Научная статья на тему 'Проекты внедрения инструментов для передового планирования в обеспечении качества в цепочках поставок'

Проекты внедрения инструментов для передового планирования в обеспечении качества в цепочках поставок Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Милетич Л., Ничич М.

The performance of any business activity implies the existence of a large number of chains of quality between users and suppliers. In the past, company's management tended to adopt effective decisions that referred only to their own operating system, neglecting other participants in the supply chain. Planning and decision making were much easier, given that the entities acted separately, but it is on the other hand, caused the high costs and the excessive stocks of inventories. This is why enterprises change the business logic, devoting more and more time to shared, joint planning and coordination of business processes, all with the aim of lowering costs and satisfying user needs. In this sense, the application of IT provides considerable support for the planning and provision of the required value of quality in the supply chains. The paper gives the example of successful application of ERP practice in Serbia.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Проекты внедрения инструментов для передового планирования в обеспечении качества в цепочках поставок»

Рисунок 4 — Значения отношения правдоподобия на каждом шаге наблюдения по отношению к границам принятия решений (регистрация начала появления вдоха на 26 отсчете)

вер хняя граница ^J—1 , i-f J

Чл- У" J\ /

ниж няя граница

Рисунок 5 — Значения отношения правдоподобия на каждом шаге наблюдения по отношению к границам принятия решений (регистрация начала появления выдоха на 28 отсчете).

Экспериментальные исследования работы пациента с ККВДС показывают, что при соотношении сигнал/шум = 0.8 регистрация начала выдоха с помощью разработанной математической модели и алгоритма обработки сигнала происходит в среднем на 31 отсчете, что составляет 0.062 секунды (при частоте дискретизации 500 Гц), вдоха - на 23 отсчете - 0,046 с.

Применение данного алгоритма уменьшает время обнаружения в 2-3 раза, позволяет проводить предварительную настройку параметров для каждого пациента.

Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ и Администрации Тульской области в рамках научного проекта № 15-48-03247 « р центр а».


1. Ивахно Н.В., Федоров С.С. Принцип построения математической модели процесса обработки сигналов при распознавании дыхательной активности в системах интеллектуального тренажерного воздействия. //Биотехносфера. 2014. №5 (35). С.19-2 2.

2. Ивахно Н.В. Обобщенная структура комплексов интеллектуального тренажерного воздействия на дыхательную систему //Известия Тульского государственного университета. Серия. Технические науки. - 2014. - №11 (81). - С. 110-114.

3. Ивахно, Н.В. Оптимальный информационный алгоритм поиска места отказа в интеллектуальных тренажерах дыхательной мускулатуры /Н.В.Ивахно//Известия вузов. Поволжский регион. Технические науки, 2015. №2. С.5-15

4. Ивахно Н.В., Чуков А.Н. Структурно-алгоритмический метод повышения надежности комплексов тренажерного воздействия на дыхательную систему // Труды международного симпозиума «Надежность и качество» в 2-х т./ под редакцией Н.К. Юркова. Том 2. Издательство: Пензенский государственный университет. Пенза. 2015. С.254-256

5. Ахметов Б.С., Мукапил К., Серикова Н.И., Вятчанин С.Е., Никитченко Ю.И. Использование множества подобных критериев для случайного выбора контролируемых параметров при многомерном статистическом анализе малой выборки биометрических данных// Труды международного симпозиума «Надежность и качество» в 2-х т./ под редакцией Н.К. Юркова. Том 2. Издательство: Пензенский государственный университет. Пенза. 2015. С.287-290


In Л( ) 5





UDK: [005.6: 658.78]: 004.738.5 Милетич1 Л., Ничич2 M.

1Факультет менеджмента проектами и инновациями, Белград, Сербия

2Высшая школа профессиональных изучений, Нови-Сад, Сербия


The performance of any business activity implies the existence of a large number of chains of quality between users and suppliers. In the past, company's management tended to adopt effective decisions that referred only to their own operating system, neglecting other participants in the supply chain. Planning and decision making were much easier, given that the entities acted separately, but it is on the other hand, caused the high costs and the excessive stocks of inventories. This is why enterprises change the business logic, devoting more and more time to shared, joint planning and coordination of business processes, all with the aim of lowering costs and satisfying user needs. In this sense, the application of IT provides considerable support for the planning and provision of the required value of quality in the supply chains. The paper gives the example of successful application of ERP practice in Serbia.


Quality chains, Advanced planning, Tools for the supply chains management.

