Научная статья на тему 'Standardization in Foreign Countries'

Standardization in Foreign Countries Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальные науки»

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Oriental Journal of Education
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Ключевые слова
Standardization / Foreign Countries / Accreditation Systems. / Стандартизация / зарубежные страны / системы аккредитации.

Аннотация научной статьи по социальным наукам, автор научной работы — Bakhtiyor B. Tairov

This article discusses standardization in foreign countries. In recent years, the role of accurate and reliable measurements in all types of society's activities has sharply increased, measuring technology is constantly being improved, accreditation systems for testing and calibration laboratories are developing, etc. skills in the use of measuring instruments [1-13]. Standardization is the activity of establishing rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary and reusable use, aimed at achieving order in the areas of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works and services [11].

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.9756/INTJECSE/V14I6.330
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Стандартизация в зарубежных странах

В данной статье рассматривается стандартизация в зарубежных странах. В последние годы резко возросла роль точных и достоверных измерений во всех видах деятельности общества, постоянно совершенствуется измерительная техника, развиваются системы аккредитации испытательных и калибровочных лабораторий и др. навыки обращения с измерительными приборами [113]. Стандартизация – это деятельность по установлению правил и характеристик с целью их добровольного и многократного использования, направленная на достижение порядка в сферах производства и обращения продукции и повышение конкурентоспособности продукции, работ и услуг [11].

Текст научной работы на тему «Standardization in Foreign Countries»

Standardization in Foreign Countries

Bakhtiyor B. Tairov,

C of. t.s, Associate Professor, Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute, Uzbekistan.

Mavlyuda B. Davlyatova, PhD, Associate Professor, Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute, Uzbekistan.

Abstract— This article discusses standardization in foreign countries. In recent years, the role of accurate and reliable measurements in all types of society's activities has sharply increased, measuring technology is constantly being improved, accreditation systems for testing and calibration laboratories are developing, etc. skills in the use of measuring instruments [1-13].

Standardization is the activity of establishing rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary and reusable use, aimed at achieving order in the areas of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works and services [11].

Keywords— Standardization, Foreign Countries, Accreditation Systems.

I. Introduction

In recent years, the role of accurate and reliable measurements in all types of society's activities has sharply increased, measuring technology is constantly being improved, accreditation systems for testing and calibration laboratories are developing, etc. skills in the use of measuring instruments [1-13].

Standardization is the activity of establishing rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary and reusable use, aimed at achieving order in the areas of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works and services [11].

II. The Main Results and Findings

The role of standardization in the elimination of technical barriers between countries is growing. Expansion of the scale of trade in combination with specialized and cooperative production in the world is impossible without harmonization of regulatory documents, convergence of the technical legislation of the states concerned.

The national standards body in the United States is the American National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Its predecessors: the American Committee for Technical Standardization, which in 1928 was reorganized into the American Standards Association (ASA); The United States Standards Organization (USASI), which lasted less than three years and became ANSI and now NIST.

NIST is a non-governmental non-profit organization that coordinates work on voluntary standardization in the private sector of the economy, manages the activities of organizations that develop standards, and makes decisions on giving the standard national status (if various companies are interested in it and the standard becomes intersectoral). NIST does not develop standards, but is the only organization in the US that accepts (endorses) national standards. This is in line with the main task of NIST - to contribute to solving problems of national importance (saving energy resources, protecting the environment, ensuring the safety of people's lives and production conditions).

NIST is a national standardization body, a non-governmental non-profit organization:

NIST activities within the state include:

Approval of national (federal) standards.


Management of standards development organizations.

Making a decision to give the standard the status of a national standard if various firms of the country are interested in it and if it has acquired an intersectoral character.

Coordination of work on voluntary standardization in the private sector of the country's economy [2].

The main directions of NIST's work are promoting the solution of general state problems in terms of economy and resource saving, environmental protection and ensuring the safety of people's lives, introducing mandatory requirements into national standards in these areas. In addition to mandatory standards, the United States has technical regulations that are approved by government agencies: the Department of Defense, the Department of Commerce, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, etc. NIST maintains close business contacts with these organizations. Works in the field of information support with their firms involved in the development of proprietary standards (private sector), mainly related to finished products. Tracks issues of creating federal standards based on corporate ones.

Purposeful development of federal standards is carried organizations accredited by NIST (for example, ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials; ASQC American Society for Quality Control, etc. IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, etc. These organizations also develop voluntary standards. In total, about 400 different organizations and firms the fund of voluntary standards totals 35 thousand [3-4].

