UDK 101
Arabboyev X. senior teaher Fergana branch of TUIT Uzbekistan, Fergana
Annotation: This article studies the notion of healthy lifestyle from the philosophical point of view. Also, the article presents a scientific basis for the philosophical foundations of the study of healthy lifestyle.
Key words: a human being, healthy lifestyle, family, upbringing, spirituality.
In the modern philosophical literature, special attention is paid to the role of socio-cultural values in the formation of a healthy lifestyle. In turn, the study of the socio-cultural relationship between a healthy lifestyle and the upbringing of a healthy child as a whole system is an important issue. Therefore, in the future, it is important to objectively study the relationship in this interconnected and interdependent state.
The main directions of the formation of a healthy lifestyle are based on the teachings of the World Health Organization: proper nutrition, active lifestyle and physical education, sex education, healthy family, peace of mind, avoidance of harmful habits, personal and public hygiene. In the East, the family has long been considered a sacred place. If the family is healthy and strong, peace and harmony will be achieved in the society. As long as the neighborhood and the country are strong, stability and peace will prevail in the country. After all, family well-being is the foundation of national well-being. Because today there are young people who get married without understanding such concepts as family law, the role of husband and wife, responsible family literacy, medical culture.
Everyone wants their family to be prosperous, prosperous and strong. But we all know that it is very difficult to get married, to raise patriotic, intelligent, righteous children. There is no doubt that the family is the cornerstone of civil society. For in this holy place not only man is born, but he is brought up spiritually and mentally. The stronger the family, the more stable and rapid the society will be. Man derives his knowledge of the world around him from the family, his first insights into spirituality and morality, his initial ideas about good and evil.
A healthy, emotional environment in the family creates great opportunities for the spiritual formation of the individual. However, in some families, due to parental indifference, indifference, neglect, lack of constant control over the fate of the child, children are exposed to a bad environment, criminal gangs, drug addicts. In carrying out these tasks, special attention is paid to preventive examination, detection and treatment of long-term diseases, healthy lifestyle, as well as prevention of harmful habits such as smoking, drinking and drug addiction, early and in-law marriage, AIDS.
We know that the purpose of marriage is not only for two young people to live happily and together, but also to give birth to healthy children and build a strong family. However, many ingredients and compounds, as well as the health of two young people, play an important role in creating a mature environment.
Today, the issue of health is considered only as an issue that belongs to the younger generation, and when this concept is assessed in general terms, it is an important factor in realizing the survival potential of the whole society. The attitude of young people to the issue of health represents a unique spiritual and moral system. And it manifests itself in the form of selective relationships to various events in the socio-spiritual environment, that is, the choice of situations that have a positive effect on health or, conversely, lead to loss of health, as well as the individual's ability to evaluate his spiritual and moral upbringing. Indeed, in recent years there has been an increase in interest in the health of the population, especially youth, by various disciplines, which is directly related to the increasing impact of environmental, socio-economic, socio-political, socio-cultural and other factors on health. The influence of socio-demographic, socio-political and socio-cultural and spiritual-moral factors on the formation of public health is a specific subject of research in social philosophy.
Interest in philosophy, especially in ethics, is the study of the specific behavioral characteristics of the population in the context of different socio-cultural values. In this case, the specific behavior of a person focused on goodness and kindness rises to the top in the moral attitude to health, and it is described as a system of actions and relationships that serve as a mediator between health and longevity, i.e. this activity affects the individual.
During the years of the former Soviet Union, it was believed that the state should take care of the health of the population, with free medical care guaranteed for everyone. In the context of the transition period, the population was required to take responsibility for their own health and to understand it deeply. The problem of full awareness of the population about the need to take care of their own health in an independent manner, in turn, requires the implementation of appropriate measures for health care. In this case, measures to prevent health problems include not only visits to medical facilities, but also regular monitoring of nutrition, physical activity, social environmental norms, abandonment of harmful habits and similar activities.
Many scientists point out that almost 50% of health is related to a person's healthy lifestyle, and research in this area is also one of the leading in philosophy. In turn, the strengthening of health is associated with the prevention, treatment of diseases, taking medications, and so on. In addition, human health is directly related to his lifestyle, this aspect covers the whole complex of life processes, so the study of behavioral characteristics in health is approached as one of the most pressing issues in philosophy.
The health status of young people is determined not only by the quality of medical services provided, but also by their behavioral characteristics in the field of health and, in turn, the specific ethical attitude of young people to the concept of health. It is observed that the younger generation has a perception of their health, a
satisfactory understanding of it, the need to value their own health, as well as, unfortunately, sacrificing their health to achieve other goals that are of social value to them. Therefore, special attention is paid to solving these problems at the state level.
In conclusion, health is the ability of the human body to adapt to the external environment in its own way, as well as to withstand the negative effects of external and internal factors, protect against disease and injury, expand its capabilities for self-protection and full-blooded life activities. to receive, that is, to be able to ensure the well-being of one's own life. In this case, the well-being of life is manifested as a person's "peace and happiness", which in turn is defined as the concept of happiness - "a person's peace of mind at a high level, the ability to feel a sense of satisfaction." Based on these concepts, we can say that a person's health is an integral part of his or her life activities, that he or she has a continuous, productive life activity, through which he or she can ensure his or her well-being, peace and happiness.
Sources used:
1. N.Boymurodov. Applied psychology. Study guide. Tashkent, 2008 y.
2. Sh.Kamolova. Basics of valeology. Text of lectures. Jizzakh, 2008 y.
3. Kh.Arabboev. Basics of valeology. Methodical instructions. TUITFB, 2017 y.
4. B.N.Chumakov. Valeology. Lecture course. Moscow, 2000 y.
УДК 528. 48. (575.192)