Научная статья на тему 'Informational technology as the element of management efficiency in the economy'

Informational technology as the element of management efficiency in the economy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Andrushko Yana Viacheslavovna

The use of the information technologies as a component of -Technology in the economy (informational, innovative and intellectual technologies) is examined in the article. The results of the research are analyzed for the purpose of defining of the information technologies development as the element of management efficiency.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Informational technology as the element of management efficiency in the economy»

Informational technology as the element of management efficiency in the economy

Section 13. Economics and management

Andrushko Yana Viacheslavovna, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Hetman, the student, the Faculty of International Economics and Management

E-mail: missandrushko@mail.ru

Informational technology as the element of management efficiency in the economy

Abstract: The use of the information technologies as a component of 13 -Technology in the economy (informational, innovative and intellectual technologies) is examined in the article. The results of the research are analyzed for the purpose of defining of the information technologies development as the element of management efficiency. Keywords: information technologies, economy, management efficiency, IT Development Index, competitiveness.

Formulation of the research problem. The management efficiency and resolution of complex economic problems — are the main tasks in the economy. Management efficiency is dealt with international companies and enterprises, insurance companies and banks. Every day thousands of professionals make decisions based on the evaluation and analysis of effectiveness. And for this purpose, there exists 13 -Technology — the tool which was formed for solving complex economic problems. Modern information technologies, which are based on the professional use of information resources, allow economists to operate effectively in difficult economic situations and contribute to the competitiveness of the enterprises of Ukraine during the foreign economic activity [1].

Analysis of recent research. For modeling ideas and developments, settling the new challenges of analysis and forecasting, management efficiency in the economy might be useful “ 13 - Technology in the economy" based by Professor I. A. Ri-abinin. This problem was also studied by E. D. Solozhentsev, V. V Karasev, N. V Khovanov and others.

This development is a kind of brand in creating a scientific direction. The 13 - Technology includes: informational, intellectual and innovative technologies.

• Informational, since the database and automatic processing of statistical data are used in the economy.

• Innovative, since logic and probabilistic calculation and structural representation of systems and processes is used.

• Intellectual, because due to the statistics the knowledge base is formed, which allows to obtain new knowledge of management efficiency criteria.

And as the information is one of the most valuable resources of the society, including the economy, we will consider information technology as the element of management efficiency in 13 -Technologies. It should be noted that the complex of methods of processing of disparate economic data in the operational information was worked out for decision-making with the help of foreign information technol-

ogy to achieve optimum market parameters of the control object [4, 14].

The purpose of scientific research and analysis is the

consideration of the impact of informational technology, particularly Internet technology, on foreign economic activity, as well as on managing the efficiency and competitiveness of different sectors of the economy of Ukraine.

It’s an open secret that information technology (IT) — is a pervasive part of modern life. Thanks to the development of IT a dynamic globalization occurs, associated with changes in social and economic spheres. Information technology now actively influences the institutions of the society, and the state power particularly.

Thorough analysis of IT given by Ukrainian and foreign scientists, namely B. V Korneychuk, A. Y Toporets, Z. V Arkhipova, enabled us to define information technology as a process that uses a combination of methods and software-and-hardware means for data collection, processing, storage, transmission and presentation of information in order to receive a new quality, reduce labor costs and improve the management efficiency processes of using the informational resources [2].

Thus, the main components of information technology are: data collection of primary information, data processing and getting results, transmission of the results to the information user.

Competitiveness of national economies is closely linked with the development of the IT sector, and this can be seen in the plot of Competitiveness Index (vertical) and the index of IT development. The more developed the IT sector is, the more competitive a country is. We present it in the scheme (fig. 1).

The orientation to innovation and the development of the IT sector provides economic growth in all highly-developed countries and some developing countries (Japan, China, Israel, Malaysia, India etc.). Those were the governments of these countries which became the main investors in high-tech, and also supported the industry in the form of preferences,


Section 13. Economics and management

creating a transparent environment for business, a comprehensive support to small and medium-sized businesses.

