STYLISTICVARIATIONS OF PHONETIC PHENOMENA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
linguistic / phonostylistics / phonetic phenomena / phonetics / stylistics / verbal context / non-verbal context / intonational functional styles / лингвистика / фоно стилистика / фонетические явления / фонетика / стилистика / словесный контекст / невербальный контекст / интонационные функциональные стили

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Saparova M.R.

This article devoted to the information about stylistic variations in learning, understanding and producing language is directly useful for the design, execution and evaluation of teaching phonetics.

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Эта статья посвящена информации о стилистических изменении в изучении, понимании и создании языка, непосредственно полезна для разработки, исполнения и оценки преподавания фонетики.


UDС 81-13

Saparova M.R. teacher

at the department of English linguistics Bukhara State University STYLISTICVARIATIONS OF PHONETIC PHENOMENA

Abstract: This article devoted to the information about stylistic variations in learning, understanding and producing language is directly useful for the design, execution and evaluation of teaching phonetics.

Key words: linguistic, phonostylistics, phonetic phenomena, phonetics, stylistics, verbal context, non-verbal context, intonational functional styles

Сапарова М. Р.

преподаватель кафедры английского языкознания, Бухарский государственный университет



Аннотация: Эта статья посвящена информации о стилистических изменении в изучении, понимании и создании языка, непосредственно полезна для разработки, исполнения и оценки преподавания фонетики.

Ключевые слова: лингвистика, фоно стилистика, фонетические явления, фонетика, стилистика, словесный контекст, невербальный контекст, интонационные функциональные стили

Every day we use language to communicate with others, and according to the situation we use different intonation, style and etc. For example, we can't use colloquial or informative language style in the formal meetings or scientific language style in broadcasts and newspapers.Nobody would want to deny the fact that spoken speech is the primary medium of language expression. So, when linguists became involved in investigating language in use they realized that language is not an isolated phenomenon, it is a part of society. In real life people find themselves in various and numerous situations. In these situations, language is used appropriately, i.e. people select from their total linguistic repertoires those elements which match the needs of particular situations.Pronunciation is by no means homogeneous. It varies under the influence of numerous factors. These factors lie quite outside any possibility of signaling linguistic meaning so it is appropriate to refer to these factors as extralinguistic. Extralinguistic factor is defined by following components:

1. Age - is associated with the role structure in the family and in social groups, with the assignment of authority and status and with the attribution of different levels of competence.The speech behaviour of a person not only conveys information about

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his or her own age but also about the listener or the receiver of the verbal massage. Thus, the elderly person usually speaks in a high-pitched voice, people usually use this level speaking to younger children.

2. Social state - the interaction of individuals depends upon their learning and accepting the roles of social behaviour. A certain individual may possess a certain rank in an organization which entitles him to be addressed in a certain fashion by his subordinates, in another way by his equals and in another way by his superiors

3. Gender - there is a consistent tendency for women to produce more standard or rhetorically correct pronunciation which is generally opposed to the omission of certain speech sounds. Women pronounce the standard realization of the verb ending "-ing" more frequently than men who realize "-in" (readin, interestin). Female speakers use more "polite" pattern of assertive pronunciation (Yes. Yes, I know) while male speakers use a more deliberate pattern (Yes. Yes, I know)

So, phonostylistics studies the way phonetic means are used in this or that particular situation. The aim of phonostylistics is to analyze all possible kinds of spoken utterances with the purpose of identifying the phonetic features, both segmental and suprasegmental, which are restricted to certain kinds of contexts, to explain why such features have been used and to classify them according to their function.

The article that follows is based on the idea that information about stylistic variations in learning, understanding and producing language is directly useful for the design, execution and evaluation of teaching phonetics. The branch of phonetics most usually applied for such information is phonostylistics. It is the purpose of this article to offer brief, readable and scholarly introduction to the main themes and topics covered by current phonostylistic studies. We should point out right at the beginning that phonostylistics is a rapidly developing and controversial field of study though a great deal of research work has been done in it. It would not be accurate to say that phonostylistics is a new branch of phonetics. It is rather a new way of looking at phonetic phenomena. Linguists were until recently not aware of this way of analysis and awareness came only as a result of detailed analysis of spoken speech.

