Norbekova R.U. Email: Norbekova685@scientifictext.ru
Abstract: the article discusses linguistic, conditional speech exercises as a means of forming grammatical and oral speech skills in school language training. In our opinion, the phased use of both language and speech exercises is important for the development of oral speech skills. The former are called upon to form grammatical, lexical, and phonetic skills (which is a necessary basis for future spoken language skills), while the latter are entirely aimed at the implementation of the speaking function and the development of speaking skills. Keywords: conditionally-speech exercises, the formation of grammatical skills, oral-speech skills, lexical and grammatical material.
Норбекова Рано Усмоновна - преподаватель, кафедра практического курса английского языка, Джизакский государственный педагогический институт, г. Джизак, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье рассматривается языковые, условно-речевые упражнения как средство формирования грамматических и устно-речевых навыков в обучение языка школе. На наш взгляд, для развития устных речевых умений важно поэтапное использование как языковых, так и речевых упражнений. Первые призваны к формированию грамматических, лексических и фонетических навыков (что является необходимой основой для будущих навыков устной речи), вторые же целиком направлены на осуществление функции говорения, развитие умений устной речи. Ключевые слова: условно-речевые упражнения, формирования грамматические навыки, устно-речевые навыки, лексико-грамматический материал.
Many teachers wonder: how to make students remember the rules for the functioning of language units and learn to understand and use them in free oral communication? How to help the student move from thought to its verbal expression, how to gradually switch the student's attention from the form of expression to content? One of the most effective and successful means of developing oral foreign language speech is speech exercises.
According to E.I. Passov, "there is always a goal in an exercise, a special organization is inherent in it, and it is always aimed at improving the way an action is performed." Usually, exercises are allocated for the assimilation of material, the so-called language or training exercises, and for its use in speech, speech or communication exercises. E.I. Passov divides the exercises into two categories: "those in which the formation of speech skills, or conditionally speech exercises, and those in which the development of speech skills, or speech exercises" [3].
Many authors emphasize as the main feature of training exercises the focus on the linguistic form, on the structural side of the language. According to Passov, "these exercises allow the formation of skills in conditions that are not adequate to speech.
Such skills do not have the quality of "speaking", and, therefore, are not capable of transference (automatic use in a speech situation). The proposal to direct the student's attention in training exercises to the linguistic form is the wrong learning strategy: first remember the form, then learn to use it in speech. "
However, in our opinion, at the middle stage, when students already have some knowledge and ideas about the language and its functioning, this approach, which suggests starting learning with speech, is not entirely appropriate.
Indeed, if students learn to speak a foreign language without mentally addressing the form, but simply pronounce ready-made statements, then such a speech cannot be called genuine. Without a well-formed linguistic grammar base, students will subsequently be unable to structure their speech competently and fluently.
From which it follows that language exercises are a kind of foundation, the basis for the development of oral speech skills, a means of developing the grammatical side of speech, without which it is impossible to imagine the correct oral speech.
An approximate organization of preparatory exercises can be represented as follows:
- imitation (without conversion, with a slight transformation of the samples);
- modification of sentences (substitutions, expansion or reduction of sentences / replacement of remarks in a dialogue, etc.);
- synonymous and antonymic substitutions;
- combination and grouping (words, sentences, speech formulas);
- design and education by analogy;
- compilation of associograms;
- question-answer exercises, etc. [4].
To illustrate the above, we list some types of preparatory exercises:
- answer the question using samples (words, constructions, speech formulas);
- replace the selected words in the sentence with synonyms / antonyms;
- name the situation in which the listed speech / etiquette formulas can be used;
- select proposals in chronological order on the topics: "At school" or "I am writing a letter to a friend", etc.;
- convert narrative sentences into interrogative ones;
- expand / reduce these proposals;
- describe the subject / phenomenon in two or three phrases;
- explain these words in a foreign language;
- restore missing words in a sentence / text based on context;
- compose an associogram on the specified topic, for example, "Favorite profession", "Our school and its traditions", etc.;
- conduct a language game (maze, crossword, game with a cube, etc.).
As for the speech (communicative) exercises directly aimed at the development of productive oral speech, they should be inherent in such qualities as naturalness, connection with reality, situationality.
E.I. Passov also identifies a number of requirements for speech exercises. Some of them are:
1. A speech exercise is, first of all, a speech-cognitive task of different levels.
2. Speech exercise always provides a natural situational learning.
3. Each speech exercise is a new speech situation. The novelty of the situation should be understood as a change in the relationship of the interlocutors, the object of speech influence, the content of the statement, the accompanying circumstances, the subject of discussion.
4. The speech exercise provides the motivated initiative of the speaker, ie caused not specifically by this setting, but by one's own inner impulse.
5. A speech exercise is a special case of a student's speech activity, because it is connected with the general context of his activity.
6. Speech exercise should provide maximum and constant combinability of speech material, which leads to the development of the quality of productivity in speech ability [2].
Conditionally speech exercises contribute to the development of skills to form speech messages in conditions approaching natural communication. They teach:
- clearly formulate the main idea;
- synthesize content based on speech experience and all kinds of associations; -consistently develop thought;
- express the same thought by different means;
- build a statement based on its pragmatic value;
- correlate the statement with the situation of communication;
- adapt to the individual characteristics of the communication partner;
- to form and realize the speech intention;
- adequately express emotional and evaluative information;
- predict the response of the partner and adequately respond to his remarks [1].
Thus, independent foreign language speech of students is dispelled due to the competent use of both language and speech exercises. The most important thing in learning is the provision of such conditions to students when they independently form and formulate their thoughts and express them in English; when they have a motive that prompts such a speech; when they consciously master language means of communication.
Another effective means of creating motivation for foreign communication is the organization of the educational process in the lesson in the form of a role-playing game. Such an organization allows you to recreate the conditions for verbal communication, and in addition to intensify group learning activities by creating a favorable psychological climate in the lesson and involving each student in joint activities of foreign language communication.
References / Список литературы
1. Galskova N.D. Modern methodology of teaching foreign languages. M.: Arti-Glossa, 2010. 186 p.
2. Passov E.I., Kuzovleva N.E. Fundamentals of communicative theory and technology of foreign language education. M.: Publishing house "Russian language". Courses, 2010. 640 p.
3. Passov E.I. Communicative method of teaching foreign language speaking. M., 2015. 285 p.
4. Skalkin V.L. Communicative exercises in English. M.: Progress, 1983. 122 p.