Научная статья на тему 'Andrushiv district as a Touri STS destination : the tool Kit of marketing positioning'

Andrushiv district as a Touri STS destination : the tool Kit of marketing positioning Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
Аndrushiv district / tourist resources / attraction / tourist destination / ethno-tourism potential / marketing toolkit / рatronage / Tereshchenko family / Андрушівський район / туристичні ресурси / атрактивність / туристична дестинація / етнотуристичний потенціал / маркетингові інструмен- ти / меценатство / родина Терещенків

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Нavryliuk Alla Mykhailіvna

The article describes the existing tourist resources of Andrushiv district of Zhytomyr region. Their attraction and ethno-tourism potential are determined. It is noted that the ethnographic identity of the region is determined by the ethnic composition of the population, cultural and artistic traditions and it influences the results of the formation of the tourist attractiveness of the territory. It is proved that available attraction resources serve as a basis for the formation of a tourist destination “Andrushiv district — the land of embodiment of entrepreneurial and charitable affairs by the Tereshchenko family” as the one that is emerging. The corresponding set of marketing advantages of the tourist destination is determined: infrastructure, regional identity, informativeness, accessibility, commerciality, complexity, resourcefulness, comfort, availability of local government bodies. The conformity of the basic criteria of recognition of tourist resources of Andrushiv district with the instruments of state regulation is established. The marketing toolkit of the state regulation of tourism development in the district is offered.

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У статті схарактеризовано наявні туристичні ресурси Андрушівського району Житомирської області. Визначено їх атрактивніть та етнотуристичний потенціал. Зазначено, що етнографічна самобутність регіону визначається етнічним складом населення, культурно-мистецькими традиціями і впливає на результати формування туристичної привабливості території. Доведено, що наявні атрактивні ресурси слугують базисом для формування туристичної дестинації “Андрушівщина — край втілення підприємницьких та доброчинних справ родиною Терещенків” як такої, що зароджується. Визначено відповідний набір маркетингових переваг туристичної дестинації: інфраструктурність, регіональна ідентичність, інформативність, доступність, комерційність, комплексність, ресурсність, комфортність, наявність органів місцевого управління. Встановлено відповідність базових критеріїв розпізнавання туристичних ресурсів Андрушівщини інструментам державного регулювання. Запропоновано маркетинговий інструментарій державного регулювання розвитку туризму в районі.

Текст научной работы на тему «Andrushiv district as a Touri STS destination : the tool Kit of marketing positioning»

UDC: 351 : 379.85 (477)

Havryliuk Alla Mykhailivna,

PhD in Public Administration, Docent, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Docent the Department of International Tourism, 01133, Kyiv, Str. Yevhen Konovalets, 36, tel.: (067) 500 66 92, e-mail: etnosvit24@ukr.net ORCID: 0000-0003-2743-0409

Гаврилюк Алла Михайловна,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, доцент, доцент кафедри мгжнародного туризму, Кшвський нащональний ут-верситет культури i мистецтв, 01133, м. Кигв, вул. бвгена Коновальця, 36, тел.: (067) 500 66 92, e-mail: etnosvit24@ukr.net ORCID: 0000-0003-2743-0409

Гаврилюк Алла Михайловна,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент, доцент кафедры международного туризма, Киевский национальный университет культуры и искусств, 01133, г. Киев, ул. Евгения Коновальца, 36, тел.: (067) 500 66 92, e-mail: etnosvit24@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0003-2743-0409


Abstract. The article describes the existing tourist resources of Andrushiv district of Zhytomyr region. Their attraction and ethno-tourism potential are determined. It is noted that the ethnographic identity of the region is determined by the ethnic composition of the population, cultural and artistic traditions and it influences the results of the formation of the tourist attractiveness of the territory. It is proved that available attraction resources serve as a basis for the formation of a tourist destination "Andrushiv district — the land of embodiment of entrepreneurial and charitable affairs by the Tereshchenko family" as the one that is emerging. The corresponding set of marketing advantages of the tourist destination is determined: infrastructure, regional identity, informativeness, accessibility, commerciality, complexity, resourcefulness, comfort, availability of local government bodies. The conformity of the basic criteria of recognition of

tourist resources of Andrushiv district with the instruments of state regulation is established. The marketing toolkit of the state regulation of tourism development in the district is offered.

