Научная статья на тему 'Social culture of educational environment of an institution of higher education as a factor of influence on psycho-emotional distinctive features of students'

Social culture of educational environment of an institution of higher education as a factor of influence on psycho-emotional distinctive features of students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kostrigin Ruslan Vyacheslavovich, Sarmentova Oxana Valerievna, Chumankina Elena Anatolievna

Purpose. The article examines the influence of socio-cultural space of educational institution on the formation and manifestation of mental and emotional characteristics of students. The authors present the social culture of the University educational space as a socio-cultural environment, significant living space, which is in the process of formation of a student personality. Methodology. The basis of the research is the fundamental principles of modern psychology on the social conditioning of personality development in activity, communication and vocational training, the modern ideas of humanistic psychology and pedagogy, the system-structural approach to the analysis of the personality, the role of education and vocational training in its development were the methodological and theoretical basis of the work. Results. The results of this research consist of the fact that the authors represent the range of types of project activities with its potential enable to shape moral consciousness, value orientation, and sustainable world view, related to the solution of life issues. The conclusion has been made about a direct relationship of quality of educational space and the manifestation of psycho-emotional characteristics of students and development and self-development of emotional sphere of personality. Practical implications. The results of the study can be applied in the sphere of education, work with the students, and for the work of psychological pedagogical services.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Social culture of educational environment of an institution of higher education as a factor of influence on psycho-emotional distinctive features of students»

DOI: 10.12731/2218-7405-2017-2-121-135 UDC 159.99


of an institution of higher education as a factor of influence on psycho-emotional distinctive features of students

Kostrigin R.V., Sarmentova O.V., Chumankina E.A.

Purpose. The article examines the influence of socio-cultural space of educational institution on the formation and manifestation of mental and emotional characteristics of students. The authors present the social culture of the University educational space as a socio-cultural environment, significant living space, which is in the process offormation of a student personality.

Methodology. The basis of the research is the fundamental principles of modern psychology on the social conditioning ofpersonality development in activity, communication and vocational training, the modern ideas of humanistic psychology and pedagogy, the system-structural approach to the analysis of the personality, the role of education and vocational training in its development were the methodological and theoretical basis of the work.

Results. The results of this research consist of the fact that the authors represent the range of types ofproject activities with its potential enable to shape moral consciousness, value orientation, and sustainable world view, related to the solution of life issues. The conclusion has been made about a direct relationship of quality of educational space and the manifestation of psycho-emotional characteristics of students and development and self-development of emotional sphere ofpersonality.

Practical implications. The results of the study can be applied in the sphere of education, work with the students, andfor the work ofpsycho-logical pedagogical services.

Keywords: social culture; educational environment; psychological conditions and factors; psycho-emotional features of the psychoemo-tional sphere of the person; the socio-cultural space.

социальная культура образовательного пространства вуза как фактор влияния на психоэмоциональные особенности студентов

Костригин Р.В., Сарментова О.В., Чуманкина Е.А.

Цель. В статье рассматривается влияние социально-культурного пространства вуза на формирование и проявления психических и эмоциональных характеристик студентов. Авторы представляют социальную культуру образовательного пространства вуза как значительное жизненное пространство социально-культурной среды, которое оказывает большое влияние на процесс формирования личности студента.

Метод или методология проведения работы. Основой исследования являются основополагающие принципы современной психологии, социальной обусловленности развития личности в деятельности, общении и профессиональной подготовке, современные идеи гуманистической психологии и педагогики, системно-структурный подход к анализу личности, роль обучения и профессиональной подготовки в развитии личности явились методологической и теоретической основой работы.

Результаты. Результаты этого исследования заключаются в том, что авторы представляют различные типы проектной деятельности, которая в свою очередь позволяет сформировать нравственное сознание, ценностные ориентации и устойчивое мировоззрение, связанных с решением жизненных вопросов. Сделан вывод о прямой зависимости качества образовательного пространства и проявления психоэмоциональных особенностей студентов, развития и саморазвития эмоциональной сферы личности.

Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования могут быть применены в сфере образования, работе со студентами, для работы психолого-педагогических служб.

