Научная статья на тему 'Scientific and educational tourism cluster of education and popularization of the intangible cultural heritage in Ukraine'

Scientific and educational tourism cluster of education and popularization of the intangible cultural heritage in Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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The Scientific Heritage
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Havryliuk A.

The article presents the methodology for the development and operation of a scientific-educational tourist cluster “Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Tourist Resource”, implemented as a pilot project based on the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts and the Kiev University of Culture with the involvement of a wide range of participants outside education public-private and social partnership.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Scientific and educational tourism cluster of education and popularization of the intangible cultural heritage in Ukraine»



Havryliuk A.

PhD in Public Administration, Docent, Docentthe Department of Hotel and Restaurant and Tourism Business, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article presents the methodology for the development and operation of a scientific-educational tourist cluster "Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Tourist Resource", implemented as a pilot project based on the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts and the Kiev University of Culture with the involvement of a wide range of participants outside education public-private and social partnership.

Keywords: intangible cultural heritage, scientific and educational tourism cluster, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv University of Culture, tourism, state policy.

Active processes of conscious awakening of signs of national and local identities, revival of authentic ethnic traditions, patriotic feelings etc. with the involvement of some individuals, communities and the state as a whole become active today in Ukraine.

The sphere of intangible cultural heritage is one of the leading among areas that deeply shape and assert national values. In accordance with the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (hereinafter referred to as the Convention), it is manifested in the following forms: oral traditions and forms of expression, in particular in the language as medium of the intangible cultural heritage; performing arts; customs, ceremonies, celebrations; knowledge and practice relating to nature and the universe; traditional crafts [3].

At the same time, there is a growing demand for the inclusion of other social spheres in the processes of forming the levers of influence on the education and training of the citizens of country on the resources of national and world achievements of the intangible cultural heritage. The tourism sector is advantageous in this context among as it is able to attract to the tourism practices the age-diverse categories of consumers of the tourism service formed on the intangible cultural heritage resources.

Therefore, studies on finding common motivational factors for tourism and intangible cultural heritage on the basis of innovative forms of their interaction, which combine the efforts of various professional communities and possibilities for their mass and individual recognition, use, enlightenment and popularization without compromising authentic samples of their local distribution are relevant at the present stage.

Taking into account the common interest in the intangible cultural heritage development at the level of communities, tourist destinations, educational institutions and other educational establishments, public associations and tourism enterprises, local, regional and national governing bodies, cluster formations are relevant for Ukraine. They are currently one of the most highly sought and effective forms of cooperation between government, business, community, institutions and other members of social relations, accumulating their

knowledge and experience around a single coordination centre.

Such practice has also led to a keen research interest in the problems of creation, operation and development of tourism clusters, which are actively researched in Ukraine and abroad and confirm the involvement of our state in the processes of "cluster revolution" [5].

Now we can talk about the formation of independent scientific directions that research the role of tourism clusters in handling important issues of social and economic development of regions; application of modern forms of cooperation in various social spheres with an effective system of management, cooperation, idea generation and more.

The basic theory of clustering is based on theoretical researches of a considerable number of domestic and foreign scientists, who have approached the interpretation of the theoretical and practical components of the cluster quite fundamentally: from the standpoint of economic science (O. Varianychenko, E. Lymer, A. Marshall, D. Porter, V. Podvysotskyi, S. Sokolenko, L. Fedulova et. al.), in particular, tourist clusters (D. Ba-siuk, M. Bihus, M. Boiko, M. Bosovska, H. Mikhaili-chenko, T. Tkachenko, K. Shylkina, et. al.); features of their creation, formation and development as geospatial unit (M. Malska, O. Liubitseva, A. Parfinenko, I. Smirnov, et. al.); in different public spheres with an effective management system, cooperation, idea generation, etc. from the standpoint of "Public administration" discipline (I. Dehtiariova, M. Bil, N. Volkova, O. Krainyk, V. Mamonova, N. Sviridova, et. al.); as innovative educational and research centres (V. Volha, O. Kuklin, M. Plutova, H. Piatnytska, M. Khmara, Ye. Chernyshova, et. al.).

However, the expediency of further research is conditioned by the need to develop tools for creating cluster models based on higher education institutions as centres of training specialists able to enlighten and promote intangible cultural heritage as a tourism resource. This is precisely the purpose of the present article.

The first active attempts to implement legal regulation of clustering processes in Ukraine were partially laid down in the draft regulation of the Cabinet of Min-

isters of Ukraine "On Approval of the Concept of Creating Clusters in Ukraine". However, this question remains open till the present day.

