РОЛЬ МОТИВАЦИИ В ИЗУЧЕНИИ ИНОСТРАННОГО ЯЗЫКА Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Мотивация / обучение иностранному языку / современные методики / снижение мотивации / изучающие иностранные языки / преподаватели иностранных языков / Motivation / teaching foreign language / modern methods / decline in motivation / learners foreign languages / teachers foreign languages

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Бабазаде С. Нармин, Грузина Анна Валерьевна, Алекбарова Н. Шахназ

В современном мире все больше возрастает роль иностранных языков. Перестройка образователь-ной школы, значительное увеличение международных связей создают определенные предпосылки для улучшения обучения иностранным языкам. Ведь знание иностранного языка – свидетельство уровня культуры и образования. Сфера его применения для современного человека значительно расширяется с увеличением межгосударственных связей, а также возможностью использования в своей работе ино-странной литературы. Современные специалисты вторят друг другу в том, что качество выполнения и результат дея-тельности зависят от побуждения и потребностей человека, то есть от его мотивации. Именно моти-вация порождает нашу целенаправленную активность, которая определяет выбор средств и приёмов для достижения желанных целей. Осязаемый, реальный успех поддерживает наш огонь мотивации, а если успеха нет, то постепенно и мотивация угасает, что отрицательно сказывается на результатах деятельности.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.
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In the modern world, the role of foreign languages is increasing. The restructuring of the educational school, a significant increase in international relations create certain prerequisites for improving the teaching of foreign languages. After all, knowledge of a foreign language is evidence of the level of culture and educa-tion. The scope of its application for a modern person is expanding significantly with the increase in interstate relations, as well as the possibility of using foreign literature in one's work. Modern experts echo each other in that the quality of performance and the result of activity depend on the motivation and needs of a person, that is, on his motivation. It is motivation that generates our purposeful ac-tivity, which determines the choice of means and methods to achieve the desired goals. Tangible, real success supports our fire of motivation, and if there is no success, then gradually the motivation fades away, which negatively affects the performance.




в) Время проведения обряда «Хыдыр Наби» самое суровое время зимы - Малая Чилля. Цель прибытия Хыдыра Наби - спасти людей от трудностей этапа Малая Чилля. Форма массовой реакции людей на приход Хыдыра Наби - гостеприимство. Основные участники церемонии встречи Хыдыр Наби - женщины. Время приветствования его - с ночи до утра. Ритуальные действия, составляющие церемонию, - это собрание женщин в разных домах, приготовление говута, бодровствование до утра, пение песен.

г) В обряде встречи Хыдыр Наби есть две формы обрядовой коммуникации людей с Хыдыр Наби: угощение говутом и обращение к нему с песнями.

д) Угощение Хыдыр Наби говутом и хашилом несет семантику муки//зерна//посева//хлеба во всех случаях. Потому что хашил - это тоже блюдо из муки. Это значит, что, приглашая Хыдыра на мучную трапезу, люди просят его благословить их посевы, чтобы у них было много хлеба.


1. Azarbaycan folkloru antologiyasi. XXI cild. Qazax örnaklari / Toplayani M.Hakimov. - Baki: Elm уэ tahsil, - 2012, 376 s. // Антология Азербайджанского фольклора. XXI том. - Баку: Наука и образование, - 2012, 376 с.

2. Эfэndiyev, Р. Azэrbaycan §ИаЫ ха^ эdэbiyyatl / P.Эfэndiyev. - Вак1: МаагЩ - 1988, - 478

// Эфендиев, П. Азербайджанская устная народная литература / П. Эфендиев. - Баку: Просвещение, - 1988, - 478 с.

3. Novruz bayraml ensiklopediyasl / ТэШЪ edэnlэr: БэЫи1 АЬ^Па, То!^ БаЪауеу. - Вак1: §эщ-ОэгЪ, - 2008. - 208 8. // Энциклопедия праздника Новруз / Составители: Бахлул Абдулла, Тофик Бабаев. - Баку: Восток-Запад, - 2008. - 208 с.

4. Рэпа^ G. Yaradlll§, hэyat УЭ idrak 1зкэ1э81 -МОУГ^ - Yenigun. G.PэnaЫ. - Вак1: SkyG, - 2017, -481 8.// Панах, Г. Философия сотворения, жизни и мышления - Новруз - Новый день / Г.Панах. - Баку: SkyG, - 2017, - 481 с.

5. Семьюелз, Э. Критический словарь аналитической психологии К.Юнга / Э.Семьюелз, Б.Шор-тер, Ф.Плот. - Москва: МНПП «ЭСИ», - 1994, - 183 с.

6. Тайлор, Э.Б. Первобытная культура / Э.Б.Тайлор. - Москва: Политиздат, - 1989, - 574 с.