Keywords: Andrushiv district, tourist resources, attraction, tourist destination, ethno-tourism potential, marketing toolkit, patronage, Tereshchenko family.


Анотащя. У статл схарактеризовано наявш туристичш ресурси Андру-шiвського району Житомирсько!' областi. Визначено ïx атpактивнiть та ет-нотуристичний потенщал. Зазначено, що етногpафiчна самобутнiсть ре-гiону визначаеться етнiчним складом населення, культурно-мистецькими традищями i впливае на результати формування туристично!' привабли-вост територй'. Доведено, що наявнi атрактивш ресурси слугують базисом для формування туристично!' дестинацй' "Aндpушiвщина — край втшення пiдпpиемницькиx та доброчинних справ родиною Терещенюв" як тако!', що зароджуеться. Визначено вщповщний набip маркетингових переваг турис-тично!' дестинацй': шфраструктуршсть, pегiональна iдентичнiсть, шформа-тивнiсть, доступшсть, комеpцiйнiсть, комплекснiсть, pесуpснiсть, комфорт-шсть, наявнiсть оpганiв мiсцевого упpавлiння. Встановлено вщповщшсть базових критерпв pозпiзнавання туристичних ресурав Aндpушiвщини ш-струментам державного регулювання. Запропоновано маркетинговий ш-струментарш державного регулювання розвитку туризму в райош.

Ключовi слова: Aндpушiвський район, туристичш ресурси, атрактившсть, туристична дестинащя, етнотуристичний потенцiал, маpкетинговi шструмен-ти, меценатство, родина Терещенюв.


Аннотация. В статье охарактеризованы имеющиеся туристические ресурсы Андрушевского района Житомирской области. Определен их аттрактивный и этнотуристический потенциал. Отмечено, что этнографическая самобытность региона определяется этническим составом населения, культурно-искусствоведческими традициями и влияет на результаты формирования туристической привлекательности территории. Доказано, что имеющиеся аттрактивные ресурсы служат базисом для формирования туристической дестинации "Андрушовщина — край воплощения предпринимательских и благотворительных дел семьей Терещенко" как таковой, что зарождается. Определен соответствующий набор маркетинговых преимуществ туристической дестинации: инфраструктурность, региональная идентичность, информативность, доступность, коммерческая выгода, комплексность, ресурс-ность, комфортность, наличие органов местного управления. Установлено соответствие базовых критериев распознавания туристических ресурсов Ан-друшовщины инструментам государственного регулирования. Предложено

маркетинговый инструментарий государственного регулирования развития туризма в районе.

Ключевые слова: Андрушевский район, туристические ресурсы, аттрак-тивность, туристическая дестинация, этнотуристический потенциал, маркетинговые инструменты, меценатство, семья Терещенко.

Problem statement. Travels in Ukraine are gradually turned into a trend and are one of the motivational values of the knowledge of the native country during the last years. An increase in the number of national tourists is a pretext for actualizing the development of tourism in certain regions and determining the priority of this sector by local communities. However, there are the territories having ethno-tourism resources unoccupied by the tourist attention, but there are any proper conditions for the implementation of quality tourist services.

A striking example of this situation is the Andrushivka district of the Zhy-tomyr region, which is associated with the objects of entrepreneurial and patronage activities of the Tereshchenko family, and the imagination of a large number of tourists appears as a tourist transit area only, rather than a tourist destination where the tourist's request is directed.

The situation is predictable and is associated with a significant number of unresolved issues. The most important among them is the lack of proper tourist infrastructure of the district, which needs an existing hotel and restaurant fund, able to provide growing tourist requests; sufficient amount of advertising and information on-line promotion of tourism information; unified signs of tourist navigation; local tourist guid-

ing specialists; the proper condition of the transport infrastructure of the district; and organizational structures with the local authorities, responsible for the development of tourism in the area, etc. In fact, we have an imbalance associated with requests for tourist preferences and the lack of effective tools for state regulation of tourism development.

Despite the sufficient list of the aforementioned issues, the local community has a key point in beginning the gradual positioning of the tourist destination 'The Andrushivska land is the land of incarnation of entrepreneurial and charitable affairs by the family of Tereshchenko' as emerging.

