STAGES OF ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS IN THE STUDY OF PHARMACOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
pharmacology / higher medical education / assessment methods

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Drachuk V., Zamorskii I., Kopchuk T., Shchudrova T., Goroshko О.

At the present stage of the development of medical education, the professional training of future doctors acquires great importance. Pharmacology is one of the main fundamental disciplines, which initiates the study of pharmacotherapeutic treatment of various nosologies. Mastering basic knowledge of pharmacology as an integral interdisciplinary science, aimed at studying the main groups of drugs most commonly used in medicine, the dependence of the pharmacotherapeutic effect on the properties of drugs, conditions of their use and physiological state of the body, and serves as a link between learning of basic sciences and practical application of drugs to optimize the pharmacotherapy of internal diseases. Therefore, an important aspect of pedagogical work is not only the optimal educational and methodological support of practical classes but also the high-quality formative and summative assessment of students’ knowledge in the study of this discipline.

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Drachuk V.

PhD, associate professor Department of Pharmacology Zamorskii I.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Department of Pharmacology Kopchuk T. PhD, associate professor Department of Pharmacology Shchudrova T. PhD, associate professor Department of Pharmacology Goroshko O. PhD, associate professor Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Pharmacognosy

Dikal M. PhD, associate professor Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry

Tkachuk O.l..

PhD, associate professor Department of Pharmacy Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine


At the present stage of the development of medical education, the professional training of future doctors acquires great importance. Pharmacology is one of the main fundamental disciplines, which initiates the study of pharmacotherapeutic treatment of various nosologies. Mastering basic knowledge of pharmacology as an integral interdisciplinary science, aimed at studying the main groups of drugs most commonly used in medicine, the dependence of the pharmacotherapeutic effect on the properties of drugs, conditions of their use and physiological state of the body, and serves as a link between learning of basic sciences and practical application of drugs to optimize the pharmacotherapy of internal diseases. Therefore, an important aspect of pedagogical work is not only the optimal educational and methodological support of practical classes but also the high-quality formative and summative assessment of students' knowledge in the study of this discipline.

Keywords: pharmacology, higher medical education, assessment methods.

Pharmacology - is a basic discipline and refers to the professional training of higher education specialty "Medicine", one of the most important subjects and its role is difficult to overestimate, because it is here that the foundations of knowledge about the basic properties, mechanisms of action, therapeutic efficacy, possible side effects and application main groups of drugs [1]. The training of a qualified physician is impossible without an in-depth and, at the same time, specific study of pharmacology. According to the WHO, drugs account for 80% -85% of all health care [2]. That is why the doctor, regardless of specialization, must know the basic drugs and their pharmacological characteristics to ensure effective and safe pharmacotherapy. The study of the discipline "Pharmacology" involves the acquisition by each applicant of knowledge about drugs in general and the ability to use the acquired knowledge in the future during the study of other sciences of practical medicine and, of course, in further practice [3, 4]. An important aspect is that the successful study of pharmacology is not possible without prior qualitative training of related disciplines such as physiology, pathological physiology, anatomy, clinical anatomy, biochemistry,

histology and more [5]. Only a comprehensive understanding of the indicators of the norm and the mechanisms of development of pathological processes will allow to understand for what purpose and what kind of drug treatment can improve the patient's condition. And also it is not necessary to forget about delivery of integrated test exam "KROK 1", where tasks in pharmacology, as from basic discipline are in a large volume included.

One of the important issues is the correct and objective control of students' knowledge. The course of pharmacology provides two final module tests, practical skills and computer test control. Undoubtedly, the important components are all three types of control, which complement each other and which we would like to consider in detail.

The final module control includes theoretical questions on individual topics, in the form of an oral interview or discussion. Students' answers to these questions help the teacher to understand to what extent and to what extent the student is guided in the characteristics of a particular group of drugs. This type of con-

trol is basic, because in parallel it is supported by situ-ational problems, solving which, the student must choose the right drug and write a prescription for it, indicating the optimal dosage form for use and dose. Also, this type of control shows the main learning outcomes that a student must master in the process of studying pharmacology, in accordance with the educational and professional program, namely to know:

✓ group affiliation of drugs according to modern classifications;

✓ pharmacological characteristics of traditional and new drugs, logically link the mechanism of action with pharmacodynamics, pharmacodynamics with indications, and side effects with contraindications to the use of drugs;

✓ depending on the peculiarities of the pharma-cokinetics of the drug to determine the frequency of drug administration, its daily, course dose;

✓ indications and contraindications to the use of drugs;

✓ substantiate the adequate dosage form in accordance with the routes of administration of drugs, etc [6].

The next step is to control the practical skills, which are a list of drugs included in the integrated test exam «KROK 1». The list is approved by the testing center and is a mandatory admission to the last module control. The constant updating and updating of the list of names of drugs included in the program of study at the medical university is due to the fact that the number of new drugs appearing on the pharmaceutical market is growing every year, and research on the development, effectiveness and safety of new or existing drugs overwhelm the world's bibliographic databases. In addition, there is a growing understanding of the subtle mechanisms of action of drugs, which are extremely important to explain the pharmacological effects of drugs.

When characterizing a particular drug, students should not only indicate the pharmacological group, mechanism of action, indications for use and side effects, special attention is paid to the specifics of use, contraindications associated with comorbidities and interaction with food or other drugs, which often changes not only in pharmacokinetic parameters, but also in the pharmacological efficacy of drugs, overdose or poisoning with this drug, if possible, and measures to help. Equally important is the study of pharmacotoxicology and specific antidotes used in acute intoxication. The list of drugs is formed in such a way that includes representatives of all pharmacological groups, which are also included in the list of integrated test exam "KROK 1".

