IMPORTANCE OF LOGISTICS ACTIVITIES IN IMPROVING THE ECONOMY OF UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Samatov Gaffor, Akhmedov Dilmurod, Yusufkhonov Zokirkhon, Absattarov Isomiddin

In this article, the importance of logistics services in the development of the economy of Uzbekistan was seen, and the international trade freight transportation, freight turnover and economic indicators were analyzed.

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май, 2023 г.




Gaffor Samatov

Doctor in Economics, Professor of the Department "Transport Logistics" Tashkent state transport university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: gafforsamatov46@gmail.com

Dilmurod Akhmedov

Assistant of the Department "Transport Logistics ", Tashkent State Transport University Uzbekistan, Tashkent. E-mail: doctorjons@gmail.com

Zokirkhon Yusufkhonov

Assistant of the Department "Transport Logistics ", Tashkent State Transport University Uzbekistan, Tashkent. E-mail: zyusufxonov1991@gmail.com

Isomiddin Absattarov

Assistant of the Department "Transport Logistics", Tashkent State Transport University Uzbekistan, Tashkent. E-mail: doctorjons@gmail. com


Саматов Гаффор Аллакулович

д-р экон. наук,

проф. кафедры «Транспортная логистика» Ташкентский государственный университет путей сообщения,

Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Ахмедов Дилмурод Тошпулат угли

ассистент кафедры «Транспортная логистика», Ташкентский государственный университет путей сообщения,

Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент.

Юсуфхонов Зокирхон Юсуфхон угли

ассистент кафедры «Транспортная логистика», Ташкентский государственный университет путей сообщения,

Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Абсаттаров Исомиддин Хотам угли

ассистент кафедры «Транспортная логистика», Ташкентский государственный университет путей сообщения,

Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Библиографическое описание: IMPORTANCE OF LOGISTICS ACTIVITIES IN IMPROVING THE ECONOMY OF UZBEKISTAN // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. Samatov G. [и др.]. 2023. 5(110). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/15586

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В данной статье рассмотрено значение логистических услуг в развитии экономики Узбекистана, проанализированы международные торговые грузоперевозки, грузооборот и экономические показатели.


In this article, the importance of logistics services in the development of the economy of Uzbekistan was seen, and the international trade freight transportation, freight turnover and economic indicators were analyzed.

Keywords: logistics activities, cargo transportation, cargo turnover, freight traffic, fields, transport and logistics centers. Ключевые слова: логистическая деятельность, грузоперевозки, грузооборот, грузоперевозки, отрасли, транспортно-логистические центры.

Speech by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev: "To date, we have taken the first practical steps to implement the Trans-Afghan Transport Corridor construction project, which will connect Central Asia with the Indian Ocean. Its implementation will serve to ensure stability and sustainable economic development throughout the region".

Currently, Uzbekistan has a huge transport potential and unique opportunities to meet the needs of the country in the movement of both cargo and passengers in all directions and by all possible modes of transport.

By the end of2020, Uzbekistan's foreign trade turnover reached $36.3 billion, which is $5.4 billion (13.1%) lower than last year. Of the total WTO volume, exports amounted to 15,127.7 million US dollars (by January-December 2019, a decrease of 13.4% was noted), and imports - 21,171.5 million US dollars (a decrease of 12.8%). As a result, the balance of foreign trade turnover amounted to a passive balance in the amount of $6,043.8 million.

The foreign trade turnover of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the CIS countries amounted to 11,830.0 million US dollars. Of these, the volume of exports amounted to 4,098.3 million US dollars, and the volume of imports - 7,731.7 million US dollars.

The largest volume of foreign trade turnover with the CIS countries was recorded with the Russian Federation (47.7%), Kazakhstan (25.5%), Kyrgyzstan (7.6%), Turkmenistan (4.5%) and Tajikistan (4.2%). As of April 1, 2020, 15,765 enterprises and organizations are involved in the transport sector. Compared to the same period last year, their number increased by 1,741 units, and the growth was 12.4%.

