THE PROCESS OF FORMING A MARKETING STRATEGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
marketing strategy / mission / goals / segmentation / positioning / marketing complex.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Savina Svitlana Sergiivna

The article elucidates the content and the nature of the three main stages of marketing strategy formation: the market research, development of individual marketing strategy for an enterprise, the implementation of marketing strategy of an enterprise in the market.

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Vyp. 64. P. 261-265.

12. Chyzhevska L.O. Faktory, shcho vplyvaiut na rozvytok rekreatsiino -turystychnoi diialnosti v silskykh terytoriiakh i poselenniakh. Mistobuduvannia ta terytorialne planuvannia. 2020. Vyp. 72. P. 273-287.

13. Iashchuk V.I. Metodychni pidkhody do otsiniuvannia rekreatsiinoho potentsialu rehioniv Ukrainy. Visnyk Lvivskoho torhovelno-ekonomich-noho universytetu. Tekhnichni nauky. 2020. Vyp. 23. P. 192-198.


Savina Svitlana Sergiivna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Agrarian Management and Marketing, Vinnytsia National

Agrarian University, Ukraine. DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-15102-29-35 THE PROCESS OF FORMING A MARKETING STRATEGY


The article elucidates the content and the nature of the three main stages of marketing strategy formation: the market research, development of individual marketing strategy for an enterprise, the implementation of marketing strategy of an enterprise in the market.

Keywords: marketing strategy, mission, goals, segmentation, positioning, marketing complex.

In the conditions of the instability of the domestic economy, an important prerequisite for success is the clear formation of strategic goals of the enterprise, the ability to respond quickly to changes in the market situation. Determining the items of the goods or services in the market is a key point in assessing its activities and comparable to the goods (services) of other enterprises operating in the same industry. Particular attention to the development of a strategy is given to the enterprise in the market when it is necessary to assess the possibility of successful activities and economic expediency. Actuality of theme. Dynamic changes in the business environment of Ukrainian enterprises associated with the development of competition, dissemination of information technologies, introducing innovations, business globalization, and other factors require the leaders of the Supreme Links of Management or Business Owners Applying Strategic Management Tools, which consist in assessing the competitive position of the enterprise and the formation of the relevant strategy. An effective tool for implementing an enterprise development strategy in a competitive market is a marketing component. The process of forming marketing strategy of the enterprise makes it possible for its orientation to consumer requests, thus providing a more flexible inclusion and adaptation of this enterprise to the external environment. The main scientific principles of strategy of enterprises and marketing strategies arose and develop in countries with a developed market economy for a long time, and today there is a lot of its scientific schools. The development of theoretical, methodological and practical foundations of marketing strategic planning are actively engaged in Ukraine. Despite the fact that many researchers have been solved by a significant amount of theoretical and applied tasks on the formation of marketing policy of enterprise and strategic marketing planning, in studies lack accuracy relating to the principles of forming strategic 4 marketing, as well as assessing the effectiveness of its use in enterprises in unstable conditions for the functioning of the domestic economy . This indicates the relevance of the chosen topic and the need to study and the use of

theoretical and applied principles of development and implementation of marketing strategy and obtaining on this basis of specific practical results as a basis of strategic transformations. The purpose of the thesis is to generalize the theoretical and practical principles of marketing strategic planning and development of recommendations for the formation of a marketing strategy of enterprise enter the market. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: - to reveal the content of the concept of "marketing strategy"; - describe the types and role of marketing strategy in the activities of enterprises.

The achievements of enterprises of sustainable positions in the market are impossible without a management system aimed at applying an adequate modern requirement, therefore, it is urgent to consider the stages of formation of a marketing strategy.

The study of issues of marketing strategy formation, individual elements and aspects are devoted to the works of foreign and domestic scientists: F. Kotler and G. Armstrong [1], M. Mc-Donald and E. Pain [2], N. Kudenko [3], C . Garkavenko [4], O. Timonin [5], L. Balabanova [6], N. Chukhray [7], etc. At the same time, the issues of analyzing external and internal environments in the context of the formation of a marketing strategy are not sufficiently focused on the implementation of an Mar-cattle strategy and evaluation of results.

