Научная статья на тему 'Role of information technologies in development of power'

Role of information technologies in development of power Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Хусейнов Гульмирзо Наврузович, Федорова Ирина Алексеевна

Роль информационных технологий в энергетике.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Role of information technologies in development of power»

УДК 004.93


Хусейнов Гульмирзо Наврузович

Аспирант специальность 1004 Политехнического института Таджикского Технического университета Таджикистан, город Душанбе Федорова Ирина Алексеевна Старший преподаватель кафедры Агроинженерия Красноярского государственного аграрного университета, Ачинский филиал Россия, город Ачинск

Аннотация: Роль информационных технологий в энергетике.

Ключевые слова: информационные технологии, энергорынок, бизнес- процессы предприятия.



Gulmirzo N. Huseynov

graduate student of M.S.Osimi Tajik Technical University, Tajikistan, city of Dushanbe Fedorova Irina Alekseevna Master of engineering and technology, senior teacher of Agroengineering of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University Achinsk branch Russia, the city of Achinsk

Abstract: A role of information technologies in power.

Keywords: information technologies, power market, business processes of the enterprise.

The role of information technologies in the Russian power is transformed also promptly, as well as power. Rather recently information technologies were used generally at the solution of the applied tasks connected with large-scale power construction, ensuring stable and reliable work of the power enterprises within the Ministry of Industry and Energy. Today IT solutions are necessary to operate assets and financial streams, productions and power sale. Unpacking of the regional power companies, growth of number of participants of a power market led to increase in the transferred volume of data, increase of complexity of information processes. As far as the Russian power companies succeeded in introduction of effective IT solutions, what circumstances influence their choice, what requirements can be imposed to IT technologies in the short term?

Today modernization not so much of production technologies, how many the administrative is necessary for the Russian industry and power. To number of the administrative technologies similar to industrial marketing, it is possible to refer also IT technologies.

IT role in an energy drink is illustrated by a simple example: the cost of the control system based on IT in the cost of the power unit of the NPP makes about 7 percent. Today IT systems are important for all chain of the power enterprises, and it is impossible to tell as if they are important for the generation

companies to a greater or lesser extent, than, for example, for network or the enterprises of power mechanical engineering.

Whether it is possible to tell, what possibilities of IT technologies are realized and are used by energy drinks fully? With what purposes IT technologies are now used most often (management of the modes, work in a power market, human resource management, etc.). What events raising a demand of IT technologies should be expected in the short term? How participants of the market, including developers of IT systems react to these expectations, and also to the processes happening in an energy drink? On all these questions it is impossible to give definite answers, but it is possible to try to open at least a little.

It would be desirable to allocate especially such part of IT providing as the electronic trading platforms operating processes of purchases and sale. Now the majority of the companies introduce IT with some distortion in I will shift internal processes: budgetings, managements of personnel systems, document flow whereas the thinnest place is an interaction with partners and clients, in particular, purchases.

Today there are two basic platforms of the electronic auction for power: it is B2B-power and TZS-elektra. Both systems give serious advantages to the energy companies, sozdavat effective processes of purchases and sale. It is remarkable that both systems work with application of technology of a digital signature. It means that all transactions and an exchange of the documents signed with ETsP have the legal importance from the point of view of the legislation. With certificates of ETsP of system the third entrusted party, the Certifying center provides. Such architecture ensures full transparency of system and safety.

With B2B-Energo system the system of the electronic auction of V2V-NPK "The Market of Production, Services and Technologies for the Enterprises of an Oil and Gas Complex" in which sales of oil products, oil, gas and petrochemistry are made is integrated. As the power enterprises are the largest consumers of oil products and gas, for them the debugged IT system of purchases focused on the corresponding specifics is of paramount importance.

There is one more scope of information technologies in power on which it would be desirable to stop. This long-term technological forecasting of development of power. The modern power is arranged in such a way that there is no more separate power system of the certain country. It is necessary to consider an integrated power world grid and a role of our country in it.

In the world the most popular methodology of long-term technological forecasting is Forsythe. Many countries carry regularly out Forsayta on power, as a result receive the proved and coordinated picture of the future of branch for the decades ahead. And already on a basis Forsaytov government strategy of development of power are written. So, for example, in Spain the decision to bring a share of renewables to 60 percent was made.

