Научная статья на тему 'Роль релаксационных и сократительных характеристик скелетных мышц в повышении спортивного мастерства'

Роль релаксационных и сократительных характеристик скелетных мышц в повышении спортивного мастерства Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Высочин Юрий Васильевич, Яценко Леонид Григорьевич, Денисенко Юрий Прокофьевич

Представленные в статье данные следует рассматривать доказательство того, что уровень развития сократительных свойств мышц, приобретенный, например, перворазрядниками или кандидатами в мастера спорта, в процессе многолетней спортивной тренировки, уже вполне достаточен для достижения вершин спортивного мастерства, но его дальнейший рост лимитируется, главным образом, низким уровнем скорости расслабления мышц.

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The data given in the article should be considered as a proof that development level of muscles retractive qualities obtained, for example by first-grade sportsmen or candidate masters of sports during the process of long-term sport training is already quite satisfactory for achieving tops of sports mastery, but its further growth is limited mainly by low level of speed of muscles relaxation.

Текст научной работы на тему «Роль релаксационных и сократительных характеристик скелетных мышц в повышении спортивного мастерства»




Vysochin Yuriy Vasilevich, Yatsenko Leonid Grigorevich, Saint Petersburg State Technological University of Plant Polymers, Saint Petersburg,

Denisenko Yuriy Prokofievich, Naberezhnye Chelny filiation of Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Naberezhnye Chelny,

E-mail: yprof@yandex.ru

Abstract. The data given in the article should be considered as a proof that development level of muscles retractive qualities obtained, for example by first-grade sportsmen or candidate masters of sports during the process of long-term sport training is already quite satisfactory for achieving tops of sports mastery, but its further growth is limited mainly by low level of speed of muscles relaxation.

Key words: sportsman, functional state, central nervous system, speed of muscles relaxation.

In modern sport the rate of sports activity fluctuates from maximum to medium one that raises requirements to many-sided physical and functional preparation of sportsmen. Effectiveness of athletic training depends on psycho-physiological status of a sportsman which defines its individual traits. Sportsmen rather need high ability to adapt psyche to very different impacts, creative implementation of moving abilities on the basis of anticipation, fast and acute tactical thinking, high extent of collective integration and discipline and also a specialized development of different mental functions and volitional powers. Therefore a sportsman apart from physical proficiency and performance efficiency must possess a high level of psycho-functional state, coordination abilities, technical and tactical skills, psychological sustainability and stress resistance.

The necessity for development and improvement of this set of qualities composes the main complexity of organizing and conducting process of training. The next stage of our work was determination of factors predestinating and limiting growth of athletic qualification of sportsmen. To solve this task in the process of persistent research there were conducted several series of experiments. The participants were 600 sportsmen of different qualification from third-grade to masters of sports (3-g, 2-g, 1-g, MS) including members of premier league. All the sportsmen were passing deep complex examination with the aid of methods of computer polymyography and computer electroencephalography enabling to objectively evaluate a functional state of central nervous system (CNS) and neuromuscular system (NMS) [1, 2].

In the first series of experiments they studied the influence of quantities characterizing functional state of CNS on growth of athletic qualification of sportsmen from 3-g to MS. When analyzing the results of the research there were discovered firm differences between MS and first-grade sportsmen (not even talking about sportsmen of lower qualification of 2-g and 3-g) in all parameters characterizing functional state of CNS.

Masters of sports were predominating first-grade, 2-g, 3-g sportsmen in a motor response speed of tension (MRST), motor response speed of relaxation (MRSR), speed of development and strength of excitatory processes (SDE), speed of development and strength of inhibitory processes (SDI), balance of nervous processes of excitation and inhibition (BNP) and therefore in a general functional state of CNS (FSc).

In our studies the balance of nervous processes was calculated using the formula: FSc = SDI: SDE; and the functional state of the central nervous system was calculated by the formula: FSc = (MRST+MRSR+ SDE +SDI+5BNP) : 5.

