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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Davidenko Volodymyr, Karpun Olga, Zenon Zamiar, Kostiuchenko Lesia

The article discusses the role of preventive anti-crisis management on the basis of comprehensive measures to overcome the crisis situations. The reasons and moments of crisis beginning are considered, and in case of objective impossibility to avoid entering the crisis period, the approaches to overcoming them are indicated. The basic concepts of anti-crisis management, preventive management and preventive anti-crisis management, which are effective tools for crisis management in the conditions of cyclical crisis phenomena, are defined. The main tasks of preventive anti-crisis management are revealed, and the estimation of probability of occurrence and analysis of consequences of influence of potential crisis phenomena and situations, at development of anti-crisis strategy, realization of action plans on crisis prevention is presented. The key areas of preventive management and the necessary tools for the implementation of anti-crisis measures at the enterprise are identified. The crisis warning functions that will be performed by the crisis prevention service are presented.

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UDC 65.014.1 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46783/smart-scm/2021-7(8)-5

JEL Classification: C42, J63, M12. Received: 24 July 2021

Davidenko V.V. PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Logistics Department, National Aviation University (Ukraine)

ORCID - 0000-0002-8419-4636 Researcher ID -Scopus author id: -

Karpun O.V. PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Logistics Department, National Aviation University (Ukraine)

ORCID - 0000-0003-2058-9070 Researcher ID - S-6428-2018 Scopus author id: -

Zamiar Zenon Dr. hab. Inz, Professor, Vice-Rector the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw (Poland)

ORCID - 0000-0001-9887-0183 Researcher ID -

Scopus author id: - 56419979900

Kostiuchenko L.V. PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of National Aviation University (Ukraine) ORCID - 0000-0002-7635-5153 Researcher ID - S-7795-2018 Scopus author id: -


Volodymyr Davidenko, Olga Karpun, Zamiar Zenon, Lesia Kostiuchenko "Strategic management of the enterprise in the conditions in the instability of the market environment". The article discusses the role of preventive anti-crisis management on the basis of comprehensive measures to overcome the crisis situations. The reasons and moments of crisis beginning are considered, and in case of objective impossibility to avoid entering the crisis period, the approaches to overcoming them are indicated. The basic concepts of anticrisis management, preventive management and preventive anti-crisis management, which are effective tools for crisis management in the conditions of cyclical crisis phenomena, are defined. The main tasks of preventive anti-crisis management are revealed, and the estimation of probability of occurrence and analysis of consequences of influence of potential crisis phenomena and situations, at development of anti-crisis strategy,

realization of action plans on crisis prevention is presented. The key areas of preventive management and the necessary tools for the implementation of anti-crisis measures at the enterprise are identified. The crisis warning functions that will be performed by the crisis prevention service are presented.

Keywords: anti-crisis management, preventive management, preventive anti-crisis management.

Володимир Давиденко, Ольга Карпунь, Зам'шр Зенон, Леся Костюченко. "СтратегЫне управлшня тдприемством в умовах нестаб'тьностi ринкового середовища". У cmammi розглянуто роль превентивного антикризисного управл'1ння на ocHoei комплексних заход/'в до подолання кризових ситуа^й. Розглядаються причини i моменти настання кризи, а у раз'1 об'ективноУнеможливот уникнути входження в кризовий перiод, зазначенi пiдходи до Ух подолання. Визначенi основнi поняття антикризового управлння, превентивного управлння та превентивного антикризового управлння, що е д'!евими нструментами управлння кризовими станами, в умовах цикл'чностi кризових явищ. Розкрито основнi завдання превентивного антикризового управлння, та представлено о^нку ймов 'рностi виникнення та анал'зу насл'дк'ш впливу потенцйних кризових явищ та ситуа^й, при розробц антикризовоУ стратеги, реалiзацil' планiв заход/'в щодо попередження криз. Видлено ключовi напрямки превентивного управлння та необхiднi '¡нструменти, при реалiзацil' антикризових заход/'в на п'1дприемств'1. Представлено застережн функцп при загроз '! кризи, як'1 будуть виконуватись службою кризового попередження.

Ключовi слова: антикризове управлшня, превентивне управлшня, превентивне антикризове управлшня.

Владимир Давиденко, Ольга Карпунь, Замиар Зенон, Леся Костюченко. "Стратегическое управление предприятием в условиях нестабильности рыночной среды". В статье рассмотрена роль превентивного антикризисного управления на базе комплексных мер по преодолению кризисных ситуаций. Рассматриваются причины и моменты наступления кризиса, а в случае объективной невозможности избежать вхождения в кризисный период, указанные подходы к их преодолению. Определены основные понятия антикризисного управления, превентивного управления и превентивного антикризисного управления, которые являются действенными инструментами управления кризисными состояниями, в условиях цикличности кризисных явлений. Раскрыты основные задания превентивного антикризисного управления, и представлено оценку вероятности возникновения и анализа последствий влияния потенциальных кризисных явлений и ситуаций, при разработке антикризисной стратегии, реализации планов мероприятий по предупреждению кризисов. Выделены ключевые направления превентивного управления и необходимые инструменты, при реализации антикризисных мер на предприятии. Представлены меры функции при угрозе кризиса, которые будут выполняться службой кризисного предупреждения.

