Научная статья на тему 'СЕМЬЯ И ГЛОБАЛИЗАЦИЯ'

СЕМЬЯ И ГЛОБАЛИЗАЦИЯ Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Чeмeз Александр

В этой статье мы пишем о глобализации. Глобализация влияет на семью. Свяжите отношения между государством и семьей.

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In this article we write about globalization. Globalization affects the family. We mention the relationship between the state and family.

Текст научной работы на тему «СЕМЬЯ И ГЛОБАЛИЗАЦИЯ»



Alexander Cemez

language assistant Institute of Communication Trencin Slovakia


Александр Чемез, лектор, Институт связи, Тренчин, Словакия АННОТАЦИЯ

В этой статье мы пишем о глобализации. Глобализация влияет на семью.

Свяжите отношения между государством и семьей.


In this article we write about globalization. Globalization affects the family. We mention the relationship between the state and family. Ключевые слова: Семья. Глобализация. Социальная политика. Keywords: Family. Globalization. Social policy

„The problem of relations that affect the state's social character is broadly conceived issue and it is possible to approach it from various aspects." [1] One of these relations is the one of family and state. We can consider the family to be a group of „individual connections of consanguinities by marriage or adoption which create an economic unit." [6] It is also effected by the globalization.

Where to seek the causes of the present state of a family? The crucial problem may be considered to be the time which cannot be stopped, cannot be brought back but passes further like a river. Contacting relatives of family is possible thanks to mutual time interpenetration. If there is none, the disintegration of family occurs. You may assume that there is correlation between mutually spent time and the strength of mutual bonds which are among the family relatives. Coexistence and awareness of experiences with certain people and, on the contrary, consciousness of no experiences with different people leads to strengthening of the family identity.

Globalization represents a worldwide interconnection of states, sub-state bodies, as well as individuals who live in them. This process has not only the advantages, but also disadvantages. Globalization is active in various fields of human activity. In the economic field, the global interdependence means distortion of the principle of isolation of individual national economies and their global dependence on selected worldwide centres. This moves further on next element in the chain in case of economic crisis. It can have an impact on open economies, such as Slovak, which the internal market is so small that the national economy is dependent on exporting their products abroad. On the other hand, strong European economies can have a small domestic economy.

Globalization causes the concentration of capital assets in the hands of the low-numbered economic elite, while the vast majority of the planet owns only a small percentage of

resources. In addition to this we see the world division of the rich north and the poor south.

When we state that a welfare state replaced an original large family, it is necessary to add that a family has a special place in the society and state. Therefore a family is a smaller version of a state as such. The nation represents several times bigger family. If we think in analogies, we can conclude that what the household is for a family, it is the state for a nation. State is an institutional framework for nation as well as the household is for a family. The way we know small families and large families, we are familiar the same way with large and small nations. What is a nation? Affiliation of an individual to a nation is created through inter-levels, which are the following: [4]

- individual

- family

- kin

Social policy as a term appeared at the crossroads between the 19th and 20th centuries. There are many definitions of social policy. [7] If we proceed from the English term «social policy», from which is derived the phrase «social policy», this definition would be fairly widespread. «Social policy» is based on the meaning of «social», which in translation from English means «social». «Social policy» would therefore be a «social policy» and its contents would then be relatively wide diapason of other policies, for example housing policy, health or education policy, because [1] issues of the relationship that enter the social character of the state is the broadly outlined theme and can accede to it from different angles. [2]

Social policy can be conceived in broader or narrower sense. In narrower sense it includes social policy as such, i.e. the equivalent on the governmental level is the Ministry of labour, social affairs and family, including labour market policy and family policy.

Permeability of national boundaries or national borders,

which is directly related to globalization, is threatening the existence of national states, which are based on the basis of the majority nation. By that, national identity is endangered. In addition to the state, a variety of nonstate actors is present, such as international organizations or multinational corporations. State seems to lose its original functions. Libertarian ideals are still closer to reality. Besides state, also the non-governmental sector and the private sector are present here. The state and its role is increasingly shrinking and it's being tread out by the private profit-orientated sector. The state is far from the only one possible form of coexistence of individuals, and we distinguish several forms of human existence in the history. What integrates modern state, is currently the majority nation. This is also the reason why was in the period of I. Czechoslovak Republic artificially created so called political Czechoslovak nation which should have exceeded the German minority by far.

