Научная статья на тему 'Sociolinguistic parametres of development threelanguages in the Republic of Kazakhstan'

Sociolinguistic parametres of development threelanguages in the Republic of Kazakhstan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Amanbayeva Galina Yusupovna, Meirbekova Marzhan Kairatovna, Knol Marina Vladimirovna

Цель статьи социолингвистическое исследование трансформации языковой ситуации на современном этапе реализации языковой политики в Казахстане. В исследовании используются такие методы как теоретический анализ, синтез, систематизация содержания научных источников по данной теме, прогностические и статистические методы обработки данных. Особую значимость имеет реализация языковой политики в области образования, поскольку именно сфера образования является масштабным и оперативным плацдармом для реализации языковой политики и определяет перспективы внедрения проекта трёхъязычия.

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Purpose of the article is sociolinguistic research of language situation transformation at the present stage of language policy realization in Kazakhstan. Such methods as the theoretical analysis, synthesis, and systematization of scientific sources maintenance on this subject, predictive and statistical methods of data processing are used in research. Realization of language policy in the sphere of education because of the education is a large-scale and operational base for realization of language policy has special importance and defines prospects of introduction the project three languages.

Текст научной работы на тему «Sociolinguistic parametres of development threelanguages in the Republic of Kazakhstan»



Amanbayeva Galina Yusupovna

Doctor of philology, professor of Russian and literature department named after G.A. Meyramov, KSU, Karaganda Meirbekova Marzhan Kairatovna Candidate for a master's degree of Russian and literature department named after G.A. Meyramov, KSU, Karaganda Knol Marina Vladimirovna Senior teacher of foreign languages department, KSU, Karaganda


Цель статьи социолингвистическое исследование трансформации языковой ситуации на современном этапе реализации языковой политики в Казахстане. В исследовании используются такие методы как теоретический анализ, синтез, систематизация содержания научных источников по данной теме, прогностические и статистические методы обработки данных. Особую значимость имеет реализация языковой политики в области образования, поскольку именно сфера образования является масштабным и оперативным плацдармом для реализации языковой политики и определяет перспективы внедрения проекта трёхъязы-чия.


Purpose of the article is sociolinguistic research of language situation transformation at the present stage of language policy realization in Kazakhstan. Such methods as the theoretical analysis, synthesis, and systematization of scientific sources maintenance on this subject, predictive and statistical methods of data processing are used in research. Realization of language policy in the sphere of education because of the education is a large-scale and operational base for realization of language policy has special importance and defines prospects of introduction the project three languages.

Ключевые слова: государственная программа, трёхъязычное образование, трёхъязычие, социолингвистика, языковая политика, языковая ситуация.

Key words: state program, education in trilingualism, trilingualism, sociolinguistics, language policy, language situation.

In the conditions of world integration, expansion of information space and rapid development of innovative technologies in the world community the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan undergoes considerable transformations. In the message "Social and economic modernization - the main vector of development of Kazakhstan" of January 27, 2012 the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev focuses attention on high-quality growth of the human capital in Kazakhstan that means, first of all, modernization of an education system. At the same time the Head of state emphasizes that fact that "the main advantage of our country is the multinationality and mul-tilingualism" and "one of key factors of success of all modernization process is the success of updating of a national education system" [1]. In the message "Strategy Kazakhstan-2050 - a new political policy of the taken place state" the Head of state once again emphasizes the importance of policy a three languages: "With three languages it has to be encouraged at the state level. We have to make breakthrough in studying of English. Possession of it "the lingua of franc" of the modern world will open for each citizen of our country new boundless opportunities in life. ... What I see Kazakhstan of the future? I am firmly convinced that Kazakhstan citizens of 2050 are society of the educated, free people speaking three languages" [2]. For last decade significant social and economic reforms which

have given a new impulse for transformation of an education system have been undertaken. So, the standard and legal basis in education has been updated and improved, borders of the international cooperation were expanded and all education levels in general are modified. The above-named changes have most found the reflection in the system of the higher education. Integration and internationalization of the Kazakhstan education system, autonomy of the universities, the international academic mobility, independent accreditation of higher education institutions, system synthesis of science, education and an innovation, education through all life - tasks which enter a circle of the main at the present stage of development of the higher school of the Republic of Kazakhstan. With adoption of the State program of development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010 the sphere of the higher education has passed to a new round of development and a function [2]. So, in 2007 the three-stage education system has been introduced: bachelor degree magistracy - PhD doctoral studies which legal bases were reflected in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About education". And in 2009 the Qualifier of specialties of the higher and postgraduate education which corresponds to basic provisions of the Bologna declaration has been put into operation and directed to the system of international classification of education. One of problems of representation of this structure in