The purpose of the study is to determine the content and essence of the stages of forming a marketing strategy of the enterprise.

The process of developing a marketing strategy of the enterprise takes place through exploited stages. It is possible to determine three stages of the formation of a marketing strategy, namely: research, development and, implementation of marketing strategy. Every next is a logical continuation of the previous one.

At the first stage of market research, the market environment that provides quantitative (capacity, saturation, growth rate, demand stability) and qualitative characteristics (the structure of consumers' needs, the

motives for purchasing, the process of buying, intensity research consists of several stages, namely: the for-of competition). mation of research goals, development plan,

Marketing study is based on a set of methods for obtaining information [4; 6]. The process of marketing

Table 1

Content of the stages of forming a marketing strategy of the enterprise

Stage Content of stages Essence

1. Market research Analysis of the external environment Market analysis, which is planning to reach the enterprise, and most important players on it; Conducting a wide range of marketing reviews, assessment of market capacities and volume of basic players

Analysis of the internal environment Analysis of the enterprise in terms of positioning, commodity circulation, payback, structures

2. Development Independent marketing strategy for the enterprise Goal formation Development of philosophy, mission of the enterprise, general vision, market position

Segmentation Determination of factors, selection of segmentation method, development of profiles of consumer groups, segments assessment, selection of priority segments of the market and positioning of the enterprise

Marketing complex Development Policy Pricing, Sales Services, Communication with Consumers, Personnel Management, Product Modification, Customer Service Management, Customer Service, Formation of Services Creation

3. Implementation marketing strategy of the enterprise on the market Planning realization Operational marketing planning, annual marketing plan development; greating and maintaining a positive image of an enterprise

Evaluation of results Assessment of measures performance; Evaluation of the IT system and its compliance with the tasks and needs of the complex

Source: author's development on the basis [1; 4; 6].

Implementation of it, processing and data analysis, recommendations [1; 4; 6]. In the process of marketing research, various methods and techniques of other sciences apply.

At the stage of developing a research plan, all research methods are considered and choose optimal. In Table. 2 Classified methods depending on how information collect.

Table 2

Methods of collecting information

Methods of collecting secondary data (Cabinet research) Primary data collection methods (Field Research)

Traditional analysis involves analyzing the essence of the third data, which is a chain of logic considerations Poll - Gathering information by setting questions with respondents. Can be conducted in oral form by phone or mail

Convent analysis - texts analysis procedure in order to identify concepts, judgments, processes that occur in the text Observation - an analytical method by which studying and fixing the current behavior or the results of this behavior

Correlation analysis allows you to identify the relationship between individual phenomena or indicators and measure its strength Experiment - a method for which in controlled conditions, change one or more factors and subsequently compare the results

Regression analysis shows how to change the index, subject to change any of the independent indicators (factors) Panel - Periodic data collection in the same group of respondents

Source: author's development on the basis [1; 2; 4; 6].

Depending on the type of data that needs to be obtained, quantitative and qualitative methods (Table 3) are used in marketing studies.

To determine the form of research, you can use methods: independent conduct; appeal to a third-party organization; combined [1; 4].

Studies conducting foreign organizations are divided into views: "Ed Hock" (for one customer) and syndical (for several customers) [1; 4]. Marketing firms

the latter spend their own funds and sell subscribers or one-time buyers. These studies include:

- Omnibus (regular research that is carried out periodically by a single method and consisting of several blocks of questions);

- panel (periodic collection of data in the same group of respondents);

- monitoring (provides for a subscriber of unified surveys of standardized data) [1; 6].

Table 3.

Research methods

Quantitative High-quality

Poll Observation

Cabinet research Interview

Focus group

Protocol analysis

Projection methods

Expert methods

Source: author's development on the basis [1-4].

During marketing research, there is a question about the amount of sample. Problems are calculated by the general population and choose the method of forming a selection. The most widespread methods for determining the sample volume are:

• the "rule of the thumb" (the size of the sample is 5% of the population);

• in view of the cost of research;

• taking into account the specified customer conditions;

Table 4.

