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Ключевые слова
healthcare / medical care / international relationships / sustainable development goals / socio-economic determinants of health. / здравоохранение / медицинская помощь / международные отношения / цели устойчивого развития / социально-экономические детерминанты здоровья.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Mamasolieva, Shokhista Abdugapparovna, Karimov, Abdukhalim Abdurazzakovich

The paper examines structural developments in the medical services and medicalequipment markets that have conditioned the establishment and growth of a new type of medical service medical tourism while profoundly affecting national economies and effecting international relations.Health-care systems have a favorable influence on the economic performance of other sectors of the national economy, both through employment creation and purchases of products and services.It creates a basis for policymakers at the state, regional, and municipal levels to use in demonstrating that healthcare systems are a critical sector for advancing the achievement of local and national sustainable development goals.

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В статье рассматриваются структурные изменения на рынках медицинских услуг и медицинского оборудования, которые обусловили создание и развитие нового вида медицинских услуг – медицинского туризма, оказывая глубокое влияние на национальные экономики и международные отношения. экономические показатели других секторов национальной экономики, как за счет создания рабочих мест, так и за счет покупки продуктов и услуг. Он создает основу для политиков на государственном, региональном и муниципальном уровнях, чтобы продемонстрировать, что системы здравоохранения являются важнейшим сектором для продвижения достижение местных и национальных целей устойчивого развития.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Mamasolieva Shokhista Abdugapparovna

Senior teacher of Samarkand State Medical Institute Karimov Abdukhalim Abdurazzakovich

Assistant of Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


The paper examines structural developments in the medical services and medicalequipment markets that have conditioned the establishment and growth of a new type of medical service - medical tourism - while profoundly affecting national economies and effecting international relations.Health-care systems have a favorable influence on the economic performance of other sectors of the national economy, both through employment creation and purchases of products and services.It creates a basis for policymakers at the state, regional, and municipal levels to use in demonstrating that healthcare systems are a critical sector for advancing the achievement of local and national sustainable development goals.

Keywords: healthcare, medical care, international relationships, sustainable development goals, socio-economic determinants of health.

В статье рассматриваются структурные изменения на рынках медицинских услуг и медицинского оборудования, которые обусловили создание и развитие нового вида медицинских услуг - медицинского туризма, оказывая глубокое влияние на национальные экономики и международные отношения. экономические показатели других секторов национальной экономики, как за счет создания рабочих мест, так и за счет покупки продуктов и услуг. Он создает основу для политиков на государственном, региональном и муниципальном уровнях, чтобы продемонстрировать, что системы здравоохранения являются важнейшим сектором для продвижения достижение местных и национальных целей устойчивого развития.

Ключевые слова: здравоохранение, медицинская помощь, международные отношения, цели устойчивого развития, социально-экономические детерминанты здоровья.


The desire to provide good outcomes for the economy and society tends to be associated with the everyday pressures on policymakers to reduce government



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

spending while delivering great returns.This is never more clear than in the health industry, where prices are considered to be spiraling, putting enormous pressure on the sector to decrease budgets and services. This pressure is being exerted as a result of a broad conviction among government and financial organizations that the health sector is a burden on the economy.

The main factors of this article are as follows:

- It is crucial in understanding a national economic stability and prosperity;

- It has a favorable influence on the economic development of other segments of the economy, both through employment creation and purchases of products and services;

- Because of its influence on jobs, work environment, and family income, it has a significant role to play in eliminating social inequality at the local scale;

- It may strengthen its position as a major area for advancing the achievement of locally and nationally sustainability by improving its recruitment, teaching, and buying operations both domestically and internationally.

By appropriate hiring and buying of products and services, healthcare providers are playing a more active vital role in supporting equality of opportunity. This societal advantage of health-care systems is not extensively established and is not now taken into account in many popular laws and procedures.Health systems' principal role is to deliver increased, public healthcare. Simultaneously time, healthcare systems play a major role in the position and stability of global and subnational economy via their expenditure and initiatives. This financial impact has yet to be quantified.


