SALMAN MUMTAZ’S LITERATURE-STUDY ACTIVITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Rufullayev Gadim Igid Oglu

The article is devoted to Salman Mumtaz, who played an exceptional role in the development of Azerbaijani literature. It is emphasized here that Salman Mumtaz spent his childhood in Ashgabat, but he lived the next part of his life in the native country Azerbaijan. Knowing a number of Eastern, including Turkish and Russian languages perfectly Salman had shown interest in the reading of world literature. This enthusiasm pushed him to research-study gradually. Although his first published research work was related to Persian literature, he later showed interest in the study of Azerbaijani literature.

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Например: «Но слова «гендер» нет в русском языке» («Комсомольская правда», 08.02.2012) и др.

Таким образом, термин «гендер» в современных текстах СМИ затрагивает в основном пейоративные тактики и стратегии («включение в круг чужих», дистанцирования), оппозиции «хорошо/плохо», «свои/чужие», которые могут реализовываться разными приёмами: включением в препозицию или постпозицию к лексеме (гендер) дистанцирующих оборотов, размещение данного термина в пейоративных конструкциях и др.

Как показал материал исследования, преобладает стратегия дистанцирования, не принятия термина «гендер» или принятие его как инородного. Связано это все в большинстве своем с мировоззрением, менталитетом, культурой и духом народа. В картине мира русского человека нет определенного места для столь широкого понятия, именно поэтому зачастую его сужают просто до всем хорошо известного пола или предпочитают считать его «чужим» и не принимать во внимание. Именно из-за наличия большого

количества трактовок так сложно воспринимать «гендер» как отдельную самостоятельную единицу.

Современные газетные тексты «пестрят» лексемой «гендер», тем самым привлекая еще больше читателей. Исследование коммуникативно-функционального статуса, прагматического потенциала данной единицы языка может способствовать раскрытию специфики данного явления, сформировать «языковое чутьё».

Список использованной литературы:

1.Кирилина А.В. О применении понятия «гендер» в русскоязычном лингвистическом описании // Филологические науки.2000. №2 3. С. 18.

2.Крысин Л.П. Иллюстрированный толковый словарь иностранных слов / Л. П. Крысин. - М..: Эксмо, 2008. 864 с.

3.Шагалова Е.Н. Словарь новейших иностранных слов. - М.: АСТ-ПРЕСС ШКОЛА, 2019.-576 с.

4.Шишлова Е.Э. Гендер как инновационный научный и философский дискурс // Вестник МГИМО-Университета. 2013. № 1. С. 148.


DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2021.5.84.1300 PhD. Gadim Igid oglu Rufullayev

Associate professor Lankaran State University


The article is devoted to Salman Mumtaz, who played an exceptional role in the development of Azerbaijani literature. It is emphasized here that Salman Mumtaz spent his childhood in Ashgabat, but he lived the next part of his life in the native country Azerbaijan. Knowing a number of Eastern, including Turkish and Russian languages perfectly Salman had shown interest in the reading of world literature. This enthusiasm pushed him to research-study gradually. Although his first published research work was related to Persian literature, he later showed interest in the study of Azerbaijani literature.

Key words: literary critic, satiric poetry, folklore collector, archive, repression

Thus, Salman Mumtaz begins to study Azerbaijani literature in two directions: written and oral literature. He collected many stages of the written literature and literary samples of that period and giving the certain explanations published them in newspapers and magazines. He was the first in this field. Salman Mumtaz introduced dozens of literary personalities and their literary heritage to science for the first time. He introduced those authors to the scientific community in twenty books. The materials and manuscripts he obtained were preserved in the largest library created by him of his time in the near regions.

Salman Mumtaz was also a folklorist, closely involved in the collection and publication of samples of many genres of folk literature. His two-volume book "El shairleri" ("Folk poets") about the as hug art was published.

Salman Mumtaz, a victim of Stalin's repression during the 1930s of the last century, was also a poet. After his arrest his library along with rare examples was destroyed.

The formation and development of Azerbaijani literature-study as an independent science dates back to the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.