Phonostylistic is concerned with the study of phonetic phenomena and processes from the stylistic point of view. It cropped up as a result of a certain amount of functional overlap between phonetics and stylistics. Intonation plays a central role in stylistic differentiation of oral texts. Stylistically explicable deviations from intonational norms reveal conventional patterns differing from language to language.The uses of intonation show that the information so conveyed is, in many cases, impossible to separate from lexical and grammatical meanings expressed by words and constructions in a language (verbal context) and from the co-occurring situational information (non-verbal context). The meaning of intonation cannot be judged in isolation. However, intonation does not usually correlate in any neat one-for-one way with the verbal context accompanying and the situational variables in an extra

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linguistic context. Moreover, the perceived contrast with the intonation of the previous utterance seems to be relevant. One of the objectives of phonostylistics is the study of intonational functional styles. There are 5 style categories:

1. informational (formal) style;

2. scientific (academic) style;

3. declamatory style;

4. publicistic style;

5. familiar (conversational) style

Informational (formal) style is characterized by the predominant use of intellectual intonation patterns. It occurs in formal discourse where the task set by the sender of the message is to communicate information without giving it any emotional or volitional evaluation. This intonational style is used, for instance, by radio and television announcers when reading weather forecasts, news, etc. or in various official situations. It is considered to be stylistically neutral.In scientific (academic) style intellectual and volitional (or desiderative) intonation patterns are concurrently employed. The speaker's purpose here is not only to prove a hypothesis, to create new concepts, to disclose relations between different phenomena, etc., but also to direct the listener's attention to the message carried in the semantic component declamatory style the emotional role of intonation increases, thereby intonation patterns used for intellectual, volitional and emotional purposes have an equal share. The speaker's aim is to appeal simultaneously to the mind, the will and feelings of the listener by image bearing devices. Publicistic style is characterized by predominance of volitional (or desiderative) intonation patterns against the background of intellectual and emotional ones. The general aim of this intonational style is to exert influence on the listener, to convince him that the speaker's interpretation is the only correct one and to cause him to accept the point of view expressed in the speech. The task is accomplished not merely through logical argumentation but through persuasion and emotional appeal. The usage of familiar (conversational) style is typical of the English of everyday life. It occurs both within a family group and in informal external relationships, namely, in the speech of intimate friends or well-acquainted people. In such cases it is the emotional reaction to a situational or verbal stimulus that matters, thereby the attitude and emotion signaling function of intonation here comes to the fore.

To summarize we could say that the distinction of phonetic styles is a purely formal one because any particular theory while in use should control and give meaning to the descriptive statement. So in this respect the suggested classification is near to adequate way of reflecting numerous speech realizations, on the one hand, and on the other, it is the way to understand and interpret the system.


1. Бурая Е.А., Галочкина И.Е., Шевченко Т.И. «Фонетика современного английского языка» Академия, 2009

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2. Blanco, Mercedes, Marisol Carrillo & Encarna Gayoso. 1999. Primary school learning of EFL through phono-metaphonological training. PTLC99 (Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference) UCL, London, 14-15 April 1999

UDC 338.48

Sharifova Sh.Sh.


Bukhara State University Uzbekistan, Bukhara ORIF REVGARI - THE SECOND PYR OF BUKHARA SHARIF

Abstract: This article discusses about the second pyr of Bukhara Sharif- Orif Revgari

Keywords: pyr, irfan, zuhd, taqwa, honorable knowledge

The student of Abdukholik Gijduvoniy(Khojai Jahon), the eleventh pyr of the Silsilai Sharif (the great sircle), the man who lasted the light and support of prophet Muhammad s.a.v., blessed and glorious Khoja Muhammad Orif Revgari is famous as Mohitobon.

Khoja Muhammad Orif Revgari was not tall, had a bright face, big eyes and thin eyebrows like a moon. His body smelt like prophet Muhammad (s.a.v.)'s body smell. He was one of the great saints, he was a scholar of knowledge, wisdom, zuhd, taqwa, riyasat and worship.

Khoja Muhammad Orif Revgari was born in 560 hijri (1165). His birthplace is Revgar village in Shofirkan district of Bukhara region. His real name was Muhammad like Prophet Muhammad s.a.v. he was called as Orif by Khizr.

It was narrated in Mahdumi Azam's book, "Manoqibi Khoja Abdulkholik Gijduvoniy: "Khoja Arif Revghari was attended by Khoja Khizr as he was a child. One day, Khoja Khizr went to Khoja Abdulkholik Gijduvoniy and saw the children of Dahab (school) asleep. Only Hoja Arif was not sleeping and wanted to see Khoja Khizr and not to fall asleep. Knowing this, Khodja Khizr, who understood his purpose, said, "Be Orif," said to Khoja Orif.

Orif - the owner of the irfan. Sincere knowing the Truth. It is based on the senses in the Sufis' understanding. In order to be alert, it is necessary to uplift books. Orif recognizes the existence of this "laduniy knowledge" from Allah, and abandons the existence of an abstract existence and lives with God. Thus, Orif is a highly respected person who knows Allah, and knows the Divine wisdom. Orif is a man of divine light. Their heart is a source of divine light. The following words are written in book "Manoqibi Khoja Abdulkholik Gijduvoniy and Orif Revgary" about Orif Revgari:

Orif hazor podshoh afzun ast,

Doim ba huzuri hazrati bechun ast.

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