In regard to its duty of protecting and promoting public health, healthcare systems have several economic and social consequences that have largely gone unnoticed to yet. Healthcare systems will profit from a greater place in state and national expansion plans and business plans if their social and economic implications are made clear.This will also make a huge contribution to moving the argument away from health systems being viewed just as an expense, and toward their being viewed as mechanisms that promote economic stability, as well as critical partners in attaining social and economic well-being.

Health-care systems are an essential sector that affects economic performance. International organizations such as the World Health Organization and the World Bank recognize the significant role of public health and education systems

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

by quantifying the economic benefits of investments in human capital via education, training, and professional development[1].

In the same manner that they enhance organizational performance and fair economic growth, healthcare systems provide a net contribution to economic progress. They can be obtained as follows:

- expanding job possibilities and enacting equitable employment regulations;

- enhancing the provincial and municipal labor markets' professional network;

- concentrating investment in low-income regions or places with a poor government revenue;

- expanding the usage of micro, small, and medium-sized businesses in acquiring and procurement;

- helping to improve social cohesiveness in impoverished populations.

The significance of healthcare systems in societal economic growth.The way healthcare organizations use and spend their funds has a significant influence on the economic, social, and human advantages that arise.Healthcare systems may restructure regional economy so that they operate to everybody, not just the few, by harnessing community resources and capabilities, as well as embracing sustainable methods to hiring, creating jobs, and the manufacturing of products and services.

Advancement strategies in the twenty-first century include the notion of enhancing society's quality of life via the construction of more accessible, adaptable, and durable economies.This is reflected in the rise of development strategies and policies such as community wealth-building (CWB) and the circular economy[2]. CWB is a growing approach that emphasizes different authorities working combined with managing communal resources and keep money moving throughout local people.The circular economy's inclusive approach demonstrates the linkages between sustained growth, excellent health, and employment opportunities, as well as benefiting the climate and conserving the earth's mineral wealth.

The examination and maximization of the improved living standards of state bodies inside the local areas in which they are situated is central to these methods.Politicians, non - governmental organizations, local organizations or unions, and anyone interested with the creation of dynamic, durable, and wealthy towns, towns, and areas are all taking an interest in this topic.



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3

educational, natural and social sciences ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947

Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7

Methods and techniques for increasing and measuring the social and economic advantages of health-care systems.Health-care systems may use their expenditure and investment strategies to achieve significant social and economic advantages on a national and local scale. Significant improvements in local results can be realized by modifying health-care systems' strategies to recruitment and revising ways of acquiring products and services to implement smaller hiring and purchasing channels.Healthcare systems may boost local requirement for products and services, attract inbound investment, and keep people, cash, and employment in the townsand districts where they are situated. This offers both directly and indirectly advantages, as evidenced by increased metrics of economic and social better performance and stability.

By recruiting locals, healthcare systems may promote jobs and retain individuals in the labor force, which is a key socioeconomic driver of health. Besides, to delivering a large number of employment, health care systems are pioneers in offering high-quality jobs. The provision of excellent jobs is important to equitable, stable performance and the eradication of poverty. Better working conditions come with the following benefits:

- good salary;

- workers will be grantedas ensuring that part-time and full-time employees have comparable perks, such as maternity and paternity leave;

- secure performance conditions;

- safety and the opportunity to engage in cooperative negotiations;

- prospects for advancement and professional growth.

In the WHO European Region health sectors are leaders in ensuring good working conditions. Many women are employed, in high-quality jobs, and there are more female bosses in the health sector compared to most other sectors[3]. Healthcare providers provide substantive changes to improving employee productivity in societies by offering decent employment, enabling them more egalitarian and accessible. For instance, health-care systems help to alleviate many forms of injustice.

Health-care systems also increase fairness in regards of advancement and education. In comparison to other industries, health care systems give an abundance of educational and training possibilities, as well as possibilities to retain and improve the talents of their personnel.In the EU, 13% of workers reported needing further training in order to manage their current duties; this increased to 20% in human health. Over 50% of workers in human health reported receiving employer- paid

[3]Birch E, Perry D, Taylor HL. Universities as anchor institutions. J High EducOutreach Engagem. 2013;17(3):7-15.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3

educational, natural and social sciences ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947

Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7

training[4]. The amount of years completed schooling, and skills obtained, have a substantial influence on health and well-being, helping to generating adaptable people and communities. Individuals with some more years in education have better lifestyles, are financially stable for higher standard of living, and are more prone to reside and get their jobs in better and safer places.