Methods for processing and analyzing data

Methods Examples

Statistical Correlation analysis, regression analysis

Multi-dimensional Factor analysis; Cluster analysis

Imitation Simulation experiments, computer simulation

The theory of decision-making Game Theory; the theory of queue; a tree of making

Operations Research Linear and nonlinear programming

Heuristic Brainstorming; expert assessments; associations and analogies; check questions; collective notebook

• calculation of confidence intervals [1; 6].

At the stage, which provides for the collection of information, conduct research in those places, most of which provides the maximum presence of potential respondents.

The next stage involves processing and analyzing data with the involvement of the methods given in (table. 4.)

Source: author's development on the basis [6; 7].

It should be noted that each used method has its own restrictive conditions. For incorrectly selected processing method, important information may be lost. To avoid this, a method of expert assessments that gives the most correct results of processing the most valuable, intuitive information to be used to process marketing data.

Having considered the methods of processing and analysis of data, select statistical and heuristic methods. These methods are based on the use of professional experience and intuition of specialists.

The latest stage of marketing research is the development of recommendations that must answer the questions set at the beginning of the study.

The development of an individual marketing strategy for the enterprise begins with the definition of the mission of the enterprise. Allocate two approaches to the formulation of the mission of the enterprise: mission as a way of a clear definition of the main directions of the firm and mission in the context of the sensation.

As a basic generalized long-term goal of the firm, which declared its purpose, determines the mission of the company S. Garkavenko [6].

Another researcher L. Balabanova considers the concept of "mission of the enterprise" in a narrow and wide-sense. In the first case, the mission is the main purpose of the enterprise, which determines which activity it should be engaged. In the broadest sense, this

is a collection of strategic guidelines, goals and objectives, spheres of activity, philosophy, behavior and method of action, determining rice of the enterprise [6].

Scientists M. Mc-Donald and E. Paine are considering a mission as an important tool in uniting the collective and support of corporate values and philosophies [2].

According to F. Kotler and G. Armstrong, the mission acts as an "invisible hand", which manages the deeds of employees of the company. They point out that the mission is a statement of the company's purpose: what she wants to achieve in his field of activity [1]. In co-authorship with V. Wong and D. Sonders, the definition of the mission was expanded in particular by the fact that the mission is the answer to the question: which wants to achieve the enterprise as a whole [8].

According to N. Kudenko, the mission summarizes the main purpose of the VA, with which it implements the purpose of its existence. The mission reproduces those varieties of business, which is guided by the enterprise, taking into account market needs, circles of

One can agree with the opinion of N. Kudenko, that the definition and understanding of the mission is from the MIGA to consider the panorama of the enterprise business and evaluate it from the strategic side, since it is the mission explains the main goal of the enterprise.

The entire enterprise depends on the stages of the life cycle of the enterprise, in particular, distinguish between the objectives of development, the purpose of stabilization, objectives of preservation of positions [1]. Also, the social, environmental and economic goals are singled. Strategic goal specifies at each level of

As can be seen from table. 5 Both researchers put such joint requirements for goals as a hierarchy, which provides for the subordination of the general decisions of the mission of the enterprise, and subordinate goals subordinate to the goals of functional units; the reality of goals, which involves their agreement with the real capabilities of the enterprise; Quantitative certainty of goals in size and time. In turn, L. Balabanov adds to the requirements of concreteness, visibility, which means the term for achieving the goal, logic in setting goals, efficiency, which is expressed in profitability and performance. All this, in her opinion, will help avoid strategic planning mistakes. Scientificer N. Kudenko complements his requirements complements the compatibility or mutual agreement with other goals and

Classics F. Kotler, G. Armstrong divide the principles and signs of segmentation [1]. Some authors tend to think that this criteria for market segmentation. We support the opinion on market segmentation factors. We are in charge that each factor is characterized by a set of criteria inherent in Yo Mo. For

management. Marketing goal is subordinated to the general purpose of the enterprise. There is a certain hierarchy of purposes.

Some scholars believe that the mission generates a hierarchy of goals that must meet certain requirements (table 5).

Table 5.

flexibility of purposes to make certain changes to the target orientation of the enterprise.

Market segment consists of many mutually agreed stages and goes into developing a marketing complex.