Support for Internet technologies — are the key components of the economy and the society as a whole.

We have been interested in the question of Internet technologies promotion in the Ukrainian business environment. For this purpose, we had analyzed the results of research conducted by GfK Ukraine (the Ukrainian research company that is comprised to GfK Group net “Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung” (The Society for Consumer Research) in Germany). 1017 interviews were taken with business leaders. The businesses that have at least four computers took part in the poll. The sample is representative for Ukrainian enterprises by the number of employees, regions and sectors. The maximum sampling error is 3,1 %.

The results of the research. Development reserves are hidden in the intensity of usage of modern information technology. According to the study, the technical ability to access the Internet in Ukraine is created at a high level — about 90 % of companies have already provided high-speed Internet (about 76 % of Ukrainian enterprises connected all their computers to the Internet, 14 % — connected more than half of the computers, 10 % — up to half computers and 0.5 % — do not have computers with Internet access).

It should be pointed out, however, that especially for this study, the company has developed an index of intensity of use of the Internet by enterprises in Ukraine. In Ukrainian the average index is at around 25 on a scale from 0 to 100. It is clear that this index is higher in the more developed regions of Ukraine, in particular in the central region. The largest index is in Kiev (31,6 %), the lowest — in the Northern region (21,4 %). The data are presented in Figure 2.

The research showed that firstly the Ukrainian companies use the Internet to talk about themselves, but the main way to represent the company online is a website — 62 % have it. 49 % of respondents place their personal data in online directories. 34 % use a paid online-advertising, wherein 25 % of which have a single online advertising experience — less than once a year. 32 % buy products via the Internet and 23 % — look for the network staff. About a third of the surveyed companies are purchasing goods online, and 12 % are selling products on the Internet, 7 % have their own Internet shop.

Fig. 2. The Average Mean Index

0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4

Fig. 3. The Purpose of Using the Internet


Informational technology as the element of management efficiency in the economy

GFK research of management efficiency also affected such aspects as the impact of the Internet on the Company’s financial results, which revealed that the revenues grow more intensively and less fall for those companies which use the Internet more intensively [5].

According to calculations, the active use of the Internet provides additional 6,6 % growth rate in revenues. In 2013 profits, actively using the Internet technology, decreased

only by 0,7 %, while for the remaining companies the average fall was 7,3 %.

It turned out that among the companies whose index is above average, the proportion of companies whose revenues grew in 2013 was more than among those companies whose index is below average. That is shown in Figure 4. Among the companies with the index above average there are more profitable projects (fig. 5).

Enterprises with Index of using the Internet >15

0% 10% 20% 30%

% of euteipiises

Fig. 4. Index of Using the Internet by Enterprises

■Reteiveil interne -Rereived loss

Enteipnses with Index of using the Internet < 25

Enteipnses with Index of using the Internet >25

Fig. 5. The Average Income and Loss of Enterprises Using the Internet

What is more interesting is that, even the average wage among the enterprises with an index above 25 increased by 6 %, while the index of below 25 — by 3 % a year. Thus, companies that use the Internet intensively, have higher income growth, high profitability, wage growth and create more work places.

Driven by the availability of large skilled labor pool as well as relatively low personnel costs, Ukraine was the fastest growing IT market in the whole CEE region before the financial crisis. Developments in the coming years will show whether it will regain this status.

However, in Ukraine IT industry is still underinvested in many areas. The low level of IT expenditures and low share of IT services and software sales in the total market value means a high potential for further growth.

An important feature of Ukrainian IT market is relatively high proportion of IT outsourcing work (as opposed to development of customized software), which sometimes is viewed as a relatively low-value adding activity [8].

As the experience of developed countries shows, there is a direct relationship between the level of penetration of Internet technologies and the growth of GDP. According to the data, the increase in the index of the intensity of Internet use in Ukraine’s economy by 10 points will lead to GDP growth by 1 %, which in monetary terms is estimated at additional 14 billion UAH.

