the modern society it is necessary to receive education during the whole life (i.e. to be trained and retrained), and it is necessary to be ready to update the own professional way» (here and further the translation is mine - G.K.) [1, 247]. Whatever brilliant vocational training you have received today, you have received it actually only for some years. 60-70 years ago the knowledge received in higher school was enough - practically for the full professional career. Now, because the scientific and technical revolution, the knowledge grows old during a small period of several years, and if a person does not update it regularly and does not raise the level of qualification, he can possibly lag hopelessly behind modern requirements - with all the consequences following from the situation. «Therefore there is a necessity of continuous, lifelong perfection of profession: a person should study for the whole life, from the moment of graduation from an educational institution and till the moment of retirement, and even further » [2, 86].

In such conditions the principles and processes of self-development and self-improvement are improbably important. The person who stops in the development, risks to, sooner or later, become an anachronism. He takes risks to lose links_with the present and future, to lose the ability of effective self-expression. He will,

probably, even not be able to solve problems. Therefore, constant self-education is necessary and important for each person.

But what is self-education? It is the process of voluntary and self-realized cognitive activity which is inspired by an individual desire and based on personal promptings. We may say that self-education is an independent purchase of knowledge by a student in the view of own interests and propensities from the various sources, in addition to what has been received in educational institutions. Self-education can have professional or personal character and pursue the corresponding goals. For example, the purpose may be - increasing of professional skills and acceleration of career growth. Or a person can put such a goal as getting new knowledge and skills, or expansion of a personal outlook. Nobody regulates him there. Nobody could force him. He just wants to be well-informed and successful, and he knows what he needs.

It is well-known that influence of self-education on the general intellectual development is great. Hardly it's easy to overestimate such influence on a human intellectual development. Self-education is the action supporting cognitive processes of a person in a constant active tone. Psychological function of self-education is very important because this process creates a number of the obstacles supporting a human brain and consciousness in a condition of vigilance and readiness. A person, this way, obtains much greater professional and personal value for society.

Each professional at the certain stage of career appears at the crossroads where he is being waited with «the index stone" describing three possible ways of the professional development: self-improvement, stagnation, and adaptation. Sure, the way of self-improvement

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