1. Introductory considerations

Modern business is carried out in conditions of constant and dynamic changes in external and internal organization environment, as well as the development impulses in the form of innovations, new technological solutions and knowledge. In addition, business on the global market is characterized by association of a large number of different chains of quality in business relations supplier-end user, which can be interrupted at any time due to failure to meet requirements and the appearance of defects in the process implementation by individual participants in the supply chain [1]. Ensuring of the desired value of quality in supply chains depends on the success of the work of individual participants, as well as on effective coordination in the quality planning process of the results of all organizations in the supply chain quality [2]. For the purposes of efficient and effective management of internal and external supply chains, production organization needs to have a constant care about the advantages and disadvantages of its processes, but also about the processes of their business partners (suppliers and distributors) and their competitors. For that, right information in connection with real situation of production processes characteristics of the participants in the supply chain, is necessary, in order to be able timely to prepare a good strategic plan and competitive strategy that lead to achieving production goals in every business situation.

Effects of the increasing of internal and external values of quality chains of production organization (Supplier) are given in [3]. In connection with the increase in the value of internal chains of quality are: profits, volume of production and sales increasing, material savings, reducing of errors and losses of internal processes and reducing the number of employees. The increase in the external quality chains values of organization that delivers implemented results to the process user, assures: increasing of customer satisfaction, reduction of cost price, increasing of quality and of supplies of process results. The application of BI (Business Intelligence) tool allows permanent review, measurement and monitoring of key indicators of characteristics of production and business of own organization as well as of partner organizations in the supply chain. Including and monitoring of each participant in the supply chains of production enterprises, i.e. approaching individual group's goals, creates a basis for efficient and rational realization of planned business goals, more uniform distribution of profits of the joint activities and satisfying the interests of different stakeholders.

2. Quality enterprises

chains management


in production

Modern quality management, whether based on model TQM or ISO 9001 international standards, is based on the fulfillment of the demands of consumers and rational management of business for which it is necessary to manage efficiently the network of internal and external quality chains. Production organization in the implementation of process results establishes a large number of relationships with different stakeholders, and therefore its competitive ability will depend on the structure of internal and external quality chains (value chains) [2]. Transformation of inputs into outputs in a manufacturing organization involves whole network of processes and activities, which are interconnected by parallel and subsequent connections [1]. The formation of quality of process results in a production system includes quality chains which include the most important processes and activities of product lifecycle, from idea up to the removal of products from the use [4]. The complexity of the chain of quality that is generated in processes of mutual relations of production organization of supplier (ISP) with the organization of user (KOR), provide three levels of formation of quality of process results: 1. Phase qualities; 2. Basic qualities and 3. The overall quality of process results is shown in an example of industrial enterprises scheme (Figure 1) [5].

The philosophy of the contemporary organizational management is based on continuous improvements in the quality chain, meaning that the scheme shows the efficiency of the management of internal and external quality chains of the production enterprise are dependent on: [1]. Quality management of individual internal processes (phase qualities), Management the integration of mutually connected processes of internal quality chains (basic qualities) and Management the integration of organization's quality chain with quality chains of suppliers, customers and other stakeholders (overall quality of process results).

Management of all individual processes is important in terms of ensuring the phase qualities, whereby the organization's management should successfully monitor a balance between the maximal values for the user (customer) and minimal the production costs, in order to achieve a competitive price for a product. On the other hand at the level of formation of the basic quality chains, the increase of value chains can be achieved: increasing levels of product quality and / or reducing costs of product realization, shortening of cycle from request to delivery of products to customer and shortening of time of introduction of a new product [6].

Figure 1. Scheme the functioning of process in the creation of quality in the industrial system

(Source: [5]).

Management of integration of organization's quality chain with quality chains of its supplier, customers and other stakeholders is important in terms of effective management of the supply of input materials, equipment, semi-finished goods and delivery (distribution) of products to users. [7].

3. Advanced planning in supply chains quality In the formation of quality chain segment of the planning process includes non-material flow in an enterprise, because the input values are information, data and knowledge, and the output values are different plans, resulting on the basis of managerial decisions. Any supply chain's goal is the maximization of values at the level of the entire chain [8]. Value of any supply chain is defined as the difference between the income realized in chain by products / services sales to the end customers and actual costs performed in the entire chain.