Of course, this field of science has taken its foundation from the thoughts and approaches related to the previous art and craftsmanship unsystematically. However, these sources were not enough in the formation of literary-studies. Finally, at the end of the 19th century Mirza Fatali Akhundzade, Firudin bey Kocharli, Yusif Vezir Chamanzaminli, Ahmad bey Agayev and others worked tirelessly in this field.

One of the founders of Azerbaijani literary-study science, as well as folklore-study, was Salman Mumtaz (Asgarov). He dedicated a great part of his life to the study of the history of literature, the literary personalities, the collecting and publication of literary events unknown to science. However, the literary materials obtained by him were not ready, but consisted of the examples collected from the personal addresses, memories, semi-professional and unprofessional manuscripts at the expense of great effort and known to science for the first time. Remained forever in the memory of the people as a literary scientist, publisher, poet Salman Mumtaz was born in 1883, but in other sources in 1884 (2, p.109-119) in Shaki in a merchant family. In 1887 after the untimely death of his father Mammadamin Asgarov he moved with his family to

Turkmenistan to his uncle's place. While his father was still alive, he had gone to Mashhad city and on his way home he had bought land in Ashgabat and built a caravanserai there. Salman Mumtaz's family moved to Ashgabat to own their property. Salman got his first education in Ashgabat. As he had perfect memory, he could learn some foreign languages such as Arabic, Persian, Urdu very well. Salman had a great interest in reading and had the opportunity to read the works of Eastern thinkers. As a result, a great interest in literature awoke in him. The visit of the great satirist poet of Azerbaijan Mirza Alakbar Sabir to Ashgabat in 1894 and after a while and his meeting with Salman Mumtaz created good impressions on him. After that, Salman, who was interested in native-language poetry, gradually began to write works in the style of Sabir. M.A.Sabir was known as an educator and satirist not only in Azerbaijan, but also in a number of countries. In his works backwardness, prejudice and exploitation were criticized in details, but education and democracy were propagated.

The news coming from Azerbaijan always made him happy. The arrival of Jalil Mammadguluzade in Ashgabat and the meeting with Salman Mumtaz made a new contribution to his creative activity. Co-operation with the journal "Molla Nasreddin", which started its publication in Baku under the leadership of Jalil Mammadguluzade, brought not only search, but also a new chance to the publication opportunities of the future scientist. Salman Mumtaz made his best in order to spread the journal "Molla Nasreddin", which became a translator of national awakening in people, among Azerbaijanis living in Central Asia and Russia. He worked hard to propagandize the new Azerbaijan theatre in Ashgabat. The interference of Ashgabat police disturbed his plans to stage the performance "The dead" by Jalil Mammadguluzade.

Apparently, a new ideology, imported by an educated intellectual in Central Asia who was from Baku, the cradle of democratic ideas in the East, began to disturb the Ashgabat police. That attitude, as well as the endless love for writing and literary activity inspired him to return to his native land.

Salman Mumtaz, who returned to Baku with his family in 1918, began to contribute to Azerbaijani culture, literature and science. Since the beginning of his work in the newspaper "Azerbaijan" he was interested in the study of Azerbaijani literature samples. In 1919 he became a member of the society "Yashil gelem" ("Green pen") and helped to its activities. After the establishment of Soviet government in Azerbaijan he was also busy with the problems of the history of literature. In 1920 he created a commission on the restoration of Azerbaijani literature and was the head of that organization. Discovering many unknown literature samples to Azerbaijan science he investigated and published them. Thus, by the end of the 20s, he could get the collection and publication of more than 200 books, articles and manuscripts. The information about the life and activities of their literary personality, who lived and wounded in different periods was given in the books. Salman Mumtaz also paid attention to the research of oral folk literature materials and was