educational space of Kazakhstan is ensuring transparency, comparability and recognition of diplomas and qualifications at the international level. One of the first steps for achievement of the goal of the higher school -entry into the European zone of the higher education, into world educational space in general - is signing of the Bologna declaration by the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2010 at the II Bologna Forum of Ministers of Education of member countries of Bologna Process. In the course of introduction of the fundamental principles of the Bologna declaration of 60 higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan have entered the Great Charter of the Universities. Now in 28% of higher educational institutions the Kazakhstan model of transfer credit of the credits which provides the Dublin descriptors, modular educational programs and the European system of transfer credit of the credits is implemented. For the purpose of integration of the higher education into the world educational environment and recognitions of diplomas about the higher education in the developed countries in Kazakhstan the National information center by the academic recognition and mobility of NARIC - Kazakhstan which activity meets requirements of Bologna Process functions. For convertibility of the Kazakhstan documents on the higher education at the international level in 2011 10 higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan have undergone the international specialized accreditation, in 2010 their quantity was 7, and in 2009 - 3. According to MAUN RK'S data, in 38 higher educational institutions the program of two-degree education is carried out. Also more than 80 memorandums of cooperation in introduction of joint educational programs have been signed with the universities of Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Germany, the Czech Republic, Spain, Russia and other countries. Now in the field of education at the interstate and intergovernmental levels there are 113 existing international treaties. Within the international cooperation in 2015 1100 teachers and scientists from abroad have been invited for lecturing in 27 higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan. More than 1700 teachers of higher education institutions of Kazakhstan have passed training in the foreign universities for 2005-2015. Also programs of exchange of teachers and students with assistance of the created target supranational programs of the EU are implemented (COMETT, ERASMUS, LINGUA, SOCRATES, etc.). Scientific and pedagogical contacts with the international, foreign regional and national organizations, funds and programs (UNESCO, TEMPUS, DAAD, the World Bank, AYREKS, INTAS, CARNEGIE, the British Council) are come [2]. Since 1993 the international scholarship program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" within which training at leading universities of the world is carried out is implemented. Recently work of higher educational institutions on involvement in the international ratings was sped up. Thus, the Republic of Kazakhstan seeks to improve quality of education for increase in competitiveness of future experts in the global market. In the conditions of the transformational and integration processes covering world space, knowledge of English in Kazakhstan gets a special role. Within the theory of

"three concentric rings" developed to B. Kachr, Kazakhstan can be carried to the extending circle [3, p. 29] where English is considered as means of the international communication. Functioning of English in the Republic of Kazakhstan is differentiated from his use as additional language to a lingua of franc in different institutional contexts. It should be noted that with acquisition of independence in 1991 special attention at the state level is paid to development and distribution of English that is confirmed by standard and legal documents (laws "About Education" and "About Languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan", "State Program of Functioning and Development of Languages for 2011-2020.", "State Program of Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020."). However despite the held events, English isn't majority language; in particular, the senior generation, doesn't use English in everyday life. As for youth, here we observe the return tendency. Due to the transformation of educational space, English is an obligatory subject on all education levels and is learned from 1 class from 2013-2014 academic years. Besides the question of pol-ylinguistic education where special emphasis is placed on studying of objects by means of English (CLIL) is brought up. In the professional sphere there is also a great demand for experts with knowledge of English. In this regard the positive tendency of use of English in various social spheres is observed now. Therefore, English among youth becomes the means of communication, a resource, additional language which is used together with the native language (Kazakh and Russian).

For the first time the idea a trilingualism has been voiced in 2006 on X II the sessions of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan. In 2007 in the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarba-yev "New Kazakhstan in the new world" stage-by-stage implementation of the cultural project "Trinity of Languages" within which studying, development and support of three languages is necessary is offered: Kazakh as state language, Russian - for interstate communication, English - for successful integration into world economy [4]. According to the State program of development of education for 2011-2020, since 2011 preparation of English-speaking pedagogical shots for secondary, technical and professional, higher education according to the international scholarship Bolashak program is carried out and also volumes of the credits on a foreign language in higher educational institutions of the country for the purpose of training of specialists with polylingual education will be increased. On average a link of education the number of the schools representing education in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages with 33 to 700 will increase, and the number of schools "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" will increase with 6 to 20. According to the above-named Program, these schools will become a basis "for approbation of polylingual model of education" which will create necessary ballast for advance a trilingualism, in particular, of English, at the Kazakhstan higher school [5]. The language policy on advance of English is reflected also in "The state program of development and functioning of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan

for 2011-2020". One of the main tasks of the program is studying of English and other foreign languages. According to the program, by 2014 10% of the population have to know English, by 2017 - 15%, and by 2020 -20%. It should be noted that the share of the population knowing three languages (state, Russian and English), had to make 10% by 2014, by 2017 it has to make 12%, and by 2020 up to 15% of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan have to speak English [6, p.51].