7. Токарев, С.А. Ранние формы религии / С.А.Токарев. - Москва: Издательство политической литературы, - 1990, - 622 с.

8. Фрезер, Дж.Дж. Золотая ветвь / Дж.Дж.Фре-зер. - Москва: Издательство политической литературы, - 1984, - 703 с.

UDC: 811.111

Бабазаде С. Нармин

Азербайджанский Государственный Аграрный Университет

Старший преподаватель Грузина Анна Валерьевна Азербайджанский Государственный Аграрный Университет

Преподаватель Алекбарова Н. Шахназ Азербайджанский Государственный Аграрный Университет

Старший преподаватель DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2023-1160-57-59 РОЛЬ МОТИВАЦИИ В ИЗУЧЕНИИ ИНОСТРАННОГО ЯЗЫКА

Babazadeh S. Narmin

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University Senior Lecturer Gruzina V. Anna Azerbaijan State Agrarian University

Lecturer Alakbarova N. Shahnaz Azerbaijan State Agrarian University Senior Lecturer


В современном мире все больше возрастает роль иностранных языков. Перестройка образовательной школы, значительное увеличение международных связей создают определенные предпосылки для улучшения обучения иностранным языкам. Ведь знание иностранного языка - свидетельство уровня культуры и образования. Сфера его применения для современного человека значительно расширяется с увеличением межгосударственных связей, а также возможностью использования в своей работе иностранной литературы.

Современные специалисты вторят друг другу в том, что качество выполнения и результат деятельности зависят от побуждения и потребностей человека, то есть от его мотивации. Именно мотивация


порождает нашу целенаправленную активность, которая определяет выбор средств и приёмов для достижения желанных целей. Осязаемый, реальный успех поддерживает наш огонь мотивации, а если успеха нет, то постепенно и мотивация угасает, что отрицательно сказывается на результатах деятельности.


In the modern world, the role offoreign languages is increasing. The restructuring of the educational school, a significant increase in international relations create certain prerequisites for improving the teaching of foreign languages. After all, knowledge of a foreign language is evidence of the level of culture and education. The scope of its application for a modern person is expanding significantly with the increase in interstate relations, as well as the possibility of using foreign literature in one's work.

Modern experts echo each other in that the quality of performance and the result of activity depend on the motivation and needs of a person, that is, on his motivation. It is motivation that generates our purposeful activity, which determines the choice of means and methods to achieve the desired goals. Tangible, real success supports our fire ofmotivation, and if there is no success, then gradually the motivation fades away, which negatively affects the performance.

Ключевые слова: Мотивация, обучение иностранному языку, современные методики, снижение мотивации, изучающие иностранные языки, преподаватели иностранных языков

Key words: Motivation, teaching foreign language, modern methods, decline in motivation, learners foreign languages, teachers foreign languages

Studies have shown a decrease in motivation in learning a foreign language from class to class [1]. Many people want to master a foreign language, be ready to successfully communicate directly in it, listen to and understand songs in a foreign language by ear, read and understand books in the original, as well as relevant specialized literature, want to write lyrics of their own compositions, stories, make multilingual publications on Instagram and other social networks. However, when in the process of learning a foreign language there comes a period of accumulation of the necessary "building material", the attitude of students to one degree or other changes, many are disappointed and refuse to continue moving towards the goal. This period involves overcoming various difficulties, which delays the achievement of tempting goals. The motivation of students may disappear already at the initial stages. As a rule, students subsequently regret the lost time, there is dissatisfaction not only with themselves, but also with the organization of the educational process. This is a widely observed pattern associated with foreign language acquisition. Understanding motivation as the most important component of the process of mastering a foreign language, it should be borne in mind that motivation is a system of motivating impulses that directs learning activities towards a deeper study of a foreign language and its gradual improvement.

A natural question arises: is a decline in motivation inevitable? Fortunately, the experience of the best teachers refutes this. Students feel their progress, experience pleasure. That is why high motivation is maintained throughout the entire period of study. However, to achieve this, the teacher must know and understand the motives and goals of the students. The teacher can only indirectly influence the motivation, creating the prerequisites and forming the foundations on the basis of which the students have a personal interest. He can, with the help of his "burning heart", push students to take the initiative, direct, indicate the right path. The teacher does this the better, the more he knows the students, the more he manages to take the place of his student. Also, the teacher can use motivating sayings of

famous people, such as "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" Audrey Hepburn, "If you think you can do something or you think you can't, you're right on both counts.

It may not be obvious to modern schoolchildren the need to learn a foreign language due to the level of widely available technical means, such as online translators, automatic generation of YouTube subtitles, speech recognition and synthesis. The latest technologies can quickly and efficiently translate both written and oral speech.