Present economic and societal concerns, as well as health-care systems.

Innovative concepts are required to think about the future, create strong healthcare systems, find out the overall, and promote an integrated and equitable economy where everybody can prosper and thrive.The services that keep us "safe, sound and civilized"[5] , they are the amenities that are frequently not valued until they break down (such as water, infrastructure or health services).Those amenities must be charged for, yet such vast expenditures are sometimes viewed solely as expensive. In reality, they are an untapped resource with the potential to have major economic and social impacts on local, regional, and national economies. More comprehensive approaches that stress stable flourishment are required, as are procedures that ensure financing remains in local areas.

Health-care systems are propelling inclusive and long-term prosperity.Improving health and ensuring no one is left behind contributes to economic growth and development and influences macroeconomic indicators, such as GDP and unemployment rates, as well as microeconomic indicators, such as household consumption, health, nutrition, and education[6]. Equitable and resilient development may boost economies while reducing wage disparities.

Contributing to a country's well-being should not be considered as an economic burden, but instead as a means of supporting the economy's development and stability. Health-care systems benefit societies and economic growth.Healthcare providers perform a significant economic and social significance in locally and nationally societies. Healthcare systems may be key players to local and national economic growth by showing their worth in positively affecting local economies via workforce and sourcing policies.

The role and place of healthcare in the country's economy.The relationship between healthcare and the economy of the country can be considered in two main aspects:

[4]Holley K, Harris M. The 400-pound gorilla: the role of research universities in city development. Innovât High Educ. 2017;42(2):77-90.

[5]Addie JPD. Urban(izing) university strategic planning: an analysis of London and New York City. Urban Aff Rev. 2018; Jan 19

[6]Jewczak M, Suchecka J. Application of input-output analysis in the health care. CER 2014;17(4):87-103.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

a) the impact of health and health status on the wellbeing level of the population and economic development;

b) the impact of the economic development of society on the entire health of the population and healthcare.

Wellbeing is a measure of the provision of people with the benefits of life, means of subsistence.

The impact of health care on the development of the country's economy occurs by increasing labor productivity on the basis of reducing morbidity, mortality (primarily at working age), temporary and persistent disability, improvement of health, in general. On the other hand, the well-being of society affects the health of the population.

UN experts believe that the level of well-being of the society can be assessed by using the human development index as the followings:

- per capita income;

- average life expectancy;

- infant mortality;

- literacy rate.

The expensesof the society for the development of healthcare are not only socially important, but also economically. The richer the state, the more it can allocate funds for health protection, labor protection, for the improvement ecological situation and living conditions, which will lead to health improvement of the population, lower the morbidity, the mortality and the disability, and which ultimately leads to an increase in the period of active labor performance of the population.


The concept of the economic effect in healthcare system.The difference between the economic damage due to the morbidity before and after carrying out the active medical recreational procedures and constitutes the economic effect of healthcare system. The economic effect in healthcare system is one of the results of the activities of the healthcare organization, which is expressed in terms of profit or loss, and is defined as the difference between income and costs.Thus, since the basis of health economics is rational use of limited resources, getting maximum results at minimal cost, it remains important to analyze the economic effectiveness of the health care system as a whole, the activities of its individual industries, institutions, departments, specialists, complex programs and activities in the field of health care.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


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3. Buthmann, J., Goldhar, S., Taylor, J., &Ramnanan, C. J. (2018). Medical mythbusters: a high school outreach initiative. Medical Education, 52(11), 1180. https://doi.org/10.1111/medu.13733

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4. Oertel, S., &Soll, M. (2016). Universities between traditional forces and modern demands: the role of imprinting on the missions of German universities. HigherEducation, 73(1), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-016-0013-0

5. SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals. (2021, May 31). SAGE Journals. https://journals.sagepub.com/action/cookieAbsent

6. Jewczak, M., &Suchecka, J. (2014). Application Of Input-Output Analysis In The Health Care. Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, 17(4), 87-104. https://doi.org/10.2478/cer-2014-0034

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