Научная статья на тему 'Specific aspects of microbiocenosis of soft tissues of parodont in Сhildren and teenagers'

Specific aspects of microbiocenosis of soft tissues of parodont in Сhildren and teenagers Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Mirsalikhova F., Hamidov I., Akhmedov A.

This article has revealed that the effectiveness of chronic catarrhal gingivitis (HCH) in children is an immediate preventive measure to improve periodontal health and to eliminate the progression of inflammatory and destructive processes in periodontal disease in adulthood. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the gingival sulcus was carried out, and the dominant microflora was revealed in mild cerebral hypertension in schoolchildren, as well as in moderate to severe course. The appearance of Staphylococcus aureus and a decrease in this background of epidermal staphylococci was revealed. A complete picture is given characterizing the state of gingival tissue microbiocenosis in healthy children and in the presence of HCG.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Specific aspects of microbiocenosis of soft tissues of parodont in Сhildren and teenagers»




Mirsalikhova F.

Hamidov I.

Akhmedov A.

Tashkent State Dental Institute


This article has revealed that the effectiveness of chronic catarrhal gingivitis (HCH) in children is an immediate preventive measure to improve periodontal health and to eliminate the progression of inflammatory and destructive processes in periodontal disease in adulthood.

A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the gingival sulcus was carried out, and the dominant microflora was revealed in mild cerebral hypertension in schoolchildren, as well as in moderate to severe course. The appearance of Staphylococcus aureus and a decrease in this background of epidermal staphylococci was revealed. A complete picture is given characterizing the state of gingival tissue microbiocenosis in healthy children and in the presence of HCG.

Keyboards: Parodontal disease, Chronic catarrhal gingivitis, oral hygiene, microbiocenosis, pathogenetic nature, PMA, Green-Vermillion, Muhlerman-Cowell ICD.

Quantitative and qualitative changes in the autoflora of the oral cavity in children with chronic hepatitis C have been characterized, leading to the duration of the course of chronic disease and frequent relapses of the process.

Chronic catarrhal gingivitis is one of the most common periodontal diseases in childhood. The results of many researchers testify to the extremely unfavorable effect of the chronic infectious inflammatory process in the periodontal soft tissues and the growing accumulation of risk factors that cause the transition of catarrhal gingivitis into a more severe and difficult reversible disease - generalized periodontitis [1,5,8,10].

Effective treatment of gingivitis in childhood is an urgent preventive measure for the healing of periodontal soft tissues and the elimination of the progression of the inflammatory and destructive process in periodon-tium in adulthood. However, to date, there is no optimal regimen for the treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of patients with chronic catarrhal generalized gingivitis, depending from the features of its clinical manifestation, which is due to its multifaceted etiological and pathogenetic mechanisms of their development. Given all this, when developing treatment and prophylactic and rehabilitation measures, one should strive to take into account, as far as possible, the most significant factors that cause the emergence of chronic forms of diseases and obtain a qualitative idea of the etiological and pathogenetic nature of the disease and, on the basis of this, make progress in solving this problem [2,5,7 ,9].

A very relevant practical aspect is the establishment of the dominant bacterial pathogens of the inflammatory process in the gingival tissues of patients with chronic catarrhal gingivitis (HCH) [4,5,6,9,10]. In addition to the leading etiological causative agent of various variants of the clinical manifestations of the disease, a significant role also belongs to the state of the oral microbiocenosis of local immunity, which primarily ensures the biocidal nature of the oral mucosa [3,5,9,10].

The lack of informativeness of generally accepted clinical indicators of the severity of inflammation in the gingival tissues prompted us to search for simple and affordable research methods in the diagnosis and treatment of HCG in children.

The aim of the study was to study the characteristics of the gum tissue microbiocenosis in healthy children and with the pathology of HCH.

Material and methods

For the study, 125 children of primary and secondary school age from 7 to 14 years old with various forms of gingivitis were selected. The studied children were divided into 2 groups: group 1 - children with a mild form of HCG (60); Group 2 - medium and severe HKG (65) and 3 control group of healthy children (20).

