Научная статья на тему 'Physiological principles of forming of relaxation preparation of sportsmen'

Physiological principles of forming of relaxation preparation of sportsmen Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Похожие темы научных работ по экономике и бизнесу , автор научной работы — Denisenko Yuriy Prokofyevich, Vysochin Yuriy Vasilyevich, Yatsenko Leonid Grigoryevich, Gordeyev Yuriy Vladimirovich

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Текст научной работы на тему «Physiological principles of forming of relaxation preparation of sportsmen»



Denisenko Yuriy Prokofyevich,

branch of Povolzhskaya State Academy оf Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, head of the department of theory and methods of sports games, Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia,

Vysochin Yuriy Vasilyevich, St.-Petersburg State Technological University of Vegetative Polymers, professor of the department ofphysical education, St.-Petersburg

Yatsenko Leonid Grigoryevich,

St.-Petersburg State Technological University of Vegetative Polymers, head of the department ofphysical education

Gordeyev Yuriy Vladimirovich,

St.-Petersburg State University, associate Professor of the Department ofphysical culture and sports

In our longstanding studies we have ascertained that unilateral changes of functional state of neuromuscular system (NMS), particularly, changing velocity of voluntary relaxation (VVR) of muscles under the influence of different adaptogenic factors, depend on the fact that each of such impacts is more or less accompanied by tissue hypoxia and hypoxemia, which causes activation (inclusion) of the whole complex of antihy-poxic and defense reactions, affecting ali hierarchic levels of organization of integral organism (central nervous, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, neuroendocrinous, therm о regulatory, metabolic and other systems).

^e most economizing and antihypoxic effect is provided by non-specific inhibitory-relaxation functional protective system (IRFPS) of organism against extreme impacts of different adaptogenic factors, which arc accompanied by abrupt disturbances In homeostasis and by tissue hypoxia. Y.V. Visochin discovered this system for the first time (1983-1998). IRFPS works on the following principle: information about abrupt disturbances in homeostasis and ratio of the most important homeostatic constants (oxygen and carbon dioxide) is transmitted to central nervous system (CNS) through the channel of afferent feedback; it causes activation of inhibitory processes, decrease of CNS excitability, normalization of relaxation process and considerable acceleration of all skeletal muscles relaxation at the same time [3].

Complex system of relaxation training is aimed on constant acceleration of voluntary muscles relaxation and, thus, forming of relaxation type of long-terra adaptation, «System structural trace» of previous urgent adaptive reactions is physiological basis of long-term adaptation [1, 11, 12, 13]. Emergency increase of activity of CNS inhibitory systems and velocity of muscles relaxation, as urgent adaptive reaction in response to intensive physical activity, appears along with activation of inhibitory-relaxation functional system of urgent adaptation and protection (IRFPS) against extreme influences, which are accompanied by hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in organism [2, 7]. Besides intensive physical activity inclusion of IRFPS auses exogenous hyperthermia, altitude hypoxia liddle mountains, high mountains,pressure chambers of systematic action), inhalation of air mixture with low content of oxygen, special respiratory exercises, some pharmacological preparations (adaptogens. actoprotectors, antihypoxants) and others [6].

Summarizing the results of our longstanding research we can substantiate the main ways and principles of special relaxation training, aimed on higher effectiveness of training process of sportsmen at all stages of development of sport skills. Under effectiveness of motional activity we understand achievement of the highest levels of special exercise performance (SEP) at condition of total preservation and improvement of sportsmen's health.

Nowadays there arc known different means of sportsmen's SEP improvement, based basically on increasing of training and emulative loads. They are quite effective for

achieving the main target, but none of them provides preservation of sportsmen's health. Moreover, when the amount and intensity of exercise stress increase, sport traumatism and morbidity increase progressively. Moreover the amount and intensity of exercise stress in sport almost reached their limits already. There are well known different means of health improvement; most of them consider moderate physical activity of low intensity to have the leading health-imp roving role. However this approach does not contribute to progress in special exercise performance and sport results. That is why it was obviously necessary to find fundamentally new ways to solve these two very complicated problems at the same time - how to achieve the highest levels of special exercise performance and how to preserve and improve sportsmen's health. In opinion of many investigators, these problems arc almost incompatible. We have combined these problems into one common problem - to make man's motional activity more effective. In several sets of experiments, in which sportsmen of different levels of proficiency and different specialization took part, we have found direct significant dependence between SEP and, of course, sport results and velocity of voluntary relaxation (VVR) of skeletal muscles [6, 8]. In most kinds of sport (in 17 from 20) meaning of SEP in the progress of sport results, especially at the stage of higher sport mastery was considerably higher then meaning of contractile properties of muscles. In such kinds of sport as box, hockey, football, skating, decathlon and swimming SEP was not only leading, but also the only one of all polimiographic parameters, which defines qualification growth. In some kinds of sport (football, skating, decathlon, swimming), for example, maximal muscles force of the sportsmen of high level of proficiency was slightly (not authentic) lower, than at the sportsmen of lower level of proficiency. This fact in no way means that contractile properties of muscles do not play any role in efficiency mechanisms. On the contrary, they are very important because muscles contraction provide physical action. And duration of this work, i.e. exercise tolerance and, correspondingly, special exercise performance considerably depend on relaxation characteristics of muscles. That is why our data should be considered only as a proof of the fact that the level of development of muscles contractile properties, acquired, for example, by candidates to master of sports and 1 "'-grade sportsmen in the process of long-term sport training, is already sufficient for achieving the top of sport skills; and achievement of this top is limited mainly by the level of muscles VVR.