That value is also known as the profitability of the supply chain. Competitive market has forced companies to improve their supply chains efficiency through the improvement of production processes, logistics and sales. Results of these improvements were reductions of inventory levels, as well as of costs at the level of the

Problems and suggestions of improving

entire chain. Competitive supply chains management can be attained only through joining of all stakeholders and integrated planning of supply and demand, what is not an easy process, given that there frequently are major internal differences in the manners that different stakeholders apply to perform their business [9]. Some of the key problems that occur in supply chains with regard to quality assurance in the planning processes are presented in Table 1 [9].

In order to ensure faster high quality and more reliable decision-making, advanced planning methods based on the use of software solutions and the Internet during the planning process are used. Advanced Planning and Scheduling System (APS) concept is a relatively new planning system, which can be used in supply chains and in production companies. It has two key roles: to perform efficient planning and scheduling of business tasks in the manufacturing enterprise and supply chain and to improve the quality of planning in supply chains by applying software solutions that should provide feasible plans and optimize the business processes, application of the concept of the advanced planning in supply chains due to purposes [10] of supporting of deciding and integration of decisions in the supply chain. quality of the supply chains (Source: [9]) Table 1

Key features of the planning process Problems Ways of improving Benefits from improvements

QUALITY OF PLANS Insufficient coordination of plans of individual participants. Incoherence of plans leads to inconsistency of demand and scheduling of individual participants of anticipated business activities. Provide planning on the basis of data on characteristics of the production process of each participant in the supply chain Each participant can realistically look at demands and align his plans with plans of other participants.

PROCESS OF MUTUAL COMMUNICATION Insufficient internal communication, Poor communication in the whole chain. Application of modern information technologies for the electronic exchange of data with the assistance of Internet (EDI) Timely information of all participants in the supply chain with minimal investment costs.

SYSTEM FOR MEASURING OF REALIZED VALUE There is a big difference in the system for measuring results achieved in processes of production and operation of individual participants in the chain. Conflict of objectives at the level of chain. Low efficiency. Introduction of unique measurement system for identifying and monitoring business results of all participants in the chain, with the obligatory signing of Contracts on monitoring characteristics of business. Fair and uniform distribution of realized profit.

INFORMATION FOR DECISIONMAKING Huge number of available information. Difficult to extract information that is essential for decision. Insufficient accuracy and reliability of information. Inappropriate decisions of individual participants in the chain. Application of adequate tools for decision-making of all participants (a software program -APS system) Using data of all participants in the supply chains allows realistic creation of integrated plans and reliable decision making for strategic and operational objectives of production and business.

The concept of the advanced planning is based on the concept of hierarchical planning and it is used problem-solving methods of mathematical programming and meta-heuristics. . Hierarchical planning is implemented in three phases [11]: decomposition of goals and setting up hierarchical structure in the supply chain; coordination of processes and decisions at all levels of management; the inclusion of all employees in the planning process. Concept of the advanced planning supports this logic through powerful software tools, which enable the creation of integrated plans in the chain, in order to handle all of the business dynamics in complex business systems. The most common software tool for busi-

ness management in the concept of advanced planning is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), integrated system for enterprise resources planning, which represents focus of interests of academic- and business world in the information technologies sphere.

4. Application of ERP in supply chains quality

Competitiveness of modern business systems arises from their ability to make the best use of information and datafrom their internal and external environment, and therefore the use of

modern information and communication technologies represents an imperative of modern business [12]: The term Enterprise resources planning (ERP) has emerged by the synthesis of titles of

information systems that preceded the ERP: Material requirements planning (MRP I) and Manufacturing resources planning (MRP II). There are two reasons which caused the emergence of the ERP system: Enterprises within their business processes perform a number of functions. Business performance can be achieved only if all resources are efficiently organized and planned.

The advantage of this system is that data are entered into the system only once, what significantly facilitates the business and leaves more time for other, more useful activities. Market conditions required the development of this powerful software tool, which nowadays implements a number of companies. According to researches, it was concluded that the value of the company significantly increases in the eyes of customers and business partners if it applies some of these ERP-solutions. In addition to a large number of advantages, such as: Automation of business, the integration of business functions, modularity, flexibility, information quality, the system also has some disadvantages. First of all, the problem is long and expensive process of implementation, and most often major changes in manner of business conduction are required. By applying ERP solutions, operations in four areas can be improved [11]:

Operative business - the application of ERP solutions, reduces costs, shortens the delivery times, improves productivity and quality, as well as the relationships with the end customers;

Management - ERP systems provide decision support, and therefore enable better utilization of resources, better decisions making and business performance improving;

Strategic business - the application of this tool provides the ability of connecting with customers and suppliers through the creation of integrated plans and expansion of operations;

IT infrastructure - ERP system provides the flexibility and upgradeability of new modules or of software tools that significantly reduce costs.