More than 1200 firms are members of NIST, which contribute to the organization's fund, representing 37% of NIST's funding, 47% of the sale of various publications, so NIST is not financially dependent on the state.

The structure of NIST includes a Board of Directors, which is headed by NIST institute. Subordinate to it are: the Council of member organizations, whose main functions include the approval of national standards and participation in international work, the Council of member companies, which monitors the improvement of production and trade efficiency, the Council for the Protection of Consumer Interests, which ensures that the interests of consumers are observed in standards.

The British Standards Institute (BSI) was established in 1901 at the initiative of the societies of mechanical engineers, shipbuilding engineers, electrical engineers and metallurgical engineers. It is an independent organization operating under a Charter first adopted in 1929 and revised in 1981. The organization currently has 1300 employees. The supreme legislative body of the organization is the General Conference, which meets once a year, elects a president and hears an annual report on the work done. The highest executive body is the Governing Council headed by the President. It is composed of representatives from all industry councils, the British Council of Trade Juniors, the Conference of British Industry, the Ministries of Trade and Industry, Defense and the Environment, as well as representatives from all of the BSI founding organizations.

The main functions of the BSI are:

Coordination of activities for the development of standards based on an agreement between interested parties.

Adoption of standards (currently adopted more than 20 thousand national standards) [6-8].

The development of standards is carried out by technical committees, the number of which is currently more than 3.5 thousand. Their work is supervised by standardization committees subordinate to industry standardization councils. The main task of industry councils is to represent the interests of manufacturers, consumers and stakeholders. They work in the areas of electrical engineering, automation, information technology, chemistry, healthcare, mechanical engineering.

Information support in the field of standardization is carried out by the central reference service through an automated information system "Standardline", which is part of ISONET. The BSI service has central access to data banks of other countries and is a subscriber of 50 national systems. In turn, Standardline subscribers are more than 30 countries of the world. In cooperation with the German and


French standardization organizations, the PERENORM Service was created. Its data bank provides information on the standards of these three countries.

The BSI represents the UK in international organizations and decides on the use of international standards in the country.

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the UK Government and BSI, which recognizes BSI as the authority responsible for the development of national standardization. The government recognizes the status of the BSI as the country's national representative in ISO, IEC, CEN and SELENEC.

The priority areas for standardization work at the BSI are those that the government determines to be in the national interest.

In addition to standardization, BSI leads the work on quality management and certification.

The national organization for standardization in France is the French Association for Standardization (AFNOR), which is directly involved in the development and adoption of standards, as well as monitoring their implementation. In addition to standardization, AFNOR's activities include certification, metrology, quality control management.

In the national standardization system of France, under the methodological guidance of AFNOR, there are branch standardization bureaus (more than 30). Work on the creation of the bureau is carried out by AFNOR, and they are approved as authorized bodies by state authorities. If the line ministry decides to carry out standardization work, AFNOR creates a specialized commission of specialists, industry representatives, consumers, which becomes the main working body for the development of the standard. The standards are approved directly by the President of AFNOR.

The entire staff of AFNOR officially includes 400 employees, and as about 25,000 experts and consultants are involved. 205 Interested state, public and private organizations can become members of AFNOR.

The main information database of AFNOR is NORIANE, which includes more than 45 thousand references on national, international and foreign standards and technical regulations. In addition to standardization, AFNOR carries out work in the field of metrology and certification [2-3-5].

DIN has been the national organization for standardization in Germany since 1990. Since the moment of streamlining relations with the Office for Standardization, Metrology and Product Control, the national Organization of the former GDR. The German Institute for Standardization develops national standards and controls their implementation, deals with certification, metrology, management and quality control issues, annually publishes a Catalog of technical rules, informs all interested parties about national standards, draft standards, laws related to technical legislation and other regulatory documents. Under DIN, the Information Center for Technical Regulations DITR has been established.

The main principles of the national DIN standardization system are:

Voluntariness, that is, the development of a standard is voluntary character.

Publicity, which consists in the fact that all developed draft standards are published for public access.

Participation in the development of draft standards of all interested parties on the basis of equality from a legal point of view of all participants in standardization work.

The unity of the entire standardization system and the consistency (compatibility) of newly adopted standards with the current ones lies in the establishment of special rules and procedures.

