SHARQ MUMTOZ ADABIYOTIDA OHANG TALQINI Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Bilal / voice / word / tune / muazzin / patience / sweet language / belief / faith / clean heart / good character / human traits

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Hayitov Hamza Ahmadovich

This article outlines the tone, sound magic of the Oriental classic literature and its impact on human beings.

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Hayitov Hamza Ahmadovich Teacher of school №30 Bukhara region Uzbekistan, Bukhara city SHARQ MUMTOZ ADABIYOTIDA OHANG TALQINI Annotation: This article outlines the tone, sound magic of the Oriental classic literature and its impact on human beings.

Key words: Bilal, voice, word, tune, muazzin, patience, sweet language, belief, faith, clean heart, good character, human traits.

Yana top donishmand, olimlar tilin, Yorituvchi ular ilm-u haq yo'lin. Mehrin qozon, qadr et so'zlarini ham, Ilm-u donishlarin o'rgan ko'pmi kam. Ulardir bilguvchi yaxshi yomonni, Boshlovchi to'g'ri pok yo'lga insonni. O'yla, ilmin o'rgan, bilimlarin bil. Ularga ezgu bo'l, ham bo'l shirin til. [1]

The great wise men of the East bring to us so many details of the positive qualities inherent in man. Against this background, we saw the need for today's righteous, knowledge-intensive people to think about a sweet muck, a beautiful Frost, a pleasant tone, which should turn into a necessity and need, like the air. First of all, one of the blessings given to man is a beautiful voice. If you think about this in the beginning. The unique thinker, The Guardian Man, The Great wise Mawlono Jalaliddin Muhammad binni Bahouddin Valad Balkhiy Rumi (1207-1273) "Manaviy masnaviy", "Fihima fihi" ("Ichindagi ichindadir"), "Majlisi sabh" ("Yetti majlis"), "Nay nolasi" while reading books such as we come across the image of Bilal several times. So who is Bilol? Habashistan Bilal was one of the first seven people who publicly told Mecca that he was a slave of a rich man, a Muslim. More strongly angry owner Umayya ibn Khalaf demanded strongly to abandon the new religion from Bilol. When Bilal did not give up his decision, his master pressed him to his large chest, lying under the scorching sun of Arabia during a dream, suffered. In this way, he would like to force him to return from Islam. But Bilal every time said, "My Lord is God, he is unique," he was overcome by faith in the unbearable torment. From this work of Umayya ibn Khalaf, the Prophet Hazrati was deeply saddened. Then hazrati Abu Bakr bought and released Bilal from his master a large payment. Bilal's voice was pleasant and sonorous. Despite being black and nomadic, he gained the respect of our Prophet due to his sincere faith and love. When Azan was circumcised to say, the Prophet Azan taught Bilal, and for the first time he said Azan. The day when Mecca was conquered, Bilal went up to the roof and said the prayer. In the heavens of this holy city, whose people suffered torture because of the faith belief and were forced to move, Allah and His Messenger's names sounded loudly. Bilal Habashiy has not been separated from the sides of our Prophet for a

"Мировая наука" №8(29) 2019 science-j.com

lifetime. Bilal ul-Zot was very fond of him, he was bound by great loyalty. Bilal Habashiy did not call for prayer even once after the death of our Prophet, the Apostle of dear wanted to leave Medina, worrying about the death of Akram. However, he remained with the narration of Hazrati Abu Bakr. During the Caliph Umar, Syria went to the parties. After the age of sixty, he died in Damascus. Hazrati Bilal was tall, skinny, open-faced, dark-haired. The prophet had reported that he would be Heavenly. Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) was very busy with the task of the world, and when they felt the need to travel to the world of means, avoiding the noise of world and man, they told Bilal Habashi; O Bilal rest us, enjoy us. They recited the verses of the Qur'an with their beautiful and gentle, pleasant voices. "So'zka sug'unsa, bulun barir"- the meaning is that if a person is interested in the sweetness of the word he hears, he becomes a prisoner to him. [2]

The greatness of the great poet of Islam, Hazrat Rumi, is that he is proud of Divinity, appreciates goodness, beautiful behavior, loyalty. In the interpretations of the image of Bilal, we understand that the beautiful tone of The Thinker is admirable in a pleasant voice. As evidence of our opinion, we can say that Jalaluddin Rumi's "commentary on the Masnavi stories" sound of an unpleasant muezzin: "his voice began to cry in a mosque in an incredibly unattractive muezzin native land. A man came up with a precious gift when Muslims no longer stood side-by-side worried that those around him would not resist.

- Where is the man who said Ho? Show him to me, his voice made me a souvenir, I should pay him my debt, give these gifts," he said.

Muslims were surprised:

- Strangely enough, how does this squeaky sound calm him down?

Vaguely understood:

I have a very beautiful daughter. Long ago he dreamed of becoming a Muslim. I could not return it to this intention at all. One day, when my daughter heard this man sound, she asked me:

- What is it? I have never heard such an unpleasant sound as a building in my


"This is Ho, they are calling Muslims to prayer," I said.

He did not believe me, but asked others. After all gave the same answer, he refused to become a Muslim. I was calm. So I brought him these gifts.[3]

Until now, we have witnessed a common thought - concept. In humans, a beautiful voice, a unique tone is important. According to the information, hazrat Rumi's fathers Bahouddin Valad was also a great speaker and had some voice. "David alaihisalom benazir had a pleasant voice, and when he recited the psalm, the bird flying into the sky was hanging, and the mountains around him were singing along (Sura Anbiyo, verse 79).- H.H.). As we think about the pleasant voice, we want to emphasize that the goal is important according to the content. At the request of the present time, the mood will be special if the doctor approves and treats the patient, the teacher, his or her parents 'son, mother's daughters, muezzin and Imam preachers' prayers with a kind treatment in a beautiful voice. The sought-after Murad is also auspicious and Noble. Let's give an example in our opinion. "The oil

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №8(29) 2019 science-j.com

that has a veil between Allah and the slave is an expression of two. The remaining stains are formed from them. These are health and goods. A healthy person, "Oh God! I do not see!, "- he says. And yet, when something hurts: "Oh, God! Oh, God! "That starts. Then his secret and his soul merge with Allah. Because health is his veil. Allah is seen as small under the pain. Man prepares the causes of his dreams in the presence of wealth and profession. He is engaged in it day and night. The fortitude will not come, the will of God will be weakened and will wander around.[4]

Let him give us all the money to spend on the noble path. Let our children have a beautiful voice, kind with knowledge. After all, a person is like a tree, the root of which is the source that makes the tree alive, alive. The root is faith in the soul, the higher generosity and the higher purpose. The physical spiritual world of a person who has not managed to Root will fail. From a tree whose roots are fragile, although the leaves are green and quiet, the expectation of fruit is not worthy of the owners of reason. In science should be applied to the program in our time, even in today's time to be thoughtful, considerate and considerate in human relations.


1. Yusuf Xos Xojib Qutadg'u bilig. - Toshkent., "Akademnashr" 2015-yil. B.356.

2. Mahmud Qoshg'ariy Devoni lug'otit turk. - "Gafur G'ulom", Toshkent., 2017-yil. B. 253.

3. "Masnaviy", V jild, 3368-3386-baytlar "Adabiyot uchqunlari", Toshkent., 2014-yil.B. 240.

4. Jaloliddin Rumiy Ichindagi ichindadur. - Toshkent., "Yangi asr avlodi", 2013-yil. B.236.

Мировая наука" №8(29) 2019


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