Научная статья на тему 'Совершенствование диагностики и комплексное лечение риносинусогенных орбитальных осложнений у детей'

Совершенствование диагностики и комплексное лечение риносинусогенных орбитальных осложнений у детей Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Ключевые слова
риносинусоген у детей / орбитальные осложнения / диагностика / детские болезни / комплексная терапия / диагностика и комплексное лечение. / rhinosinusogen in children / orbital complications / diagnosis / pediatrics / complex therapy / diagnosis and complex treatment.

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Хушвакова Нилуфар, Улашов Шухрат, Давронова Гулрух

В статье рассматриваются пути совершенствования диагностики и комплексного лечения риносинусогенных орбитальных осложнений у детей. Он также охватывает научно-теоретические работы ученых, изучающих диагностику и комплексное лечение риносинусогенных орбитальных осложнений у детей, а также рекомендации по совершенствованию диагностики и комплексному лечению риносинусогенных орбитальных осложнений у детей.

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Похожие темы научных работ по клинической медицине , автор научной работы — Хушвакова Нилуфар, Улашов Шухрат, Давронова Гулрух

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Improvement of diagnostics and complex treatment of rhinosinusogenic orbital complications in children

The article discusses ways to improve the diagnosis and complex treatment of rhinosinusogenic orbital complications in children. It also covers the scientific and theoretical work of scientists studying the diagnosis and complex treatment of rhinosinusogenic orbital complications in children, as well as recommendations for improving the diagnosis and complex treatment of rhinosinusogenic orbital complications in children

Текст научной работы на тему «Совершенствование диагностики и комплексное лечение риносинусогенных орбитальных осложнений у детей»

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through time and space

Improvement of diagnostics and complex treatment of

rhinosinusogenic orbital complications in children


Samarkand State Medical Institute


Article history: The article discusses ways to improve the diagnosis and complex

Received February 2021 treatment ofrhinosinusogenic orbital complications in children. It also

Received in revised form covers the scientific and theoretical work of scientists studying the

20 February 2021 diagnosis and complex treatment of rhinosinusogenic orbital

fee re search 2021 complications in children, as well as recommendations for improving

5 April 2021 the diagnosis and complex treatment of rhinosinusogenic orbital

complications in children.

Keywords: | 2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.

thinosinusogen m children, This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International

orbital complications, (CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.1u)



complex therapy,

diagnosis and complex


Болаларда риносинусоген орбитал асоратларни ташхислаш ва

комплекс даволашни такомиллаштириш


Калит сузлар: Мазкур маколада болалардаги риносинусоген орбитал

болалардаги асоратларни диагностикаси ва комплекс даволашни

обитал асоратлар, такомиллаштириш йуллари ёритилган. Шунингдек,

ташхис, ташхис ва болалардаги риносинусоген орбитал асоратларни

комплекс даволаш, диагностикаси ва комплекс даволашни урганган олимларнинг

болалар касалиги, илмий-назарий ишлари ёритилган. Бундан ташкари,

комплекс даволаш. болалардаги риносинусоген орбитал асоратларни

диагностикаси ва комплекс даволашни Такомиллаштириш

йуллари буйича таклифлар берилган.

1 Professor of Samarkand State Medical Institute. Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

E-mail: nilumedlor@mail.ru.

2 Assistant of Samarkand State Medical Institute. Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

3 Assistant of Samarkand State Medical Institute. Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

E-mail: davronova.gulrux@mail.ru.

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ты Issue - 1 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

Совершенствование диагностики и комплексное лечение

риносинусогенных орбитальных осложнений у детей


Ключевые слова; В статье рассматриваются пути совершенствования

риносинусоген у детей, диагностики и комплексного лечения риносинусогенных

орбитальные осложнения, > >

орбитальных осложнении у детеи. Он также охватывает

диагностика, детские

болезни, комплексная научно-теоретические работы ученых, изучающих

терапия, диагностика и диагностику и комплексное лечение риносинусогенных

комплексное лечение, орбитальных осложненийу детей, а также рекомендации по

совершенствованию диагностики и комплексному лечению

риносинусогенных орбитальных осложненийу детей.


Over the past decades, the method of computed tomography (CT) has become firmly

established in practice as the most significant and effective in the diagnosis of pathology of

the paranasal sinuses and the cranial cavity (Voronkin V.F. et al., 1998; Deryugina 0.V. et

al., 2002; Lebedeva M.A. et al., 2005). Therefore, it becomes necessary to analyze and

systematize the computed tomographic signs of intracranial complications and sinusitis.

During the surgical treatment of the primary focus of infection in the paranasal sinuses,

most otolaryngologists prefer a wide extranasal opening of the affected sinuses

(Volfkovich M.I., 1963; Pal-chun V.T. et al., 1977). But with a severe condition of the patient,

massive surgical intervention can aggravate the patient's condition. Therefore, the

question of the use of sparing methods of operative sanitation of the paranasal sinuses in

case of rhinosinusogenic intracranial complications is relevant [1].