Since 2011 within the state language policy realization of training of polylingual experts for all links of education is begun. In 2012 the Centers of pedagogical skill at Nazarbayev are created Intellectual schools and the national center of retraining of pedagogical personnel of JSC Orleu which will allow capturing in 5 years 125 thousand people [6, p.54]. For implementation of high-quality transition on since 2011 within the state language policy realization of training of polylingual experts for all links of education is begun. In 2012 the Centers of pedagogical skill at Nazarbayev are created Intellectual schools and the national center of retraining of pedagogical personnel of JSC Orleu which will allow capturing in 5 years 125 thousand people [6, p.54]. For implementation of high-quality transition on trilin-gualism at the higher school of Kazakhstan, in particular, of advance of English, in the system of secondary education essential reforms are undertaken. Now, there is functioning 6 "Nazarbayev's intellectual schools" where 4 000 pupils study, 33 specialized schools with studying at three languages "Murager" (Kazakh, Russian, English) where about 5 000 pupils study. Since 2004 at 32 schools the experiment on studying English from the second class in volume of 2 hours a week has been entered. In 2011 already at 115 schools English was learned from the 2nd class which general contingent makes over 51 thousand people. Also there is over 15 thousand children study in the Kazakh-Turkish lyceums where they are studied in four languages (Kazakh, Russian, English, Turkish) [6, p.46]. English

from the first class is mastered by pupils already at 73 schools: at 2 Miras schools, the International school of public fund "Fund of Nursultan Nazarbayev's education", 2 Haileybury boarding schools, 29 Kazakh-Turkish lyceums, 6 "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools", 33 specialized schools for gifted children [6, p.48]. For preparation and retraining about 2 thousand English teachers of primary education is necessary for realization of above-named actions. According to this the transition of Kazakhstan higher education institutions to a multilingualism is begun on a pilot basis.


1. Socio - economic modernization - the main vector of development of Kazakhstan. Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan. January 27, 2012//[Elec-tronic resource]//access Mode: http://www.akorda.kz

2. Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan. Strategy Kazakhstan-2050 - New political course of developed state. - Astana, 2012. - December 14.//[Elec-tronic resource]//access Mode: http://www.akorda.kz

3. Kachru B. The alchemy of English: The spread, functions and models of non-native Englishes. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986. - 138 p.

4. New Kazakhstan in the new world. Message of the President N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan. - M.: Astana, 2007.//[Electronic resources/access Mode: http://www.akorda.kz

5. The state program of education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010. (The decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N 1459 "The Kazakhstan truth" October 16, 2004 N 237)//[An electronic resource]//the access Mode: http://ru.govern-ment.kz/docs/u041459_rus.html

6. The national report on a state and development of education - Astana, 2011. - 75 p.


Баранова Юлия Сергеевна

Магистр 2 курса Лингвистического факультета Московский Государственный Областной Университет, г. Москва


В статье дается понятие термину "медиатекст" и освещаются его основные характеристики. Учитывая динамический характер медиатекста, рассматриваются его различные уровни.


In the article the author identifies the term "mediatext" and points out its basic features. Certain levels of mediatext are considered in view of the dynamic nature of the mediatext.

Ключевые слова. Медиатекст, медиалингвистика, медиакультура, семантика, прагматика текста Keywords. Mediatext, medialinguistics, mediaculture, semantics, text paragmatics

Как отмечает Т.Г. Добросклонская, для определенного времени характерна словесной в определенной форме. Начиная с конца ХХ века стремительно растет и развивается новая сфера речеупо-требления, которая представляет собой различные комплексные средства массовой коммуникации [4.,

С.12]. Традиционное мировое информационное пространство, представленное печатью, радио и телевидением глобализируется и подвергается определенным изменениям. В этом мировом информационном пространстве, уже представленные или представляемые тексты, получают развитие в виде

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