Ключевые слова: социальная культура; образовательное пространство; психологические условия и факторы; психоэмоциональные особенности; психоэмоциональная сфера личности; социально-культурного пространство.

Age of studentship is one of the most complicated and least understood stages of individual development. This is a "life-changing phase" for a young person, characterized by entering a new adult life, searching for an individual way of living, basic and professional self-determination [6]. "It is associated with a change of social roles, transfer from one system of dependencies to another, partly characteristic of a yet grownup person, with the urge for a forecast of compliance between personal abilities and professional requirements, with some adolescent changes, etc. [4, p. 89]. An important factor of individual development during studentship is extending civil rights and responsibilities (obtaining a passport, liability for criminal prosecution, right to route one's way of living and marriage). A certain "balancing of rights of parents and kids" takes place. Social situation of development at this age urges a person to determine own place in life. Personality orientation, individual mindset mainly consists of self-determination and seeking one's own way of living. This choice, including occupational choice, entails some reflections on oneself and the world around, creates some doubts and contradictions, determines the lines of a person's social development and has a significant influence on a student's personal self-awareness growth and assessment of his abilities. On top of a motivational hierarchy are one's plans and future expectations, and exactly these are beginning to subordinate all other needs and aspirations of a person, which presumes a very high degree of individual development (physical, psychic and moral). During this period some significant changes are taking place in the scope and correlation of basic motivational trends of boys and girls, providing for rearrangement of all other psychic peculiarities.

Educational and professional activities are leading aspects for studentship. Attitude towards educational activities and the very nature of these activities take a somewhat new meaning. Apart from an ordinary expansion of the scope of knowledge and selective attitude towards disciplines, a person also develops his mental scope and a sophisticated conceptual framework, mental process becomes more stabilized and efficient. Motivation of educational activities is going through a significant change as a major incentive for studies is now acquiring of knowledge aimed at the future profession. Self-determination in life and profession becomes a new center of personal development for students. They tend to analyze their abilities and professionally significant competencies, trying to shape self-assessment of their own professional aptitude. Psychologists point out intensive development of the need for self-determination and of self-awareness. Let us make a thorough study of the psychological conditions and factors influencing on the students' psycho-emotional features. Many years of productive work allowed us to identify a number of factors that affect the formation of personality of the student. The following factors may be regarded as the main sources of emotions: physiological needs, interpersonal contacts, environmental study, self-cognition, old memories, future planning, dreams.

Physiological needs. Initial emotional human response is induced genetically. This type of needs pertains to the biological sources of emotions. In order to function properly an organism needs normal rest and repose, food and drinks, as well as physical activity. For instance, when an organism depletes a specific nutritional resource, the person feels hungry. This feeling comprises information on the growing need for nutrition and creates a food searching reaction. Any items facilitating satisfaction of this need entail certain emotions, whereas all other items impeding satisfaction of this need entail negative feelings (e.g., irritation or anger). Satisfaction of nutritional need leads to a disturbing esurience being replaced with a pleasant sense of fullness. The same group of sources of emotions includes awareness of the state of one's own organism. Since it may differ, a person can have different feelings and emotions. Emotions mainly cover situations of "right here, right now", whereas feelings

characterize states of an organism within a somewhat larger timespan. When a person is sick he or she can feel some pain associated with a feeling of concern about is or her health status, fear of an operation or other unpleasant medical interference, apprehensions for infecting someone else, etc. Situations when a person becomes aware of a direct biological threat to his or her life are the source of highly intensive emotions. On the other hand, when we feel that our organisms are full of energy we experience joy, pleasure and other positive feelings which in turn may give us more power to overcome different hardships of life.

Interpersonal contacts. The main source of emotions also includes contacts with other people. Being successful in a contemporary society requires certain communication and organizational skills.

Environmental study. Cognitive activity of a person is the area which invokes a very wide range of feelings. From earliest infancy the source of a person's emotions includes experience of contacts with surrounding items. Yet in the process of sensory perception, and even more in the process of observations formation a person has certain good or bad emotions coming up. As a person's mentality is being developed, more feelings are in this or that way connected with imagination and thinking. Various creative activities may entail a separate kind of feelings.