As it was stated [11], ERP system, in addition to integrating all business functions of company, has the following characteristics: Flexibility (able to give answer to every set of requirements in the organization according to changes in the environment); Independence (from hardware, operating systems and database management systems, business processes and organizational structure); Comprehensiveness (supports all business functions and applicable in all industrial systems); Modularity (composed of modules that can be added / subtracted without impairing functioning of the system as a whole); Openness (enables connection to other software developers applications and supports a variety of hardware platforms); Adaptability (flexible for needs of various industries).

ERP system structure is modular, meaning that it is composed of a plurality of modules, which are organized as functional fields representing a collection of applications. Of course, there are differences between different ERP systems in

On the other hand, there was a need for an efficient information system that provides support, not only in manufacturing but also in other supply chain members (Figure 2). [13]. ERP system is a system that integrates all processes in the enterprise, using a central database in which all data are stored.

terms of modules, what means that not all systems support all functional areas of a company. Modules that most ERP systems contain are [14]:Business planning, forecasting and control (Business); Selling, distribution and inventory management (Sale); Planning and control of production (Production); Materials management (Materials); Finances and Accounting (Finance) i Human resources management (Staff).

Each of these modules contains a number of sub-modules. However, prior to implementation of this software tool at a specific business environment, it is necessary to adapt it, in order to meet the needs of a particular enterprise. It should be noted that due to the flexibility of ERP system, the user can select the modules that are needed in specific enterprise and business environment, what is one of the key advantages. Of course, with the development of business, user can upgrade ERP system by adding necessary modules. There are a large number of manufacturers of ERP systems, among them, the most important are SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics Nav., whose market shares shows Figure 3.

Factors that should be considered when selecting the ERP solutions are: functional characteristics, the available budget, implementation time, service, ease of use, and the availability of modules. ERP solutions contain modules for production management and planning, and are therefore important for the improvement of production processes in companies.

Key advantages that are achieved after the implementation of ERP solutions are [15]: increased availability of information (60%), increased interaction between the business functions (13%), reduced labor costs (7%), reduced preparatory time for production (7%).

5. Successful implementation of ERP projects in companies in Serbia

While in the developed world ERP systems are a powerful management tool for everyday control of company resources, in Serbia the companies only began the introduction of ERP systems in order to increase their own values for sale or privatization or for cooperation with foreign companies. Data from the Republic Statistics Bureau obtained in the study on the use of information and communication technologies in Serbia in 2014 say that only 9.9% of companies have implemented ERP software package. On the completion of a representative sample of 1,200 companies, of the total number of large enterprises ERP system has 27%, of medium- 21% and of small enterprises only 7.4% use ERP solutions. As Serbia has a totally of 84,416 small and medium enterprises, it is estimated that about 6,500 of them use ERP solutions.

Figure 2. Model of the ERP system (Source: [13])

Figure 3. Market shares o14 ERP systems in 2012 (Sorce:


Banks and insurance companies are most commonly use ERP system (24.1%), followed by companies from the field of transport, storage and communication (24%). Based on the research it was concluded that among companies that use ERP solutions are the least present in enterprises operating in civil engineering (5.1%), in the energy sector (17.6%), while in the processing industry ERP is present in only 9.1% of companies

[15]. Most prominent rojects of successful implementation of ERP in companies in Serbia are as follows.

The largest oil company in Serbia "NIS-Gaz-prom neft" applied ERP solution, after whose implementation were created conditions for significant savings in time and money through better planning, organization, management and control of the business capacities of company. Standardization of processes, reduction of additional jobs and processes, as well as the improvement of reporting activities, significantly influenced the quality business decision making, and thus the results of the company in this area


One of successful examples of application of ERP solution is „ZASTAVA TAPACIRNICA" a.d., the company in the supply chain in the auto industry. After the introduction of ERP systems in the enterprise, the business quality was raised to a higher level owing to creation of single database that was available to everyone d thus the quick access to all transaction information was enabled; a database of all significant transactions, records, processes monitoring and reports entered was upgraded; communication and coordination between units within enterprise was improved; duplication of data was eliminated and accuracy, accessibility and sustainability of data were increased; a unique view on general manufacturing operations for all functions and departments, which increased conductivity of cooperation and coordination among departments within the enterprise was created; accurate predictions in customer's plans and consequently predictions in their own procurement plans were enabled; automatic reception of orders from customers via the ID without possibilities of errors when entering customer's orders in own system was achieved; time was reduced and modes of creating and sending of orders to suppliers with optimal inventory costs and the lowest possible risks to customers were automated; preparations of quick and easy lists of fixed assets with minimal engagement of human resources were introduced; calculation cost price after the most current purchase prices was made applicable. In this way the ERP system has made the enterprise to be more responsible and more agile with respect to customers and market [18].

