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Ключевые слова
transport / enterprise products / cargo transportation / rail / air / road transport / cargo transportation. / transport / enterprise products / cargo transportation / rail / air / road transport / cargo transportation.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Soliev Kh.M., Isokova Z.Kh., Tumanbaeva B.I., Pulatov O.O.

This article presents an analysis of the indicators of the organization of services for the transportation of products of the enterprise by means of transport, as well as data on future export and import international cargo transportation.

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This article presents an analysis of the indicators of the organization of services for the transportation of products of the enterprise by means of transport, as well as data on future export and import international cargo transportation.


УДК. 711.7

Soliev Kh.M., PhD associate professor NamECI Republic of Uzbekistan Isokova Z.Kh., PhD associate professor NamECI Republic of Uzbekistan Tumanbaeva B.I. trainee teacher NamECI Republic of Uzbekistan Pulatov O.O. master NamECI Republic of Uzbekistan


Abstract. This article presents an analysis of the indicators of the organization of services for the transportation of products of the enterprise by means of transport, as well as data on future export and import international cargo transportation.

Keywords: transport, enterprise products, cargo transportation, rail, air, road transport, cargo transportation.

Modern living conditions require rapid development of the global transport system. The economy and social sphere of any country directly depends on the rational organization of transport systems, including passenger and cargo transportation

The components of the transport system are the transport network, complex, products, infrastructure, other technical means related to the production, repair and use of vehicles, as well as various methods and systems of organizing the transport process. In addition, the system includes organizations and enterprises engaged in activities aimed at improving and developing the transport system including industrial engineering, construction, fuel and energy systems, scientific and educational centers.

Also, to harmonize the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of transport with the international legal framework in this field in order to create conditions for deepening the processes of integration of the national transport system into the international transport-logistics system; from this point of view,

this law is of great importance for the state and development of the transport system of our country, it provides the basic conditions for society's activities along with other infrastructure sectors, and it is undoubtedly an important element in achieving the goals of socio-economic and foreign policy.

In the medium-term perspective, it can be expected that the competitiveness of car carriers in the domestic services market will increase due to the efficiency of the vehicles, the quality of transport services and better use of consumer demand. During the transportation of intercity international enterprise products, the level of loading of motor vehicles increases approximately 1.2 times (from 20-25% to 40-45%), the average annual savings is 800 mln. With the help of modern technologies, the volume of cargo will increase by 1.4-1.5 times in the first terminal. Accordingly, it is possible to achieve an increase in annual income from the implementation of long-distance international transportation [1,2].

Currently, Uzbekistan has a huge transport potential and unique opportunities to meet the needs of the country in all directions and all types of transport.

Figure 1. Cargo status by all types of transport

About 15,200 enterprises and organizations are involved in the transport sector and compared to the same period last year, their number increased by 2.2 thousand units, the increase was 16.6%. Currently, Uzbekistan has a huge transport potential and unique opportunities to meet the needs of the country in all directions and all types of transport. About 15,200 enterprises and organizations were involved in the transport sector, their number increased by 2,200 units compared to the same period last year, the increase was 16.6%. [3-6].

In all types of transport, the vehicle transport (867.7 million tons) of enterprise products (cargo) dominates. 52.4 million tons of oil and gas were poured through pipeline transport, 52.3 million tons of cargo were transported through railway transport. The smallest figure for cargo transportation was recorded in air transport - 8,000 tons. The highest share in the total volume of

cargo transportation is occupied by road transport - 89.2%, the share of cargo transportation in other types of transport is 10.8% [2-8].


Transported goods, (million tons) 268,0 105,1

Railway 17,1 100,9

Automobile 1,2 64,5

Pipeline 18,6 99,8

Road transport (232.3 million tons) dominates all types of transport. 18.6 million through pipeline transport. tons of gas poured, through railway transport - 17.1 mln. tons of cargo was transported. The smallest indicator of cargo transportation was recorded in air transport - 1.2 thousand tons.

In January-March 2020, compared to the same period last year, there was an increase in the volume of cargo turnover by 94.4 million t-km in all types of transport. This was mainly due to the contribution of road transport, whose volume of cargo turnover increased by 134.6 million t-km.

The share of air transport in the total freight turnover was relatively insignificant (0.1%), the volume of freight turnover was 20.3 million (ton-km), a decrease of 5.4% was observed compared to the corresponding period of 2019. In addition, the volume of cargo turnover of railway transport is 5,500.5 mln. t-km, compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, 114.4 mln. An increase of t-km or 2.1% was observed [6-8].

Car transport is leading in terms of transport types.

Based on the above analysis, we can see in the following tables 2-3 the possibilities of organizing cargo transportation services in Namangan region in the months of January-December 2021.

Figure 2. Cargo turnover by types of transport, mln.t-km


Cargo transportation services in Namangan region in January-December __2021 [3, 7]_

By region Automobi e transport

Transported goods, (thousand tons) Growth rate, (%) Cargo turnover, (thousand t-km) Growth rate, (%)

28976,2 108,4 64432,9 106,9

Cargo trans 3-table portation services in Namangan region in January-August 2022

By region Automobil e transport

Transported goods, (thousand tons) Growth rate, (%) Cargo turnover, (thousand t-km) Growth rate, (%)

14044,6 108,4 64432,9 106,9

In the months of January-December 2021, the total volume of cargo transportation by rail, air, road transport is 1.45 billion. tons (110.3 percent compared to last year), cargo turnover 42.7 billion. tons/km (106.5 percent).

In conclusion, it should be noted that during 2017, international cargo transportation totaled 32.2 mln. tons of international cargo was transported, by 2020 this indicator will reach 47.1 mln. tons, including the volume of international cargo transportation in 2020 increased by 167% compared to 2017.


Information on planned ^ exports in 2023-2024 _

Prediction of 2023 Prediction of 2024

Cargo, (thousand tons) Growth rate, % Cargo for expor (tons) Plan (thusand dollar) Growth rate, % Cargo for export (tons)

8850 1,1 64704 9160 1,35 66970

From this, export cargoes increased by 183%, import cargoes by 197% and transit cargoes by 108% in 4 years.

At the same time, international import cargo transportation in Namangan region in 2021 totaled 325.8 million. tons, in the case of export shipments, a total of 325.8 mln. is organizing.

It can be seen that export and import international cargo transportation is expected to increase by 135% in the future.

Among the reforms carried out, the transport and logistics system of our country is adapted to world standards, the capacity of transport corridors of international importance is increased, new cheap and short transcontinental transit corridors are formed, and the development of the countries of the region in

harmony with the world transport system is important in achieving socioeconomic and foreign policy goals. can be achieved to serve as an element.


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