Self-cognition. A person studies not only the world around but also oneself. Self-cognition stipulates the emergence of various feelings inside. It can lead to a very high level of self-actualization, enjoyment of one's own looks, actions and achievements. However, quite often a person in the process of self-cognition experiences some disappointment, being displeased with his looks, behavior or traits which he or she would be glad to get rid of or just to forget. Individual morals are another source of such feelings as, for instance, pride or shame.

Old memories. The source of feelings comprises not only some instantaneous emotions. Such intensive emotional states may come over us also at the time when were member some personally significant events which happened earlier. If these appeared to be fruitful then such reminiscences invoke repeated good feelings like pleasure, joy, pride etc. Which we had at the time when they emerged. On the other hand, if these events

were somehow connected with any threat then we can have some fears over again. Thus, a full source of feeling scan comprise some previous stage of a person's life, gathered experience.

Future planning, dreams. Directing one's thoughts into the future is another substantial kind of circumstances raising some emotions, for instance, thinking about an upcoming exammayentail some swelling of anxiety, where as dreams of some interesting inter-student activities or a vacation travel can invoke an abundance of joyful and positive emotions.

Scientific research works and social practice are characterized by an abruptly growing interest towards substantiation of the role and significance of the social-cultural environment which could harmonize the processes of socialization, social adaption and self-actualization of a young man's personality within the educational environment framework. Social culture of educational environment of an institution of higher education is the social-cultural environment, significant area of life-sustaining activities making provisions for the process of formation of a student's personality, development and self-development in the interaction with other people, natural and objective factors, cultural values. It is a complicated structure of social, material and moral conditions in which the process of socialization and self-actualization of a student's personality takes place. Psychological peculiarities of the social culture of educational environment of an institution of higher education emerge from a student's activities, creation and development of his life space in the whole of social-psychological, moral and spiritual, as well as functional and objective-sensory conditions of respective life-sustaining activities [1, p. 186]. Environment of an institution of higher education is perceived not only as an objective factor of achievement of person hood but also as a factor of psychological and sociocultural influence of educational environment of an institution of higher education emerge on the process of a student's personality formation and development. As a result of this influence, the environment of an institution of higher education becomes the means of personal education and upbringing, as well as the environment for personal enhancement.

Social culture of educational environment of an institution of higher education is the social-cultural environment, significant area of life-sus-

taining activities making provisions for the process of formation of a student's personality, his development and self-development in the interaction with other people, natural and objective factors, cultural values [9]. Currently this environment is considered as making provisions for the social and individual development and self-development of a personality. Quality of the personal enhancement environment has an active influence on the personality development [5, p. 257]. In a sense, the social-cultural environment of an educational institution is not only making provisions for personal enhancement but is also a key factor of formation of the students' subculture performing important functions in the system of formation of corporate culture among future experts. Formation of the students' subculture begins within the cultural framework of an institution of higher education yet on the stage of the first-year students' socialization through the ritual "matriculation" ceremony.

Corporate culture of the students' community is a factor which has an influence on the students' psycho-emotional distinctive features and represents a system of moral and material values and assumptions, believes, anticipations, standards and patterns of behavior which are shared and supported by the majority of students of an institution of higher education, and determine modes of their actions and interactions inside and outside of the community, in everyday life activities of the students and their future professional work. Corporate culture of the students' community at an institution of higher education comprises the following correlated components: subsystem of values and standards (main values shared in the students' community, corporate standard sand rules); sub system of organizational structure (formal and informal organizational structure, structure of power and leadership); subsystem of communications (structure of formalized and unformalized flows, quality of communications); subsystem of social-psychological relations (sociometry, role system, proneness to conflict); subsystem of signs and symbols (myths and legends, corporate stories); subsystem of external identification (image, advertisement attributes) [3, p. 237].

Successful management of the process of formation and development of corporate culture of an institution of higher education is ensured through

application of various socio communicative technologies transmitting corporate values and standards, providing for a unity of values and norms with in the students' community, mutual understanding and consent of the corporate culture bearers, development of traditions of an institution of higher education (securing of corporate values and standards in cultural artefacts), in the process of positive image making (improvement of appeal of an institution of higher education), encouragement of the students' self-management (participation in practical implementation of cultural values and standards), by means of social monitoring (tracing the real state and ch. Anges of corporate culture of an institution of higher education) [7, p. 148]. Subcultural communities, being a polyfunctional sociocultural phenomenon, meet the essential personality development needs for social and cultural identity, help adapt for cultural, psychological and social environmental realia, consolidate students, offer unique methods of solving the existing problems.