Project successful implementation of ERP was implemented in the leading company for products distribution and for logistics services provi-

sion on Balkans named „Direktna Trgovina" (meaning „Direct Trade"). Services offered by this company include complete infrastructure in the supply chain, including logistics and storage from four distribution centers (Belgrade, Cacak, Nis and Novi Sad). Direct Trade was the exclusive distributor of British American Tobacco from 2003 and officially represented the best BAT distributor in the world for 2007. Direct Group is distributor for Telenor products and electronic recharge services. The two companies (Direct Trade and Direct Group) cover more than 20,000 retail outlets, with more than 5,000 deliveries a day, employing about 450 people and having annual turnover of 220 million euros. In order to improve its business processes, the company required an efficient IT solution for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to support sales as the functional unit. The project was implemented and a modern information system that enables an increased level and quality of operations was established. Systems that previously were distributed at logistics centers have been replaced with modern and efficient central solution. The ERP modules for sales and distribution, finance, controlling and materials management were installed. In this way the ERP enabled automatization and increasing of efficiency and productivity of critical business functions such as:

Enterprise Resources Planning Management (ERP),

Supply Chains Management (SCM),

Customer Relationships Management (CRM) and

Business Intelligence (BI) application.

The project was completed within 12 months, and during that time the goal of management to improve IT support for business processes was achieved, as well as the other corporate objectives such as the provision of adequate and accurate information and optimization of strategic and operational management and decision-making processes [19].


Electronic business and the use of modern tools, caused not only establishing of better mutual cooperation between companies, but also more efficient and more effective managing in quality chains and in supply chains. Large enterprises, which generate a decisive influence on the market, demand that other market participants adjust themselves to this way of doing business, or are going be replaced. One of factors that would contribute to opportunities that everyone develops and equally participates in the market and is the successful introduction of the ERP system, as a tool for the systematic monitoring of business processes in the enterprise. The successful application of ERP implementation projects in companies in Serbia has enabled much higher level of quality in supply chains, which are seen as priorities for competitive business in the global market.


1. Шестопал, Т. Ю., Дорофеев, Д. В., Шестопал, Ю. Н., Андреева, А. Э., Управление качеством: Учебное посибие, Инфра - М, Москва, 2008.

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3. Miletic, Lj., Popovic, B., Nicic, M., Vukovic, M., 2015, "Project of the "Six Sigma in System" in Context of Quality Impovement in Marketing", Сборник ежегодного международного симпозиума „Надёжность и качество 2015», Пенза, Русия, Том 2, Номера 232-235.

4. Popovic, В., Miletic, LJ., 2015., „Overal Quality System", Zbornik 42. nacionalne konferencije o kvalitetu FQ 2015, Kragujevac, Srbija.

5. ПоповиЬ Б., Кларин М., МилетиЬ Л., Управ^аье производном и услуживаьем, Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду, Београд, 2005.

6. ПоповиЬ, Б., МилетиЬ, Л., Примери решених задатака из Управ^аьа квалитетом, Академска мисао, Београд, 2003.

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8. Günther, H. O., & Meyr, H. (2009). „Supply chain planning: quantitative decision support and advanced planning solutions", Springer Science & Business Media.

9. Barratt, M. (2004). „Understanding the meaning of collaboration in the supply chain", Supply Chain Management: an international journal, 9(1), 30-42.

10. Miletic, Lj., Popovic, В., Operativni menadzment, Visa poslovna skola, Novi Sad, 2004.

11. Shang, S., Seddon, P. B. (2000). „A comprehensive framework for classifying the benefits of ERP systems", AMCIS 2000 proceedings.