As a result, questions arose: How to make an English lesson interesting, not boring, how to form a positive motivation for learning, how to instill a love for learning? As American motivational speaker Dale Carnegie said, there is only one way to get a person to do something: talk to him about what he wants and show him how to achieve it. There is no need to force, force students, but you should help them to want. This is the wisdom of a good teacher.

If the teacher knows the whole arsenal of motivational means, all types and subtypes of motivation, their reserves, then it will be possible to create a stable concomitant motivation that guarantees progress in mastering a foreign language throughout the entire educational process.

What types of motivation exist that can arouse interest in the learning process will be discussed below. Studying the nature of the motivating forces, the diversity of the human motivational sphere was established.

First, it can be influenced by social motives, which constitute extrinsic motivation. Secondly, the nature of the activity as such, which is called intrinsic motivation;

External motivation strongly enough stimulates to achieve the final result of the teaching. It is important to build the learning process so that students feel approaching the goal. External broad social motivation is determined by social motives, the needs of society. Such motivation is a means that allows you to do some-

«етуушшим-шишаи» #тш, шш / philological sciences


thing useful and kind to people. External narrow-personal motivation may be the desire to assert oneself or achieve personal well-being.

External motivation can be both positive and negative. For example, "I want to work at the embassy because it's prestigious" and "I don't like this foreign language, but I have to be competitive."

External and internal motivations interlock and reinforce each other, where external motivation plays a "strategic" role, setting the exact course, and internal motivation plays a "tactical" role, "warmed up" by the very process of mastering a foreign language [2, p. 78]. The educational process must be built in such a way that students in each lesson experience the joy of meeting the needs specific to the subject of a foreign language. Moreover, the efforts of the teacher to a greater extent should be directed to the development of internal motivation, which comes from the activity itself and has the greatest motivating force. When the activity itself encourages the student to engage in, when he likes to learn new things, perceive foreign speech by ear, speak, read, then we can safely say that he has an interest in the subject "foreign language" and conditions are provided for achieving specific goals.

Both in psychology and in the methodology of teaching the subject "foreign language" much attention is paid to the issues of increasing, maintaining and developing interest in the subject. Emphasizing the complexity and versatility of the issue, experts offer different approaches to solving this problem.

Thus, the teacher should do everything possible to ensure that motivation develops and does not fade

throughout the entire course of teaching a foreign language. Of course, this is a rather difficult task, because for this the teacher needs to know the preferences, tastes and interests of his students, to know from which side to approach and how to "warm up" motivation. In such cases, the teacher can come to the aid of means of increasing motivation to learn a foreign language.


1. Bezborodova, M.A. Motivation in teaching English / M.A. Bezborodova. - Text: direct // Young scientist. - 2009. - No. 8 (8). - p. 156-160. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/8/567/ (date of access: 12/25/2022).

2. Rogova, G. V. Methods of teaching foreign languages in secondary school / G. V. Rogova, F. M. Rabinovich, T. E. Sakharova. - M .: Education, 1991. -287 p.

3. Smirnov S.D. Psychology and pedagogy of higher education: from activity to personality: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001.

4. The use of video films in teaching a foreign language in a secondary school / M. I. Myatova. Foreign languages at school, No. 4, 2006. 3.

5. Theatrical project in teaching a foreign language at the initial stage / E. M. Gerbach.// Foreign languages at school, No. 4, 2006.

6. Use of local history material to increase motivation in teaching foreign languages / N. A. Godunova. Foreign languages at school, No. 7, 2006.

UDC: 811.111

Казымова Севда Агиль

К.Т.Н., доцент

Азербайджан, Гянджинский Государственный Университет DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2023-1160-59-61



Kazimova Sevda Agil

Ph.D.,associate professor Azerbaijan, Ganja State University



Литература объединяет людей: во всех странах мира особое отношение к национальной литературе, и чтобы люди могли наслаждаться этими шедеврами, они переводятся на другие языки мира. Но, стоит помнить, что это все-таки литература, и речь идет не о простом переводе. Существует такое понятие, как художественный перевод: он является инструментом культурного освоения мира и расширения коллективной памяти человечества, фактором самой культуры. Его теоретической базой является литературоведческая теория перевода, направленная также и на решение историко-литературных задач[2].


Literature unites people: in all countries of the world there is a special attitude towards national literature, and so that people can enjoy these masterpieces, they are translated into other languages of the world. But, it is worth remembering that this is still literature, and this is not about a simple translation. There is such a thing as literary translation: it is a tool ^ for the cultural development of the world and the expansion of the collective memory of mankind, a factor of culture itself. Its theoretical base is the literary theory of translation, which is also aimed at solving historical and literary problems.

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