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Ключевые слова
Informatics / teaching / school / traditional / education / e-learning / ICT / mobile.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kabdualiyev D., Yerengaiypov S., Serikov B., Akhmetov Zh.

Of all the disciplines from the school-level computer science curriculum, informatics has been the less adaptive to changes. Before introducing a proposal on how schools should alter their informatics teaching strategies it is necessary to expose the disadvantages of the traditional approach applied by most schools to their informatics classes. These disadvantages are not related to the nature of informatics problems being solved, but have to do with tools and infrastructure offered for their solving. Informatics teachers have accustomed to following the traditional approach to teaching. They have offered traditional integrated development environments running on traditional desktop computers. The changes have affected only the programming languages or informatics paradigms while the computer infrastructure remained the same. This approach works well in the higher educational institutions where the disciplines from their curriculum require the usage of high-end desktop computers and workstations. In the school classroom context, however, it causes inefficiencies in the organization of educational process and has a negative impact on the academic performance.

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the service at different stages of the educational process: for training, diagnosis and control. We believe that the introduction of various online tools into the educational process not only motivates students, but also promotes the development of their critical thinking, and for the teacher improves the objectification of the assessment of the discipline.

Of course, in the learning process it is impossible to compare or identify one of the best methods of control, because they pursue different goals and complement each other. And only a comprehensive assessment can solve the main tasks of the course of pharmacology, namely providing students with quality theoretical knowledge to determine the group affiliation of drugs, their pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, manifestations of possible side effects, symptoms of overdose, measures to prevent and eliminate adverse reactions, the main indications for the appointment and interaction with other drugs and the acquisition of practical skills of prescribing or correction prescriptions for drugs in various dosage forms.


1. Voloshchuk N. I., Pashynska O. S., Beliaiev E. V. Aktualni pytannia vykladannia farmakolohii na medychnomu ta stomatolohichnomu fakultetakh: problemy ta perspektyvy. Medychna osvita. 2012;3:23-26.

2. Deviatkina TO., Kolot EH., Chechotina SIu., ta in. Formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentnosti studentiv stomatolohiv pry vyvchenni farmakolohii. Aktualni problemy suchasnoi vyshchoi medychnoi osvity v Ukraini. 2015:60-61

3. Voloshchuk N1., Denysiuk OM., Pashynska O.S., Marynych LI. Simulation training as a methodological approach to training students in pharmacology studying. MegHHHa ocBrra. 2020;3:74-78.

4. Badyal DK. Evolution of pharmacology education in India: Past and future. Indian J Pharmacol. 2018;50(4):159-168. doi:10.4103/ijp.IJP_239_18.

5. Aronson JK. A manifesto for clinical pharmacology from principles to practice. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2010;70(1):3-13. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2125.2010.03699.x

6. Khurshid F, Noushad B Whitehead D. Health Professions Education. 2020; 6(2):256-263.

7. F.I. Achike.Teaching pharmacology in an innovative medical curriculum: challenges of integration, technology, and future training. J Clin Pharmacol, 2010; 50(1):6-16, 10.1177/0091270009343697

8. Hussein N. Rubaiy Strategies to Inspire Students' Engagement in Pharmacology Courses. Pharmacy 2021; 9, 70. https://doi.org/10.3390/phar-macy9020070.



Kabdualiyev D.

Master of pedagogical sciences, teacher at Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov

Yerengaiypov S.

Master of pedagogical sciences teacher at Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov

Serikov B.

Master of natural sciences teacher at Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov

Akhmetov Zh.

Master of pedagogical sciences teacher at Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov


Of all the disciplines from the school-level computer science curriculum, informatics has been the less adaptive to changes. Before introducing a proposal on how schools should alter their informatics teaching strategies it is necessary to expose the disadvantages of the traditional approach applied by most schools to their informatics classes. These disadvantages are not related to the nature of informatics problems being solved, but have to do with tools and infrastructure offered for their solving. Informatics teachers have accustomed to following the traditional approach to teaching. They have offered traditional integrated development environments running on traditional desktop computers. The changes have affected only the programming languages or informatics paradigms while the computer infrastructure remained the same. This approach works well in the higher educational institutions where the disciplines from their curriculum require the usage of high-end desktop computers and workstations. In the school classroom context, however, it causes inefficiencies in the organization of educational process and has a negative impact on the academic performance.

Keywords: Informatics, teaching, school, traditional, education, e-learning, ICT, mobile.

Informatics is one of the most important compo- Having mathematical foundations, this discipline re-nents of a school-level computer science curriculum. quires and develops logical thinking, analytical skills

and problem-solving approach which are the prerequisites for the academic success at any educational stage. The process of writing a computer program, even at school level, is an emulation of a small scientific research. This process is also based on stating problems and goals, planning, constructing computational algorithms and testing the validness of the proposed approach.