We can’t but mention that powerful IT- centers are formed in Ukraine: in Kyiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Lviv, Odessa and others that have already created a lot of work places in the industry with high level of wages [6]. And thanks to this — powerful projects are implemented. An example is the BIONIC Hill in Kiev — the first Ukrainian innovation park, in the creation of which the state invested 50 million USD. The leading Ukrainian and international companies will work there, a key specializations of which are IT, biotechnology and energy conservation. The project will create 35 thousand workplaces. There will be also created an educational institution BIONIC University in the park together with leading IT-companies. Its goal is to train highly


Section 13. Economics and management

qualified specialists by using advanced learning technologies that are directly related to practical activities.

So we can state the fact that: on the international arena Ukraine currently benefits mainly due to human capital (high adult literacy rate and the spread of higher education), and low cost of mobile communications and the Internet.

AVentures Capital estimated that Ukraine has already formed multibillion IT industries. About 100 thousand programmers are working in the local IT companies, and besides these are the world-class developers. Ukraine now takes the first place in the number of developers in Eastern and Central Europe, and the number of IT people in the country is growing.

Besides, market experts expect that the volume of Ukrainian IT market will continue to increase, both with respect to domestic sales and export of IT services. Participation of non-Ukrainian companies in Ukrainian IT business is also expected to increase. The main consumers of IT products are in financial sector, telecommunication sector, trade, industry as well as the public sector [8].

The conclusions. Thereby at the present stage of the development of competitive market new problems with management efficiency appear, the essence of which is in need of organization of enterprises information flows into a single information space. That’s for what the 13 -Technologies are

created, which are useful for solving problems in foreign trade activities. While using information technologies an index of intensity of Internet technologies and their penetration rate should be considered, which will allow successful implement of enterprise management.

Together with the achievement of the quality level of the information technology development, the practice of strategic management efficiency solutions of complex economic problems will get a powerful tool to automate the collection, processing, storing, analyzing, organizing, sharing and reporting the information of any enterprise. It requires:

- a range of measures to achieve a new level of performance of the industry (as nowadays most companies are focused on work with foreign customers, while the domestic market is still in its infancy);

- support for start-up movements, which lay the foundation for the emergence of new approaches and trends, allows to become the cradle of big business in the future;

- creating an environment for the physical comfort for the players of the IT market.

Due to the joint, effective and efficient operations of the business elite and the state, the Ukrainian high-tech industry has a chance to not only catch up, but also overtake Europe in the next five to eight years.


1. Solozhentsev E. D. 13 - Technologies in the economy. - P. 5-20

2. Arkhipova Z. V., Parkhomov V. A. Information Technologies in Economics: Studies. Allowance. - Irkutsk: BSUEL, -2003, - 184 p.

3. Trofimov V V Information systems and technologies in economics and management. - Glava 1. - P. 10.

4. Toporets A. Y. Information Technologies in Economics: Studies. Allowance. UDC 519.68. - Moscow, - 2005. - L. 5.

5. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://reklamaster.com/

6. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://www.ukr.net/news/tehnologii.html

7. Bozhko V P., Vlasov D. V., Gasparian M. S. Information Technology in economics and management: Teaching Materials. -M.: EAOI. - 2008. - 120.

8. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://investukraine.com/sectors/information-technologies

Bakhyt Arnabol Bakhytuly, President of «Kazsportinvest» JSC, Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Economic of Agriculture of Russian Academy of Science,

postgraduate student

Nurgazina Gulmira Esimbaevna, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, candidate for a doctor's degree E-mail: gulmira_66@mail.ru

Globalization and internationalization of world food and agricultural product markets

Abstract: Interpretation of globalization and internalization influence on the world food and agricultural product markets is examined in the article. Moreover, the global problem of food safety is also examined.

Keywords: globalization, internalization, global economic problem, agricultural product markets, world food security.


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