12. Scepanovic, B. (2014) „Izvestaj za menadzment. Success Pravila", MCB Edukacija, Beograd.

13. https://www.academia.edu/

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14. http:// www.slideshare.net/msproject/sap-oracle-ms-dynamics-market-share-and-kpis

15. http://webrzs.stat.gov.rs/WebSite/repository/documents/00/01/85/7 8/ICT2 015s.pdf

16. http://www.nis.eu/

17. http://www.zastavatapacirnica.rs/

18. https://direktna-trgovina.ls.rs/rs/user/registracija.html

УДК 542.913 Писарев В.Н,

Филиал ФГКУ «46 ЦНИИ» Минобороны России, Москва, Россия


С 2005 г. в стране появились ГОСТы системы стандартизации «Надежность военной техники» (НВТ), которая позиционирует себя, как подсистема системы стандартов «Надежность в техники» (п.11.10 ГОСТ РВ 27.1.01-2005). Указанная система стандартов вступает в противоречие с существующими системами стандартов, находящихся в ведении ТК 319 «Надежность и стойкость ЭРИ и РЭА военного назначения», созданном в 1993 г. при 22 ЦНИИИ МО РФ (ныне филиал ФГКУ «4 6 ЦНИИ» Минобороны России), за которым закреплены проблемные вопросы стандартизации в области надежности и стойкости ЭРИ и РЭА военного назначения, а также сстем, комплексов и образцов ВВТ.

Основным разработчиком стандартов системы НВТ являлся ФГУП Рособоронстандарт (часть стандартов разработана ФГУП «ЦНИИХМ»), в ведении которого до 2007 г. находился ТК 119, который приказом Ростехрегулирования от 19.12.2007 № 3591 передан ФГУП "ВНИИНМАШ".

Уже к 2009 году в этой системе было разработано 12 ГОСТ РВ.

Анализ разработанных стандартов системы «Надежность военной техники» показал, что им свойственны такие характерные черты, как: -наличие порочной практики «рейдерского захвата» проблем стандартизации из других систем; - искусственное завышение грифа разработанных стандартов (ДСП) или присвоения такого грифа уже существующим национальным стандартам, выдавая их за новые разработки (для стандартов с грифом «ДСП» значительно уменьшается аудитория публичного рассмотрения их проектов); - разработка стандартов по надуманым, не связанных с логикой и практикой проблемы управления надежностью; -отсутствие системности при разработке различных стандартов в нормативных ссылках, определениях, выбора объектов стандартизации, стандартизации положений, которые не относятся к надежности и др.

Ниже приведена характеристика ряда стандартов системы «Надежность военной техники».

1. ГОСТ РВ 27.1.01-2005 НВТ. Управление надежностью. Основные положения (объем стандарта вместе с обложками - 8 страниц, разработчик Ро-соборостандарт).

Разработчики стандартов не достаточно четко определились с объектом стандартизации. В п. 3.1.2 стандарта приведено определение термина изделие ВТ, в котором к изделиям отнесены «оборудование или аппаратуру», а это уже другая область стандартизации.

ГОСТ РВ 27.1.01 по образу и подобию с ГОСТ РВ 15.002-2012 регламентирует в области надежности изделий ВТ создавать систему управления надежностью (СУН), которая должна содержать: - самостоятельную организационную структуру с непосредственным подчинением руководству предприятия (или соответствующее подразделение службы СМК); - Руководство по СУН (руководство по качеству); - нормативное обеспечение СУН; - систему ответственности руководства и подразделений за СУН и др.

Приведенные в стандарте положения представляют собой отрывочные, надерганные из разных источников фразы, имеющих слабое отношение к надежности. Они не соответствуют существующим НД в области надежности, практики и логики развития этой деятельности, начиная с того, что надежность всегда была в ведении главного конструктора, но не службы СМК.

Чего только стоит редакция п. 6.1: «Руководство предприятия гарантирует и предоставляет документальные доказательства того, что запросы и ожидания заказчика и/или непосредственного потребителя в области надежности выявлены, определены в виде конкретных требований и согласованы».

Следует отметить, что в системе стандартов «Надежность в технике» разработан ГОСТ Р 27.0012009 Надежность в технике. Система управления надежностью. Основные положения», который является полным аналогом ГОСТ РВ 27.1.01 -2005 и его характеризуют те же несуразицы, что и отмеченные выше. Например, без комментариев предлагается читателям оценить редакцию ряда положений указанного стандарта:

5.3. Непосредственное руководство СУН осуществляет должностное лицо, назначенное руководством предприятия, несущее ответственность и располагающее полномочиями для осуществления этой деятельности. По решению руководства эти

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