Научная статья на тему 'Social significance of nominations “the age of a man” in the English language'

Social significance of nominations “the age of a man” in the English language Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Social significance of nominations “the age of a man” in the English language»


Sharipova F.N.


To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world

This analysis is aimed at studying the semantic and stylistic properties that are socially determined by the NB in the language system, the peculiarities of their functioning in the artistic text. One of the conclusions of our study of the linguistic material obtained as a result of the analysis is that socially determined HB are mostly stylistically labeled. This conclusion has a theoretical justification and confirms the thesis put forward in many papers on the interaction of sociolinguistics and stylistics. It should be noted that many linguists note a certain interrelation and interrelation between sociolinguistics and stylistics (Schweiper, AD, Vinogradov, VV, Desherpiev, Yu.D., Belikov, VI, Krysin, L.P., Luzuna.L.G Bolotov V.I. and others. Let us turn to the analysis of language material: he is very successful, attractive etc (MED). Analysis of the vocabulary definitions of this language unit reveals a person's age (young man), social affiliation (in authority) and positive characteristics (successful attractive); Chinless wonder - a girl who is a weak and a stupid (LDCE). The definition of this HB reveals the following pragmatic stylistic information: Age of the person (a young man), social status (an upper class) and evaluation characteristics of the negative direction (weak and stupid) In the given examples, along with social characteristics, there is a positive or negative emotional assessment in HB due to the position on the close relationship and social conditionality of the score in HB. The analysis of linguistic material showed that NAs with a negative emotional and evaluative component significantly prevail over NAs of a positive direction, which is caused by the predominant orientation of emotive speech-making activities of a person towards negative phenomena of reality. Consider the vocabulary definitions of the lexeme "Yuppie" - a trendy and a bitter one. or near a large city (MWCD). In accordance with the dictionary definitions, this lexeme is marked by a positive emotional-evaluative orientation, as evidenced by the evaluation vocabulary of a positive orientation (Trendy, affluent, college-educated, well-playing). However, as noted above, the use of HB in the text is accompanied by various kinds of semantic-stylistic transformations, which can not only enhance the stylistic significance of HB, but in certain contexts of use change the stylistic orientation of the lexical unit: Breed of super consumers:

The Young Urban Professionals, the labeled "Yuppies" They sunk their spare cash-plus the credit that banks were eager to give them... into status symbol like expensive stereos foreign cars, particularly sporty Saabs and BMWs. They dressed in designer clothes, wore Rolex watches and vacationed on exotic islands. Because they didn't have to worry about school systems and were to busy for long comets they bought lofts in the cities and installed elaborate kitchens that they rarely got around to using. (Newspaper, English'' № 41, 1-7 nov 2004; 27).

The explicit emotional-evaluative characteristic of the NA, Yuppie '', acquires in this context a negatively emotional-evaluative meaning. The ironic meaning of this statement is created by constructing the text on the principle of antithesis, which creates a contrast between the positive characteristics of this social group, explicit expressions (super, good, high, expensive, elaborated) and implicitly expressions of the characteristics of this social group (designer, Rolex, exotic, foreign, sporty, BMWs) and their actions (few responsibilities, children). The general orientation of modern linguistics is characterized by

the transition from the study of language as a formal system, abstracted from specific conditions, to the study of language in the situation of "language in action".

In this regard, it became necessary to develop new approaches to the consideration of language as a means of communicative interaction in a broad social aspect. This stimulated the emergence of new branches of linguistics, such as: sociolinguistics, linguistic pragmatics, linguistic culturology, etc.

"The sociological aspect of learning languages covers the totality of problems associated with the characteristics of all linguistic phenomena caused by the development of society, with its impact on the interaction of languages as a whole and on the interaction of languages in general and on the interaction of linguistic elements in the functioning of each specific language" The connection between sociolinguistics and stylistics is considered not only logical, but also promising (Belikov, Krysin 2001). As the analysis of the special literature shows, the key concepts of sociolinguistics are considered such as language and speech collective, linguistic and verbal community, value complex, social communicative system, status, role relations, role expectations, social setting, social value system, individual characteristics, relevance and irrelevance of the addressee and the addressee, etc. Most of these concepts, for example: such as status, role relationships, relevance with irrelevance are also key for stylistics.

It should be noted that this concept is one of the most important in understanding the process of euphemization.


1. Imamov E.Z. Pattahov.M Information technology.-Tashkent Molia-2002.135.

2. Marakhimov A.R., Rakhmankulova S.I. Internet va undan foydalanish asoslari.-Tashkent 2001.



"Technology will never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers is transformational''

In the pedagogical and psychological literature, the concept of "technology" is often encountered, which came to us along with the development of computer technology and the introduction of new computer technologies. In pedagogical science, a special direction appeared - pedagogical technology. This direction originated in the 60s in the USA, England and now has spread in almost all countries of the world. The appearance of this term and the direction of research in pedagogy are not an accident. Analyzing the existing picture of the state of the scientific status of educational technology, it should be noted that:1.some authors consider the technology of learning between science and art;2.other authors associate learning technology with the didactic design function; approaches are known, when the technology of training is defined as a kind of professional toolkit, providing all sorts of technical means of training, then the technology is considered as a way of engineering the learning process;

In the most general form, the technology of learning is defined as knowledge of the necessary procedures for designing a new or somewhat modernized training practice. In this

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