SOME EXERCISES FOR TYPOLOGICAL ISSUES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
typology / linguistics / teaching / speech / syntagma / comparison

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gulnora Vakhabovna Bagapova

The problem of fluency in a foreign language along with the native language is multifaceted and complex. Its solution is greatly facilitated by the improvement both content and teaching techniques

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.24411/2181-1385-2021-00315
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Текст научной работы на тему «SOME EXERCISES FOR TYPOLOGICAL ISSUES»


Gulnora Vakhabovna Bagapova

Teacher, Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute g.bagapova@cspi.uz


The problem of fluency in a foreign language along with the native language is multifaceted and complex. Its solution is greatly facilitated by the improvement both content and teaching techniques.

Keywords: typology, linguistics, teaching, speech, syntagma, comparison.


"Possession oral speech is not a mystical gift or a mysterious revelation, but a very specific amount of signs, to be memorized, and skills to be practiced with the help of special training exercises." (Shubin E.P. 1983). We agree with the opinion of E.P. Shubin that to master oral speech according to the "classic recipe", that is, by memorizing individual words and grammar rules is really impossible. Possession of oral language communication consists of the following components:

a) storing in memory what is needed for communication in this the sphere of recruiting samples of sound linguistic signs of all orders (mainly syntagmas, sentences and messages, but also individual words),

b) possession of the skills of instant sign formation (the formation of new syntagmas, sentences and messages) on productive structures and signs of semifinished products, subconsciously isolated from their stored in memory and linguistic material encountered in communication, that is, ultimately, by analogy with other linguistic signs,

c) possession of the skills of correct physical reproduction (pronunciation),

d) possession of the skills of listening (decoding) signs with the help of the material accumulated in memory.


It is known that the success of work on teaching students' speech is determined not only by teaching methods, but it also largely depends on the system of exercises and tasks for them, on how effective the exercises given in the textbooks are for the practical mastery of students in conversational speech. In this regard, a significant

role is assigned to the system situational and communication exercises as one from the important methodological reserves, contributing to the increase in the level of proficiency in the second language of students.

There are different points of view on the organization of the exercise system and the typology of development exercises speech in / second / non-native language. According to N.I. Gez, under the exercise system should understand the organization of actions located in order of increasing language difficulties, taking into account the sequence of speech skills and abilities, character really existing acts of speech (Gez NI 1976). It is known that the process of mastering speech material goes through two main stages: the formation of skills and the development of skills. If we take this as a basis, then as an initial criterion, we can call the goal of the exercise from the point the stages of the process of formation of speech skills. According to this criterion, E.I. Passov divides all exercises into two categories: exercises for the formation skills (they are called conditional speech) and exercises for the development of skills (speech exercises). (Passov E.I. 1991). M.S.Ilyin believes that as the required criterion for the typology of exercises in a foreign language was used linguistic articulation language-speech. According to this division, all exercises are divided into two large groups (or into two types): language exercises and speech exercises. According to this typology, it is established that first, through language exercises, students study and memorize the phenomena of the linguistic structure, then use them in speech exercises. (Ilyin M. p. 1975). A statement about the identification of two types of exercises we find it in other researchers as well. They call these exercises in different ways: preparatory and speech exercises (A.A.Mirolyubov), analytical and synthetic exercises (E.P. Shchubin), pre-speech (primary) and speech (I.D.Salistra), training and communicative (V.L.Skalkin), preparatory and proper speech exercises (A.D. Klimenko) other. Terminological diversity, according to E. Yu. Sosenko, is explained, on the one hand, by the historical development of the problem, and on the other hand, by different ideas about the process of mastering a non-native language and teaching it, what feature was taken as a basis for classification (typology): linguistic, psychological or methodological. (Sosenko E. Yu. 1971).


Terminological diversity, according to E. Yu. Sosenko, is explained, on the one hand, by the historical development of the problem, and on the other hand, by different ideas about the process of mastering a non-native language and teaching it, what feature was taken as a basis for classification (typology): linguistic,

psychological or methodological. (Sosenko E. Yu.1971). An analysis of the types of exercises that prepare for independent expression (type 1) shows that the majority of them are aimed at developing only operational readiness, to perform speech activity. These are traditional exercises like: "Insert instead of dots ...", "Put in the right case ...", "Put questions to highlight words", lookup tables that teach the mastery of foreign language material. However, operational readiness for speech activity alone is not sufficient for its implementation. It is advisable to use exercises that teach communication. These exercises should: "...model the system for the student as early as possible psychological factors that determine the real speech activity, that is, a system of speech stimuli" (Passov E.I.) Therefore, the attention of methodologists to exercises that develop motivational readiness for speech activity, that is, for communication exercises, is so great. "Communication exercises are understood as exercises, reproducing or imitating the conditions of a real speech communication that meets the requirements of motivation and situational conditioning" (Sosenko E. Yu.). Communicativeness assumes the speech orientation of the educational process, which is not so much in the fact that a practical speech goal is pursued, how much is that the path to this goal is itself practical use of language. Constant practical use of the language makes learning interesting, attractive, because it is consistent with the ultimate goal (fluency in the language) and thereby ensures the assimilation of speaking as a means of communication. Speech orientation assumes nutty exercises, that is, the degree, the measure of their similarity to speech. First of all, it concerns exercises for the formation of skills and means the use of conditional speech, and not language exercises for these purposes. In other words, all exercises should be exercises not in speaking, but in speaking, when the speaker has a certain speech task and when he performs a speech impact on the interlocutor.