Optimization of environment of an educational institution is intended to deploy its human-creative potential in order to restrict negative and enhance positive factors. Psychological conditions and factors, having some influence on psycho-emotional distinctive features of students, may include the fact that social culture of educational environment of an institution of higher education has a rather delicate and often indirect impact on a student's personality, emerging not only on the level of consciousness, but also on the level of subconsciousness. Influence of social culture of educational environment of an institution of higher education excludes any direct "pressure" on a person, which exactly stipulates a selective personal enhancement trend of environmental factors.

In the structure of educational environment of an institution of higher education researchers point out: directaction factors (sources of information, systems ofsupporting educational activities and communication)which therewith appear to be identical to educational aids, and indirect action factors which have an indirect influence on the process of digestion of knowledge and development of students (indoor temperature, illumination of studying seats, etc.). Availability "in the environment" of certain equipment and technical devices (e.g., personal computers), information resources entails

the need to make use of them. Especially attractive are not even some objects but human beings, socialization with some highly qualified experts, recognized bearers of professional experience, founders of educational research institutions. Among environmental factors outside of academic activities we can point out both objective-spatial arrangements(e.g., decoration of recreation al facilities with paintings, availability of banners on some activities of students' organizations, etc.), and an especially significant factor - informal talks with outstanding scientists, getting acquainted with scientific schools and corporate traditions, students' interaction.

Fulfilment of potential of the sociocultural space of an educational institution is possible via application of the "environmental approach" methodology which is based on the principles of psychological research and planning, includes synthesis of and due regard for the fundamental factors of personhood achievement. Therefore, methodology of optimizing social-cultural environment of life-sustaining activities naturally includes an activity approach to conditions structuring, which assumes activization of a student within subjectively significant types of social-cultural activities. At an educational institution were commend to provide for a wide range of extracurricular activities encouraging individual self-actualization, such as scientific research, participation in research/practice conferences of students and young scientists, professional skill competitions, participation in various creative teams at the university, institutions and departments, bands and rock groups, dancing groups, arranging master classes, festivals, sports events, gala concerts, participation in international contests and festivals, involvement of competent professionals (meetings with scientists, well-known sportsmen, prominent men of art and culture), reunions of students with graduates and many other things. The university, as well as some other Russian institutions of higher education, can offer some examples of successful fulfilment of certain educatory and developing programs: intellectual contests (similar to panel games like "What? Where? When?"), clubs of political ideas "Debates", etc. Integration of educational environment into the common sociocultural space at all stages of extra curricular practical activities of the subjects of educational process facilitates formation of professional competencies, professional

self-determination, students' person hood achievement and development. At the same time a prominent part is attributed to those types of social and cultural activities which are filled with cultural and creative contents making up for the shortfalls of personal enhancement and expanding the solubility of a student's personal problems, prevent some isolating trends in his lifestyle and ensure his integration into the university subculture. These are exactly the psychological conditions and factors which have positive influence on a student's psycho-emotional personality profile. A special part indetermination of the sociocultural space quality is attributed to the mental and moral references which create a "cultural stress field" in which a person feels the fullness of being, does soul-searching through some other men, expands the circle of real contacts. Creation of a spiritually saturated environment encourages socialization of a person and fulfilment of creativity, gaining a culture-congruent behavior experience, "cultural self-identification of a person" [2]. Saturation of educational environment with "moral references" is a vital condition of the educational process efficiency: identification with the images of persons embodying mental and moral values is a key condition of self-development, understanding by the person of his professional vocation and duty [8, p. 445]. Having studied the work of psychologists analyzing the sociocultural space of the University, the following factors shall be considered as the sociocultural space optimization efficiency criteria:

a) quality of a student's life-sustaining activity in terms of arrangement of conditions for creative development and personal self-actualization through involvement of a person in various types of social and cultural activities;