In January-March 2020, the number of newly created enterprises and organizations in the field of transport amounted to 660 units. Compared to January March 2019, this indicator decreased by 219 units. Its level decreased by 24.9%. In 2020, 1,378.8 million tons of cargo were transported by all modes of transport, which is 104.5% compared to the level of 2019. At the same time, cargo turnover amounted to 69.1 billion. t-km, or 4.8% below the level of 2019 [2,3,4,51.

Figure 1. Comparison of enterprises and organizations related to the field of transport (without farms and dehkan farms)

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Table 1

Information about the volume of cargo transported and cargo turnover by means of transport in Uzbekistan

Factors 2018 2019 2020

Cargo shipped, million tons 1 243,0 1 319,8 1 378,8

including transport:

Railway 68,4 70,1 70,4

Automotive 1 102,2 1 177,7 1 245,6

Pipeline 72,4 72,0 62,8

Air, thousand tons 13,1 10,4 5,1

Cargo turnover, billion t-km 71,3 72,6 69,1

including transport:

Railway 22,9 23,4 24,0

Automotive 14,6 15,9 16,1

Pipeline 33,6 33,2 28,9

Air, million tons. km 123,5 119,0 219,1

Source: Based on the data of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Modernization of the national economy of Uzbekistan objectively required the introduction and development of logistics methods for managing commodity flows. Significant transformations have taken place in the sphere of commodity circulation, new methods and technologies of goods delivery based on the logistics concept have been used, new forms and methods of organizing logistics flows have appeared. This is due to the fact that more than 70% of the cost of the product is logistics costs, i.e. transportation, storage, packaging, etc. In industrially developed countries, logistics has long been put at the service of improving the efficiency of managing the movement of material flows. The high rates of development of market relations in Uzbekistan, as well as the possibility of using advanced foreign technologies in relation to the organization of commodity flows, make it possible to give greater dynamism to the processes of development of integration interaction. This requires an adequate development of the theory of commodity movement, the study of integration processes, the essence and patterns of the formation of logistics centers in the domestic economy.

Taking into account the annually increasing volumes of trade between the countries of Southeast Asia and Europe, as well as the prospects for using the transport and transit potential of Uzbekistan, there is a need to improve transport and trade infrastructure, which include the creation of modern warehouse complexes for storage, processing, warehousing and distribution of export-import cargo. Undoubtedly, these warehouse terminals could serve both domestic cargo and cargo transiting through Uzbekistan. The creation of Logistics Centers with the functions and all the proper infrastructure of the "dry port" could be a good solution to optimize international cargo transportation [6,7].

Also, over the past period, as a result of the state policy in the transport sector, large-scale work has been carried out in the country to organize an effective transport system that meets the needs of the economy

and the population in transport services by all means of transport.

Currently, spatial connectivity of all regions of the country has been ensured, structural reforms have been carried out in the field of passenger and cargo road and air transportation, conditions have been created for active and effective integration into the global transport space.

In this way, the transport system must solve a number of serious problems that affect its efficiency. This requires serious institutional changes, aimed at improving the transport policy of the party, ensuring the quality and volume of passenger and cargo transportation, reducing costs for consumers, increasing the volume of cargo transit through Uzbekistan and the formation of a competitive transport and logistics market, increasing the level of safety and environmental protection [8, 9].

And the time for the development of the transport sector, in addition to the institutional problems, there are several others, directly related to the effectiveness of the whole:

1. There is a slight increase in the volume of passenger and cargo transportation, as a result of the poor quality of services provided to the population and business entities.

3. A competitive market for transport and logistics services has not been formed, which reduces the ability to effectively use the country's transport and transit potential.

4. The lack of a comprehensive and interconnected systematic work in the field of ensuring transport safety and road safety leads to the fact that the numbers of road accidents and victims of road accidents are declining at a slow pace.

5. The transport sector remains one of the main sources of adverse environmental impact due to insufficient systematic work to improve the environmental friendliness of the transport sector.

6. The pace of innovative development of the transport industry remains low, there is a lack of innovation and digitalization in all modes of transport.

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To solve the above problems, it is necessary to implement a comprehensive transport strategy for the development of the country's transport industry.

It should be aimed at creating a transport system capable of ensuring efficiency, safety, environmental friendliness, both domestic and international, transit passenger and freight traffic [10,11,12].