successful in that area. He studied almost all genres of folk literature and achieved its publication. In general, his books, which he published more than twenty, contained research materials on both branches of literature. However, Salman Mumtaz, who was close to his nation and literature, was in danger. Dozens of intellectuals such as Huseyn Javid, Ahmad Javad, Mikayil Mushfig, Amin Abid, Sultan Majid Ganizade, Teymur bay Bayramalibeyov were called counterrevolutionary, arrested and killed for publishing folk literature and heroic epics. Salman Mumtaz, like our intellectuals, was arrested with a nationalist, counterrevolutionary stamp, his manuscripts and numerous research works were destroyed. He was arrested on April 4, 1937 and died in prison on December 21, 1941. After the death of Stalin, who was at the head of the thirty years' repression, on November 16, 1956 by the decision of the Supreme Court the charges relating to Salman Mumtaz were annulled and he was fully exonerated. Only then, in March 1957, his family received information about the fate and death of Salman Mumtaz.

Prominent literary scholar Salman Mumtaz gave valuable information and knowledge to the Azerbaijani science, culture and readers. He even paid special attention to the literature examples of the world. It is no coincidence that his first research works were about the world literature. Knowledge of Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Russian gave him the opportunity to read literature of a number of Eastern and European countries. As a result, he presented the world-famous writers he read, including Abu-Nasr Farabi, Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Jalaladdin Rumi, Amir Khosrov Dahlavi, Abdurrahman Jami, Ilya Chavchavadze, Rabindranat Tagoru to the Azerbaijani readers and created important sources for future literary critics with the information he wrote about. Even during different years in the newspapers and journals such as "Communist", "Yeni yol" ("New way") and "Ingilab ve medeniyyet" ("Revolution and culture") Salman Mumtaz gave the extensive information in a series of articles about some poets and writers (Alishir Navayi, Firdovsi, Turkish poet Amrah), shared his considerations about them. "It is interesting that the first book by Salman Mumtaz was about the Persian poet of the 18th century "Seyid Ahmad Hatif Isfahanin's poetry and biography (1913)" (2, p.112).

Undoubtedly, the main scientific researches of the great scientist were in the direction of Azerbaijani literature-study. The sources studied here are divided into two sections: written and oral literature materials.

The research work carried out by Salman Mumtaz about the history of Azerbaijani literature is remarkable. The work done by him in this direction does not fit into the framework of a person's life. But he worked very hard, with all his might, because of his endless love for the spiritual wealth of the people. "Salman Mumtaz was one of the outstanding masters of our literary-critical mind such as Firudin Bey Kocharli, writer Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli and others who for the first time started to create the perfect history of our literature, to reveal its representatives and

their heritage and to save them from oblivion" (2, p.111).

As a result, for the first time in history sixteen books were published with the name "Azerbaijan literature" by Salman Mumtaz. One can see the information about the prominent Azerbaijani poets, including Aga Masih Shirvani, Molla Panah Vagif, Govsu Tabrizi, Nasimi, Gasim bey Zakir, Mirza Shafi Vazeh and other masters in these sources published during 1925-1927 years.

The first book by Salman Mumtaz in the study of Azerbaijani literature was devoted to Aga Masih Shirvani. With this research the investigator not only presents Aga Masih Shirvani, who was the literary master of the 18th century, to the scientific community, but also two more word masters - Nishat and Zulalin, who were his followers. Salman Mumtaz had also written about their art achievements in the book. His second book is about Molla Panah Vagif, who was the great word artist of Azerbaijan. Of course, till nowadays there was some information about Vagif in certain sources, but according to the researcher's thought "they only briefly mentioned the event about Vagif" (8, p.32). But Salman Mumtaz "had studied Molla Panah Vagif from a new point of view and clarified his position in the literature" (4, p.360). Looking through the successful research in the direction of the history of literature carried out by Salman Mumtaz it becomes clear that he had applied to the literary sources in all historical stages of the word art.

The interesting researches carried out by the researcher on the first stage of the history of Azerbaijani literature - the first great artist of the "Ancient period" Gatran Tabrizi and his epic activity, which is unknown to science, are very interesting. The researcher mentions that poet had to been influenced from the work "Shahname" by Firdovsi and had written the poem "Govsname" (7, p.379). He also studied the genius Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi, who lived and created in the 12th century and highly valued his art. According to his thoughts, Nizami Ganjavi played the role of literary school not only for representatives of Azerbaijani literature after him, but also for artists of literature of many Eastern countries. No one has conquered the peak of Nizami's art and it will not be possible in the future. As an Azerbaijani, he mentioned that writing in the Persian language was a demand of that time and many Turkic masters also had written their literary works in Persian that period. Salman Mumtaz stated these issues in the article "Sheikh Nizami" published in the 222nd issue of "Communist" newspaper in 1925 (9, p.5).