Articles 120 and 127 of the Commercial Code of Ukraine stipulate the possibility of establishing various legal forms of enterprises association, which include: associations, corporations, consortia, concerns, other associations provided by law. Their organizational and functional purpose is similar to a cluster, and therefore can be a separate form of association of business structures [2].

In the context of our study, the main provisions of the Law of Ukraine No. 5067-VI "On Employment of Population" dated July 05, 2012, which define the implementation of state employment policy through the development of clusters of folk artistic crafts are very important [4].

The cluster is a focus for the provision of services, including tourism, so it is formed by the typical entities that develop and promote tourism services.

From the standpoint of scientific approach of K. Shylkina, local tourism resources create the basis for cluster formation and provide tourism services. They can create the space of a "tourism attractor", which can be presented by any object, subject, territory or event, attractive to the potential visitor so that he/she is ready to travel to see it, as well as spend money and use tourism and related services as a cluster visitor [8, p. 56].

Extrapolating this approach into the sphere of intangible cultural heritage and tourism, it can be noted that the corresponding "tourism attractors" in Ukraine are composited by the territories of active presence of an element of intangible cultural heritage, which according to the Convention are the areas where the traditions of active distribution, preservation, transfer, etc. are preserved. Accordingly, cluster visitors are persons who visit sites where the intangible cultural heritage element is present as tourists.

There are current elements in Ukraine that are added to the lists of intangible cultural heritage of mankind; a National List of Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage was created, as well as local lists that testify to the diverse resources of such heritage [6]. Generally, it intensifies tourism activities to the places of their concentration and requires appropriate state policies embodied in the strategy of social and economic development of regions and territories.

Clustering helps to improve the indicators of various management systems, education system in particular. The activities of educational clusters are directed towards the performance of the basic social functions necessary for providing a sufficient level of special knowledge, which will then be used in various sectors and spheres of economy.

A priority component of the activity of scientific and educational cluster is to improve the technology of providing knowledge, conduct professional researches and their clear practical focus on the professional environment.

The theoretical substantiation of peculiarities of the use of cluster approach by educational institutions in the field of knowledge "Public administration" is

poorly researched, although some scientific discourses are conducted. We consider that scientific and educational cluster can be interpreted as a set of interrelated and complementary institutions, enterprises, state structures, members of society, which form the organizational and institutional field of the cluster structure and the actions of which are aimed at providing high quality of scientific and educational services and formation of competitive professionals in this area.

At the same time, consolidation of efforts and resource potential, delegation of management functions to the coordination centre, integration and synergy of work are important conditions for the cluster functioning.

Methodology of developing the Scientific and Educational Tourism Cluster "Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Tourism Resource", which has been successfully implemented as a pilot project during the last three years on the basis of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts and the Kyiv University of Culture with the involvement of a wide range of participants will be presented in the article.

Any cluster formation is compound of the core and the base. In the present case, the core of scientific and educational innovation tourism cluster is the joint activity, initiative actions and internal organizational cooperation between the faculties of the hotel, restaurant and tourism business in both educational institutions, which forms the competences of competitive specialists who will be able to provide quality tourism services for popularization of national and world intangible cultural heritage. It is these educational institutions that play the leading role of coordination centre, providing resource and organizational support between all the cluster subjects, which are closely linked.

The coordinating centre of the Scientific and Educational Tourism Cluster "Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Tourism Resource" includes representatives of the UNESCO Facilitator Network from Ukraine; heads of regional and district structural subdivisions of local state administrations providing development of tourism and culture, in particular intangible cultural heritage at local levels; representatives of local self-government bodies; tourism business; scientists; students; non-governmental organizations and associations representing the interests of craftsmen and all potential participants directly interested in the preservation of intangible cultural heritage in Ukraine.

In addition, the coordinating centre conducts various communicative motivational activities that stimulate the work of members of the structure with particular frequency. The annual international scientific and practical conference-festival "Intangible cultural heritage as a modern tourism resource: experience, practices, innovations" is one of the most important [7]. The basis of the cluster interaction between the participants is formed by relations on the principles of social partnership.

Based on the scientific research of K. Shylkina [8], which distinguishes four models of cluster formations used in tourism sphere and, accordingly, in the field of tourism educational services, satellite model of cluster formation, which has a unique modelling of the process

of providing services around the leading enterprises in the tourism sphere education entities - Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts and Kyiv University of Culture, is considered the most appropriate.