An important aspect is that the control of practical skills in full is carried out before the final control, which allows the teacher to more objectively understand the general level of knowledge of the student.

The next stage of the final module control is computer test control, where priority is given to the phar-macotherapeutic use of drugs in the form of situational tasks. Desided these tasks, independently or together with the teacher, in advance in practical classes, not only facilitates the process of memorizing the material,

but also shows the specific points of application of acquired knowledge in the clinical setting [7]. Of course, such a practice requires conscious and conscientious actions of the teacher, which may be the result of their high professional and pedagogical competence. Of course, no test task or situational task will replace the clinical situation at the patient's bedside, but different kinds of questions make it possible to practically choose the optimal drug in this situation [8]. A big mistake of students is to prepare tests due to lerning only "key words", which significantly levels their process of thinking, understanding and analysis of clinical issues. In practical classes, students should focus on studying the pharmacological characteristics of drugs, and only then prepare for test tasks. It is worth mentioning that timing is an important point of testing, because we remember integrated test exam «KROK 1», where there is always a time limit for each question, and if you take into account further training and clinical situations, they always require of quick response and critical thinking. For this type of control, it is quite objective and convenient to use such online tools as the distance learning server Moodle, Classtime, Kahoot and Google forms.

Of course, the main online tool that students can use for self-study has become a distance learning server "Moodle". The positive characteristics of this tool are the ability to form a bank of test tasks in training mode, which allows students to determine their level of knowledge, and testing in control mode allows the teacher to navigate the assessment process, which undoubtedly improves student training.

Diversification of the educational process, improving the objectivity of assessment and increasing the motivation of students to learn has been achieved with the help of other popular online tools, such as Ka-hoot, Google forms, Classtime. These interactive methods allowed to create test tasks with different degrees of complexity not only in text mode, but also in combination with illustrative materials. The advantages of Kahoot are the ability to use both textual information and include photos, images and videos when forming questions. In addition, the teacher can determine the pace and speed of the task by setting a timer. Another alternative that is successfully used at our university is Google forms, for which students only need an Internet connection and a mobile phone. Google forms gives us a wide range of uses and makes it easier to prepare tasks. Created tests can be shared via e-mail or other mobile messengers, and sessions can be shared with colleagues, giving them permission to edit. Automatic evaluation allows you to collect statistics of responses or individual participants. Another effective online tool is Classtime - a platform that allows you to bring new opportunities to the learning process, enrich, supplement, expand the educational environment. The main advantages of Classtime are: compactness and simplicity of the interface; test settings: mixing questions, time limit, number of points per task, number of attempts; wide choice of types of tasks, possibility of loading of media files; storage of results in the cloud service, where the teacher has constant access to their results, and importantly the results of individual groups; use of

the service at different stages of the educational process: for training, diagnosis and control. We believe that the introduction of various online tools into the educational process not only motivates students, but also promotes the development of their critical thinking, and for the teacher improves the objectification of the assessment of the discipline.

Of course, in the learning process it is impossible to compare or identify one of the best methods of control, because they pursue different goals and complement each other. And only a comprehensive assessment can solve the main tasks of the course of pharmacology, namely providing students with quality theoretical knowledge to determine the group affiliation of drugs, their pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, manifestations of possible side effects, symptoms of overdose, measures to prevent and eliminate adverse reactions, the main indications for the appointment and interaction with other drugs and the acquisition of practical skills of prescribing or correction prescriptions for drugs in various dosage forms.


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3. Voloshchuk N1., Denysiuk OM., Pashynska O.S., Marynych LI. Simulation training as a methodological approach to training students in pharmacology studying. MegHHHa ocBira. 2020;3:74-78.

4. Badyal DK. Evolution of pharmacology education in India: Past and future. Indian J Pharmacol. 2018;50(4):159-168. doi:10.4103/ijp.IJP_239_18.

5. Aronson JK. A manifesto for clinical pharmacology from principles to practice. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2010;70(1):3-13. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2125.2010.03699.x

6. Khurshid F, Noushad B Whitehead D. Health Professions Education. 2020; 6(2):256-263.

7. F.I. Achike.Teaching pharmacology in an innovative medical curriculum: challenges of integration, technology, and future training. J Clin Pharmacol, 2010; 50(1):6-16, 10.1177/0091270009343697

8. Hussein N. Rubaiy Strategies to Inspire Students' Engagement in Pharmacology Courses. Pharmacy 2021; 9, 70. https://doi.org/10.3390/phar-macy9020070.



Kabdualiyev D.

Master of pedagogical sciences, teacher at Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov

Yerengaiypov S.

Master of pedagogical sciences teacher at Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov

Serikov B.

Master of natural sciences teacher at Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov

Akhmetov Zh.

Master of pedagogical sciences teacher at Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov


Of all the disciplines from the school-level computer science curriculum, informatics has been the less adaptive to changes. Before introducing a proposal on how schools should alter their informatics teaching strategies it is necessary to expose the disadvantages of the traditional approach applied by most schools to their informatics classes. These disadvantages are not related to the nature of informatics problems being solved, but have to do with tools and infrastructure offered for their solving. Informatics teachers have accustomed to following the traditional approach to teaching. They have offered traditional integrated development environments running on traditional desktop computers. The changes have affected only the programming languages or informatics paradigms while the computer infrastructure remained the same. This approach works well in the higher educational institutions where the disciplines from their curriculum require the usage of high-end desktop computers and workstations. In the school classroom context, however, it causes inefficiencies in the organization of educational process and has a negative impact on the academic performance.

Keywords: Informatics, teaching, school, traditional, education, e-learning, ICT, mobile.

Informatics is one of the most important compo- Having mathematical foundations, this discipline re-nents of a school-level computer science curriculum. quires and develops logical thinking, analytical skills

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