Forsythe's base is large-scale poll of experts. For example, Japanese national Forsythe who was carried out already nine times, involves in himself thousands qualified experts, in the European countries the lower bound one hundred participants, in China - some thousands is considered. In order that this difficult work took place, the special software is used. Development new to this area of IT system - lines of time became one of Forsythe's results of the Ministry of Industry and Energy "Power effective society". The arrow of time is a way visually to outline an image of the future of branch. In the industry and an energy drink key events are planned for the decades ahead. The system of these events imposes conditions and restrictions on development of branches. The expert club of the Ministry of Industry and Energy within Forsythe's program conducts work on collection of information about the works planned till 2020 and reduces them on a uniform scale. Departments, the companies and experts participate in the project. The arrow of time is posted online where it is also possible to submit the application for addition of an event.

At the modern enterprise it is difficult to overestimate a role of IT technologies. Especially it concerns strategic branches of economy to which, certainly, also the power belongs. National economy in general depends on exact and trouble-free operation of the energy companies. The production and business processes at the enterprise is more difficult, the automation of these processes plays large role. For the last fifteen years and the enterprises and the IT companies passed a serious way from development and deployment of simple registration systems (automation of the accounting and financial account) to difficult ERP systems which allow to automate all business processes of the modern territorial distributed enterprise.

If to speak about the enterprises of a power complex, reforming of this branch belongs to the major factors influencing development of IT. The entry of the generating and network energy companies into stock markets imposes special requirements and to information technologies which in them are used. In this regard to the forefront there is a creation of uniform standards of use of information technologies in the territorial distributed companies. And the special role in these standards is played by a uniform information security system. One of the most significant risks for the modern enterprise are the risks connected with threats of information security. The huge attention is paid to this question, both from the enterprises, and from developers of IT solutions today. The IT broadcast on outsourcing becomes one more noticeable tendency of the modern enterprise. The companies concentrate on the solution of business questions, and it is possible for technology and it is necessary to transfer to professionals. In particular, "Laboratoriiya Kaspersky's" company offers two years service in outsourcing of protection post and the Internet traffic from viruses and spam. It isn't necessary to the client cares of purchase necessary anti-virus and an antispam ON, its maintenance and regular updating. Post and the Internet traffic passes all through servers of our company and the client receives only the pure and requested correspondence.

To carry out accurate division between the Russian and foreign developers of IT systems very difficult. It is connected first of all by that the Russian developers who can propose to the market similar western solutions, isn't enough. An exception are decisions in the field of information security. Means of cryptographic protection, system of protection against viruses, spam and hacker attacks, and also decisions on protection of confidential information developed by the Russian companies don't concede to the western analogs at all, and often and surpass them in functionality, efficiency and reliability. Besides, presence of the domestic developer more important for the client from the point of view of technical support and speed of reaction to new threats. In a segment of information security local developers as state regulation (certification of means of protection) and local features of the Russian market also is added to above-mentioned advantages of such companies often dominate.

As for factors which influence a choice of IT solutions, they, generally, standard for any market. It, first of all, existence of industry solutions at the producer, experience and implementation of successful projects in this branch, presence of the certified professional partners and consultants and, of course, the service centers and the centers of technical support in the region.

1. To a question of development of information system of maintenance of a microclimate. Dolgih P.P., Zaytseva E.I., Fedorova I.A., Chelondayev N. A., Guzev S. A. In the collection: Innovative potential, a state and tendencies of development in economy, design management, education, political science, law, psychology, ecology, medicine, philology, philosophy, sociology, equipment, physics, mathematics the Collection of scientific articles following the results of the International scientific and practical conference, on October 30-31, 2013, St. Petersburg. ST. PETERSBURG, 2013. P. 165-168

2. Methods of optimization of a microclimate in livestock rooms. Zaytseva E.I., Dolgih P.P. Bulletin of Krasnoyarsk state agricultural university. 2015. No. 6. P. 61-66.

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Список литературы:

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Методы оптимизации микроклимата в животноводческих помещениях. Зайцева Е.И., Долгих П.П. Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета. 2015. № 6. С. 61-66.

Информационная система формирования микроклимата в животноводческих помещениях. Долгих П.П., Зайцева Е.И. Эпоха науки. 2015. № 1. С. 5. http://eraofscience. com/

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