In view of this, issues related to the development of scientific and practical recommendations for the development of marketing tools for state regulation of tourism development in the region for the near future with the relevance use of local ethno-tourism potential.

Analysis of recent publications on research issues. For the first time, the notion 'destination' was used in 1979 by scientist N. Leipier as a need to distinguish the object / territory of the tourist's attention in the system of tourism [8, p. 65]. Since then, interest in this subject has grown annually, forming a number of scientific and methodological and practical tools for their positioning and development.

Among the significant number of scientific studies worth mentioning are those that distinguish the destination as the object of marketing management of the territory. According to T. Tkachenko, this is due to the fact that the destination 'is a tourist product of a specific area (object), offered for sale in the form of a complex of tangible and intangible values'. These may include: historical monuments; architecture; folk art products (life, folklore, crafts and traditional products area industries and activities); national cuisine; clean air; nature; environment; amenities (benefits); conditions and types of accommodation, movement and food, etc. The scientist notes that tourist destination is 'a territorial taxonomic, economic and marketing commercial unit and acts as the object of management' [8, p. 65].

It should be added that the destination is an area where motivational preferences of the tourist are satisfied (according to both O. Lyubitseva and O. Tretikov) [6]; positive impressions and emotions are formed; with clearly distinguished geographical features of the territory (area, routes and location). Taking into account the importance of functioning of the tourist destination as a tourist destination management object of Yu. Leontieva, a structural model of the development of regional tourist destination was developed and the management mechanism of its functioning was identified [4]. National scientists Yu. Luzhanska, V. Kutkov and others point to the role of marketing in the process of evolutionary development of tourist destination.

As we see, the theoretical foundations of the essence and peculiarities of

the development of tourist destinations can serve as the basis for its positioning in the Andrushivka district. However, there are needs to be adaptation of the existing tourist area to legal, economic and marketing conditions. Therefore, it is important for local authorities to use the current moment of entry into the tourist information space and the regional business environment with the appropriate set of theoretical developments for implementation in practice.

The purpose of the article is to develop marketing tools for promoting the ethno-tourism resources of the region and positioning the tourist destination 'The Andrushivka land is the land of implementation of entrepreneurial and charitable affairs by the family of Tereshchenko' as emerging.

Presenting the main material of research. An important argument for positioning and entering the market of tourist destination is the awareness of the values of the territory as a promising and unique for the region and the country as a whole, which distinguish it among other similar ones. The tourist destinations have their well-defined geographical boundaries, infrastructure, services, and the local community. However, in order to obtain the appropriate status in the figurative imagination of a tourist, it is necessary to have a certain set of indicators that allow identifying the territory as a destination. The underlying basis for its functioning will be the available resource potential and the unique tourist resources that have been identified and successfully used, with a focus on the historical, cultural, ethnographic and ethnic traditions of the region.

The Andrushivska land has its 'tourist face (image)' in this context. It is formed by: a favourable geographical position on the map of Ukraine (proximity to Kyiv (177 km), to Zhy-tomyr (47 km), and international the Kyiv-Chop Highway); presence of preserved architectural monuments as the objects of patronage activity of the Tereshchenko family of sugar magnates of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century festival movement of the present; ethnic diversity of the district's population; ethnographic identity of the region; and unique gastronomic traditions, etc. [1].

Analysing the Program of Economic and Social Development of Andrushivka district in 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the 'Program'), approved by the Decision of the 14th Session of the District Council of March 10, 2017, № 5, we can conclude that in Clause 16 'Culture and Tourism', the following issues are covered: insufficient level of development of national (internal) tourism; low awareness of tourists about tourist routes and tourist infrastructure of the district; and insufficient attraction of investments in development of tourist infrastructure of the district.

The following main directions of activity are distinguished in the Program: conducting regional and district reviews of competitions and festivals; production of accounting documentation and memorial boards for objects of cultural heritage; and representation of the tourist potential of the region at regional tourist exhibitions. There are the Regional Program for Promoting Cultural and Artistic Development in 2015-2020; the Action Plan in 20152017 on the Implementation of the De-

velopment Strategy of the Zhytomyr region for the period up to 2020; and the Calendar Plan for Carrying out Artistic, and Cultural and Educational Events in 2017 [7] among the instruments of implementation.

