SOME TRENDS IN FORMING STUDENTS'' MOTIVATION FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sergeeva I.V.

The article gives an analysis of some aspects of forming students' motivation for scientific research. The need for the development of educational system is determined by the progress of science, technology and the wide use of innovative technologies. The current situation in the sphere of higher professional education marked the existence of the problem of teaching students the basic skills in scientific activity, gaining experience in conducting research, developing their creative abilities. The improvement of students’ scientific activity is impossible without studying the motivational component of the research work of a highly qualified specialist. The methods described in the article are aimed at engaging students, showing them their intellectual abilities and providing freedom in implementing their ideas, as part of the training course. One of the most promising aspects of this direction is the use of information technologies.

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2.Сова Е.В., Рыбанов А.А. Сравнительный анализ библиотек генерации отчетов в веб-ориентированных информационных системах // Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. 2012. № 7. С. 167.

3.Рыбанов А.А. Анализ базовых возможностей программных продуктов для исследования метрических характеристик баз данных // NovaInfo.Ru. 2015. Т. 2. № 33. С. 20-28.

4.Рыбанов А.А., Усмонов М.С.О., Попов Ф.А., Ануфриева Н.Ю., Бубарева О.А. Информационные системы и технологии // Научный редактор: И. А. Рудакова; Редакционная коллегия: Рудакова И.А., Гребенщиков Г.Ф., Акутина С.П., Краснолуцкий В.П. / Центр научной мысли (г. Таганрог). Москва, 2013. Том Часть 4 Информационные системы и технологии.

5.Рыбанов А.А., Сергеев Н.Е. - Анализ инструментальных средств документирования баз данных. // NovaInfo.Ru. 2016 г. № 57.

6.DBScribe, URL: http://freesoft.ru/dbscribe_for_db2_11

7.Mysql Documenter, URL: http://www.slideshare.net/softuniq/mysql-documentor

8.Dataedo, URL: https://dataedo.com/

9.DataBase Documentation Reports, URL: https://dbdocreports.codeplex.com/

10.dbForge Documenter, URL: https://www.devart.com/dbforge/sql/documenter/download.html

11.YARG, URL: https://www.cuba-platform.ru/YARG

12.PHPWord, URL: https://phpword.codeplex.com

13.FPDF, URL: http://www.fpdf.org/

14.PyLOO, URL: http://www.pvsm.ru/python/106244

15.PHPExcel, URL: http://phpexcel.codeplex.com/

УДК 371(091)

Сергеева И.В.

преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Северо-Кавказский горно-металлургический институт Российская Федерация, г. Владикавказ

Sergeeva I. V.

teacher of the Foreign Languages Department North Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy


SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Аннотация: В статье дается анализ некоторых аспектов формирования мотивации студентов к осуществлению научно-исследовательской деятельности. Потребность современного общества в развитии системы образования определяется прогрессом науки, техники и широким использованием инновационных технологий. Сложившаяся ситуация в сфере высшего профессионального образования обозначила

существование проблемы обучения студентов базовым навыкам научно-исследовательской деятельности, получение опыта проведения научных исследований, развития творческих способностей. Повышение уровня научной активности студентов невозможно без изучения мотивационной составляющей исследовательской деятельности специалиста высшего звена. Описанные в статье способы разработаны для того, чтобы заинтересовать студентов, показать им их интеллектуальные возможности и предоставить свободу в воплощении своих идей, в рамках учебного курса. Одним из наиболее перспективных аспектов данного направления автор считает применение информационных технологий.

Ключевые слова: мотивация, исследовательская работа студентов, научная деятельность, методы, информационные технологии, интерактивные компьютерные технологии.

Abstract: The article gives an analysis of some aspects offorming students' motivation for scientific research. The need for the development of educational system is determined by the progress of science, technology and the wide use of innovative technologies. The current situation in the sphere of higher professional education marked the existence of the problem of teaching students the basic skills in scientific activity, gaining experience in conducting research, developing their creative abilities. The improvement of students' scientific activity is impossible without studying the motivational component of the research work of a highly qualified specialist. The methods described in the article are aimed at engaging students, showing them their intellectual abilities and providing freedom in implementing their ideas, as part of the training course. One of the most promising aspects of this direction is the use of information technologies.

Keywords: motivation, students' research work, scientific activity, methods, information technologies, interactive computer technologies.

The current stage of society development exacerbated the problem of professional training of specialists, who would be distinguished by the ability to receive new knowledge, to develop totally new solutions to the assigned tasks. The need for the development of educational system is determined by the progress of science, technology and the wide use of innovative technologies. That is why one of the main tasks of higher education is to teach students to act independently while searching for non-standard, fundamentally new solutions in scientific research work, forming the basis for further development of the person and his self-realization in professional sphere.

The students' training for the scientific research work (SRWS) is defined by the federal state educational standards and is an obligatory component of the specialist's model in higher professional education. The requirements of FSES for SRWS in different specialties have different content, which is aimed at solving problems depending on the type of professional activity. The current situation in the sphere of higher professional education marked the existence of the problem of teaching students the basic skills in scientific activity, gaining experience in

conducting research, developing their creative abilities, which will be aimed at the implementation of scientific and intellectual potential in professional field. [1:19]

The improvement of students' scientific activity also depends on the conditions of implementing research activities created in the educational institution, which is impossible without studying the motivational component of the research work of a highly qualified specialist.

The importance of encouraging the desire of young people for their own inquiries was stressed by Mikhail Lomonosov in his works. In modern society the many scientists studied the motivational sphere of the research activity, in particular, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, J. Dewey, A. Maslow, D. Halpern, M.G. Yaroshevsky and others.