Gingivitis gingivitis, have symptoms depending on the type of disease and its form. The main symptoms common to all forms are: swelling, hypertrophy, bleeding and ulceration de sen. Basically, children of the studied age experienced chronic catarrhal gingivitis (HCH) and are accompanied by the presence of the following symptoms: unpleasant, itchy and irritating sensations in the gums, bleeding and pain during eating solid food, especially during brushing, distortion of taste, specific unpleasant mouth odor.

The control group consisted of 20 children of the same age who did not have HCG and other inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

All schoolchildren underwent generally accepted clinical studies, including the collection of complaints, medical history, visual and instrumental assessment of the condition of periodontal soft tissues. Using clinical and functional tests, the state of the gum tissue was determined. The presence of inflammatory reactions was determined using the PMA test, Muhlerman-Cowell ICD gum bleeding index, and GI oral hygiene index -according to Green-Vermilion.

To determine the qualitative composition of microflora, the material from the periodontal groove was

examined after rinsing the oral cavity with distilled water.

Research results

Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the microflora of the gingival sulcus revealed their norm in healthy children of the control group (table). It is noted that the total number of anaerobes and the optional group of microbes in healthy schoolchildren are basically at the same level. It should be noted the dominant position in the optional group of microbes belongs to staphylococci and streptococci. The stamps of epidermal staphylococcus and streptococcus salivarius constitute the largest group among the gram-positive coc-cal group.

The amount of grams of negative flora is insignificant and is represented mainly by Escherichs, Proteus and Klebsiella.

A study of the incidence of microorganisms in the control group of healthy schoolchildren showed strep-

tococci prevailing in incidence, so Str.salivarius is almost 100% of cases, and Str.mutans is 65% in second place. Gram-negative microbes were detected much lower: Escherichia in 15%, Proteus 10%, Klebsiella in 3%, yeast-like fungi were detected in more than 17% of cases.

The development of HCG disease in the oral cavity of schoolchildren, the microflora ratio changes significantly. With a mild form of HCG, there are sufficiently significant shifts in the optional group of microorganisms, a tendency to a decrease in the number of anaerobic group of microflora. an increase in the coccal flora of Str.mutans was detected against a background of a decrease in the number of Str.salivarius. Some species of negative flora tend to increase. This is especially noticeable in microbes related to the protein. an increase in this microflora predicts the possible development of putrefactive processes.

Table 1

Microbiocenosis of the gingival sulcus in schoolchildren of patients with HCH

Germs group Healthy children Patients with mild HCG Patients with moderate to severe HCG Survival rate

light form moderate form

Total Anaerobes 5,17±0,19 3,90±0,14* 2,68±0,12*

Lactotacillus Spp. 4,54±0,21 2,97±0,16* 1,73±0,11* 40% 30%

Peptostreptococcus 4,12±0,17 3,1±0,7* 2,90±0,13*

Общее кол-во аэробов 5,31±0,27 6,35±0,19* 7,53±0,23*

Str.salivarius 4,21±0,18 2,30±0,11* 2,00±0,11*

Str.mutans 2,12±0,02 3,17±0,13 3,00±0,12*

Str.sangvius 1,76±0,15 1,21±0,02 1,20±0,03* 80% 70%

Staphylococcus aureus 0 0 0

Staphylococcus epiter-midis 3,97±0,17 3,15±0,11 3,00±0,9*

Proteus 1,27±0,03 4,17±0,12* 5,30±0,19* 60% 45%

Klebsiella 0,91±0,02 2,00±0,11* 2,30±0,12* 40%

Candida albicans 2,11±0,05 4,13±0,14* 4,50±0,12* 80% 90%

Note: * - P <0.05 significant differences in relation to the values of "Healthy children".

