SHAMOL TURBINASI ROTORI ORQALI ISHLAB CHIQARILGAN ENERGIYA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Механика и машиностроение»

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Ключевые слова
Шамол агрегати / ротор / момент / бурчакли тезлик / радиус / оптимал режм / қаршилик моменти / бажарилган иш. / Wind turbine / rotor / torque / angular velocity / radius / optimum mode / resistance torque / work done.

Аннотация научной статьи по механике и машиностроению, автор научной работы — Деҳқонов Улуғбек Ғофурович, Нажмиддинов Инсомиддин Билолдинович

Мақолада шамол босимининг ротор ёрдамида бажарган ишининг тенгламасини аниқлаш ва уни ҳисоблаш масаласи қўйилган ва унга ечим топилган. Шамол тезлиги, ротор радиуси ва қаршилик моментининг ўзаро нисбатида ҳосил бўлувчи ротор ўзлаштирган энергия қийматини аниқлаш бўйича якуний хулосалар берилган.

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In the article, the problem of determining and calculating the equation of the work done by the wind pressure with the help of the rotor was discussed and a solution was found for it. The final conclusions are given on the determination of the energy value absorbed by the rotor resulting from the mutual ratio of wind speed, rotor radius and resistance moment.


УДК 621.538


Дехдонов Улугбек Гофурович

НамМКИ доценти, тел.: +998 93 242 48 51, эл. манзил: znaniyasila7@yandex.ru

Нажмиддинов Инсомиддин Билолдинович НамМКИ катта укитувчиси, тел.: +998934035062, najmiddinov 1962@jmail. co m

Аннотация: Мадолада шамол босимининг ротор ёрдамида бажарган ишининг тенгламасини анидлаш ва уни хисоблаш масаласи дуйилган ва унга ечим топилган. Шамол тезлиги, ротор радиуси ва даршилик моментининг узаро нисбатида хосил булувчи ротор узлаштирган энергия дийматини анидлаш буйича якуний хулосалар берилган.

Аннотации: В статье поставлена задача определения и расчета уравнения работы, совершаемой давлением ветра с помощью ротора, и найдено ее решение. Сделаны окончательные выводы по определению величины поглощаемой ротором энергии, которая генерируется в обратном соотношении скорости ветра, радиуса ротора и момента сопротивления.

Annotation: In the article, the problem of determining and calculating the equation of the work done by the wind pressure with the help of the rotor was discussed and a solution was found for it. The final conclusions are given on the determination of the energy value absorbed by the rotor resulting from the mutual ratio of wind speed, rotor radius and resistance moment.

Калит сузлар: Шамол агрегати, ротор, момент, бурчакли тезлик, радиус, оптимал режм, даршилик моменти, бажарилган иш.

Ключевые слова: Ветродвигатель, ротор, крутящий момент, угловая скорость, радиус, оптимальный режим, момент сопротивления, совершаемая работа.

Keywords: Wind turbine, rotor, torque, angular velocity, radius, optimum mode, resistance torque, work done.

We present the equation of the driving torque of the rotor:

M1=24 ' ph ' 2 • (1-k2> SinV8' ^ £ • (1-k3> Si"V3 И ' 2 • Si"V (1-k< > >

M2= — • p• h-t2 • (6 • u2 • (Sin2(9+0)-Sin29)-Sin39) • Sinfa+e)-8 • и-и • t • (Sin3 (ф+0)+ 24


з^и2t • (Sin^+ebSinV Sin2(ф+e)) (i)

Here, M1 is the driving torque when the rotor is in one active vane operating state, and M2 is the driving torque in one partially active state.

We also calculate the cost of the work done according to two conditions:

А = [ М • ^ф Condition 1

Г (2)

A =1 (M + MV dф Condition 2

The intervals of turning angle satisfying the conditions are estimated according to Table 1.

1. The work done by the first wing driving torque:

A1 = i M1 • dф= i 24 • p^h t • (6^u2(1-k2>SinV8 • ии • (1-k3>

Here, using the equation (1) given in Appendix 1 with the values h, u, k, и constant, we

write (3) as A^-^-p-C-h- £ (6-u2(i-k2)-A3-8-u-Q-£ -(i-k3)-A4+3-ra2-£2 -(i-k4)- A5)+Ci (4) follows:

Sin4^ +3-ra2- £ -SinV(1-k4))-d9 (3)

In this case, we accept the sum of C3, C4, C5 as C1.

2. The work done by the second wing driving torque:

A2= [ M2-d^= f — -C-h- £2 -[6-u2-(Sin2(9+e)-Sin29)-8-u-ra- £ • (Sin3(^+0)-j J 24

Sin3^)- Sin(9+0)+3-ra2- £ -(Sin4(9+0)-Sin49)-Sin2(9+ 6)]-d^ (5)

With a short modification, we write (5) as follows:

^ I 1 r^ _ 1- f2

A2= j — -C-p-h-£2 •[6-u2-(Sin2(9+e)-Sin29)-8-u-ra- £ -(Sin6(9+e)-SinV Cos0



Sin39-Cos^-Sine)+3-ra2- £ -(Sin6(9+e)-SinV Cos2e-2-SinV Cos^- Cose-Sine-Sin4^-Cos29-Sin2e)]-d9 (6)

If we find the last equation (6) by finding equation (4),

-C-p-h- i [6-u2-(A6-A3)-8-u-ra- £ -(A7-A4-Cos0-A9-Sin0)+3-ra2- £ -(A8-A5-Cos20-2-Aio-Cos0-Sin0-AiiSin20)]+C2 (7)

we will have.

We determine the constant coefficients Si, S2 formed in equations (4) and (7): Using the initial conditions ^=^0=0 and A=Ao=0 when ra=ra0=0, we find that Si=0 and the coefficient S2, n=3 in C2=0,0563-u; n=4 in C2=0; n=5 in C2=0,0382-u n=6 in

C2=0,0563-u (8) we find that accepts the values.

We determine the constant coefficients Ci, C2 formed in equations (4) and (7): Using the initial conditions ra=ra0=0 and A=A0=0 when ^=^0=0, we find that Ci=0 and the coefficient C2 takes the values

n=3 in C2=0,0563-u; n=4 in C2=0; n=5 in C2=0,0382-u n=6 in C2=0,0563-u (8)

So, we have the general expression of the work done by the driving torque of the rotor in the following final form:

\A = A Condition 1

IA = A + A + C Condition 2 (9)

Figure 1. Regarding the description of the work performed by the rotor under wind


Here, C=C2, A1 is the work done by the active wing, and A2 is the work done by the partially active wing. Intervals satisfying the conditions are obtained according to Table 1

Graphs showing the value of the work done by the driving torque calculated according to equation (9) are presented in Fig.


1. The value of the work done increases proportionally to the value of the wind speed.

2. An increase in the number of wings almost does not increase the value of the work performed.

3. The increase in the diameter of the rotor blades is directly proportional to the value of



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