Specificity, ensuring mandatory compliance with the modern scientific and technical level.

Focus on the general benefit (benefit for the whole country), and not for the benefit of an individual party.


International character, since DIN pursues a policy to eliminate technical barriers to trade and create a single market in Europe.

Harmonization with European and international standards.

Advisory nature of national standards.

A mandatory character is acquired by a standard that extends to the scope of federal legislative norms [9,10,11].

The DIN structure consists of a main organization and subsidiaries. Members of DIN are firms, enterprises, other legal entities, as well as individual specialists, scientists, practitioners. At the meeting of DIN members, a Presidium is elected, consisting of 50 people, including the president, chairman of the financial committee, director of the institute and representatives of industry, small business, trade, services, research institutes, testing laboratories, control and supervision services, etc. The working bodies of DIN are DIN committees that develop national standards in the field of: construction, electrical engineering, chemical production, precision mechanics, healthcare, nuclear energy; machine and shipbuilding, aviation, sports, etc.

The subsidiaries of DIN are: Publisher of Normative Documents, German Society for Information and Products, German Society for Certification of Quality Assurance Systems, German Society for Product Labeling, etc.

An agreement has been concluded between the institute and the government, according to which DIN undertakes to act in the interests of the whole society and contribute to the elimination of technical barriers to trade, as well as to labor protection, consumer protection and the environment. Thus, after the adoption of the Law on the Safety of Technical Devices (1980), a significant number of national standards adopted by DIN in the framework of a cooperation agreement with the government and in the development of this law became mandatory for both German manufacturers and importers of industrial products. A similar role was played by the government decree on the safety of medical devices, which are used for both research and medical purposes. When the Law on Environmental Protection (1980) came into force, the standards for the requirements for the purity of water, the atmosphere and the permissible noise level became legally binding.

III. Conclusion

Public health standards have been made mandatory by the Food and Consumer Goods Act.

The DIN standardization institute represents the national interests of Germany and at the international level, participating in the work of international (ISO, IEC) and European (SEN, SELENC) standardization organizations. Thanks to the work of German experts in the field of international standardization and standardization, DIN has become one of the world leaders in the development of standards and other normative documents. In 2006, the archive of the organization included more than thirty thousand DIN standards, of which more than sixteen thousand were published in English [12,13].


[1] Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Technical Regulation" of December 27, 2002. No. 184-FZ (as amended on July 28, 2012) [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: www.gost.ru / Normative legal acts / Laws (date of access: 15.01.2013).

[2] Technical regulation: textbook / ed. V.G. Versana, G.I. Elkin. - M.: CJSC "Publishing house" Economics"", 2008. 678 p.

[3] Lifits I.M. Standardization, metrology and confirmation of conformity: a textbook for bachelors. -M.: Yurait; ID Yurayt, 2012, 393 p.

[4] Shiryalkin A.F. Standardization and technical regulation in terms of product quality: textbook. 3rd ed., corrected and additional Ulyanovsk: UlGTU, 2011. - 258 p.

[5] Mokrov Yu. V. Metrology, standardization and certification: textbook. Dubna: International University of Nature, society and man, 2007. - 132 p.


[6] Technical regulation: legal aspects: scientific and practical guide / otv. ed. Yu. A. Tikhomirov, V. Yu. Salamatov. M.: Wolters Kluver, 2010. - 384 p.

[7] GOST 1.1-2002 Interstate standardization system. Terms and Definitions. M.: IPK Publishing house of standards, 2002. 30 p.

[8] Tsapko E.A., Chukhlantseva M.M., Stepanenko N.M. Metrology, standardization and certification: textbook. Tomsk: Publishing House of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2009. 173 p.

[9] GOST 8032-84 "Preferred numbers and series of preferred numbers". M.: Gosstandart, 1984. -18 p.

[10] GOST R 1.0-2004 Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions. M.: IPK Publishing House of Standards, 2004. - 11 p.

[11] GOST R 1.9-2004 Standardization in the Russian Federation. Mark of compliance with the national standards of the Russian Federation. Image. Application procedure. M.: IPK Publishing House of Standards, 2004. 14 p.

[12] Tsapko E.A. Standardization: teaching aid. Tomsk: Iz-vo TPU, 2010. - 92 p.

[13] GOST R 1.5-2004 Standardization in the Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules of construction, presentation, design and designation. M.: IPK Publishing House of Standards, 2004. - 30 p.


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