Significant changes in the quantitative and qualitative types of microflora of the oral cavity were revealed with moderate and severe chronic hepatitis CG. A decrease in the number of lactobacilli by almost 2 times was established (Table 1), indicating a sharp deficiency of anaerobic flora. It should also be noted the identification of a significant increase in the seeding rate of gram-positive and gram-negative flora. It should be noted an increase in the number of Str.mutans and Str. mitis and a decrease against this background of gram-positive cocci Str.salivarius. Studying the culture of staphylococci revealed a decrease in the number of epidermal staphylococci and the appearance of Staphy-lococcus aureus, equal to 3.97 ± 0.15 CFU / ml, when normally it should not be sown.

A study of gram-negative flora in children with chronic hepatitis C revealed the growth of Escherichia, Proteus and Klibsiel strains. It should be noted a significant increase in the microflora of Proteus in this group, with a norm of 1.30 ± 0.04 CFU / ml to 4.95 ± 0.21 CFU / ml, therefore, an increase occurs by more than 3-

4 orders of magnitude. Against this background, there is an increase in the number of Candida fungi, which, with a large accumulation, can provoke the development of candidal stomatitis.

The nature of the frequency of occurrence of microorganisms in moderate to severe cases was as follows: dominant position staphylococcus aureus and fungi of the genus Candida and Proteus, respectively: 50%, 60% and 45%. In the healthy oral cavity of children of the main flora, streptococci should be present, but with HKG the picture of the dynamics of the frequency of occurrence of microorganisms changes, streptococci lose their dominant ability. This is especially evident in the decrease in the number of Str.salivarius. At a rate of 100%, this type of cocci decreases to 30-35%.

Thus, the revealed qualitative and quantitative changes in the autofroflora of the oral cavity in children with chronic hepatitis C can lead to the duration of the course of the disease, frequent relapses and a chronic process.


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Pasieshvili L.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Head of the Department of General Practice - Family and Internal Medicine

Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

Viun T.

Postgraduate, Assistant of Department of General Practice - Family and Internal Medicine

Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

Viun S.

PhD, Assistant of Department of Surgery №1 Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine


The purpose of the study is to assess the relationship between polymorphism of farnesyl diphosphate synthetase gene (FDPS c.IVS1 T-99G) and the content of biochemical markers of bone metabolism (total and ionized serum calcium, osteocalcin) in the risk of osteoporosis development in patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP) and hypertensive disease (HD). The study involved 110 patients with CP, in 70 of whom it developed secondary to HD and isolated CP in 40. The study showed that CP creates conditions for the formation of a negative calcium balance and its manifestations increase in combination with HD. The combined course of CP and HD in most cases is accompanied by changes in the content of osteocalcin, the level of which correlates with a violation of the mineral density of bone tissue. An increase in the number of individuals with C-allele of FDPS gene in both groups was noted, however, this polymorphism of the gene was not confirmed by the clinical course.

Keywords: chronic pancreatitis, hypertensive disease, FDPS receptor gene, markers of bone metabolism, osteoporosis.

Introduction. The development and functioning of the body as a whole and its individual systems occurs with the participation of macro- and microelements, and their quantitative composition is determined by the deficiency and their function in the body. That is, regulation of a specific biological system of nutritive homeostasis, which includes an extensive complex of macro-and microelements, is determined by the intake, metabolism, specific accumulation, excretion and influence of mineral substances in general on all living things [10,17].

The macronutrient composition is represented by 11 chemicals, among which calcium occupies a special place (1-1.5 kg of the total body weight). It participates in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, in the processes of blood coagulation, in the

production of hormones, enzymes and proteins, in the contraction and relaxation of muscles and, especially, in ensuring the strength of the bones [2,13]. Calcium increases the protective functions of the body, promotes the excretion of heavy metals, has an antioxidant and antihistamine effect. Together with phosphorus, it participates in the construction of bone tissue (98%), and with magnesium it ensures the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, controls the heart rate, promotes iron metabolism, and transmission of nerve impulses [22].

The main regulators that maintain a constant level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood are calcitonin - a hormone of C-cells of the thyroid gland with hy-pocalcemic effect and parathyroid hormone (PTH) - a

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