In the first stage, the market segmentation factors determine. In the scientific literature there are various interpretations of this stage. In particular, S. Garkavenko defines the factors of segmenting words, variables [4]. Scientists N. Chukhraj and L. Moroz are considered as principles of segmentation [9]. For industrial market, one groups of factors are used, and for consumer - others, in particular, for the segmentation of the latter use: geographical, demographic, socio-economic, behavioral, psychological factors (table 6).

Table 6.

Choosing segmental factors, you need to go to the stage of selection of the method of segmentation. Allocate such methods of segmentation: the method of constructing a grid segmentation, grouping method and a method of multidimensional statistical analysis.

Requirements for marketing purposes

By L. Balabanova By N. Kudenko

concreteness hierarchy

visibility quantitative determination

reality reality

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quantitative determination compatibility

logic in setting goals flexibility


hierarchical principle of construction

Source: author's development on the basis [3; 6].

Factors of segmentation of the consumer market

№ Segment factors Factor criteria

1 Geographical Regional distribution, administrative distribution, population, population density, transport network, structure of commercial activity, climatic features

2 Demographic Age, gender, family size, stage of life cycle of family, race, nationality, religion

3 Socioeconomic Level income, type of activity, education, affiliation to a certain class

4 Behavioral Purchase style, expected benefits, consumer status, drive for purchase, degree of attachment, intensity of consumption

5 Psychological Lifestyle, type of personality, consumer adaptation to a new product

Authorary development on the basis [1; 4; 8; 9].

Table 7.

Methods of segmentation

Method name Description of the method Remark

Method of constructing a grid segmentation Apply to isolate baseline markets and are used at macrosegation level, taking into account three variables: functions, technology, consumers The method can not be applied to any markets because it is calculated only for segmentation of large markets

Method grouping Consists of a consistent collection of objects into groups on the most significant features The method can not be applied for segmentation, since it requires a certain number of monitoring units of the corresponding number of groups that does not allow to determine the real segments

Method of multidimensional statistical analysis Lies in the simultaneous automatic classification by multiple features. Consumers who have several similar features combine into one segment The advantage of the method is that simultaneously taking into account the criteria of demographic, socio-economic and psychological factors

Source: author's development on the basis [1; 4; 6; 9].

By choosing a method by which segmentation will be carried out directly to segmentation. After completion, the development of consumer profiles, that is, allocate segments for the most important characteristics. At the following steps, the segments evaluating how much and which segments will serve the enterprise and which of the three strategies of the market coverage will apply. Applying a mass marketing strategy, ignore the differences between consumers, and production, distri-

In our opinion, in modern conditions of economic development, differentiated marketing is optimal for many enterprises, since it allows only profitable segments and thereby provide financial stability.

Choosing concrete segments in the market, the company must determine how to penetrate them and gain competitive advantages. To do this, it is necessary to investigate the positions of existing competitors and determine its place, that is, position themselves in the market. Any product or service of consumers perceive as a set of certain properties inherent in them. For understanding, why consumers are advantageous to the product, it is necessary to compare their properties. The results of comparisons are presented as a positioning scheme, which is applied to the positions of the prod-

bution, product promotion passes the same for all consumers at once. The strategy of differentiated marketing is aimed at covering several segments of the market and the development for each of them a separate marketing complex. According to a concentrated marketing strategy, activities focus on one segment with clearly pronounced features. All three basic strategies for the coverage of the market have their advantages and disadvantages (table 8).

Table 8.

ucts of major competitors and are looking for a dissatisfied consumer need [9]. The position scheme helps to select a certain positioning strategy. After positioning it is necessary to develop a marketing complex for the target market.

In accordance with the classical marketing theory, the marketing complex may consist of four (4 g), or from seven (7 g) elements. The traditional marketing complex of four elements (goods, price, distribution, promotion channels) for the sphere of services was proposed by M. B. This approach is reflected and supported by V. Zethamla, K. Greenrool, F. Kotler and M. Mc-Donald [1; 2; 8]. They indicate that the main reason for the creation of a separate marketing complex for the service sphere is the need to demonstrate the consumer the highest quality of the service it is going to buy. M.