Unfortunately, the Analysis of the Legal Framework, which guides the work of local authorities, does not distinguish tourism as a priority area of development of the district, therefore, respectively, and funds for its support and promotion are not allocated. There are declarative aspects of tourist positioning due to the popularization of Ukrainian traditional folk art and festival movement only. Among tourists of the district are single individuals and organized excursion groups who come to Andrushivka land on their own initiative. That is, the positioning and promotion of the tourist resources of the district are not carried out as a priority of the activities of the local government.

The purpose of the article is to develop marketing tools for promoting the ethno-tourism resources of the region and positioning the tourist destination 'The Andrushivka land is the land of implementation of entrepreneurial and charitable affairs by the Tereshchenko family' as emerging.

Among the individual types of tourism that are the focus of tourists are the following: religious, pilgrimage, gastronomic, festival, cultural and cognitive. Individual tourist routes are connected with entrepreneurial and patronage activities of the Tereshchenko family.

It is important to note that under the tourist resources it is necessary to understand the natural and climatic, historical and cultural, social and eco-

nomic objects and phenomena that can cause tourist interest. Tourist resources should be attractive for the tourist, that is, attractive. They form a triangle of marketing and economic interaction between the tourist, the object and the market if they are included to the list of motivational preferences of tourist's attraction.

Under the conditions of appropriate management interaction, the basis of the tourist destination is formed by local government authorities, which is created as a result of the availability of demand, supply and consumer. A tourist destination as the central core of the development and marketing of tourist products becomes a product that has the appropriate set of benefits: infrastructure, regional identity, informativeness, accessibility, commer-ciality, complexity, comfort, resource

availability, and the availability of management bodies.

Monitoring of the web site activity of the Andrushivka District Council and the District State Administration, social networks allows making interim conclusions about the availability of tourist resources of the district and the attractive ability to use them for positioning the future tourist destination.

It should be recalled that positioning is a marketing provision of goods of the desired place in the market and in the minds of the consumer as a unique, competitive among others, and therefore attractive to the consumer. We will try to establish the conformity of the basic criteria for recognizing tourist resources of the Andrushivka region for the instruments/directions of state regulation of tourism development in the region.

conformity of the basic criteria of recognition of uniqueness of emerging tourism destinations, tools/directions of state regulation of tourism in the Andrushivka district

№ of item universal/ Basic Recognition criteria of tourist destination Availability and compliance with the criteria Types of tourism that can promote the resource Directions/Tools of state regulation

1 2 3 4 5

1 Resource (availability of a relevant list of tourist facilities, routes, etc., suitable for use) The existing tourist resources of the district allow developing separate types of tourism and positioning the land as the territory of implementation of entrepreneurial and charitable affairs of the teresh-chenko family [1] Religious pilgrimage Gastronomy Festival cultural cognitive The Department of culture of the state Administration released and spread tourist printed advertising products and installed outdoor advertising on the territory of the district, but it is absent outside the andrushivka land

2 Regional identity (the presence of unique, authentic, attractive tourist resources and offers) the unique technology of cooking 'krupka' in combination with an authentic rite event [1] festival Ethnographic Ethnic/ Nostalgic gastronomic organizational support for the preparation of the nominating accessory for the inclusion of the technology of

1 2 3 4 5

making 'krupka' to the National List of Elements of the Intangible cultural Heritage of Ukraine (executor: Andrushivka District state administration (hereinafter referred to as the DSA), andrushivka district council (hereinafter referred to as the DC', Village council of the village of Mostove)

sacred Buildings of the Andrushivka land at the end of the 18th century in the following villages: Ivankiv (church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin), stara Kotelnia (catholic church of anthony of padua); early the 20th century Horod-kivka (church of the Holy clara) Religious pilgrimage cultural and cognitive Ethnic development of tourist routes, coverage of information on web sites, in social networks (performers: andrushivska district state administration and village councils of Horodkiv-ka, Ivankiv and stara Kotelnia)