When carrying out antibiotic therapy, it is extremely important to create an optimal

and constant level of drug concentration in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, which can

be achieved by intra-arterial administration of drugs. In accordance with the set objectives

of the study, we developed a thematic map for each patient, in which passport data,

complaints, medical history, results of clinical and objective research, a description of the

endoscopic picture of the nasal cavity, data of special functional and laboratory studies

were entered. All patients with suspected intracranial complications underwent

otorhinolaryngological, neurological, laboratory and X-ray examinations. Consultations of

a neurosurgeon, ophthalmologist, immunologist, pediatrician, resuscitation specialist and

other specialists were prescribed as needed. Also, if necessary, a lumbar puncture was

prescribed. The laboratory research concerned generally accepted indicators of the

inflammatory process, hemostatus, as well as parameters functioning of the organs and

systems concerned. All patients, in addition to performing anterior and posterior

rhinoscopy, underwent endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity using rigid endoscopes

from Storz or Eleps with 0, 30, 70 optics. For all patients, we performed a general

X-ray of the paranasal sinuses in the noso-chin and lateral projections, computed

tomography of the paranasal sinuses [2].

Assessment of the functional state of the nasal mucosa, its excretory and absorption

functions, mucociliary clearance was carried out using a polymeric water-soluble film of

hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (OPMC) containing saccharin and methylene blue. In

everyday clinical practice, we used the Rhinomanometer PC 200 computer



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ты Issue - 1 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

rhinomanometer (ATMOS, Germany), which allows anterior active rhinomanometry

(PARM). A group of patients was examined blood to determine the parameters of the

immunological aspect of the anti-infectious resistance system[3]. The sections of the

mucous membrane removed during endoscopic interventions were subjected to

histological examination. To determine the microflora of the nasal cavity and paranasal

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sinuses, bacteriological inoculation of the contents of the nasal cavity was performed.


Acute inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses (SNP) are an urgent problem

in the practice of a pediatric otorhinolaryngologist. Orbital complications of acute sinusitis,

especially severe forms (subperiostal abscess, retrobulbar abscess, phlegmon of the orbit)

can not only lead to irreversible changes in the organ of vision, up to blindness, but also

cause life-threatening conditions (sepsis, intracranial complications). This determines the

need for timely diagnosis of this pathology, as well as intensive, adequate, individualized

treatment tactics (DobromylskyF.I., ShcherbatovL., 1961; Budilov Yu.K., 1978;

Soldatova V.V., 1985; KruchininaI.L., 1985, 1989; Garashchen-ko T.I., 1989, 1996) [4].

Conventional surgical methods for the treatment of orbital complications are aimed

primarily at opening the affected paranasal sinuses and are very effective. However, they

are not without drawbacks. Any endonasal intervention on SNP is performed in the

immediate vicinity of such vital structures as the base of the skull, orbit, optic nerves, large

vessels, therefore, it is associated with a certain risk of iatrogenic complications.

Back in 1929, H.P. Mosher called endonasal ethmoidectomy the most “blind” and

dangerous operation in surgical practice. The likelihood of such consequences as rhino

liquorrhea, meningitis, profuse bleeding and blindness is constantly discussed in

rhinological literature (Freedman N.M., Kezn E.V., 1979; Maniglia AJ. Et al., 1981; Kane K.,

1993; Hosemann WG et al., 2000)[5]. All these circumstances limit the actions of the

surgeon and often lead to insufficient rehabilitation of the focus. In addition, with

complicated forms of acute sinusitis, extranasal polysinusotomies and orbitotomies are

still widely used, including in children (Mann W. et al., 1997; Reddy SC et al., 1999;

Deryugina 0.B, Chumakov F.I., 2001; Syrtlanov A.R., 2001), which leads to significant

cosmetic defects, and in some cases to impaired growth and development of the facial

skeleton (Yakushenkova A.P. et al., 2002) [6].

The introduction of endoscopic techniques into practice radically changed the

approach to the diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis (Garashchenko T.I., 1986; Khutsiev

A.M., 1989; Andzhaparidze Z.N., 1991; Piskunov G.Z., Lopatin A.S., 1992; Piskunov S.Z.,

1995; Kozlov BC, 1995). In recent years, the methods of performing endoscopic

interventions have been significantly modified, the indications for their use have

expanded, including in pediatric practice (Kruchinina I.L., 1984; Shevrygin B.V., 1990;

Sergeev S.V., 1990; Garashchenko T. H., 1996; Wolf G. et al., 1993) [7].


The research used grouping, comparison, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction,

horizontal, vertical and factor analysis methods. In particular, the comparison method is

the most basic method of improving diagnostics and complex treatment of

rhinosinusogenic orbital complications in children tal analysis, which is also used in the


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analysis of financial results. In addition, the complex treatment of rhinosinusogenic orbital

complications was analyzed in pediatric analysis using scientific approaches.