Against this background, cluster functioning is ensured through the implementation of the five "I" principles: initiative of a stakeholder; innovation of views on cluster development; informativity as a method of information disseminating about the cluster's activities and prospects for its development; integrity as the use of new forms of cooperation within the system; interest of each cluster member in joint activities [1].

The ability to use the resources needed to promote the intangible cultural heritage through tourism is an important condition for the functioning of scientific and educational cluster. This task is not easy, as it involves the support of numerous initiatives, innovations and interest among the stakeholders in the cluster's activities and uses local opportunities of the element's territory of presence, solely for the benefit of community, which is the main beneficiary of such heritage.

Cluster formation attributes include: the goals that form the basis of the cluster; tools for cooperation between members of cluster relations, who represent the nucleus and foundation that are able to generate ideas and can contribute to the formation of knowledge, competences and skills necessary for the promotion of intangible cultural heritage through tourism.

The cluster development is based on the quantitative and qualitative composition of the cluster members regarding the ability to identify the tourism attractiveness of the world and national resources of the intangible cultural heritage and to use its potential for tourism promotion of the territory, where the element present is based on innovation, informativeness, creativity, social, public and private partnership.

To sum up, it should be emphasized that the use of cluster approach in the sphere of national higher education system:

- promotes the activity of the Scientific and Educational Tourism Cluster "Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Tourism Resource" at Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts and Kyiv University of Culture and is a testimony to the improvement of technology of providing knowledge to future tourism experts with the speciality 242 "Tourism" of educational degrees Bachelor, Master, Doctor of Philosophy within the framework of traditional and innovative practices of formation of professional competences;

- creates conditions for the use of innovative practices for the dissemination of knowledge about the intangible cultural heritage within the framework of: study of the subject "Attractive resources of the intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO"; conducting field studies within the regions where the elements of the intangible cultural heritage are present and identifying the "living tradition" of their spreading; carrying out scientific research during the performance of professional qualification works;

- ensures the use of foundations of public, private and social partnership between educational institutions, initiators of the cluster creation and structural subdivisions of local authorities (state and local self-government bodies), representatives of tourism business and public as members of the cluster;

- expands opportunities for involvement of representatives of both individual carriers of the "living tradition" and of collective communities within the framework of realization of goals and tasks of the cluster within the project scientific activity;

- develops the competencies of a competitive specialist in tourism education and popularization of intangible cultural heritage; the ability to use the complex of knowledge, skills and competences necessary to convey and promote such heritage in the implementation of main provisions of the Convention;

- deepens the patriotic competence of students involved in the educational process of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts and Kyiv University of Culture and cluster activities.

The main provisions of the results presented in the article were obtained within the framework of implementation of resourceful scientific research works, implemented at Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts in cooperation with Kyiv University of Culture -"Research of Transformation Processes in International Tourism in the Context of Globalization" (state registration number 0117U006176, 2017-2019) and Kyiv University of Culture along with Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts - "Research Tourism Resource of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage" ( state registration number 0117U001957, 2017-2020) and "Preserving Cultural Identity of tourism destinations in the Context of Globalization" (state registration number 0117U001956, 2017-2020), which may serve as a basis for further scientific studies of clustering theory in higher educational institutions of Ukraine.


1. Vojnarenko, M. (2008), "Clusters as poles for regional competitiveness growth", Ekonomist, vol. 10, pp. 27-30.

2. Economic Code of Ukraine (2003) available at: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/436-15 (Accessed 20 November 2019).

3. The concept of protection of the intangible cultural heritage (2019) available at: https://za-kon.rada.gov.ua/laws/main/995_d69 (Accessed 20 November 2019).

4. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2012), The Law of Ukraine "One mployment of the population" available at: https://za-kon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/5067-17 (Accessed 20 November 2019).

5. Tersina, O. (2016), "ClusterRevolutioninUk-raine",Legalnewspaper. vol. 40 (538). URL: http://yur-gazeta.com/publications/practice/civilne-pravo/klasterna-revolyuciya-v-ukrayini.html.

6. Ukrainian Center for Cultural Research, (2019) available at: http://uccs.org.ua / (Ac-cessed20November 2019).

7. Faculty of Hotel-Restaurant and Tourist Business of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. (2019) available at: http://fgritb.knukim.edu.ua.

8. Shylkina, K. O. (2015), "Management of tourism business enterprises on the principles of clustering", PhD. Thesis, economy and enterprise management (by type of economic activity), Kherson National Technical University, Kherson Ukraine.

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