Representatives of the Middle Ages Azerbaijani poetry (the 13th-16th centuries) were also investigated by the great scientist with the same sensitivity. Salman Mumtaz mentioned that influenced from the poems by Nasimi the absence of traces of art traditions and transmitted with the original works to Habibi, Fuzuli, Khatai and even Molla Panah Vagif (the 18th century), which created later circles and stages of literature. However, the outstanding literary scientist's hard research and fruitful findings "have been combined

with the fine, thin chain of poetry rings, literary chain, which have been worked out and extended by the hands of the craftsmen between Nasimi and Vagif for centuries" (2, p.114).

Thus, Salman Mumtaz became the author of the book about Nasimi consisting of the first scientific researches and works. In addition, he carried out the invaluable services in the collection and publication of manuscripts of Muhammad Fuzuli and Shah Ismail Khatai. On the basis of these manuscripts the divan of Shah Ismail Khatai and the poem "Dahname", three volumes of the works of Muhammad Fuzuli were presented to the scientific community.

The researches on the most prominent artists of the new period of Azerbaijan literature (XVII-XVIII) were not useless either. "The prominent scientist Salman Mumtaz published a part of the poems by Govsu, who was a poet of the new epoch, with extensive introduction and explanations in 1925 (4, p.333). One of the poets of this period, Molla Veli Vidadi, as well as word masters such as Gasim bey Zakir, Baba bey Shakir, Ismail bey Gutgashinli were presented to the scientific community in a new form with Salman Mumtaz's researches.

"One of the important services of Salman Mumtaz was about Mirza Shafi, whose personality and activity was disputable, but he proved that Mirza Shafi was the author of original works" (2, p.116). It is known that the works by Mirza Shafi, characterized mainly by the glorification of romantic love, were familiar to Friedrich Bodenstedt, whom he met in the Caucasian province. F.Bodenstedt translated those works into several European languages and published them in his books "Thousand and one days in the East" (1850) and "Songs by Mirza Shafi" (1851). As a result of the poet's manuscripts, it became known that the real owner of these works was Mirza Shafi.

Salman Mumtaz was also a folklorist. "He was interested in almost all genres of our folklore. The eposes "The Book of Dede Gorgud" and "Koroglu", proverbs and sayings, ashug activity, folk lyrics, especially quatrains and many folklore samples are currently kept in Salman Mumtaz's personal archive" (3, p.63).

It shows that the folklore-study scientist was a man attached to the folk activity. At the beginning of the 20s of the last century publishing and research of folklore collection and folk art samples were supported at the state level. The participation of Salman Mumtaz in such a benevolent action was doubtless. The great scientist visited the regions, listened to people and collected samples of oral literature. Then he made comparisons among those materials. That work, which required great effort, did not fail either. Several books consisting of materials of folk literature were published. Expressing the worldview of the Azerbaijani people, their views on life, desire and dream, grief and sorrow, life and spirituality in a short and compact way, "bayati" (quatrain) genre, which is remembered easily, drew his attention and he devoted enough time to his research and analysis. He divided the "bayati"s (quatrains) into two parts: the nameless and with pseudonym.

According to the scientist's conclusion there is no author of the nameless "bayati"s (quatrains). They are examples of the centuries-old and co-existence of the people. The pseudonym "bayati"s begin with the words "men ashig" ("I am an ashug" or "I love") and was created by a master named Ashug Abdulla, who became famous as Sari Ashug in the Middle Ages (3, p.62). Salman Mumtaz gathered information about Ashug Abdulla's activity at this point, "after publishing Ashug's first book in 1927, interest increased to this master in folklore-study, a number of researchers put forward valuable considerations about him" (5, p. 155).