Of all the disciplines from the school-level computer science curriculum, informatics has been the less adaptive to changes. Before introducing a proposal on how schools should alter their informatics teaching strategies it is necessary to expose the disadvantages of the traditional approach applied by most schools to their informatics classes. These disadvantages are not related to the nature of informatics problems being solved, but have to do with tools and infrastructure offered for their solving. Informatics teachers have accustomed to following the traditional approach to teaching. They have offered traditional integrated development environments running on traditional desktop computers. The changes have affected only the programming languages or informatics paradigms while the computer infrastructure remained the same. This approach works well in the higher educational institutions where the disciplines from their curriculum require the usage of high-end desktop computers and workstations. In the school classroom context, however, it causes inefficiencies in the organization of educational process and has a negative impact on the academic performance.

Traditionally school informatics classes give students problems of an elementary-mathematical nature. The problems being solved may be related to finding the roots of an elementary algebraic equation, performing arithmetical calculations or drawing a graph of some elementary function. Due to their nature these problems provide an educational value which consists in their ability of being solved by constructing simple, precise and straightforward computational algorithms which can be easily taught and mastered. Writing mathematical programs stimulate students to broaden their mathematical knowledge, and thus has a positive effect on academic performance in mathematics and science classes. One of the main goals of teaching programming in school classes is development of logical and analytical thinking and an ability to construct computations algorithms.

Despite the significant educational importance and value of such type of problems given in informatics classes, their effectiveness has a tendency to get decreased at the stage of implementing a program using some specialized professional informatics environment. Usually these traditional informatics environments represent large professional development systems with large amount of various options and features and excessive demand for the computing resources. The functionality and system requirements of these systems don't correspond to the needs, nature, size and computational complexity of the problems typically solved by students. These professional systems are not aimed at achieving the goal of the school-level programming classes stated in the previous chapter, and instead, require memorization of the large number of

functions and classes from the environment's library. At the same time, the process of solving problems in a informatics class has only minimal requirements for the software tool being used. The tool must provide only minimal functionality sufficient for editing, saving, compiling and running the user's single-file program. Other features like multi-file projects, debugging, profiling and refactoring are extraneous in the classroom context[1]. When a student is obliged by academic regulations to edit his source code in one of those large professional development systems, his focus and concentration on a purely informatics aspect of the problem starts decreasing by the need to navigate through the complex menu system and toolbars and deal with the advanced automated features of the editor. Additionally such development systems work with projects, not single files. They create a number of project-specific configuration files not related to user's source code and the name of these files resemble the names of user's files which causes a feeling of distraction and a general dissatisfaction with lesson[2].

Another factor to consider is that these professional systems implement very advanced and complicated programming languages and come supplied with heavy-weight supporting libraries, frameworks and additional language tools. They are based on complicated development technologies oriented exclusively towards usage in large and powerful resource-intensive enterprise environments. Usage of such advanced programming language implementations for solving the typical school-level programs would mean exploitation of at most 5% of the language features and provide an example of the inadequate applying of available computing resources[3].

To run these resource-intensive professional development systems, schools buy high-end desktop computers and workstations. In most of the cases these high-end computers are bought exclusively for the purposes of their informatics classes, where students solve simple and non-resource-intensive problems described in the previous paragraphs. It arises the problem of the lack of conformity between the level of problems solved and the level of tools used for solving these problems. In this case such important estimation of effectiveness as the cost-performance ratio remains low. The higher percentage of the computational power of computer classes remain unused during the whole academic year and it serves as the indicator of inappropriately organized school and education management.

There is another big disadvantage related to the traditional desktop-based approach to informatics classes. A class which does not use mobile technologies does not look as attractive in the modern era of mobile information landscape as the class that has already adopted and used them on a wide scale[4]. Such situation negatively affects the student's motivation to attend that class which eventually results in a poor academic outcomes. Table 1 demonstrates statistical data on the average attendance of two classes in one of the schools from the authors' target group throughout a school year. One class is a traditional programming class using desktop computers. Another is a history class which en-

ables students to use tablets for accessing learning material. Each class is to be attended by the same group consisting of 30 students.

Table 1.

Average attendance of two classes

Month Attendance of informatics class Attendance of History class

September 30 30

October 28 30

November 26 29

December 25 29

January 22 29

February 20 29

March 19 30

April 18 30

May 14 30

As it seen from the above table the attractiveness of a non-mobile-based informatics class showed a tendency to decline significantly and by the end of the school year the class was attended only by 45% of its students. At the same time the attendance of a mobile-based history class remained at the initial high level throughout the same school year.

Mobile Device-based Approach As the New Paradigm of Teaching Programming in the School-level Context One of the most effective ways of organizing an educational process in a informatics class is to reorient existing computer science curriculum from desktop computer-oriented teaching towards mobile device-based teaching practices. Mobile technologies can overcome many of the disadvantages of the traditional approach to teaching programming. They enable the greater flexibility of a learning process and create conditions for applying new innovative methods of instruction. Mobile-based teaching is more adaptive to changing educational landscape than traditional approach[5].