Market coverage strategy

Name Benefits Disadvantages

Mass marketing Provides savings, low level of production, storage and transportation. Reduces the overall cost of marketing research and work with separate goods larger The needs of certain market segments remain dissatisfied. Not up-hiding the influence of competitive struggle

Differentiated marketing Reduces the level of risk, negativity economic consequences in the event of nonsegment. Vehicle Market Potential. A significant market share that is focused by the enterprise within the general market Leads to an increase in production costs. Needs to carry out the addition of marketing details, drawing up forecasts, sales analysis, advancement of the advancement of the table, management of commodity channels

Concentrated marketing Does not require great resources Accompanied by a high degree of risk Accompanied by a high degree of risk

Source: author's development on the basis [3; 5; 8; 9].

Mc-Donald proposed a factor of "customer service" instead of the factor "Material Arguments".

Obviously, the structure of the marketing complex 4 g (product, price, distribution, promotion channels) does not allow to fully reflect the modern processes of marketing strategy formation, so we consider it appropriate to use a marketing complex from 7 g (service,

price, distribution channels, advancement, process, People, material arguments), and elements such as "people" and "material arguments" to transform into elements of "personnel" and "customer service".

Based on the given marketing complex, we will formulate the overall policy of its elements (table 9).

Table 9.

Elements of marketing complex

Name of element General politics

Product / Service Control to extract, modification of goods and refilling services

Price Pricing for a variety of goods or services and market segments of this sphere

Distribution Organizations of sale of goods or services through intermediaries

Promotion Communication with consumers of goods or services through means of communication

Personnel Personnel Management as part of the service provision process

Personnel Formation of processes of creating goods or services and presenting them to the consumer

Customer service Customer service management

Source: author's development on the basis [1; 2].

We believe that such a marketing complex is sufficiently balanced for use in various marketing situations. From the efforts that invests producer of goods or services in the marketing complex depends on the financial result of its activities.

The last stage of the formation of a marketing strategy involves the development of an annual marketing plan, which specifies a specific activity of the enterprise in the market. Implementation of marketing is to transform marketing plans to marketing events.

The evaluation of the results includes an assessment of the effectiveness of the measures carried out by analyzing changes in the market share, profitability, sales and non-economic indicators.

In particular, the market share is estimated by sales volume, in value indicators, in a separate segment, relative to the leader. Also evaluate the dynamics of the brand market share and determine the market share based on brand affection. All this may be used by the enterprise simultaneously or selectively [4; 9].

As for profitability, it is estimated to choose a net profit, gross profit, a coefficient of net profit, a gross profit coefficient, a profit rate on gross capital. Profitability is also evaluated by products, over the territory we, according to market segments, by sales channels, in size of orders [4; 9].

Sales assessment involves an analysis of sales volumes in natural and monetary terms, the number of commodity stocks, commodity stocks in days, dynamics of the cost of orders, the value and number of orders received per customer, the ratio of sales costs and sales volume [4; 9].

The assessment of non-economic indicators include an analysis of the image of an enterprise, awareness of consumers concerning the brand, consumer satisfaction, the focus of consumers to the brand, the number of new consumers and lost consumers, the attitude of consumers to the brand, etc. [4; 9].

At the final stage, an IT system assessment and its compliance with the progress of the marketing strategy are evaluated. Analyzing the information infrastructure of the enterprise are looking for the latest approaches to

the integration of information technologies in the analysis and management processes. The purpose of the information provision is to obtain a processed, aggregated infraction of a ramming on the basis of the collected output data, which should be the basis for making managerial decisions in relation to the marketing strategy. The achievement of this goal is to solve a number of specific tasks, such as the collection of primary information, its storage, distribution between structural subdivisions and employees, preparation for processing, processing, providing marketing department in recycled form, analysis, directing the direct and back links in the its circulation, etc. For modern flows of information, an effective solution of these tasks is impossible without the use of new information technologies.


The process of forming a marketing strategy occurs with the help of consistently implemented three main stages: market research, marketing strategy development and marketing strategy. Effective application of marketing instruments in the formation will ensure the use of all types of capabilities and resources in the implementation of a marketing strategy. Problems of implementation of the marketing strategy are quite volumes, so in the following publications, the study of selected topics will be continued.


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