STATISTICAL POPULATION, DEFINITION AND TYPES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Urunov R., Aslonov A., Xomidov O.

This article discusses a sample population and its requirements.

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УДК: 08.00.11

Urunov R.

Aslonov A.

Xomidov O.


Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Annotation: This article discusses a sample population and its requirements.

Key words: Statistics, view, formation, unit, a number of methods.

A statistical population is a group of relatively homogeneous elements taken together at specific boundaries of space and time and possessing signs of similarity and difference. The statistical population consists of separate, single observations. A unit of observation is each primary element that makes up a statistical population and is a carrier of features to be accounted for. The unit of observation is determined by the purpose and objectives of the statistical study, as well as the chosen object of study. Observation units show similarities and differences. Signs of similarity are the basis for combining the units of observation in the aggregate. The signs by which the elements of the statistical population differ are subject to registration and are called accounting signs. Accounting features by nature can be qualitative (attributive, descriptive) and quantitative (expressed by number). Qualitative signs include: gender, profession, nosological form of the disease, outcome of the disease, etc. Quantitative signs include: height, body weight, age, duration of illness, duration of treatment in a hospital, protein level in urine, etc.

According to the role in the studied population, accounting features are divided into factor and effective. Factor - these are signs under the influence of which other signs depending on them change. Effective - these are signs that depend on factor signs.

Types of statistical population:

General population - a population consisting of all units of observation that can be assigned to it in accordance with the purpose of the study. When studying public health, the general population is often considered within specific territorial boundaries or may be limited by other characteristics (gender, age, etc.) depending on the purpose of the study.

A sample population is a part of the population selected by a special (selective) method and intended to characterize the population. The sample population should be representative (representative), accurately and fully reflect the phenomenon, that is, give the same idea of the phenomenon, as if the entire population were studied. To ensure representativeness, the sample must meet two basic requirements: be sufficient in number; to be similar to the general population, to possess its basic features, that is, in the selected part all elements should be represented in the same ratio as in the general one.

"Экономика и социум" №12(67) 2019



The basic principle of sampling is the equal opportunity for each observation unit to get into the study.

Statistics have developed a number of sampling methods:

- Random selection, the basis of which is the selection of observation units by drawing lots, using a table of random numbers, etc. Moreover, for each unit, an equal opportunity to get into the sample is provided.

- Mechanical selection, in which the units of the population are sequentially arranged according to some attribute (alphabetically, according to the dates of the visit to the doctor, etc.), are mechanically divided into equal parts. Every fifth, tenth or pth observation unit is selected from each part in a predetermined order in such a way as to provide the required sample size.

- Typical (typological) selection involves the obligatory preliminary division of the general population into separate qualitatively homogeneous groups (types) with the subsequent selection of observation observation units from each group according to the principles of random or mechanical selection.

- Serial (nesting, nesting) selection involves a selection from the general population not of individual units, but of entire series (organized set of observation units), for example, organizations, districts, etc.

- Combined methods - a combination of various methods of forming a sample.

The subject of a statistical study in health care and medicine can be public health, organization of medical care, sections of the activity of medical organizations (institutions), environmental factors that affect the state of health, preventive measures.

When conducting a medical-statistical study, two types of methodological approach can be used: 1) the study of the intensity of a phenomenon in the environment, the prevalence of a phenomenon. identification of population health trends; 2) conducting strictly planned studies to study individual factors without identifying the intensity of the phenomenon in the environment. The first type of research is carried out on general populations or large enough sample populations, which allow obtaining intensive indicators and reasonably transferring the obtained data to the entire general population. The second type of medical and statistical research is carried out in order to identify new factors, to study unknown or poorly studied cause-and-effect relationships. These studies, as a rule, are conducted on small populations.

Stages of the organization of statistical research: 1. Drawing up a plan and research program. 2. Collection of material (statistical observation). 3. Statistical grouping and summary. 4. Statistical analysis of the phenomenon under study, the formulation of conclusions and suggestions. 5. Literary processing and presentation of the results.

The first stage of the statistical study - the preparation of a plan and program - is preparatory, which defines the purpose and objectives of the study, compiles a plan and program, develops a program of a summary of statistical material and resolves organizational issues.

Starting a statistical study, you should accurately and clearly formulate the goal and objectives. Before proceeding with the study, you need to be well-oriented in the problem. In this, considerable help can be provided by one's own experience, as well as the study of literature on this topic. The goal determines the main direction of research and is, as a rule, not only theoretical, but also practical. The goal is formulated clearly, clearly, unambiguously. To disclose the goal, the objectives of the study are determined. Usually in medical and social research, to achieve the intended goal, it is necessary to solve from 4 to 6 problems.

An important point in the preparatory phase is the development of an organizational plan. The organizational plan of the study provides for the determination of the place (administrative-territorial boundaries of observation), time (specific dates for monitoring, development and analysis of the material) and the subject (organizers, performers, methodological guidelines, funding sources) of the study.

Drawing up a monitoring plan includes determining the object of study (statistical population), the volume of the study (continuous, incomplete), types (current, one-time) of the study, and methods of collecting statistical material.

The monitoring program includes the definition of a monitoring unit and a list of questions (accounting features) to be registered in order to achieve the goal and solve research problems. The program is implemented in the form of an individual registration (registration) form with a list of questions and features subject to accounting. A separate form is filled out for each observation unit (passport part, answers to clearly formulated, posed in a certain sequence program questions and date of filling out the document).

The preparation of a monitoring program is a very crucial moment in the organizational phase of a statistical study. Certain rules have been developed for compiling the program, the main of which are:

1) only necessary questions should be included in the monitoring program, without overloading it with secondary data;

2) the wording of the questions should be clear, exclude ambiguous interpretation;

3) each registration form must contain some mandatory questions: serial number, name of organization, date of registration, signature of the person filling out the registration form.

At the first stage of the statistical study, along with the observation program, a program of summarizing the obtained data is compiled, which includes establishing the principles of grouping, identifying grouping signs, determining combinations of these signs, and compiling mock-ups of statistical tables.

Source used:

1. Statistical Dictionary. Second edition, revised and supplemented. M .: Finance and statistics, 1989

2. Ryauzov H.H. General theory of statistics. M .: Statistics, 1979

3. Rybakovsky L.L. Methodological issues of forecasting. -M .: Statistics, 1978

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