The data obtained on endoscopic diagnosis and semiotics of diseases of the

paranasal sinuses expand the understanding of the relationship between age-related

structural features, as well as various anatomical anomalies of intranasal structures with

the frequency and severity of acute sinusitis, including those with orbital complications, in

children. In a large group of children, the incidence of complicated acute sinusitis was

assessed, and the structural distribution of various types of orbital complications in terms

of age was shown.The studies carried out have shown the high efficiency of the use of

endonasal endoscopic methods of treatment, which at the same time have a number of

significant advantages over conventional interventions: safety, functionality,

purposefulness, sufficient volume.It is shown that the technique of surgical intervention in

the treatment of orbital complications depends on the child's age, structural features of the

nasal cavity, the type and nature of the complication.Algorithms for antibacterial therapy

of complicated acute sinusitis have been developed depending on age, form of

complication, severity of the process and previous treatment[8].The use of endoscopy for

diagnostic purposes showed a higher incidence of complicated sinusitis in the presence of

various anatomical anomalies of the intranasal structures, which allows this category of

patients to be identified as a risk group for the development of a complicated course of the

inflammatory process and to plan reconstructive minimally invasive interventions in the

nasal cavity in order to prevent recurrence of paranasal diseases. sinuses.

It has been shown that the use of endoscopic techniques in surgical interventions

for orbital complications of acute sinusitis makes it possible to carry out more functional

and less traumatic interventions, avoiding external access operations. Visual control

significantly reduces the risk of iatrogenic complications, and allows full sanitation of the

pathological focus. The types of endoscopic surgical interventions in children with

sinusogenic orbital complications in different age groups have been developed.In the

process of surgical intervention, for a sufficient and lasting effect, the altered intranasal

structures are corrected, therefore, the risk of recurrence of the development of

inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses is reduced.An algorithm for stage-by-stage

antibiotic therapy of complicated acute sinusitis in children has been created, which allows

the use of individualized treatment regimens, taking into account the child's age, the type

of complication, the severity of the process, previous therapy.The use of the developed

algorithms will allow not only to carry out complex treatment of complicated acute

sinusitis at the modern level, but also to reduce the risk of generalization of the infection,

to help prevent the development of chronic forms of the disease.Rational use of

antibacterial drugs will not only improve the quality of treatment, but also achieve a large

pharmacoeconomic effect in the treatment technology of this category of patients.An

isolated epidural abscess was diagnosed in one patient. In one case, a patient was observed

with a combination of epidural abscess and encephalitis of the right frontal lobe of the

brain. A sign of an epidural abscess on a computed tomogram was a limited formation of

increased density with clear edges, lenticular shape, adjacent to the bones of the skull[9].

Meningoencephalitis occurred in five patients in the form of isolated forms of

intracranial complications. In all patients, meningoencephalitis developed against the


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ты Issue - 1 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

background of acute diffuse inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The duration of the

disease, according to the anamnesis, ranged from 4 days to 2 weeks. The computed

tomographic sign was the presence of a zone of reduced density of the brain substance

without clear boundaries, mainly in the frontal lobes of the brain. These data, characteristic

of isolated encephalitis, were combined with the presence of meningeal symptoms in the

clinical picture in all patients. Cavernous sinus thrombosis occurred in 10 patients. In five

patients, thrombosis of the cavernous sinus was isolated, in the rest of the patients there

was a different combination of intracranial complications. All patients underwent

computed tomography. The duration of the disease varied according to the anamnesis

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from 3 days to 2 weeks. There was no clear evidence of cavernous sinus thrombosis on CT.

Among the indirect signs, edema and infiltration of the retrobulbar cells were determined.

lesions, dilatation of the orbital veins, mainly of the superior orbital vein, which

were noted by CT in all patients with cavernous sinus thrombosis.The main provisions for

the defense[10]:

1. Diagnostic endoscopy for complicated acute sinusitis allows to detail the

rhinoscopic picture, to carry out the correct diagnosis and to determine the adequate

individualized tactics of conservative and surgical treatment.

2. The age-related features of endoscopic surgery in complicated acute sinusitis

make it possible to carry out safer, targeted and functional interventions with maximum

efficiency, taking into account the growth and development of the nasal cavity and

paranasal sinuses.

3. The algorithm for antibacterial therapy of sinusogenic orbital complications is

compiled taking into account the child’s age, the extent of the lesions of the paranasal

sinuses and the orbit, the likelihood of intracranial complications.


1) In conclusion, improvement of diagnostics and complex treatment of

rhinosinusogenic orbital complications in children developed the following proposals for


2) the main etiopathogenetic factor in the development of rhinosinusogenic

intracranial complications is purulent widespread inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;

3) the complex use of computed tomography and endorinoscopic techniques at the

diagnostic stage is decisive for the treatment tactics of managing patients with

rhinosinusogenic intracranial complications;

4) the developed diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm makes it possible to increase

the effectiveness of the treatment of intracranial rhinosinusogenic complications;

5) intra-arterial administration of antibiotics and heparin in the complex treatment

of rhinosinusogenic intracranial complications has a high therapeutic effect.


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