In the studies of methodologists (Passov E.I., Sosenko E.Yu.), conditional speech exercises are considered as a means of forming speech skills.

For the formation of speech skills, which, as you know, have the necessary qualities - automation, stability and relative complexity - required specific conditions. In exercises for shaping speech skills are assumed:

a) use the speech tasks of the speaker, providing conditional motivation of the speech act;

b) these exercises should be situational, that is each remark should be related to the situation as a system of interrelationships between the interlocutors;

c) each phrase must have a communicative value.

To transfer into real life from the educational process was truly successful, class work should simulate the conditions of real language communication as accurately as possible. This kind of work takes place in conditional speech exercises, which are fundamentally different from any kind of training (language) exercises, since they carry out what takes place in the real verbal communication. E.I. Passov in his writings distinguishes many types conditional speech exercises. He categorizes these

Exercises in composition, in attitudes, in the method of implementation and in the parameters that make up the adequacy communication process. These parameters include:

a) Speech task b) The situational attribution of phrases

c) Conditionality of the statement d) The support of the statement.

The following types of conditional speech exercises are distinguished:

Imitative conditional speech exercises. In them the student finds language forms, lexical units in the sample and uses them, without changing.

Substitutional conditional speech exercises. It such exercises in which the substitution occurs lexical units in the structure of any grammatical form.

Transformational conditional speech exercises. By completing these exercises, students transform a replica or part of a replica of the interlocutor, which is expressed in changing the order of words, person or tense of a verb, case or number of a noun, etc.

Reproductive conditional speech exercises. When performing these exercises, it is supposed to reproduce in students' cues those forms or lexical units that have been mastered in the previous exercises. In imitative exercises, the student reproduces a replica, relying entirely on the sample, in substitution exercises it relies on a similar form, in transformational - like a similar form, and in reproductive - reproduction is already completely independent. All these species together constitute a complex conditional speech exercises. A complex of conditional speech exercises is usually used to master one form of grammatical phenomena or a group of lexical units, or, as previously noted, for the formation of speech skills of students.

Many Methodologists have convincingly advocated the opinion that the whole process of developing grammatical skills should be provided with communicative exercises or exercises that have a communicative focus. For the development of speech skills, speech exercises that develop speech activity and the independence of the speaker, ensure the presence speech strategy and tactics of the speaker, actualize the relationship of the participants in communication. Analysis of the types of speech

exercises shows that they are aimed primarily at developing an unprepared, motivated expression of thoughts, the novelty of communication situations and the complication of speech and cogitative tasks. As it is known, in terms of content, speech exercises are situational and communicative. Situational such exercises are called in the methodology that reflect the specifics of speech communication and, above all, its motivational in nature, since a clear definition of the situation in which speech flows, contributes to the emergence of motivation and the creation of purposefulness of speech. When offering a situational exercise, the teacher briefly outlines the environment in which speech will flow, names the interlocutors and introduces a stimulating question, thus including students in a certain situation. And as a result, the process of natural communication is modeled. In this case, the situational exercise is compiled taking into account the specifics of spontaneous speech activity so that their implementation is distinguished by a clear motivation of the speech act.

When performing situational exercises "educational goal "fades into the background, giving way to the communicative; speech does not appear in the form of artificial "educational speaking" due to the need to carry out an abstract task of the teacher (such as "Tell in Russian "," Make a proposal "and others), and in the form a natural act aimed at satisfying the need for communication. Natural situations are more or to a lesser extent new to the participants in the communication. In this regard, exercise becomes important. in the use of learned speech structures in new situations. As many methodologists believe, all instructional speech material should be "passed" through a sufficient number of new situations in order to develop an active and creative mastery of this material. Communication-situational exercises successfully are performed by students when they overcome the main difficulties in mastering the skills of oral speech. In other words, when they become aware of their speech capabilities, they will learn to combine previously studied language material without preparation. In overcoming these difficulties, exercises with the ISS (model of communicative situations) is of great help to them. ISS is a training speech situation, which, using the means of complex visual-auditory visualization, imitates a real situation, prompting students to speak and at the same time serves them as a model for the variants of creative substitutions necessary for mastering the skills of combining language material.


So, in the system of exercises for the development of skills of unprepared oral speech, two main types of exercises are provided:

1) aimed at development the ability to operate with speech material;

2) aimed at developing motivational readiness to speak.

The characteristic side of these types of exercises lies in the fact that situationally determined are not only productive, but also reproductive exercises. Such exercises are organized so that their grammatical purpose was hidden from the students, who should feel that they are not mastering a new grammatical category, but a way of expressing thoughts in a situation encountered in life. These exercises pose before the student is not any linguistic task, but a speech one, and each of their elements is related to the communication situation. Thus, the basis for building a system Exercise is considered to be a learning trait specification language: mastering the material of the language on a situational basis, on the one hand, and mastering the ability to use the mastered material in acts of communication, with another.


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