In parallel with the development of global capitalism arises process of society liberalization that is explosively and aggressively expanding into almost every corner of the world. The original centre of liberal ideology, which was Western civilization, is by far from the only region that has a monopoly on liberalism. We can even be witnessing as originally Western liberalism transforms into various forms of regional liberalism, which absorb individual regional conditions. Character of the society becomes liberal, and originally illiberal political parties took some elements of liberal ideology. [8]

Liberal cosmopolitanism based on market principles causes fragmentation of communities and social groups into individuals. Social groups therefore lose their common properties and mutual value. Simple sum of individuals is losing basic orientation in their habitat. Consequently, there is a need for finding beacon of hope, which can be charismatic personalities, new or old thought currents, ideologies, religions, nationalism.

In the current Europe, the implementation of social policy concentrates on the social integration of people. It creates and develops the system of social institutions that reached a certain level of implementation of constitutional rights of citizens to live in dignity. The reached state was gradually called social security. [7]

This might include, for example individualism, which causes disintegration of social communities. This is crumbling traditional social institutions such as family, [3] nation, and neighbourhood community. Under pressure from the highest performance at work, competition between workers themselves is increasing, thus shatters interpersonal synergy. Emotionality is disappearing from human life, people become cold and suspicious. Long-term, often unbeneficial partnerships whether in work or family environment are becoming increasingly rare, they are being replaced by short-term tactical alliances, the duration of which is limited in time by achieving a common goal or a termination of a barter trade.

The current rapidly changing society often presents its considerable dynamism and continuous progress. In many cases, however, there set in unexpected situations that significantly determine not only the lives of individuals living in society, but also society as complex. This negative situations can be called social events or social risks, as are

closely linked to relevant changes in the then lifestyle the affected individuals. [4] In this context, often in the society sound voices that call for the elimination of social risks or require government setting such rules in the field of social security, which in the case of social risk are offering a helping hand from the state. Social security systems we therefore seems as an important instrument of social policy of the state, which include a wide range of institutions and the measures through which the state has interest in preventing or mitigating social risks in modern society. [5]

Nevertheless, in our country more often we meet with the narrow understanding of social policy, therefore, only as a part of public policy that deals primarily with how the society should help or to «take care» of people who are exposed to consequences of a disadvantaged or market failure or families. [1]

In the current Europe, the implementation of social policy concentrates on the social integration of people. It creates and develops the system of social institutions that reached a certain level of implementation of constitutional rights of citizens to live in dignity. The reached state was gradually called social security. [7]

Individual is not born into an empty place, but to a certain family context and family is a result of a particular evolutional continuity. We follow the assumption that a human is zoon politikon, thus a social being. Sociability is something that is given to a man, someone is given more, someone less. It appears that a family is eternal, timeless and cultivated, only its frame and structure is altered depending on the changing times and culture.


1. BEBLAVY, M. 2009. Socialna politika: vysokoskolska ucebnica. Presov: Adin, 2009. ISBN 9788089244478.

2. BOCAKOVA, O. 2014. Integracne tendencie v EU a socialna politika Slovenskej republiky. In BOCAKOVA, O. (ed.) Slovaci ako euroobcania v Europskom dome: analyza moznosti d'alsieho rozvoja zivotnej urovne obcanov SR. Brno: Tribun EU, 2014. ISBN 978-80-263-0582-8-4.

3. BOCAKOVA, O. 2012. Rodinna politika ako garancia kvalitneho zivota v spolocnosti. In BOCAKOVA, O., SEBESTOVA, P., GABURA, J. (eds.) Perspektivy sucasnej rodiny. Sladkovicovo: VSS, 2012. ISBN . ISBN 978-80-89267-85-9.

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5. HABANIK, T. 2014. Principy socialnej ochrany na Slovensku. In BOCAKOVA, O., JANAS, K. (eds.) Aktualne otazky politiky III. TnUAD, Trencin, 2014. ISBN 978-808075-630-7.

6. KUBiCKOVA, D. 2014. Europska unia a rodinna politika ako garant kvality zivota. In BOCAKOVA, O. (ed.) Europska kohezia v kontexte europskej socialnej politiky. Brno: Tribun EU, 2014. ISBN 978-80-263-0709-9, s. 92 -99.

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8. TOTH, R. 2002. Politicke strany. Trnava: FF UCM, 2002. ISBN 80-89034-15-2.

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