The Towel Museum Festival ethnographic ethnic / nostalgic popularization of the ethnographic traditions of the region, inclusion in the tourist routes of the region

all-Ukrainian festival 'towels of my land' (It is held once every 2 years on the occasion of the Independence Day) festival ethnographic ethnic/ nostalgic The popularization of the ethnographic, artistic and cultural traditions of the region and marketing events (performers: the department of culture of the Zhyto-myr dsa, andrushivka dc, andrushivka, village councils of the district, creative, artistic, ethnographic collectives of the andrushivka land)

1 2 3 4 5

All-Ukrainian children's festival of children's creativity 'DyvoGraylyky' (It is held once every 2 years on the occasion of children's Day Festival Ethnographic Ethnic/ Nostalgic children Youth cultural and cognitive promotion and financial support of the event (performers: the Department of culture of the Zhyto-myr regional state Administration, the Andrushivska DsA, and the Andrushivska dc)

3 Infrastructure (the availability of ways and means of communication, places of rest of tourists, overnight facilities, and food, etc.) Unfortunately, the tourist infrastructure in the andru-shika district does not meet current requirements or is largely absent (except for ways and means of communication that are not in a satisfactory state) Infrastructure level affects the development of all types of tourism financial support for road surface repairs of internal district traffic. search for investment projects for the development of hotel and restaurant infrastructure (performers: the Andrushivka DsA, the Andrushivka Dc, and business structures)

4 Commerce (business) (is characterized by the individual expressiveness of competitive tourist advantages in the market and the financial activity of business structures involved in the development of tourism) the commercial availability of individual tourist resources is poorly expressed, and sometimes it is absent at all commerce (business) affects the development of all types of tourism Development of the tourism Development program in the region and marketing support for the promotion of tourist resources (performers: the Andrushivka DsA, the Andrushiv-ka Dc, business structures, and local communities)

5 Complexity (presence of objects of tourist attention and all necessary resources for the provision of integrated tourist services (hereinafter referred to as the ITS') there are currently preserved objects of tourist interest in the area, but there are not any facilities of the hotel and restaurant sector in sufficient quantity separate types of tourism (festival, ethnographic, ethnic/nostalgic, children, youth and cultural and cognitive, etc.), having an attractive potential in the area Development of the program of development of tourism in the area and the inclusion of the areas of implementation of measures for the preservation and popularization of objects of cultural heritage of the area and structures that provide the Its (performers: the Andrushivka rsa, the Andrushivka Dc, business structures,

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and local communities)

6 Informativeness (availability of necessary content that meets the ITS requirements) There are not any pages in social networks that popularize tourist resources of the andrushivska land. the rubrics on tourism were not created on the web sites of local authorities. there is not any structural subdivision responsible for the development of tourism in the local DsA separate types of tourism (festival, ethnographic, ethnic/nostalgic, children, youth and cultural and cognitive, etc.), having an attractive potential in the area There is a need to create an appropriate organizational structure or to introduce a staff unit within the department of culture responsible for tourism development in the conditions of active deployment activities for the development of tourism in the district

7 Comfortable (availability of the necessary number of establishments of the hotel and restaurant sector, and the proximity of their location to each other) In the presence of the necessary number of establishments of the hotel and restaurant sector, it is important to create proper conditions for staying tourists in the district separate types of tourism (festival, ethnographic, ethnic/nostalgic, children, youth and cultural and cognitive, etc.), having an attractive potential in the area development of the tourism development program in the region (performers: the andrushivska DsA, the andrushivs-ka dc, and business structures)

8 Attractiveness (attractiveness, which is expressed by the ratio of satisfaction of needs arising between a tourist, tourist objects and the market) attraction of tourist resources of the andrushivka region is not formed in a complex way. there are tourist objects that require active promotion and inclusion in marketing processes separate types of tourism (festival, ethnographic, ethnic/nostalgic, children, youth and cultural and cognitive, etc.), having an attractive potential in the area development of the tourism development program in the region (performers: the andrushivska DsA, the andrushivs-ka dc, and business structures)

9 Availability of tourism resource management bodies at present, the department of culture does not have any corresponding staffing unit responsible for the development of tourism in the organizational structure of the andrushivska DsA separate types of tourism (festival, ethnographic, ethnic/nostalgic, children, youth and cultural and cognitive, etc.), having an attractive potential in the area there is a need to create an appropriate organizational structure or to introduce a staff unit within the department of culture responsible for tourism development in the conditions of active deployment activities for the development of tourism in the district

We can see from the Table below that the basic criteria for recognizing the uniqueness of the emerging tourism destination are fragmentary only and partially meet the practical promotion of marketing tool, and therefore require a thorough revision and active government regulation in the An-drushivka district.