Ключевые слова: антикризисное управление, превентивное управление, превентивное антикризисное управление.

Introduction. The development of the world economy in the context of globalization has increased the negative impact on the domestic sector of the economy and increased the risks of entrepreneurial activity. Numerous risks in modern conditions, affecting each other, cause even greater losses, reduce the efficiency and competitiveness of business structures. The multifaceted nature of risks complicates their forecasting, adequate assessment and development of effective management methods.

The unstable activity of Ukrainian enterprises determines the urgency of the dominant role of preventive anti-crisis management of an industrial enterprise, which will allow business structures to respond purposefully and with warning to emerging risks. It should also be noted that the risks inherent in industrial entrepreneurship form a system of interrelated risks, the management of which requires consideration of their relationships, development and implementation of preventive measures to break the risk chain

and reduce the negative effects of their impact.

The theoretical basis of the study are the works of domestic and foreign experts on business risk management in a crisis, particular the scientific works of P.Drucker [1], M.Porter., V.M. Bagatsky, O.I. Baranovsky, O.P. Bednarska, N.D. Hetmantseva, V.V. Lukyanova, O.V. Kovalenko [2], O.Ye. Kuzmina, V.O. Kunin [3], N.Yu. Podolchak, A.S. Polyanska, V.M. Raspova [4], Z.Ye. Shershneva [7], and others. In which the main attention is paid to the types of management risks due to the importance of the role of preventive crisis management.

The best way to prevent a crisis is to control and monitor the processes and operations of the enterprise. Consistency and regularity of preventive actions, monitoring of the financial and economic condition of the enterprise, development of forecasts and strategic preventive measures, will reduce the crisis impact on enterprises.

Problem statement (formulation of research purposes). The main purpose of the article is to reveal the decisive role in overcoming the crisis in business, in the growing "wave-like" crisis situations, based on preventive management of industrial enterprises, which allows responding the emerging risks, avoiding the threat of unacceptable reduction of business efficiency.

Methodology. The theoretical and methodological bases of the work are the developments of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of crisis management. To achieve the main purpose of the article, the following general and special research methods were used: systematic and comparative analysis - in developing a set of measures in key areas of preventive management; abstract-theoretical - in studying the essence and determining areas for improving approaches to crisis management; hypothetical method and the method of logical generalization - in the development of basic recommendations for the use of elements of anti-crisis measures.

The main research. One of the main criteria for successful business development in modern conditions, is to ensure its sustainable development. Creating such a state is possible only with the active introduction of new technologies and products, progressive competitive strategies and a preventive approach to enterprise management. Thus, the direct impact on the enterprise activities, in conditions of rapid change, have risks that change each other.

To prevent negative processes in the functioning of the enterprise, it is advisable to identify early signs of crisis. Detection of negative phenomena in the early stages, leading to the destruction of activities, can help increase the probability of maintaining sustainable development. Preventive measures can significantly reduce the cost of resources to ensure the implementation of the tasks, because the cost of identifying and eliminating adverse factors is much lower than the elimination of the consequences of the crisis that they may cause. Preventive anticrisis management is based on the principle of preventing the threat of crisis, with the subsequent provision of neutralization of possible negative consequences. The implementation of this principle is ensured through early diagnosis of the pre-crisis state of the enterprise and the timely use of opportunities to neutralize the crisis.

Anti-crisis management is a set of measures for preliminary assessment of the probability and possible consequences of potential crises, identification of the first signs of crises, development of anti-crisis strategy, implementation of anti-crisis plans to prevent and eliminate crisis, eliminate the consequences of crisis and prevent future crises [7].

Preventive management is based on the timely identification of crisis phenomena elements and involves the development of a set of organizational, economic and management programs aimed at preventing crisis situations.

Preventive anti-crisis management is a set of measures to monitor internal and

external opportunities, and the development and implementation of anti-crisis procedures [4].

The tasks of preventive anti-crisis management include assessment of the probability of occurrence and analysis of the consequences of the impact of potential crisis phenomena and situations, development of anti-crisis strategy, implementation of action plans for crisis prevention.

Preventive anti-crisis management is based on measures to identify, assess and manage the risks of the organization and address issues of improving the economic security of the enterprise, by increasing the ability of the organization to adapt to crisis conditions [5].

In the scientific literature, preventive anticrisis management is considered in two areas [7]:

early anti-crisis management, which is carried out in order to overcome the danger of crisis and create the potential for profitability in the event of a decline in demand and deterioration of the organization's position in the market and the danger of losing itself;

anti-crisis management on weak signals about the threat of crisis, which is realized in the event of loss of competitiveness of products and the organization as a whole.

In preventive management, the company should be more focused on advanced management, rather than solving problems when they arise. In order to effectively combat crises, the main focus should not be on responding quickly to crisis situations, but on preventing and predicting its occurrence in advance.