First of all it is necessary to make a general estimation of the level of mobile technology adoption by schools. Only after that it makes sense to cover the particular questions of integrating mobile computing aids to programming classes.

Tablets and smartphones have gradually become an important component of the modern infrastructure. They replace traditional desktop computers in many modern spheres of computer usage, including education. A number of educational institutions have adopted them as learning aids in their educational process. There are numerous reports of a full-scale deployment of mobile devices in schools around the world done for the purposes of facilitating their teaching process. Mobile technologies when used in an educational context bring with themselves innovation, modernization, and openness to the changes taking place in the information infrastructure. Mobile technology in a classroom ensures the possibility of a personalization and customization of the educational content.

One of the main prerequisites to the wide-scale integration of mobile technology to the educational process is a high percentage of device ownership by teachers and students.

According to a 2018 EDUCASE report discovered that 86 percent of undergraduates owned a smartphone as of last year, and 47 percent of them owned a tablet. The research done by the authors within their target group showed similar results. The Table 2 illustrates statistical data obtained by another survey on the mobile device ownership by students from higher education systems[6].

Table 2.

Mobile device ownership by higher education students

Mobile device type Percentage of ownership (%)

Smartphone 95

Tablet 57

E-Book Reader 29

Similar surveys conducted by the authors within their school-level target group brought the results which are contained in the Table 3.

Table 3.

Mobile device type Percentage of ownership (%)

Smartphone 90


E-Book Reader



Data from these tables indicate that both at school and university levels the percentage of mobile device ownership is sufficiently high. A big number of municipal schools around the world use government funding to build their mobile-based information infrastructure. That small percentage of students which don't own a mobile device still have an access to the school-owned mobile infrastructure for use in learning process.


1. Role of ICTs in Education and Development: Potential, pitfalls and challenges by Usha Vyasulu Reddi.

2. ICT a revolution to education sector by John Cheruiyot

3. www.TechKnowLogia.org The Experience of Korea in ICT.

4. www.thejournal.com Project Child: A decade for success for young Children. University of Florida

5. Van Lier, Interaction in the language curriculum: awareness, autonomy & autenticity. London: Longman

6. https://bboard.uhk.cz Blackboard Learn. Retrieved October 8, 2011


Булеза Б.

Лжар Закарпатсько'1 обласно'1 kmíhí4hoí лiкарнi, астрант Ужгородського нацiонального утверситету

Ужгород, Украша


Buleza B.

Physician of Transcarpathian Regional Clinical Hospital, Post graduate of Uzhorod National University

Uzhorod, Ukraine


Стаття присвячена дослвдженню проблеми адитивно! поведшки серед молодi США. Особлива увага звертаеться на таку специфiчну категорш, як неповнолиш споживачi наркотишв. Виявлеш основш нау-ковi тдходи до проблеми, запропоновано визначення наркомани. Шдкреслюеться важливють превентивно! роботи з неповнолггшми, схильними до вживання наркотишв, аналiзуеться рiзнi форми превентивно! роботи, як! забезпечуються установами i закладами загально! i спещально! превенцп.


This article is devoted to the investigation of the problem of addictions among youth in USA. Special attention is paid to such category as juveniles drug users. The main scientific approaches to the problem have been revealed and the definition of drug addiction is proposed. The importance of preventive work with this category of youth is underlined and different forms of preventive work, provided by general and special institutions, are discussed.

Ключов1 слова: превентивна робота, наркотики, молодь, неповнолггш, залежнють, форми i моделi превенцп.

Keywords: preventive work, drug, youth, juveniles, addictions, forms and models of prevention.

Останшм часом серед молод^ включаючи неповнолгтшх, значного розповсюдження набуло вживання алкоголю, наркотишв, шших психоак-тивних речовин. Цей вид поведшки мае назву «адиктивна поведшка». Неповнолггшх з адиктив-ною поведшкою правомiрно ввднести до групи ри-зику. Деяк впчизняш i зарубiжнi вчеш (А. Гоголева, Н. Максимова, Н. Медж, В. Оржеховська, О. Пилипенко, Р. Стейнтон та ш.), вважають, що цей термш дощльно вживати щодо алкоголiзму, токси-команй, наркомани як видiв девiантноi поведiнки, але до переходу ix у хворобу. Осшльки надмiрне вживання алкоголю наркотишв стимулюе, як правило, рiзнi антисуспiльнi прояви (бродяжництво,

жебрацтво, хул^анство, злочиннiсть), то актуаль-шсть проблеми адиктивно! поведiнки стае цiлком очевидною i вимагае вiдповiдно! реакцп сустль-ства загалом i спецiальних сощальних, медичних, психологiчних служб.

Особливо швидко поширюеться в Укра!ш i всьому свiтi наркоманiя, зокрема в середовищi неповнолiтнiх.

Наркоманiя - це хворобливий стан, зумовле-ний хронiчною штоксикащею внаслiдок зловжи-вання наркотичними засобами, який характери-зуеться психiчною i фiзичною залежнiстю, потребою в повторному багаторазовому вживаннi

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