Научная статья на тему 'Specifics of taking into account climate conditions for designing eco-cities in arid regions of Western Kazakhstan'

Specifics of taking into account climate conditions for designing eco-cities in arid regions of Western Kazakhstan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Abilev Dinmukhamed Nurlanyly, Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich

Historical and modern facts show that in any type of architectural and construction activity, people relied on climate and environmental factors in their independence of belonging to any group of nationalities.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Specifics of taking into account climate conditions for designing eco-cities in arid regions of Western Kazakhstan»


KAZAKHSTAN Abilev D.N.1, Samoilov K.I.2

1Abilev Dinmukhamed Nurlanyly - Bachelor of Arts, undergraduate Student;


Abstract: historical and modern facts show that in any type of architectural and construction activity, people relied on climate and environmental factors in their independence of belonging to any group of nationalities.

Keywords: city, history, eco-city, climatology, urban planning.

The very concept of architecture originates from ancient times, when man set out to satisfy his primary need - to create a shelter from external negative factors that threatened his existence.

The first of them is unfavorable climatic conditions, which were unpredictable for primitive man. The second reason is the creation of comfortable conditions for work, breeding life and protection from attacks of wild animals. As you know the role first played dwellings are natural caves in which human individuals were hiding from animals and the elements, thinking people began to use bones and animal skins to construct lightweight mobile homes. Over time, people have always developed the territory on which they were located, adapting the environment to their own needs, taking into account the surrounding climatic and environmental factors. Over the centuries, people have developed new territories, adapting to external climatic conditions, which resulted in the appearance of many ancient cities and settlements, some of which have been able to survive to the present day [1].

The emphasis on specificity was on protection from negative climate impacts (cold, heat, unstable temperature conditions, etc.). Special attention is drawn to the legends of the ancient city of Ubar or IRAM, buried in the Sands of the Arabian desert, the city that Herodotus and Ptolemy wrote about in their Chronicles, for a long time the existence of this city was called only a legend and was an oasis in the desert like many ancient cities, it was one of the stops of trade caravans. According to legends, the city was buried by a sandstorm that hid this multi-column city.

An example is the city of Ghadames, located in the North-West of Libya, originally this city was an Outpost built by the Roman Empire and was called CYDAMUS. Despite the fact that the city is divided into new and old quarters, it is protected by UNESCO as a world heritage site. The reason for this is the houses made of Adobe material that clearly demonstrate human adaptability in all climatic conditions, especially in the conditions of the Sahara desert.

In addition to Ghadames, it is worth mentioning ancient Babylon, with this name associated with more legends and myths than historical facts, it was one of the largest cities of that time located on the banks of the Euphrates river in Mesopotamia, the Holy place of Akkad with a huge number of inhabitants exceeding about two hundred thousand. Descriptions of scientists and philosophers of antiquity and antiquity describe it as a city immersed in luxury and bright colors, the most famous legend is the hanging Royal gardens. The description of each of these cities and States has a historical and folklore basis, where it is difficult to distinguish fact from fiction.

For centuries, with the rise and fall of civilizations, only human activity remained unchanged, during this time, ancient cities appeared one more perfect than the previous ones. In addition to the protective functions from natural influences, people also thought about the aesthetic part of their place of residence. An example of his actions are the preserved Chronicles about the ancient Valleys of the Mesopotamia, Roman and Greek cities, palaces of the Egyptian kings, etc. all the experience and knowledge of which has come down to our lives.

In particular, in Ancient Egypt, only the palaces of rulers and close nobles could Shine with special landscaping, which took place in the historical Chronicles of other peoples. As in Roman cities, the main focus was on the development of areas of the nobility and Central squares, which over time flowed into the areas of ordinary residents. The most famous was the city of Rome itself, called the eternal city, surrounded by gardens and parks that were privately used by the nobility. Whose life was supported by a system of aqueducts, whose water was distributed in public places, palaces and gardens of the nobility. The fountains of which had monumental features like most of the structures mentioned by the poet Propertius in his works "all over the city there is a quiet splashing of water".

The search and improvement of the aesthetic part gave a new branch to the development of architecture. The architecture of those times intertwined many styles of many States, and engineering solutions in the construction of buildings and sewers in the desert and semi-desert gave a direct development of medium-sized cities and trade routes, which resulted in the appearance of Caravanserais in many States [1].

It was from this moment that the evolution of architecture began, in the development of which many methods were used in the construction and architecture of buildings in cities and localities, depending on the climatic and geographical conditions in which they arose, in particular in the conditions of the desert and semi-desert , its landscape features and the availability of local construction resources. It should not be overlooked that in addition to climatic conditions, the development of architecture was also influenced by the socio-cultural needs of a person, his mental and spiritual development prompted the creation of aesthetic factors in the surrounding space of life.

Over the years, the functionality of cities has undergone many changes, if for centuries the city was built on the similarity of fortresses surrounded by towers, then with the advent of the Renaissance, the need for them disappeared and the city began to grow in breadth absorbing more and more territories surrounding them.

In the modern world, the harmonious development of traditional and landscape architecture has reached a new level, but the system of construction on the banks of rivers and favorable geographical locations has been preserved. With the development of technologies in the field of construction, it has become possible to build any type of structure anywhere in the world, but one thing remains unchanged in any construction, attention is also focused on the climatic and geographical characteristics of the regions in which the construction will be carried out.

Thanks to modern technologies in the field of construction and production of materials, working in various types of climate does not pose any obstacle, although it is given great attention. Because man has always sought to benefit from the environment and adapt it in favor of his comfort. What prompted the creation of Eco-city projects in the conditions of deserts, semi-deserts and steppes, taking into account climatic and natural landscape features.