Most of the materials published by the prominent folklorist belong to ashug literature. He collected samples of ashug poets, masters living and creating in different regions and periods in Azerbaijan and published them in two volumes in the book "El shairleri" ("Folk poets") (1927-1928). Salman Mumtaz gave importance to the epos activity, which is the greatest genre of ashug literature and is part of folk poetry, and expressed his opinion about the conditions of creation of eposes such as "Asli and Kerem", "Yakshi and Ashug" in his articles. The articles published by the scientist in the direction of folk activity such as "Folk poet Gurbani", "Forgotten leaves" are also very interesting. The researches on Salman Mumtaz's work on the collection and publication of folk literature have not been completed yet. There is a great need for his research in this area.

Salman Mumtaz carried out his scientific researches not only in Azerbaijan, but also in a number of foreign countries, in different regions of the Caucasus, in Russia, Georgia and Central Asia. In addition to carrying out this hard and honorable work, he also managed various responsible tasks. It is known that the outstanding scientist was the head of the Department of Azerbaijani literature of the pre-capitalism period of the Azerbaijan State Research Institute during 1929-1932 years, since 1932 was the scientific worker of the Azerbaijan State Museum, since 1933 he was the head of the Department of classical heritage in "Azernashr". At the same time, he worked as a scientific worker in the Department of literary heritage of the Azerbaijan branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, several years later he worked as a director of the Department of literature of the Institute of Language and Literature" (6, p. 16).

Salman Mumtaz was also a poet. The meeting with Mirza Alakbar Sabir created an interest in him from his childhood. It is no coincidence that his literary examples were in the style of Sabir. The journal "Molla Nasreddin", which began its publication in 1906 and gained the sympathy of readers in a short time, also inspired his poem activity. The magazine "Molla Nasreddin", which began its publication in 1906 and gained the sympathy of readers in a short time, also inspired his poem. With his works the scientist was going to achieve national awakening, the formation of national cognition, to support education, to strike intellectual darkness. Guided by this ideology he met his readers through the most popular press organs of his time. The satiric poems and topical satires published by Salman Mumtaz in the press pages of the period of

Azerbaijan since 1908-1909 aroused interest. He expressed his views and main ideals he followed in the life and activity in the satirical poems and topical satires published in different journals and newspapers such as "Molla Nasreddin", "Zanbur", "Kelniyet", "Tuti", "Gardash komeyi", "Seda", "Gune§", "Taraggi", "Igbal", "Yeni igbal", "Achik soz" (8, p.6). "In 1918 Salman Mumtaz dedicated the poem "Oyun millet" ("Be proud of, nation") to Nuru Pasha, commander of the Caucasian Islamic army and the poem "Enveriyye" to Anvar Pasha, the War Minister of the Ottoman Empire".

Salman Mumtaz represented his country at major and prestigious events properly. He was one of the representatives of the First Turkology Congress in Baku in 1926 and the Azerbaijani spokesman of the First Congress of Writers of the USSR in Moscow in 1934. His performances and creative views at major events have been an interesting finding for both world and country art critics. The greatest scientists of his time such as Muhammed Fuad Kopruluzade, Vasili Bartold, Sergey Oldenburg, Yevgeni Bertels and others admired Salman Mumtaz's scientific research and potential. Academician Vasili Bartold and Sergey Oldenburg admired the scientific structure of "Salman Mumtaz's personal library in 1926 (Library-Mumtaziyya)", its numerous design and richness of manuscripts (6, p.5).

However, it should be noted that this valuable library created by the great literary critic and the numerous manuscripts there were either destroyed or "taken in an unknown direction" on the eve of his arrest".

Now the materials belonging to Salman Mumtaz and arriving at us have been obtained from the archives of many scientists and on the basis of the remaining samples in the press organs. It should be noted that scientists such as Rasim Tagiyev, Araz Dadashzade, Adalat Tahirzade, Jalal Gasimov, Aida Gasimova, Najaf Najafov spent a lot of effort in studying Salman Mumtaz's heritage. Najaf Najafov's dissertation work on the theme "Salman Mumtaz's literary and scientific activity" dedicated to the literary scientist in 1975 was successfully defended and in 1987 his monograph with the same name was published.

