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Ключевые слова
rhetoric / Quran / prophecy / Ecclesiastes / mother School / mind and speech / Ancient Greece / Rome / appeal / Europe / Brut / Movarounnahr / "Medical Law" / feudal / fanaticism / sensor

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Alisher Khasanovich Narmanov

In this article, the opinions of Western and Eastern speakers in the formation of children's speech are given by them theoretically and the study of practical recommendations suggests that by bringing their speech-to-speech ideas and recommendations to the reader youth, they will also give their effect in the educational system. The article focuses on the emergence of a huge reserve of words in them as a result of the close acquaintance of the works of great thinkers, scientists and writers with the students in primary education in accordance with the age, as a result of which the attention is paid to the development of oral and written speech of students.

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Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-9-15


Alisher Khasanovich Narmanov

Doctoral student of Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute alishernarmanov@mail.com


In this article, the opinions of Western and Eastern speakers in the formation of children's speech are given by them theoretically and the study of practical recommendations suggests that by bringing their speech-to-speech ideas and recommendations to the reader youth, they will also give their effect in the educational system.

The article focuses on the emergence of a huge reserve of words in them as a result of the close acquaintance of the works of great thinkers, scientists and writers with the students in primary education in accordance with the age, as a result of which the attention is paid to the development of oral and written speech of students. 99

Keywords: rhetoric, Quran, prophecy, Ecclesiastes, mother School, mind and speech, Ancient Greece, Rome, appeal, Europe, Brut, Movarounnahr, "Medical Law", feudal, fanaticism, sensor.



Мазкур мацолада болалар нутцини шакллантиришда гарб ва шарц нотицларининг фикрлари улар берган назарий ва амалий тавсияларини урганишб уларнинг нутцца 4аеоид фиклралари ва тавсияларини уцувчи ёшларга етказиш орцали таълим тизимида хам уз самарсини бериши хацида фикр юритилади.

Мацолада буюк мутаффакирлар, олимлар ва ёзувчиларнинг асарларини ёшга мос равишда бошлангич таълимда уцувчиларга яциндан таништириб бориш натижасида уларда улкан суз захираси пайдо булиши, натижада уцувчиларнинг огзаки ва ёзма нутцининг ривожлантирилишига эътибор царатилган. 99

Таянч сузлар: Риторика, цуръон, ваъзхонлик, воиз, оналар мактаби, ацл ва нутц, Кадимги Греция, Рим, Мурожаатнома, Оврупо, Брут, Мовароуннахр, «Тиб цонунлари», феодал, мутаасиблик, сенсор

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-9-15

The years of independence are literally beginning with the implementation of large - scale reforms aimed at defining the prospects of socio-economic and cultural development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, striving to occupy a worthy place in the ranks of the countries of the world community. Studying the experiences of the developed countries of the world, taking into account local conditions, economic and social resources, the implementation of radical reforms in all spheres of society's life has been ensuring the achievement of new achievements.

President Sh.M.In Mirziyoyev's appeal to the Oliy Majlis (22 December 2017y): —today we will move to the path of innovative development aimed at radical renewal of all spheres of life of the state and society. A state based on a new idea, a new idea, innovation will win. For him, a thorough analysis of the factors of the development of brain abilities is necessary. We did not attach, unfortunately, enough importance to the issue of educating mature people who would become worthy followers of the great-grandfathers (Al-Khwarizmi and Beruni)... We have no right to forget that educating rare talents and bringing them to perfection is of decisive importance. It was noted that the developed countries reached the level of today's high development exactly on account of this - this is also true.

Of course, in the implementation of a new idea and a new idea, along with political, economic, social directions, the adult generation of the harmonious, they have an important place to grow their speech.

The variant of the child's speech is in many ways to his psyche, healthy, trigger growth. Moral qualities depend on the normative implementation of the training program in mastering, on the monandity of the hands. It is necessary that these issues are expressed in their solution in primary education and focus on educating so as to be able to speak fluently in their native language.

The problem of education and training has existed since ancient times. It is considered in the works of Western and Eastern thinkers of the Middle Ages.

People are very interested in the issue of beautiful, meaningful speech from ancient times. In ancient Greece (Greece)and Rome, the theoretical basis of the culture of speech was created. The requirements for the speech were developed. This was caused by the development of the slavery system, the slavery democracy.

