REGIONAL POLICY AND EUROPEAN UNION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Darina Kubíčková

The paper deals with regional policy as a specific form of economic policy. It refers to the basic principles of regional policy funding for projects within the European Union. Emphasizes the system of regional policy dimension in legislative, institutional, systemic and organizational. Description of the objectives of regional policy in the context of economic and social point of view

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Текст научной работы на тему «REGIONAL POLICY AND EUROPEAN UNION»

свободными, мотивируя своё решение карьерой,сексу-альной ориентацией или это их сущность

«Опечалены»свободой- люди,которые были замужем или женаты, но, когда брак распался,остались недобровольно свободны.

Семья представляет основной вид (тип) общества и выполняет свои функции. Ondrejkovic (2008) пишет, что современное время (современность) нас убеждает в том, что семейное совместное проживание всё становится меньше и, виновата в этом гектическая современность. Люди откладывают вступление в брак на неопределённое время или повторно разводятся и выходят замуж или женятся. Данная проблема очень актуальна, особенно учитывая потерю уважения к пожилым людям. Всё меньше используется опыт старых родителей, а мы становимся духовно беднее. [8]

Семью можно разделит с точки зрения, исполнения основных её функций:

-гармоническая- выполняет все функции и обеспечивает развитие и воспитание своих детей

-консолидированная -выполняет свои функции,но иногда возникает дисгормония в развитии и воспитании детей (семейные ошибки)

С точки зрения авторитета, семьи делятся на: -патриархальные, кде авторитетом является отец -матриархальные, где авторитетом является мать

- эгалитарные - полное и подлинное равноправие мужа и жены во всех вопросах семейной жизни

С точки зрения сексуальной ориентации, семьи делятся на:

- гетеросексуальные - где оба партнёра противоположного пола

- гомосексуальные - где партнёры одного пола. Тема гомосексуальных браков и семей активно дисску-тируется в обществе,вызывая спор (поединок) между консервативными и либеральными силами. [2].

Солидарность, дружелюбие, доверие в семье,явля-ются самым действенным механизмом в преодолении трудностей, как социально-экономических.так и других возникающих проблем.


1. BOCÄKOVÄ, O. 2014. Sloväci ako euroobcania v Europskom dome: analyza moznosti d'alsieho rozvoja zivotnej ürovne obcanov SR. In: Bocäkovä Integracne tendencie v EÜ a sociälna politika Slovenskej republiky. Vydavatel'stvo Tribun EU s.r.o. (knihovnicka. cz). Brno. 2014. s. 9. ISBN 978-80-263-0582-8.

2. DUNOVSKY, J. 1995. Tyrane, zneuzivane a zanedbävane dite. Praha : Grada Publishing, 1995. s. 245. ISBN 80-7169-192-5.

3. GABURA, J. 2006. Sociälna präca s rodinou. Vyd. Bratislava: OZ Sociälna präca. 2006. s. 3-9. ISBN 978-8089256-95-2.

4. KUBiCKOVÄ, D. 2015. Rodina, jej podstatnä dimenzia pri formovani osobnosti cloveka. In.: Bocäkovä,O. - Igazovä,M. Supplement vybranych dimenzii sociälnej problematiky. Brno. ISBN 978-80-263-0929-1.

5. LINCENYI, M. 2015. Niektore aspekty posobenia medii na verejnü mienku. In. Bocäkovä,O. - Igazovä,M. Supplement vybranych dimenzii sociälnej problematiky. Brno. ISBN 978-80-263-0929-1.

6. MATOUSEK, O. 2003. Rodina jako instituce a vztahovä sif. Praha : SLON, 2003. s. 159. ISBN 80-8642919-9.

7. MOZNY, I. 1990. Moderni rodina : (myty a skutecnost). Brno : Blok, 1990. s.23. ISBN 80-7029-018-8.

8. ONDREJKOVIC, P. 2008. Sociälna patologia. Bratislava : Veda 2008. s. 83. ISBN 978-80-8094-514-5.

9. ORAVCOVÄ, J., DURICOVÄ, L. 2007. Psychologia rodiny. 1. vyd. Banskä Bystrica : Univerzita Mateja Bela, 2007. s. 365. ISBN 978-80-8083-490-6.

10. RABUSIC, L. 2001. Kde ty vsechny deti jsou?: porodnost v sociologicke perspektive. Praha : SPN, 2001. s. 265. ISBN 80-86429-01-6.

11. RUSNÄKOVÄ, M. 2007. Rodina v slovenskej spolocnosti v kontexte sociälnej präce. Ruzomberok : Pedagogickä fakulta Katolickej univerzity v Ruzomberku, 2007. s.167. ISBN 978-80-8084-248-2.

12. VÄGNEROVÄ, M. 2008. Vyvojovä psychologie : detstvi, dospelost, stäri. Praha : Portäl, 2008. s. 522. ISBN: 80- 7178-308-0.


PhDr. Darina Kubickova, PhD.