The most popular idea is to create and implement Eco-cities in the desert, because the climatic conditions of these areas allow you to use a system of solar panels and wind energy, everywhere except for design solutions, there are implemented examples of this idea. [2].

One such example is the Masdar city Eco-city project being developed in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, whose main idea is to create a city with zero carbon emissions into the atmosphere. The energy function of the city will be supported by solar panels and other renewable energy sources. the area of this city is about 6 square kilometers. It is here that we can mention the adaptation of climatic conditions for human needs, namely the microclimate system, to be more precise, to maintain a comfortable temperature for a person, a 47-meter tower was designed, which is the cooling of the air from 15 to 20 degrees. Also, a good engineering idea is proved by the fact that during the construction of the city, it was slightly raised above the ground to maintain a slightly lower air temperature than outside the city itself.

It should be noted that in the urban planning plan, the height of most buildings in the city does not exceed 6 floors, and the width of streets is from 3 to 4 meters, which is dictated by modern rules for building eco-cities. The idea of implementing such narrow pedestrian streets is due to the fact that this solution allows you to keep cool. Separate streets with two-lane traffic are implemented for cars and two-wheeled vehicles.

In terms of architectural design, most buildings are constructed from natural materials with minimal energy consumption, access to apartments is provided through a shaded atrium space, the internal microclimate of which provides natural cooling.

Naturally, Masdar has a chance to become an exemplary Eco-city, due to its geographical location in this climatic region, it is the creation of comfortable conditions for the future with zero carbon emissions that makes this place attractive in the field of architecture and urban planning [4].

In addition to Masdar city, many countries around the world are developing their own green cities, according to their own regional requirements. These can be bold urban projects that are being implemented or experimental neighborhoods that can be used to transform the urban environment of modern cities.

One such experimental area is the German district of Vauban in Freiburg. Initially, at the end of the twentieth century, there was a French military base that was no longer needed. Over time, an experimental eco-district was built here. the main feature, like many eco-cities, is the lack of personal transport, which is replaced by public transport going to the city center and the predominance of pedestrian zones with bike paths. As a rule, most houses are designed and built from natural materials, namely wood. The Germans used to call such houses Thermos houses, because such houses are heated by heating from the sun during the day and the heat that people and electrical appliances emit. However, these are not the only sources of heat, engineers have thought of a way to heat and provide energy through the earth's interior in addition to solar panels and wind generators. As you know, the main experiments are taking place in the field of energy due to renewable energy sources and heat pumps that use heat from the earth's interior . [5].

And there are enough examples around the world to prove that creating a clean future associated with green architecture is possible and necessary. But each time, there are special important nuances in architectural and urban planning activities: climate, geography, and landscape features of the space. If there is a clearly defined action plan for the implementation of the project, why not? Eco-cities, eco-settlements are the key to the development of future urban planning. As an experiment, you can choose the territory of the West Kazakhstan region, part of which is occupied by steppe-type territories. The climate of this region is sharply continental, namely hot summers and frosty winters. Near the Caspian sea, weather conditions are milder, namely around-5 degrees in January [3].

These climatic conditions are the ideal parameters for the design and implementation of projects in a sharply continental climate. This region is rich in natural resources and it is not a fact that a careful study can not fail to detect geothermal energy, which can be used in energy and heat supply of the Eco-city. Also, the choice of this territory is due to the fact that in this region there is a question of combating desertification of territories, which is a global problem. In the XX1 century, with a large population growth, along with the development of territories for agriculture and a large technogenic load on the environment, this problem is a threat to any path of development. The causes of the development of desertification in our country can be both natural and anthropogenic factors, it is the activities of the latter factor that are associated with desertification in a number of regions with the development of such activities as agriculture ,grazing, mining of land resources , construction and use of various industries of military and civil type.all this leads to desertification, and it can also be added that illegal deforestation , uprooting of shrubs and forest fires are also the cause of desertification. In addition to the anthropogenic factor, natural factors also contribute to the drying of the soil, as a result of which vegetation disappears, and vast territories turn into deserts.

In connection with this were read out the options for dealing with this problem:

* Planting trees in the vicinity of arable areas.

* Planting of forest belts and woodlands.

* Rational land use of territories.

* Observing the rest period of the soil, etc. [3].

Using the above-mentioned methods to combat the drainage of territories, the idea of forming an eco-city on such territories will be another solution to the problem in this situation. If the eco project is implemented, problems with employment and housing can be solved, the outflow of


population will stop and the gradual transition from the construction stage to the improvement of urban and suburban areas will stop. The quantitative restriction of personal vehicles, the construction of solar power plants and other renewable energy sources, along with taking into account the environmental requirements for the construction of energy-efficient housing, will thus create a zero-carbon city in the West Kazakhstan region with a forecast for the development of this concept throughout Central and Central Asia.


1. History of architecture, urban planning and design. Part I: General history of architecture: Studies. stipend. Tambov: publishing house of Tambov. state tech. University press, 2003. 106 p.

2. Accounting for natural and climatic conditions of the area in architectural design: educational and methodological guidelines for course calculation and graphic work / ed. V.K. Litskevich, L.I. Konova. Moscow: MARKHI, 2011.-44 p.

3. Akbasov A.J., Sainova G.A., Akbasova A.D. Soil Science. Textbook for Universities. Almaty: "Bastau" Publishing house, 2006. 170 p.

4. SmartCity of the future magazine. Published on 25.09.2012 in the article "cities of the future that already exist".

5. The eco-regions are bringing a new way of life. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://expert.ru/exprealty/2011/01/ekorajonyi-zadayut-novyij-obraz-zhizni/ http://zeleneet.com/ekorajony-energoeffektivnye-doma-chast-1/3869/ (date of access: 03.04.2020).

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