b) emotional comfort (low anxiety level, mutual understanding and support, satisfaction with the level of interpersonal relations, positive self-feeling and degree of person's satisfaction with one's social status in relevant communities and psychosocial environments);

c) communicative empathy (openness in relations with each other and with the immediate surrounding);

d) high psychological culture of a student(the criteria being an ability for reasonable self-organization and fulfilment of personal potentials

with due regard for the surrounding environment's demands, capabilities and peculiarities). Capabilities of sociocultural space as a vital field of students' life-sustaining activities are realizable via: creation of prolific psychosocial climate encouraging emotional and mental development, achievement of maximum headway in personal fulfilment required for the educational activities; understanding of the fundamental role of activity approach in terms of individual development; arrangement of optimal conditions for a person to master the main scope of social roles required for a full involvement in professional and social life, generation of the sociocultural experience which is significant for the professional self-determination and mental and moral development.

The age of studentship is characterized by a substantial alteration of a person's psychoemotional sphere and volition, emerging self-consistency, resoluteness, criticism and self-criticism, expressed antagonism against hypocrisy, insincerity, discourtesy. Personal emotional features (characteristics) of a student are actively developing and growing complicated. This age category is characterized by hyperthymia: temper in stability, abrupt changes of mood, anxiety, etc. The scope off actors causing a student's emotional response is expanding, way so emotional expression become varied, emotional response duration (caused by a short emotional exasperation) grows longer. Only by the age of 20-21 a person begins to really master psychological defence mechanisms enabling him or her not only to put up an external self-protection from some outer intrusions, but also facilitating his internal invigoration. One of the most important psychological emotional characteristics of the studentship age is self-respect: acceptance, approval of one self or, vice versa, non-acceptance of oneself, self-dispraise and dissatisfaction. Formation of moral sense, generation and formation of the system of values and ideals, steady mindset, civil personal qualities are the key psychological distinctive features of studentship. Active influencing of the social culture of educational environment of an institution of higher education entails formation of the system of believes, knowledge, experience, emotions, in other words, of a personal mind set connected with solution of life-purpose problems, and a personal psycho emotional sphere is being formed.

It is overwhelmingly important to define the psychological conditions and factors influencing on the appearance of positive psycho-emotional distinctive features of students in the social culture of educational environment of an institution of higher education, in which it is treated as a condition of formation and socialization of a person and assumes an active participation of a person in formation and management of one's life space in unity of one's social-psychological, mental and moral, event-behavior related and objective-spatial aspects.


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DATA ABOUT THE AUTHORS Kostrigin Ruslan Vyacheslavovich, Deputy Chair of the Trade Union Committee of Students

Nizhny Novgorod Lobachevsky State University

23, Gagarin av., Nizhny Novgorod, 603022, Russian Federation


Sarmentova Oxana Valerievna, Senior Instructor, Chair of Entrepreneurial Culture, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship

Nizhny Novgorod Lobachevsky State University

23, Gagarin av., Nizhny Novgorod, 603022, Russian Federation


Chumankina Elena Anatolievna, Head of Department of Youth Policy and Educational Word, Chair of the Trade Union Committee of Students

Nizhny Novgorod Lobachevsky State University

23, Gagarin av., Nizhny Novgorod, 603022, Russian Federation


ДАННЫЕ ОБ АВТОРАХ Костригин Руслан Вячеславович, заместитель председателя Первичной профсоюзной организации

ФГАОУ ВО «Национальный исследовательский Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского» просп. Гагарина, 23, г. Нижний Новгород, Нижегородская обл., 603022, Российская Федерация k.ruslan07@gmail.com

Сарментова оксана валерьевна, начальник отдела социально-правовой защиты студентов Управления по молодежной политике и воспитательной работе

ФГАОУ ВО «Национальный исследовательский Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского» просп. Гагарина, 23, г. Нижний Новгород, Нижегородская обл., 603022, Российская Федерация sarmentova@yandex.ru

Чуманкина Елена Анатольевна, начальник Управления по молодежной политике и воспитательной работе ФГАОУ ВО «Национальный исследовательский Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского» просп. Гагарина, 23, г. Нижний Новгород, Нижегородская обл., 603022, Российская Федерация tesla@unn.ru

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