It should be noted that the list of tourist preferences of tourists includes cultural, artistic and festival events that take place in the area and popularize the ethnographic heritage of the local community. The ethnic composition of the district's population is multinational, however, but is expressed by Ukrainians. Among other ethnic groups: Poles, Byelorussians, Russians, Moldovans, Jews, Armenians, and Russians. In general, ethnic diversity creates the language for the multi-ethnic cultural ties and the formation of a unique 'tourist face (image)' of the region.

Despite a significant range of unresolved issues, a step-by-step activity may begin for the creation and entry into the market of a tourist destination 'The Andrushivka land is the land of incarnation of entrepreneurial and charitable affairs by the Tereshchenko family' potentially in the Andrushivka district. More information on this can be read by the author's link [1]. There is an available tourist resource for this, but there is a lack of managerial experience that can start the process of evolutionary development of a tourist destination, which will take place in several stages.

The first stage (let's call it 'Opening): Due to the attractiveness of the territory, but a small number of tourist

visits, and underdevelopment of tourist infrastructure.

The second stage ('Growth'): The local authorities actively advertise the territory and provide facilities for tourist infrastructure.

The third stage ('Development'): There is a rapid growth of tourist flows and there is a need for effective management of tourist destination by the local authorities.

The fourth stage ('Becoming) provides for the creation of necessary conditions for comfortable rest of tourists and a steady hold of destination travel requests.

During the fifth stage ('Stagnation'), interest in the territory decreases, but the destination operates at the expense of regular tourists.

The sixth stage ('Recession') demonstrates the loss of competitive positions in the territory, which stimulates the decision of the local authorities to revive the destination.

There is a search for new accents of the attractiveness of the territory and the role of the public and private partnership in tourism is growing again at the seventh stage [5, p. 177].

Taking into account the above mentioned gradual evolutionary development of tourist destinations, what should be the actions of bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government? Most importantly, the local government should take into account the strategic development of the area as a tourist attractive and competitive. The current development of tourism in Ukraine demonstrates the active interest of local communities in this type of economic activity. T. Luzhanska says, this is a time of 'intensive stage of the

life cycle of destinations, the confirmation of which is the increase in the capacity of tourist flows, the volume of the tourism product sold, the increase of tourism profits and revenues to the budgets of all levels' [5], based on marketing instruments of state regulation.

It is important to realize the value of the marketing concept of the development of the territory in accordance with existing tourist resources and consumer requests of tourists and the possibilities to satisfy them members of the territorial community at the regional level. Proceeding from the fact that the subjects of the marketing management of the development of the territory are state authorities and local self-government bodies, then the objects become competitive advantages, target groups of consumers, factors of the environment, the image of the region, and revenues of local enterprises, etc. (according to V. Kutkov [2]).

Conclusions and recommendations. Now, the Andrushivka district has the available ethno-tourism potential, which includes the above-mentioned objects of patronage activity of the Tereshchenko family, distinctive ethnographic traditions of the region, and cultural and artistic heritage, which in general lacks conceptual use in tourism. The main task of local authorities should be to understand the value of tourism marketing, which is realized through the primary use of the principles of marketing management of the territory. These include: systematic (stable economic development of the territory); planning (obligatory planning of marketing tasks); innovation (the ability to use innovations for the social and economic well-being of

the district); flexibility (adequacy and speed of response to current needs); complexity (involving all participants in the implementation of the regional development strategy); and partnership (long-term cooperation with potential consumers, various branches of government, business representatives, and community in order to promote tourist resources).

Among the practical tools for promoting the future tourist destination lThe Andrushivka land is the land of incarnation of entrepreneurial and charitable affairs by the Tereshchenko family' should be tourist advertising, tourist branding, social marketing, exhibition and fair activity, sponsorship, territorial project marketing and others. The use of the proposed instrument will accelerate the entry of a new tourist destination, increase revenues to local budgets, travel activity by tourists, attraction of resources and will flow to further scientific and practical interest to the tourist Andrushiv-ka land.

references -

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