The problem of developing motivation for the SRWS is not new, but it becomes more and more relevant with the introduction of new educational standards, and also in connection with the existing need for training highly qualified specialists on the basis of the latest achievements in science and technology, taking into account the requirements of the current economy innovative development level. [3:35]

Motivation is "a theoretical construct used to explain behaviour. It gives the reason for people's actions, desires, and needs. A motive is what prompts the person to act in a certain way, or at least develop an inclination for specific behavior". [5:1] Teachers know that motivation matters. It is central to student learning; it helps determine how engaged students are in their work, how hard they work, and how well they persevere in the face of challenges. Motivation is hard to characterize and quantify, and it is influenced by many factors.

In pedagogical science and practice there is a wide range of ways of forming students' motivation for scientific research activities. In the work of A.V. Materova it is noted that a steady interest in scientific activity is based on social and internal motivations of students [2:133]. At the same time, they must be clearly realized, be persistent and meaningful. The author points out that one of the most important ways of forming motivational attitude is to create students' cognitive needs. It means that such objective conditions and students' activities organization must be created that will lead to the formation of the necessary motivation. The teacher also relies on the already existing needs of students and organizes the required type of activity in such a way that it evokes their satisfying emotions and a sense of success. For example, participation in scientific events, where students take prizes, causes them positive emotions (success situations), which ensures the formation of persistent motivation for research activities.

The second way is to form students' personality patterns, which are presented to them in the form of motives, goals, ideals. This approach is concerned with methods of persuasion, clarification, suggestion, information, example. A special role here is played by the collective, the social environment in which the student works. Important forms of the SRWS development are considered to be various circles and problem groups, where efficient technologies

such as participation in experiments, in brain storms, in immersion methods are used [1:20].

The methods described are aimed at engaging students, showing them their intellectual abilities and providing freedom in implementing their ideas, as part of the training course.

Among the main teaching materials and auxiliary tools in the organization of the educational process the leading place today is occupied by information technologies. 21st century learning environments include games and activities that give students real-time feedback on their progress. The use of electronic teaching guides, presentations, video films and other visual materials is a powerful incitement that increases motivation for the subject, develops self-study skills and attracts students to research activities. Visibility, dynamism, flexibility, habitual way for young people to perceive information make IT irreplaceable in education, activate cognitive activity of students, contribute to the development of research skills and abilities. These could be in the form of online tutorials, quizzes, and games or as a whole-class activity using clickers.

One of the most promising aspects of the information technologies application is their interactivity. The term "interactive technologies" in the educational process has a fairly broad concept:

• group role-playing games;

• computer simulations and games;

• technical training tools: multimedia equipment, interactive whiteboard,


Interactive computer technologies with game elements are considered to be the most promising for the SRWS development. However, despite the fact that computer games have a mass distribution among all sections of the population, they have not been widely used in the educational sphere. At present, a large number of computer game strategic simulators have been developed that can be used in education to gain practical skills in various disciplines (economics, management, technology, marketing, etc.). [4:118]

The foregoing allows drawing conclusions that the modernization of the modern Russian educational system assumes a wide application of new information technologies and the introduction of the electronic educational system (EES). This makes it easier to attract students to research activities; they provide a positive attitude to the subject, increase motivation and diversify the forms of education. Information technology is a good stimulus that increases the quality of students' knowledge, and creates the conditions for self-mastering the material and developing cognitive interest. Thanks to the inherent opportunities - interactivity, flexibility and integration of various types of visual educational information, information technologies create additional opportunities for a teacher to develop the individual characteristics of students and increase their motivation for research. Being one of the significant features of the modern educational system information technologies can be successfully used in organizing research work of students.

Использованные источники:

1.Лидак Л.В., Мухортова Т.А. Инновационная деятельность вуза: проблемы и перспективы развития //Материалы международной научной конференции «Педагогика и психология высшей школы: современное состояние и перспективы развития». Под редакцией В.А. Ситарова, Составитель: О.А. Косинова. Москва: МГУ, 2014. С. 17-23.

2.Матерова А. В. Мотивация научно-исследовательской деятельности студентов // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Психология и педагогика. Выпуск № 1 / 2012. С.132-137. URL: https:^yberleninka.ra/artide/v/motivatsiya-nauchno-issledovatelskoy-deyatelnosti-studentov (дата обращения: 03.06.2017).

З.Образцова Л.В., Супрунова Л.Л., Тарасова О.А. Педагогические технологии в инновационном образовании: учебное пособие; под ред. Л.Л. Супруновой. Пятигорск: ПГЛУ, 2011. 319 с.

4.Сергеева И.В. Цифровой педагог в онлайн образовании // Научные труды Института непрерывного профессионального образования. Сборник III Общероссийской научно-практической конференции «Наука. Образование. Проектная деятельность: Россия - XXI век». 2016. № 6 (6). С. 117-122.

5.Pardee, R. L. (1990). Motivation Theories of Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor & McClelland. A Literature Review of Selected Theories Dealing with Job Satisfaction and Motivation. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED316767 (дата обращения: 03.06.2017)

УДК 336.22

Сергеенко А.И. бакалавр экономика ФГБОУ ВО «Государственный университет управления» РАЗВИТИЕ НАЛОГОООБЛАЖЕНИЯ ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ

ПРЕДПРИЯТИЙ В РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Аннотация: В условиях проведения налоговой реформы, которая продолжается уже более 10 лет, Россия - смогла преодолеть множество «подводных камней и узких мест» налоговой системы, реформировать и сделать ее более эффективной, однако, все это в большой мере обошло стороной инновационный бизнес, который в XXI веке и формирует экономическое благосостояние государства.

Ключевые слова: бухгалтерский учет, доходы, расходы, инновационный бизнес, налоговая реформа, реформирование.

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