During this period, the progress of the state, trade, Judicial Affairs has increased to the level of non-public art. To become a mature person, of course, it is necessary to master the art of speaking.

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-9-15

Due to this need, the theory of speech is created. His theorists such as Sitseron, Demosfen, Quintilian, Aristotle will mature. In the 335 year of our era, Aristotle's"rhetoric" is created. In it, the speaker puts before him the following tasks::

— not unilateral preparation of the material.

— layout plan Specify the material. V

— Material mastering, speech building relaxation.

— investigation the speech material of the speaker.

— Expression of the material in words.

— Pronunciation of speech, that is, the process of speech.

These requirements are now also maintaining their strength. The great protester of the OSHA era court speaker was the Sitseron. He achieved high success in the courtroom, made a huge contribution to the market of the art of public speaking. The works of sitseron "about the Speaker", "about the Speaker", "Brut" are now also known to have a certain value.

Another great representative of the Roman School of Public Speaking Is Mark Fabius Quintilna. He puts the knowledge in his book" on the knowledge of the Speaker " as a prerequisite for speaking. Kvintilian says that knowledge of eloquence should go from a very young age to learning. It attaches great importance to the fact that speech is understandable to the listener. He said, "Let every knight understand you, so to speak."

Well, in ancient Greece and Rome, the theory of cultural prejudice, worry, is developed. This theory later became the basis for the coming to the field of science devoted to the culture of speech in Europe.

In the East, including Movarounnahr, with the development of artistic, scientific creativity, as it were, many good ideas were said in ancient times about the importance, meaning and purposeful use of the word in common with the promotion of exhortation, the Qur'an.

With the growth of exhortation, maturity (skillful, speakable) art, the requirements for speech were perfected.

The great thinkers of those times, Abu Nasr Al-Forabi, Abu Rayhon Beruni, Abu Ali ibn Sina, Yusuf Khoshib, Ahmad Yughnaki, Jalaluddin Dovani, Alisher Navoi and others made an invaluable contribution to the world science, culture and education despite the severe resistance of feudal oppression and fanatical clergy.

The encyclopedic thinker of the Middle Ages East, Abu Nasr Al-Forabi (873950), puts in the center of his socio - political education the ways and methods of

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-9-15

comprehensively improving a person, leading them to common happiness, which is evidenced by the fact that his worldviews have a universal basis. These same goals constitute the main content of Forobi's outlook on the upbringing and education of the individual, its improvement and its active role in the solution of social problems. In his opinion, education and upbringing can be carried out with the help of his leader in the family, with the help of a teacher, in school and in a society based on good.

According to forabi, education is not only a mental development, but also a foundation for spiritual development in general, including moral development. Education and training are interrelated, they are different ways of bringing a person to spiritual perfection.

Forobi paid special attention to the regulation of social upbringing, its management. He comes to the conclusion that labor activity is an important means of upbringing.

Abu Rayhon Beruni (about 971 - 1050 years) entered history as an encyclopedic scientist. He considered it necessary to separate science from religion, otherwise, in his opinion, scientific knowledge can not be real. The critical attitude of the scientist to religion in many respects also determined his attitude to education and training.

Beruni stressed in his works that education should be directed towards a continuous, visual, specific goal and that it should be conducted on the basis of a particular system. Beruni believed that the person in the young man is formed in the process of upbringing. In this he gave a special place to Labor.

Beruni's views were limited, after all, he also knew that science and knowledge, like many other scientists of that time, are of absolute importance in the development of society. But the opinions about the importance of science, knowledge, Labor were correct in themselves. It was believed that the acquisition of knowledge itself Beruni is a labor that requires effort, time and patience.

Ibn Sin (980 - 1037) was a creative supporter of pedagogical issues. He demonstrated that the child is deeply aware of his nature not only as a physician, but also as a mature educator. Many opinions of the scientist about the education and upbringing of children are admired by his depth, permeated with the spirit of humanism and the correct interpretation of the complex problem that is being brought up.

The content of education and training offered by Ibn Sina includes mental training, physical health, aesthetic education, moral education and artistic training.

