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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Sobyanin F.I., Isaev I.F., Makashev Sh.A., Krivchenkov V.V.

Objective of the study was to substantiate the stages of development of freestyle wrestling in the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Methods and structure of the study. The work was carried out on the basis of the Belgorod State University and the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University in 20182022. We used historical and culturologicalacmeological approaches, analysis and generalization of data from special literature, electronic sources, archive documents of the West Kazakhstan region, a survey of trainers, a study of the reporting materials of the department of physical culture and sports of the West Kazakhstan region. Results and conclusions. The most important factors that determine the periodization of the development of freestyle wrestling in the region of the West Kazakhstan region are identified: the effectiveness of the activities of coaches and athletes, the nature of the expansion of the scope of freestyle wrestling in the region, the quantitative composition of coaching staff and their qualifications, scientific, methodological and logistical support, social historical changes in the region, economic provision, demographic dynamics, organizational and managerial activities. As a result of the study, four stages in the development of freestyle wrestling in the region were identified: the stage of the origin and initial development of freestyle wrestling in the West Kazakhstan region; the stage of the spread of freestyle wrestling in the region; stage of intensive development of freestyle wrestling; the stage of reaching the maximum achievements of athletes of the region in freestyle wrestling. The established time periods and the main trends of the stages show the progressive nature of the development of freestyle wrestling in the region.

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Stages of emergence and development of freestyle wrestling in the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan

UDC 796.01

Dr. Hab., Professor F.I. Sobyanin1, 2 Dr. Hab., Professor I.F. Isaev1 Sh.A. Makashev2 PhD V.V. Krivchenkov1

1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod 2University of Innovation and Technology of Western Kazakhstan, Uralsk, Kazakhstan

Corresponding author: Sobyanin@bsu.edu.ru


Objective of the study was to substantiate the stages of development of freestyle wrestling in the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Methods and structure of the study. The work was carried out on the basis of the Belgorod State University and the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University in 2018-2022. We used historical and culturological-acmeological approaches, analysis and generalization of data from special literature, electronic sources, archive documents of the West Kazakhstan region, a survey of trainers, a study of the reporting materials of the department of physical culture and sports of the West Kazakhstan region.

Results and conclusions. The most important factors that determine the periodization of the development of freestyle wrestling in the region of the West Kazakhstan region are identified: the effectiveness of the activities of coaches and athletes, the nature of the expansion of the scope of freestyle wrestling in the region, the quantitative composition of coaching staff and their qualifications, scientific, methodological and logistical support, social historical changes in the region, economic provision, demographic dynamics, organizational and managerial activities. As a result of the study, four stages in the development of freestyle wrestling in the region were identified: the stage of the origin and initial development of freestyle wrestling in the West Kazakhstan region; the stage of the spread of freestyle wrestling in the region; stage of intensive development of freestyle wrestling; the stage of reaching the maximum achievements of athletes of the region in freestyle wrestling. The established time periods and the main trends of the stages show the progressive nature of the development of freestyle wrestling in the region.

Keywords: freestyle wrestling, stages, sports history, Kazakhstan, region.

Introduction. One of the areas of research in the theory and methodology of sports is the history of a separate sport. Currently, there is evidence of scientific research in such sports as skiing, athletics, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, hockey, Greco-Roman wrestling, archery, football, orienteering, tourism, and some others. [4, 5].

Among them there are studies devoted to different types of martial arts: Tajik folk (sports) wrestling, Azerbaijani wrestling "gulesh", Armenian wrestling, Uzbek wrestling "kurash", volumes of aikido [4, 5]. At the same time, little research has been done on the history of the development of certain types of sports and national wrestling in Kazakhstan [1-3]. The problem lies in the fact that at present, research is very rarely

conducted on the history of martial arts in Kazakhstan, at the same time, there are actually no works on the history of the development of freestyle wrestling in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The relevance of this study is determined by the need to analyze and summarize the history of the emergence and development of the Olympic sport in Kazakhstan - freestyle wrestling on the example of the region of the West Kazakhstan region. The scientific data obtained in this direction will make a certain contribution to the development of the history of sports and wrestling in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Objective of the study was to substantiate the stages of development of freestyle wrestling in the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Methods and structure of the study. In the

course of the study, analysis and generalization of data from special literature on the research problem (about 126 sources) were used. In addition, a survey of freestyle wrestling coaches in the region (n—12) was conducted, materials from the Archive of the West Kazakhstan region were used in the form of separate documents, as well as articles in magazines and newspapers published in the Ural (then - West Kazakhstan) region of the Republic Kazakhstan, reporting materials of the Regional Sports Committee of the West Kazakhstan region. In addition, cultural-acmeological, historical approaches were used, which made it possible to reveal the mechanisms of the sports and historical development of freestyle wrestling in the region.