Salman Mumtaz, who has been on guard of national and universal values all his life and tried to protect and keep them alive, will live forever in the memory of the people. Literary-artistic materials collected and studied by him make it easier to carry out further research, as well as to keep the past of literature alive. Therefore, today's literary science is obliged to researchers such as Salman Mumtaz.


1. History of Azerbaijani literature. In 3 volumes, I volume. Baku: Azerb.EA publishing, 1960, 500 p.

2. Dadashzade A. Salman Mumtaz. Caravan of ideas. Baku, Yazichi, 1984, p. 109-119

3. Afandiyev P. Azerbaijan oral folk literature. Baku, Maarif, 1981, 407 p.

4. Safarli A, Yusifli Kh. History of Azerbaijani literature. Baku: "Ozan", 2008, 696 p.

5. Nabiyev A. Azerbaijan folk literature. In 2 volumes. 2 volume. Baku, Elm, 2006, 648 p.

6. Tahirzade A. Salman Mumtaz. Biography essay. Baku: "Kur", 2002, 16

7. Salman Mumtaz. Sources of Azerbaijan literature. Baku, Yazichi, 1986, 445, p. 32

8. Salman Mumtaz. Sources of Azerbaijan literature. Baku, Avrasiya press, 2006, p. 440

9. Salman Mumtaz. Sheikh Nizami. Newspaper "Communist". Baku, 1925, № 222

Гадим Руфуллаев Лянкяранский Государственный Университет

Литературно-исследовательская деятельность Салмана Мумтаза


Ключевые слова: литературовед, сатирическая поэзия, собиратель фольклора, архив, репрессии.

Статья посвящена Салману Мумтазу, сыгравшему исключительную роль в развитии азербайджанской литературной критики. Подчеркивается, что хотя Салман Мумтаз провел детство в Ашхабаде, остаток жизни он прожил в родном Азербайджане - Баку. Юный Салман, свободно владевший рядом восточных языков, в том числе турецким и русским, интересовался чтением мировой литературы. Эта страсть постепенно привела его к исследованиям. Хотя его первая исследовательская работа была посвящена иранской литературе, позже он заинтересовался исследованиями азербайджанской литературы.

Таким образом, Салман Мумтаз начинает исследование азербайджанской литературы в двух направлениях; письменная и устная литература. Он собрал множество этапов письменной литературы и литературных образцов того периода и опубликовал их в газетах и журналах с некоторыми комментариями. Он был одним из первых в этой сфере. Он впервые представил науке десятки литературных личностей и их литературное наследие. В более чем двадцати книгах он представил этих авторов научному сообществу. Полученные им материалы и рукописи хранились в самой большой библиотеке своего времени, которую он создал, и в окрестностях.

Салман Мумтаз также был фольклористом. Он принимал непосредственное участие в сборе и издании образцов многих жанров народной литературы. Изданы его двухтомные книги «Поэты народа» по искусству азербайджанского ашуга.

Салман Мумтаз, жертва сталинских репрессий 1930-х годов, тоже был поэтом. После ареста его библиотека была уничтожена вместе с редкими экземплярами.

ЭеЖ 811.512.122 (075)

FТАМР: 16.21.33


Сарбасова Ц.Б


Цазац тш мен эдебиетг шфедрасыныц цауымдастырылган профессоры.

Талдыцорган ц., Цазацстан.


Сарбасова Карлыгаш Базарбековна

Канд., фил., наук,

ассоциированный профессор кафедры казахского языка и литературы,

г. Талдыкорган, Казахстан.


Sarbasova Karlygash Bazarbekovna

Candidate of Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature,

Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan.


В статье описываются методы исследования ономастики художественной литературы в контексте со стилистикой, семантикой и семиотикой, в результате которой появилось новое направление в ономастике «литературная ономастика», имеющая свои особенности и значения. Определены жанровые виды и функции литературной ономастики.

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