Timely detection of the possibility of a crisis and timely adoption of preventive measures on crisis warning is a key task of crisis management.

Implementation of preventive management at the enterprise should take place through the use of a set of measures in key areas of activity (Fig. 1): area of production activity: competently and timely planning of economic activity in the short, medium and long term;

identification of new and perspective markets for products;

development of new parts and materials, reengineering;

the possibility of product diversification; development of alternative strategies of the enterprise in the conditions of pessimistic forecast activity;

functional area of activity: transition to preventive management technologies for the use of adaptive innovative tools;

introduction of lean production method; implementation of methods for restructuring the enterprise; area of management: creating conditions to increase employment;

using the effective tools of fair motivation and stimulation of work;

creating conditions for creative activity and belonging to the functional activities of the enterprise;

introduction of a knowledge exchange system in the organization.

Analyzing these measures, it is necessary to note two key areas that should be constantly present in all areas of preventive management: the constant introduction of innovations and the activities of the crisis department.

The constant introduction of innovative approaches in anti-crisis crisis management is a key necessity for the effective functioning of a modern enterprise.



• Continuous improvement

Labor intensity 1 of lean production

management 1 methods

Incentives and 1 • Improving management •

motivation 1 methods and

management \ technologies 1

Creative activity 1 • Restructuring of 1 •

management 1 management and 1

Involvement in the 1 functional activities | •

"life" of the enterprise | • Systematic adaptation |

(due to a sense of need 1 to consumer 1

for the enterprise) 1 requirements 1 •

Participation in social ■ • Reorganization of the [

projects management structure |

Conducting to market requirements 1

professional and social • Expanding the skills of [

trainings workers | •

Continuous analysis | of market and consumer requirements

Analysis and development of risk prevention tools

Systematic review and planning of business strategy

Systematic review and adaptation of alternative strategies

Analysis of diversification opportunities in accordance with market 1 requirements and production activities

Reengineering of business processes and production

Fig. 1. A set of measures for preventive management by areas of activity Source: [developed by the author]

The main purpose of innovative approaches in anti-crisis management is to create a preventive management system of the enterprise, in conditions of uncertainty.

Among the key forms of such innovative approaches there are:

- introduction of constant functioning of feedback with the consumer and market requirements;

- constant review and adaptation of effective business processes;

- management and support of internal knowledge and needs;

- using of tools for constant "dialogue" with the external environment.

The study of preventive anti-crisis management, based on the search for acceptable options for organizational management, makes it possible to introduce a new functional organizational unit as a crisis prevention service, and to determine their tasks and functions. The main tasks of a crisis prevention service department include:

- creation and provision of information collection systems for timely identification of causes and factors of crisis development, both in the external and internal environment;

- development of tools for analysis of factors influencing the development of insolvency of the enterprise;

- development of an anti-crisis plan in case of crisis unfolding;

- providing consulting support in developing strategies and tactics for product development and promotion;

- development of proposals for combating the crisis of the enterprise;

- timely warning of the enterprise top management about the need to make anticrisis decisions;

- determining the desired speed of preventive measures, budgeting the necessary costs, time and resources for their implementation;

- determining the possible effect from the implementation of the proposed anticrisis measures.

The constant threat of a crisis necessitates the allocation and strengthening of precautionary functions to be performed by the crisis prevention service, which should include crisis diagnosis and forecasting.

The essence of the diagnostic function is to establish the true state of the enterprise in terms of threats:

- determining the place of the enterprise in the development system;

- identification of crisis trends, external and internal factors of the crisis;

- generating reliable information about the threats of crisis phenomena and the

availability of a real opportunity for the company to overcome them.

The function of crisis forecasting is aimed at predicting their nature, depth, possible timing of their occurrence, development of indicators, and prevention of crisis trends.

As a result of the implementation of these functions, the crisis prevention service receives and analyzes information about the general trend, stages of cyclical dynamics of the enterprise, the depth of crisis phenomena in the enterprise, and forecast calculations of the further spread of the crisis. To ensure a timely and adequate response to the threat of a crisis, the crisis prevention service performs the function of planning anti-crisis measures, differentiated by type of crisis. Planned measures to prevent the crisis should be reflected in the strategic and operational plans of the enterprise, which is an alternative to the main plan.

Conclusions. It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of crisis phenomena in the activities of the enterprise, as its activity is conditioned by the development of the economy. But crisis phenomena can be resisted. And the sooner the crisis is identified and diagnosed, the smaller the losses of the enterprise will be.

Preventive crisis management, understands the ability to predict the causes and timing of the crisis, and in case of objective impossibility to avoid entering the crisis period, to take the necessary measures to combat the crisis. Its advantage is that there are longer time intervals between the adoption, implementation and appearance of appropriate decisions in the managed system.

The scientific novelty of the obtained results is to determine a set of measures and key forms of innovation in preventive management, taking into account which can prevent crisis problems when they occur.

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Prospects for further research in this area are an in-depth study of anticipatory anticrisis management and determine its benefits in the activities of enterprises.


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