Results of the study and their discussion. Freestyle wrestling in Kazakhstan appeared later than many other sports. There is evidence that it first arose in England, then in the USA. Since 1904, freestyle wrestling has become an Olympic sport, systematically included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games, although there were historical facts when it was temporarily removed from the Olympic disciplines.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, freestyle wrestling appeared later than in Europe and the USA. In Kazakhstan, where the national wrestling "Kazakhsha-kures" has long been cultivated, freestyle wrestling began to appear in Soviet times since 1955. There is every reason to believe that this type of wrestling spread across the republic heterochronously and each region of Kazakhstan had its own beginning of the history of the emergence and development of freestyle wrestling, although there may be historical periods that partially coincide in time.

The course of the study led to the need to identify

the leading factors that could determine the stages of the origin and development of freestyle wrestling in the region of the West Kazakhstan region. Among them, the most important factors were:

- the results of the activities of coaches and their students in freestyle wrestling;

- the nature of the spread of freestyle wrestling across the territory in the region of the Ural (West Kazakhstan) region;

- the number of trainers and their qualifications;

- scientific, methodological, logistical support;

- socio-historical processes in the region;

- demographic dynamics;

- economic support of the region;

- organizational and managerial activities.

The action of these factors determined the emergence and dynamics of the development of freestyle wrestling in the region. Based on the analysis of these factors, the sequence of stages in the development of freestyle wrestling and its main characteristics were determined (see table).

The first and main fact that began the whole history of the emergence and development of freestyle wrestling in the West Kazakhstan region was the appearance of coach A. Zulkashev, who returned to his native village after graduating from the Karaganda College of Physical Education and military service.

For this reason, the beginning of the development of freestyle wrestling at the first stage was not in the center of the region, but on the periphery. However, the activities of this wonderful coach provided a stable basis for the spread and popularization of freestyle wrestling in the region.

At the second stage, the spread of freestyle wrestling, the emergence of new sections in different

Stages of development of freestyle wrestling in the West Kazakhstan region

Stages Name of stages Time period Brief description of the stages

First The origin and initial development of freestyle wrestling Early 60s to 70s of the XX century The emergence of freestyle wrestling as a sport, the formation of the first school of freestyle wrestling by A. Zulkashev

Second The spread of freestyle wrestling on the scale of the West Kazakhstan region 70-80s XX century Expansion of freestyle wrestling cultivation in the region, first competitions, sports achievements, formation of the regional freestyle wrestling federation

Third Intensive development of freestyle wrestling in the region 80-90s XX century The growth of sporting achievements in freestyle wrestling, the formation of the composition of coaching staff, improving their qualifications, the beginning of work in the new conditions of autonomy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Fourth Achieving the highest sporting achievements From 2000 to 2022 Reorganization of the freestyle wrestling management system, high achievements of men and women, generational change among coaches and athletes

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I April I № 4 2022

parts of the region, as well as the special attention of management structures to the development of the next Olympic sport in the region, made it possible to achieve the first sports achievements and create a regional freestyle wrestling federation that organized comprehensive work to develop the sport.

The third stage is characterized by a numerical increase in the coaching staff, the accumulation of pedagogical experience, the growth of sports qualifications in changing socio-historical, economic, demographic conditions and the collapse of the Soviet Union, which affected sports competition inside and outside of Kazakhstan.

The fourth stage is distinguished by the continuation of the emerging trends and factors that have formed at the previous stages of the development of freestyle wrestling, the transition of quantity to a new quality and reaching the level of high sports results, the emergence of women's freestyle wrestling in the region, the preparation of the first highly qualified athlete in the West Kazakhstan region - Ekaterina Lari-onova, who won a bronze medal at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

Conclusions. As a result of the study, the factors that determined the sequence and content of the stages of formation and development of freestyle wrestling in the region of the West Kazakhstan region were identified: the effectiveness of the activities of coaches and athletes, the expansion of freestyle wrestling in the region, the number of coaches and their qualifications, scientific, methodological and material -technical support, socio-historical changes, demographic dynamics, economic support, organizational and managerial activities.

In the course of the study, four stages of the development of freestyle wrestling in the West Kazakhstan region of Kazakhstan were substantiated and determined: the stage of origin and initial development of freestyle wrestling in the region (60-70s of the 20th century), the stage of spreading freestyle wrestling in the West Kazakhstan region (70 -80s of the XX century), the stage of intensive development of freestyle wrestling in the region (80-90s of the XX century), the stage of reaching the highest sports achievements (from 2000 to 2022).

The data obtained can be used in the theory and practice of special and non-specialized physical education, in theoretical training and educational work with athletes, in further scientific study of the history of certain sports on the example of freestyle wrestling in the West Kazakhstan region of Kazakhstan.


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