EVALUATION OF THE ACTIVITIES OF A WRESTLING COACH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Sobyanin F.I., Makashev Sh.A., Kondratenko P.P.

Objective of the study was to develop a methodology for evaluating the activities of a wrestling coach. Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work is organized at the faculties of physical culture at the University of Innovation and Technology of Western Kazakhstan, Utemisov Western Kazakhstan University and Belgorod State National Research University in 20172021. The analysis of special scientific literature, a survey of coaches and athletes, the study of competition protocols and regulatory documents, analysis of performance results, and mathematical modeling were used as research methods. Results and conclusions. The proposed methodology is based on the wellknown and specific indicators of professional achievements of an individual coach and the received sports achievements of each athlete trained by him, entered into the formula for mathematical calculations. The meaning of these calculations is to determine the arithmetic mean from the sum of the achievements of the coach and his athletes, divided by the number of athletes with the coach. The developed methodology for determining the effectiveness of the activity of a coach in freestyle wrestling and wrestling Kazakhshakures is a set of evaluative actions of the coach and his students, followed by the introduction of indicators into the proposed formula and the calculation of the coefficient of effectiveness of the coach. The technique is universal, practical, can be easily modified, and is widely used not only in martial arts, but also in other sports. It allows you to systematically monitor the dynamics of the effectiveness of the work of coaches and compare the effectiveness of both individual coaches and their groups within the same sports organization or between them.

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Evaluation of the activities of a wrestling


UDC 796.8

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor F.I. Sobyanin123 Sh. A. Makashev2

Associate Professor P.P. Kondratenko1 ''Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod 2University of Innovation and Technology of Western Kazakhstan, Uralsk, Kazakhstan

3Utemisov Western Kazakhstan University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan

Corresponding author: Sobyanin@bsu.edu.ru


Objective of the study was to develop a methodology for evaluating the activities of a wrestling coach.

Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work is organized at the faculties of physical culture at the University of Innovation and Technology of Western Kazakhstan, Utemisov Western Kazakhstan University and Belgorod State National Research University in 2017-2021. The analysis of special scientific literature, a survey of coaches and athletes, the study of competition protocols and regulatory documents, analysis of performance results, and mathematical modeling were used as research methods.

Results and conclusions. The proposed methodology is based on the well-known and specific indicators of professional achievements of an individual coach and the received sports achievements of each athlete trained by him, entered into the formula for mathematical calculations. The meaning of these calculations is to determine the arithmetic mean from the sum of the achievements of the coach and his athletes, divided by the number of athletes with the coach.

The developed methodology for determining the effectiveness of the activity of a coach in freestyle wrestling and wrestling Kazakhsha-kures is a set of evaluative actions of the coach and his students, followed by the introduction of indicators into the proposed formula and the calculation of the coefficient of effectiveness of the coach. The technique is universal, practical, can be easily modified, and is widely used not only in martial arts, but also in other sports. It allows you to systematically monitor the dynamics of the effectiveness of the work of coaches and compare the effectiveness of both individual coaches and their groups within the same sports organization or between them.

Keywords: evaluation, sports activity, coach, formula, Kazakhstan.

Introduction. Evaluation of the work of a coach is extremely important. It determines the amount of wages received, his professional prestige, social status. To assess the performance of a coach, their category and the number of trained athletes are usually identified. Specialists also offer other ways to evaluate the work of a sports coach [1-4]. Sometimes there is a need to obtain data on the current performance of a coach for a month, six months, or the past year. A situation may arise when a coach who has achieved a high result for a long time noticeably reduces his effectiveness and no longer brings high sports results. In such cases, there is a need to create a system for monitoring the current performance of trainers.


The relevance of this study is to explore new approaches to solving this problem. In this case, the need to create an innovative methodology for evaluating the activities of a coach arose in children's sports schools in freestyle wrestling and Kazakh-Kures wrestling in Western Kazakhstan.

Objective of the study was to develop a methodology for evaluating the activities of a wrestling coach.

Methods and structure of the study. A survey was organized in the form of a conversation with coaches and athletes in freestyle wrestling and Kazakhsha-kures wrestling in the West Kazakhstan region (n=48), as well as mathematical modeling of the formula for evaluating the effectiveness of wres-

tling coaches. The data obtained were compared by the value of the efficiency coefficients of the trainers' activities. The work was carried out in 20172021 at two universities in Uralsk, West Kazakhstan region and Belgorod National Research University in Russia.

Results of the study and their discussion.