In the EU countries, in the total time spent on the movement of goods from raw materials to the end consumer, only 5% is spent on the actual production, and 95% on storage, storage, handling and other operations. The reduction of the transport and logistics component makes it possible to accelerate the turnover of capital, respectively, increase profits, and reduce the cost of production. According to international experts, a 1% reduction in logistics costs is equivalent to an 8% increase in sales [13]. Thus, in the case of optimizing logistics costs, a real and effective improvement in the economic performance of enterprises is possible already in the short term.

The experience of using transport and logistics centers (TLC) in developed countries shows that their operation can reduce transport costs by up to 20%, reduce the cost of loading and unloading operations, storage of material resources and finished products by up to 30%, reduce overall logistics costs from 12 to 35%.

In addition, an efficient scheme of transport and logistics services at the national level can become a serious factor in increasing the transport and transit potential of the country. An increase in revenues from the export of transport and logistics services is provided through the creation of multimodal transport and logistics centers, the profitability of which is 60% (against 12% for conventional warehouses). TLC is the main link in the logistics chain of cargo delivery, where a complex of technological operations for its processing, transport and forwarding services, maintenance of vehicles and containers, as well as cargo clearance and related services (information, financial, insurance, etc.) .

To date, an integrated network of logistics centers has not been formed in Uzbekistan. There are not enough large multimodal logistics centers that provide management of inventory and related cargo flows and provide a high level of logistics services that meet international standards. Only a small number of LCs meet modern requirements for such complexes. They are specialized and focused on export products (for example, cotton terminals) or created to provide freight transportation and service free economic zones (for example, Navoi FEZ and Angren FEZ) [14,15].

The creation of a single transport market of the Republic of Uzbekistan is one of the main tasks of the transport strategy. The geographic location of a country's transit routes is a key driver of the logistics management approach to ensure the intensive development of the national transport infrastructure.

The importance of the transport system necessitates the implementation of a targeted program of economic development, the implementation of a comprehensive program aimed at the development of various modes of transport. Modern transport problems are based on a sys-

tematic approach and require special software development. Perhaps the following basic principles should be included in the program:

• operation and development of transport infrastructure;

• improving passenger and freight traffic;

• transport links, transport corridors, cooperation with neighboring countries and integration into the global transport network;

• integration of transport systems;

• ensuring traffic safety in all modes of transport;

• environmental problems in the development of transport and its infrastructure;

• statistics on the movement of goods and the development of information infrastructure;

• development of legislation in the field of transport.

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National transport and forwarding organizations actively involved in international cargo transportation are the first to recognize the importance of cargo logistics, and also understand the importance of cargo logistics, multimodal and terminal systems, cargo transportation technologies, modern telecommunications.

Logistics activities are an integral part of production and include an intermediate range of products (services). Logistics in macro resources reflects the joint work of integrating business through the integration of various organizations. All activities and operations related to logistics must be planned, managed and coordinated [16].

The purpose of logistics is to understand all the ways of globalization, the movement of goods, services, raw materials and materials, which cover a wide range of human activities. Currently, logistics in the field of forwarding activities is intensively developing.

One of the key features of logistics is the joint work of their links until the goods of different enterprises reach consumers. Reducing the cost of such activities will help create reserves. At the same time, the lack of a mechanism for distributing the total profit between logistics partners somewhat reduces the effectiveness of this work. In Uzbekistan, we can solve the following problems, which are the reason for the slow development of logistics:

• lack of qualified specialists in Uzbekistan who are able to organize or improve the efficiency of existing logistics processes.

• lack of appropriate conditions for the implementation of the principles of logistics in organizations. Many companies experience difficulties in the formation of a logistics service. Private firms have a poor understanding of the functions they are supposed to perform and the activities of these units.

• national legislation is not yet sufficiently adapted to international law, international trade, international transportation, national transport, and so on.

• lack of good relations with foreign logistics organizations. The solution of this problem is facilitated by the establishment of interstate legal relations with international logistics associations.

It is also necessary to create a national logistics portal to support national carriers and create additional conditions for entrepreneurs. Especially the opening,

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expansion, reconstruction and refurbishment of international transit routes.


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