The above-mentioned facts, in our opinion, are quite important for understanding of the role of miorelaxation in increase of SEP in all kinds of sport activities, because in each of them there are very high requirements in velocity, velocity tolerance or coordination, or different combination of these qualities, which directly depend on muscles VVR.

However the most important role in understanding and interpretation of physiological mechanisms of SEP and tolerance to physical activity, especially in extreme conditions, is

played by common nonspecific inhibitory-relaxation functional protective system (IRFPS) of organism against extreme impacts and influence of its activity (capacity) on forming of three different types of long-term adaptation. Experimentally big advantages of relaxation type of long-term adaptation (RTLA) were proved; this type of adaptation develops at sportsmen with high VVR of muscles and highly active IRFPS, and it provides achievement of the highest levels of exercise performance and preservation of health in extreme conditions at the same time. We also ascertained that heightened excitability of CNS is the main factor limiting the capacity of IRFPS [4, 5]. Summarizing combination of literary and our experimental data we can define main strategic direction for solving the problem of increasing effectiveness of sportsmen's training - comprehensive development of relaxation characteristics of muscles and purposeful forming of relaxation type of long-term adaptation.

Later we have developed main principles of forming the complex system of special relaxation training. As functional activity (capacity) of TRFPS is limited by heightened excitability of CNS, it is necessary to normalize the balance of nervous processes and functional state of CNS before using the instruments that activate inclusion of protective mechanisms (IRFPS). It is the first important principle of relaxing training. Second principle is the following: for activation of IRFPS, which causes emergency increase of muscles VVR, it is necessary to use not only intensive anaerobic physical activity or physical activity of mixed type, but also their combination with other adaptogenic factors [9, 10].

As long-term morph-functional changes in organism (long-term adaptation) happen as a result of cumulation of «system structural traces» of previous urgent adaptive reactions, we consider it is appropriate to use the factors and instruments, which cause activation (inclusion) of IRFPS and correspondingly increase of muscles VVR, for purposeful forming of RTLA [6, 10].

Nowadays besides traditional physical activity there is a wide choice of such instruments: natural altitude hypoxia of middle mountains; artificial hypoxia, modulated in pressure chambers of local and systematic action, breath holding or inhalation of air mixtures, with low content of oxygen; exogenous hyperthermia in steam bath and dry-air sauna; electro stimulation and vibration of muscles; different types of manual and punctuate massage. Methods of psycho-regulation and self-regulation, special relaxation exercises, methods of biological feedback and etc. and also some pharmacological preparations, which are not included in doping are quite effective for improvement of CNS inhibitory systems and miorelaxation (Visochin Y.V. and others, 2004).

It should be mentioned that from this wide choice of instruments only different kinds of physical activity are basically used in modern sport training. On one hand it limits the trainer's possibilities, and on the other hand, - due to comparatively quick adaptation to physical activity, it forces him to increase the amount of physical activity in order to achieve the desired result. Our experience shows that periodical use of this complex of instruments and adaptogenic factors, which cause metabolic changes in organism, similar to the changes that happen due to physical activity, let get considerably bigger effect spending less training time.

In conclusion we should particularly mention that under the influence of wide range of adaptogenic factors, which activate TRFPS, at first we can observe a short-term (after each impact) increase of muscles VVR and formation of relaxation type of long-term adaptation (RTLA), and later - a stable (when used for a long time) increase of muscles VVR and formation of relaxation type of long-term adaptation (RTLA). It provides achievement of the best final result according to all criteria of effectiveness and adaptability of complex biological

systems: 1) high level of economy of energy consumption; 2) high speed of recovery processes; 3) high level of tolerance to physical and psycho-emotional overloads; 4) preservation of health and sport longevity; 5) high level of exercise performance and technical skills of sportsmen.


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