The analysis of the literature showed that the study of the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of a sports coach covers different aspects. The starting point for evaluating the work of a specialist with higher education is the quality training of students in universities [1]. In addition to the "efficiency" of the coach's activity [3], it is proposed to evaluate his "success", "efficiency", "quality" and other characteristics [2]. A number of authors propose to evaluate sports activities in general, while there are studies devoted to the evaluation of certain types of sports activities of coaches [2,3,4]. Given the versatility of approaches to the study of the problem, the most pragmatic option for evaluating the activities of coaches was chosen, which is always aimed at one main product - the achieved sports result. It was he who was considered as a system-forming factor in the coach's evaluation methodology.

To evaluate the performance of a coach, a formula was developed and tested for calculating the coefficient of effectiveness of a coach - CEC.

The composition of the estimated indicators for calculations included specific requirements for the level of qualification of coaches and the approval of sports categories and titles of athletes in accord-

ance with the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On physical culture and sports" [5] and the Rules for awarding sports titles, categories and qualification categories in Kazakhstan [6]. To evaluate the coach, conditional units (points) were assigned to all coaching categories (Table 1).

For the evaluation of athletes, the levels of sports categories and titles were chosen in accordance with the program and regulatory documents in the field of physical culture and sports of Kazakhstan (Table 2).

Next, the athletes were evaluated according to their participation in competitions of the republican scale (Table 3).

At the next stage, the results of the performance of athletes at the international level were evaluated (Table 4).

Evaluation of the efficiency of the coach's activity was calculated according to the formula: , where CEC is the coefficient of the coach's efficiency, EC is the assessment of the effectiveness of the coach by categories and titles, ES1 is the effectiveness of the coach's students, taking into account the assigned sports categories and titles, ES2 - the effectiveness of students who competed in republican competitions, ES3 - the effectiveness of students who competed in international competitions, N - the number of subjects, including the coach. When performing calculations, all values were entered into the formula.

The methodology was tested by modeling the indicators of one group: the number of athletes with a

Table 1. Categories, titles for assignment to coaches of the Republic of Kazakhstan with their assessment (EC)

Coaching categories and titles in ascending order Conventional units, points

Qualification category «trainer-teacher of the average qualification level of the highest category» 1

Qualification category «coach of average qualification level of the highest category» 2

Qualification category «trainer-teacher of the highest qualification level of the highest category» 3

Qualification category «trainer of the highest qualification level of the highest category» 4

Title «Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan» 5

Table 2. Sports categories, titles to be awarded to athletes of Kazakhstan with their assessment (ES1)

Sports categories and titles in ascending order Conventional units, points

I sports category 1

Candidate Master of Sports 2

Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan 3

Master of sports of international class of the Republic of Kazakhstan 4

Title «Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan» 5

Table 3. Places taken by athletes at the republican competitions with their assessment (ES2)

Sport competitions Occupied places Conventional units, points

Championship, Championship of Kazakhstan Member only 1

Championship, Championship of Kazakhstan 3 2

Championship, Championship of Kazakhstan 2 3

Championship, Championship of Kazakhstan 1 4

Table 4. Places occupied by athletes in international competitions with their assessment (ES3)

No. Sport competitions Occupied places Conventional units, points

1.1 European Championship, Asian Championship, Asian Games Member only 5

1.2 European Championship, Asian Championship, Asian Games 3 6

1.3 European Championship, Asian Championship, Asian Games 2 7

1.4 European Championship, Asian Championship, Asian Games 1 8

2.1 Чемпионат мира Member only 7

2.2 World Championship 3 8

2.3 World Championship 2 9

2.4 World Championship 1 10

3.1 Olympic Games Member only 9

3.2 Olympic Games 3 10

3.3 Olympic Games 2 11

3.4 Olympic Games 1 12

coach and other indicators were randomly selected. Then the technique was applied to a group of freestyle wrestlers (n=26) and Kazakh-kures wrestlers (n=22). At first, the groups were evaluated according to traditional criteria, as approximately equal (the level of education of the coach, work experience, the number of athletes who received sports categories, titles for the entire period of work). Then, when comparing the two groups after calculations according to the formula, it turned out that the coefficient of effectiveness of the freestyle wrestling coach is higher than that of the Kazakhsha-kures coach.

As a result of a survey of coaches and athletes, a generally positive opinion about the proposed methodology was revealed.

Conclusions. The developed technique for evaluating the efficiency coefficient of a wrestling coach using a mathematical formula allows for an accurate quantitative analysis of his work for any period of time.

When evaluating the activities of coaches of the West Kazakhstan region in freestyle wrestling and wrestling Kazakhsha-kures using the proposed


methodology, it was found that it can be used to take into account previous and current changes in the effectiveness of coaching activities, compare efficiency ratios between coaches, sports schools, between periods of work of one and the same coaching staff.

The developed technique can be applied in different types of martial arts and other sports. It is universal, it can be easily adapted, improved, based on the characteristics of the contingent of wrestlers, other factors that affect the effectiveness of wrestling coaches.


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