However the impact of each parameter into the progress of athletic results from the level of 3-g to MS was different (Pic.1). For instance, masters of sports had bigger value of MRST and SDE which are parameters characterizing excitatory processes of CNS. Masters of sports showed bigger figures than the 3-g sportsmen by 15,3% (g < 0,001) and 20,5% (g < 0,001). At the same time the value of parameters characterizing inhibitory processes of CNS (MRSR, BNP and SDI) was higher relevantly by 21,3% (g < 0,001), 25,9% (g < 0,001) h 49,8% (g < 0,001). It therefore means that functional activity of inhibitory processes of CNS providing high level of development and appearance of such significant psychological qualities as tranquility, equability of mind, equanimity and self-control in extreme situations of game activities makes a greater contribution into the progress of sporting achievements than speed of development and strength of excitatory processes.

Such a high significance of the balance of two most important nervous processes of excitation - inhibition of CNS and high functional activity of inhibition systems of CNS in the progress of athletic performance is explained by its close interconnection


with stress-resistance, noise immunity, psychic reliability, mental performance and thus by technical and tactical skills [3] .




Q a l i f i c a t i o n


—□ — MRSR

...... SDE

- - A - SDI

—sk — BNP


Fig. 1 Correspondence between growth of athletic qualification of sportsmen and functional state of central nervous system

It is no coincidence that a special attention is given to special psychological training for sportsmen aiming to bring up courage and spirit, volitional powers, personal and individually psychological characteristics that determine effectiveness and reliability of competitive activities [4, 5, 6 and etc.].

According to the data given by the authors and the data of our research set out above such training should be aimed primarily at normalizing balance of nervous processes of CNS through targeted increase of strength, development speed and functional activity of inhibitory processes of CNS with the aid of techniques and methods of special relaxation training.

In the next series of experiments (fig. 2) there was analyzed dependence of increase of athletic qualification on functional state of neuromuscular system. In particular it depends on retractive and relaxational characteristics of skeletal muscles as well as on the power of the physiological mechanisms of organism's defense

against extreme impacts, in particular on inhibitory and relaxation functional system of defense (IRFSD). This system protects organism from excessive fatigue and overwork [7].


Fig. 2 The influence of relative speed of muscles tension (RSMT), relative maximum strength (RMS) and speed of undirected relaxation (SUR) of muscles on growth of athletic qualification

We did not manage to find out any proved differences between MS and the 1-g sportsmen in a relative maximum strength of muscles (RMS) and relative speed of muscles tension (RSMT) or "explosive" qualities. Both parameters were calculated regarding body weight of athletes. Masters of sports were predominating 1-g sportsmen in strength only by 3,1 % (uncertain) and in "explosive" qualities by 2,9 % (uncertain). Statistically proved differences for these parameters were found out only between MS and 2-g and between MS and 3-g. The overall superiority of MS over 3-g sportsmen was just 10,5% (g < 0,001) in RMS and 18,6% (g < 0,001) in RSMT.

A completely different picture was observed in the case of speed of undirected relaxation (SUR) of muscles. Highly significant differences were detected even

between the athletes which were close in their qualification: MS and 1-g (19,7%; g <

0.001., 1-g and 2-g (14,0%; g < 0,001), 2-g and 3-g (29,7%; g < 0,001). And a total superiority of MS over third grade sportsmen in a speed of muscle relaxation was 7,.1 % (g < 0,001), thus 7 times greater than in the case of strength and 4 times greater than from the point of "explosive" qualities of muscles.

As already stated above, the speed of muscles relaxation being posed in a direct dependence on functional state of higher regulatory systems is a core factor of motor coordination and technical mastery. As known, it also significantly contributes to the level of special physical performance. Therefore the data given above should be considered only as the evidence of the fact that the development level of retractive qualities of muscles obtained, for example, by first-grade sportsmen or candidate masters of sports during the long-term athletic training is already quite sufficient to reach the highest peaks of sports mastery, but its further growth is limited primarily by low-speed of muscles relaxation.


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7. Vysochin Y.V., Denysenko Y.P. Physiological mechanisms of special functional training for young football players// International journal of experimental education -2010.- №11.- p. 35-36.

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