Doctor of Philosophy Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Faculty of Social science in Trnava



The paper deals with regional policy as a specific form of economic policy. It refers to the basic principles of regional policy funding for projects within the European Union. Emphasizes the system of regional policy dimension in legislative, institutional, systemic and organizational. Description of the objectives of regional policy in the context of economic and social point of view.

Keywords: Regional policy. European Union. The principles of financing the projects of EU. The system of regional policy.

Regional policy of the Slovak Republic in the 1990s began to change its form and streem of democracy, market economy and integration. In the past, but also nowadays it is also influenced by political, economic, social and regional policy,institutional, legislative and other

framework conditions. The first signs of the formation and transformation have been accompanied by political reform and changes in Slovakia. According to Ochotnicky (1995) the reform of the regional development and the formation of regional policy in the Slovak Republic were made rather

than a reflection of the formation of other elements of the system. It was, in particular, the organizational system of the Slovak Republic and in the institutional movements in the management system of public administration. [8]

Specifically, the questions deals whether it is appropriate to modify the transition between an active regional economic and structural policy. Concerns of nuisance of formating market mechanism occured. Another issue related to what level is preferable to address regional problems. From the central or local area? The answers to these questions came in 1991, when the government discussed the principle of regional economic policy. [5]

There were adopted seven principles, on the basis of which should be to the shaping of the law on the promotion of regional development.

RP belongs to a specific form of economic policy:

- at the vertical line, mutual activity of autonomy, territorial and central bodies of state administration are ensured, while the horizontal line put the emphasis on territorial coordination of sectoral policies,

- to promote the principle of the central authorities to create the conditions for economic instruments to the development of regions, cities and municipalities would be provided with their own substantive and financial resources as much as possible,

- measures for the implementation of regional economic policy may be applicable to the territory of the defined boundaries of the sub-units or assigned defined territorial units,

-It was expected that the tax credit and subsidy policy, System Tools will be used

-used instruments of regional economic policy will be based on the analytical and developing documents. [9]

Since 1983, the basic objectives and principles of territory planning and regional development enshrined in the Charter of the Council of Europe (so-called. CEMAT) [4]. The RP through its financial instruments support solidarity between EU Member States. The economic level of States and their regions varies and each region has a different financial needs. [6] It is necessary to point out the differences between the national and regional development.

Regional development has, in comparison with national economy development a number of differences. For the national economy as a whole is significant spatial allocation of resources in terms of efforts to combat regional disparities, but above all in terms of the effective allocation of resources. [3]

Regional policy for financing projects is based on seven basic principles:

- The principle of concentration - focuses on support and efforts in the region, which in the long term show lower economic performance and standard of living

- The principle of partnership - in the preparation and implementation of the programme documents emphasizes the close cooperation between the competent authorities of the state government, municipal and regional authorities as well as organizations. On the horizontal level (cooperation between municipalities and regions), as well as on the vertical level (cooperation of ministries and regions). After the entry of the Slovak Republic to the EU, there was a need for close cooperation between the institutions of the community.

- The principle of programming - the need for conceptual

approach and programme coordination activities. Full use with the help of the structural funds

- The principle of additionality - the principle is based on the policy that the provided recources are not the majority, but only as an additional resource, which helps to support the activities of emerging in the region. In the pre-accession period, as additional sources of funding regional development funds, the PHARE, ISPA and SAPARD are used. After the integration of Slovakia into the EU, the national resources will be supplemented

by the national resources of EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund. [10]

- The principle of monitoring and evaluation of ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the primary principle - this is the results. Monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of funds. Monitoring shall be carried out during the entire period of the project.

- The principle of solidarity, the principle of mutual aid, cohesion.

- The principle of subsidiarity, the principle of decision -making from the lowest to the highest level.

The media are a source of power because they have a significant impact on creating of public opinion. Therefore the means of communication in the past are often abused to fight between groups or persons to obtain status in society. [7]

Measures for the implementation of regional policy should be implemented by means of instruments that are unified with the market economy. It does not necessary need to be a matter of specific tools, but the regional differentiated credit, tax, depreciation and dotation policy. In developed countries there is a system of regional policy, which consists of the four assumptions: - legislative - legal standards governing the status of the regional policy and, in particular, in the system of the state. They establish the basic rules for the performers, who are involved in or are somehow involved in regional development,

- the institutional - system of the institutions of regional policy at central, regional and local level,

- system - a system of economic instruments that affect the behaviour of all performers,

- organizational - administrative-economic interrelated system of municipalities.

Foreign investment help to promote target countries growth and development, with a major role in ensuring the flow of investment and the exploitation of the benefits of individual politics.

The creation of a common European market means the elimination of trade barriers among member states, and hence the formation of economically strong area. The common market substantially changed the conditions for the implementation of the undertaking marketing strategies. Examination of the business is the subject of interest to more than one domestic and foreign authors of EU, as it is an essential qualitative assumption of identifying as well as new territoria business opportunities as well as the formulation of business strategies. [2, p. 87]

In the European Union, there are infiltrating the new information and communication technologies to all levels of the economy and social life, which change the society into an information society. Europe is also becoming more homogeneous space in terms of values, desires, lifestyle, and the differences between national markets are eliminated in many cases. On the other hand, differences

between peoples, regions and ethnic groups, especially from the point the cultural point of view, the differences not only persist, but also in many cases are more evident than in the past.