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-9-15

Ibn Sina had a very deep understanding of the whole complexities and intricacies of child education. The issues put in the section"about upbringing "of the" medical law " are clearly resolved, valuable opinions are expressed about the upbringing of the character of the child.

Ibn Sina calls on the child to respect his personality, to study his interests, taking into account the natural age characteristics of the child. He tried to get out into periods by age. The period of adolescence he had five periods: infancy (the period from the birth of the child to the beginning of the walk); childhood (the period after the walk); the period after which the organism began to grow and the pile teeth came out; adolescence and the period of sexual maturation; adolescence (the period when the growth stopped).

Ibn Sina understood all the complexities and difficulties of child education. He opposed the increase in the norm of physical punishment. In his opinion, in order to successfully carry out education as a treatise, it is necessary to have a human attitude to children.

Ibn Sina deeply understood the importance of the upbringing factor and highly appreciated the importance of the positive factor, recognized it as one of the main means of upbringing.

In Uzbekistan, it is necessary to get acquainted with the works of Jalaliddin Devonian (1427 - 1502), an encyclopedic scientist, very popular among his contemporaries, in order to understand the main directions of pedagogical thought after the XVI century and their features.

There are many creative ideas about the role of the school and the teacher in the upbringing, method of education in the works of Devonian. Analysis of his works shows that Devonian was an advanced thinker of his time, as well as many of his ideas about education and upbringing, have not lost its importance even today.

Especially Alisher Navoi took a deep place in the hearts of the people of Uzbekistan. His works have excited many generations since five hundred years. Humanism, ideas of love, singing the highest goals of a person occupy the main place in the heritage of Navoi.

Navoi's pedagogical views are characterized by extreme humanity. He attaches great importance to the formation and upbringing of the child's personality, knew Navoi as a candle that brings joy and happiness to the family.

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-9-15

According to Navoi, it is necessary to give the child the right education from the smallest age depending on his / her age, it is necessary to start studying the subjects as early as possible, he said.

The great Slavic pedagogue Jan Amos Komensky (1592-1670) is one of the great scholars of the West. His pedagogical system is permeated with the ideas of educating the growing generation in the spirit of humanity, peace, equality and unity.

Y. A. Komensky's pedagogical heritage is huge and multifaceted. The published philosophical and pedagogical works of the scientist marked its historical significance. The idea of raising and developing a child initially in the family, recorded in the"mother's school", has not lost its relevance even today. This work, the size of which is small, but the content of which is very deep, can be included in the list of classical works on the relevance and significance of the problems put in it, the simplicity and reliability of the proposed ways and Means for their implementation, and finally on the human orientation of the family, women, children and their attitude to "The protection of the human race should first of all begin with the cradle." There will be no more simple and wise thought. The most effective system of upbringing of the family is considered to be the environment in which children live, where they live and develop spiritually, no matter what kind of system of social upbringing the enterprising scientists do not invent.

Having a coherent system of ideas, the "School of mothers"can be considered the first work on primary family education.

The main idea of the"mother's school" is the expression of the primary education in the family to be joyful for the child, to make his future happy, pleasant and hopeful for the parents, useful for society.

Komensky puts in front of the school of mothers difficult tasks, namely: to teach children to know (to educate the need for knowledge, thirst for knowledge), to act (to be diligent, to manage oneself and do good deeds)and to teach speech (to develop speech and thinking), proceeding from the idea of comprehensively developing natural language from the very first age. In this regard, he gives concrete advice on the development of rational, physical and spiritual upbringing, speech and thinking. A separate chapter in the"mother's school "is devoted to the need for" how to practice speech to children". Komensky considered it necessary to make the same effort to develop"mind and speech".

He is facing "intelligence" and "speech"as an organic compound of qa. And this is not accidental, because of the speech the child expresses his thoughts and

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-12-9-15

begins to communicate with the surrounding people, by mastering the speech he perceives the surrounding world. The child develops speech and thinking. He paid special attention to the development and upbringing of sensors, because without it there will be no successful development of mind and speech. And it is also not surprising that the great educator called the observance of this rule "the golden rule of didactics".

In place of the conclusion, it should be noted that the works of the above-mentioned great thinkers, scientists and writers are closely acquainted with students in primary education in accordance with age, as a result of which a huge reserve of words appears in them, which ultimately greatly contributes to the development of oral and written speech of students.


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