In the framework of the European Union regional policy is carried out at the regional, national and transnational level. For the last period social policy of our country has undergone significant changes. Slovakia's accession to the European Union shifted part of the rights of Slovakia to the EU. It increased the importanceof European legally binding acts in front of the Slovak legislation. [1]

Transnational level of regional policy is the policy of the national policy and has an impact on other levels. As has already been mentioned, the main objective of regional policy is to find a balanced relationship between the principle of equality and the principle of the effectiveness and eliminate the interregional differences of the economic and social point of view.


1. BOCAKOVA, O. 2014. Integracne tendencie v EU a socialna politika Slovenskej republiky. In Slovaci ako euroobcania v Europskom dome: analyza moznosti d'alsieho rozvoja zivotnej urovne obcanov SR. Brno : Tribun, 2014. ISBN 978-80-263-0582-8.

2. BOCAKOVA, O. - LINCENYI, M. 2014. Uvod do socialnej a politickej komunikacie. Trencin : TnUAD, 2013. 109 s. ISBN 978-80-8075-613-0.

3. BUCEK, M. 2010. Regionalna ekonomia a politika. Bratislava. luraEdition. Bratislava. s. 269. ISBN 978-808078-362-4.

4. HAMALOVA, M. 1997. Regionalistika. Bratislava : InstitOt pre verejnO spravu. 1997. s. 99. ISBN 80-8532743-0.

5. ISA, 2000. Strukturalna politika EU a proces rozsirovania Unie. Zbornik z medzinarodnej konferencie. Kosice : Ekonomicka fakulta Technickej univerzity. s. 59. ISBN 80-8078-038-2.

6. IVANICOVA, A. 2007. Inovovane programovanie regionalnej politiky Europskej Onie v programovacom obdobi 2007-2013. 1. vyd. Bratislava : EKONOM. 2007. s.154. ISBN 978-80-225-2309-7.

7. LINCENYI, M. 2014. Europska Onia a edukacne procesy v medii. In Slovaci ako euroobcania v Europskom dome: analyza moznosti d'alsieho rozvoja zivotnej Orovne obcanov SR. Brno : Tribun, 2014. ISBN 978-80-263-05828.

8. OCHOTNICKY, P. 1995. Regionalna politika Europskej Onie. Regionalizovana struktOrna politika v SR. 1995. In TREND, 4.6.1995. Technicka univerzita v Kosiciach. s. 234. ISBN 80-7099-716-8.

9. SAMSON, S. a kol. 2001. Regionalna ekonomika. Kosice : Ekonomicka fakulta Technickej univerzity v Kosiciach. 2001. s. 234. ISBN 80-7099-716-8.

10. http://www.build.gov.sk/


Кулясов Иван Павлович

экосоциолог, научный сотрудник Центр независимых социологических исследований,

Санкт-Петербург, Россия


Kulyasov Ivan Pavlovich, environmental sociologist, scientific researcher, Centre for Independent Social Research, St. Petersburg, Russia АННОТАЦИЯ

В статье представлены этапы развития теории экологической модернизации. Материалы для статьи собраны в ходе экспедиций, тематических интервью с экспертами и полуструктурированных интервью с местными жителями, участия в мероприятиях и фокус-группах. Использовались качественные социологические методы - case study (примера) и участвующего наблюдения. Сделан вывод, что теория экологической модернизации может объяснить социальные процессы в контексте природных объектов и явлений. ABSTRACT

The article presents the stages of development of ecological modernization theory. Materials for the article are gathered during the expeditions, thematic interviews with experts and semi-structured interviews with local residents, participation in events and in focus groups. Used qualitative sociological methods - case study (example) and a participating observation. It is concluded that the theory of ecological modernization may explain social processes in the context of natural objects and phenomena.

Ключевые слова: теория экологической модернизации; сеть акторов Key words: the theory of ecological modernization; network of actors

Экологическая модернизация - это социальные изменения в соответствии с современными экологическими требованиями и нормами, выполнение которых ведет к решению противоречий между человеком и окружающей средой, обществом и природой [1, с. 100]. Экологические практики - это такие действия, которые сохраняют природу и человека, улучшают состояние окружающей природной и социальной среды. Экологический дискурс - это специфическая область использования языка, единство которой обусловлено нали-

чием общих для многих людей установок, связанных с понятием «экология» [1, с. 108].

Экологическая модернизация - один из принципов дружественного отношения к природе. При оценке, происходит ли экологическая модернизация или нет, обязательным критерием является улучшение состояния окружающей природной и социальной среды. Это может быть подтверждено рядом индикаторов (качественная оценка) и показателей (количественная оценка). Примером качественного индикатора

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