Научни трудове на Съюза на учените в България-Пловдив, серия Б. Естествени и хуманитарни науки, т. XV, 2013 г. Научна сесия „Техника и технологии, естествени и хуманитарни науки", 25-26 X 2012 Scientific researches of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria-Plovdiv, series B. Natural Sciences and the Humanities, Vol. XV, ISSN 1311-9192, Technics, Technologies, Natural Sciences and Humanities Session, 25-26 oktober 2012.
Eliza Nuredini 1, Hamid Nuredini2
xFakulty of Education , University of Pristina "Hasan Pristina" Kosova 2Fakulty of Geosciences and Tehnology, University of Pristina "Hasan
Pristina" Kosova
In Sibovc specific working conditions during development of technological process of production make necessary the working criteria to define economically, particularly from the aspect of harmful influentials which send to professional injuries and diseases at work.
For this reason in this studies are presented monitoring of noise measurements in Sibovc also light and microclimate measurements in oils laboratory.
In following except the negative effects of noise, lightening, temperature, moisture, speed of air, atmospheric pressure etc. are presented some admonition that should be taken to resolve the problem of work respectively reports human-equipment-working and life environment which ergonomics as a scientific discipline treats so much more in comprehensive and intensive way.
Key words: working environment, microclimate, ergo-system, decibel, temperature, noise source etc.
Bottom of Form
Ergonomic aspects during mining work is done, in complex conditions are very important and represent the heavy duty ergonomic mining industry, since mining works are based on production as the main clue so has the basic meaning of this existence mining industry.
In complex process human - machine - working and living environment progress can be achieved only if the working methods, working conditions and working environment suit human.
Ergonomics is the scientific doctrine which is based in two directions:
In human intelligence, which is based on physiology, psychology and anthropology of work.
In engineering (technical) capabilities and doctrines
The working environment should be so that worker has enough space to perform all the provided operations in his working place.
Insufficient space can also cause physical damages (occupational injury or illness).
These are conditions of physical and psychological nature.
Ergonomic conditions at work ask to have:
Normal noise ; Normal lighting; Normal micro-climatic conditions ; Acceptable colors of working environment ; Normal music
Negative results of these conditions are:
increase in labor productivity, at low or high temperatures in working environment
Creating anti availability for work due to the large noise
The possibility of damage to hearing due to too much light or too much dark
Non adaptation of necessary colority of the eye to rest
Noise in the working environment is created as inappropriate sound during vehicle work on the development of operations in different technological processes of various intensity.
Noise is one of the most widespread and unwanted physical damager, which encountered in the environment of industrial residence.
Noise affects neuro vegetative system, reduces the possibility of concentration and observation, reduces the working capacity, damages hearing etc.
Overview of noise measurement Excavators: Takraf SRs 1300 B, SRs 1300 M, dhe SRs 470 table 1
Noise in working environment in dB
No. Excavator type Command Command Hinka mes Miners Notice
cabin no. 1. cabin no. 2. fushore office
1 Er.Takraf SRs 130B 83 82 81 79
2 Er.Takraf SRs 1300M 84 81 87 78
3 Er. Takraf SRs 470 81 83 87 81
L I G H T I N G Characteristics of visibility:
sharpness of vision is the ease of recognition of smaller parts, it increases with increasing light and contrast. The limit of clarity of vision, allowed smaller parts to be seen under a minimum angle, under 1.
Speed of perception:
Allows for faster work, significantly increase security in a way to notice in time the causes of risk.
Ability for adaptation (accommodation) of the eye This capability allows for normal execution of works
Overview of measurement of lighting in the work environment Excavators: Takraf SRs 1300B, Takraf SRs 1300M and Takraf SRs 470
table 2
Lighting in the working environment /Lx/
No. Type of Excavator Command Cabin no. 1. Command Cabin no. 2. Midfielder Funnel Mine- worker Office Remark
1 Er. .Takraf SRs 1300 B 350 300 500 250
2 Er. Takraf SRs 1300 M 250 350 55 150
3 Er. Takraf SRs 470 380 200 600 250
Microclimate consists of community of meteorological factors such as: temperature, relative humidity, air movement, solar rays, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric precipitation, thermal radiation. All of these directly affect working conditions, considering as a whole or separately.
These conditions affect the thermo regulatory development processes to human and in special cases can also come to the disease while staying longer in these conditions.
Conditions not suitable micro-climate, affect negatively the mood and it decreases work productivity.
Overview of measurement of microclimatic conditions in the working environment table 3
No. Microclimate in working environment
Type of Excavator Command Cabin no. 1. Command Cabin no. 2. Midfielder Funnel Mine-worker office Remark
1 Er. .Takraf SRs 1300 B Temp 23.1 0 C R.Hum.70.3 % A.Mov.0.02 m/s Temp 22.9 0 C R.Hum. 69.3 % A.Mov.0.01 m/s Temp 26.3 0 C R.Hum. 70.2 % A.Mov.2.54 m/s Temp 21.3 0 C R.Hum. 69.2 % A.Mov.0.02 m/s
2 Er. Takraf SRs 1300 M Temp 23.5 0 C R.Hum. 59.6 % A.Mov.0.08 m/s Temp 14.2 0 C R.Hum. 58.8 % A.Mov.0.00 m/s Temp 24.1 0 C R.Hum. 70.2 % A.Mov.0.10 m/s Temp 21.3 0 C R.Hum. 59.8 % A.Mov.0.03 m/s
3 Er. Takraf SRs 470 Temp 21.3 0 C R.Hum. 58.8 % A.Mov..0.03 m/s Temp 22.0 0 C R.Hum. 57.8 % A.Mov.0.08 m/s Temp 21.4 0 C R.Hum. 59.9 % A.Mov.0.38 m/s Temp 23.6 0 C R.Hum. 56.6 % A.Mov. 0.05 m/s
R.Hum. = Relative Humidity A.Mov. = Air Movement Temp. = Temperature
In rotor excavator stated in 2007 was carried out general repairs, where in the repair are also included 1 and 2 command cabins of these excavators. In repair is involved:
Regulation of the working environment; such as acclimatization, setting for the original seat control, electronic equipment, capital repairs.
The cause of repair: Very outdated equipment, Maintenance not good,
Non-conforming use of guidelines for safe work
Later measurements were performed and physico-chemical damagers and biological and microclimatic conditions in a working environment where improvements are made.
These measurements are performed: Dust with both methods Noise and vibrations Lighting
Gases CO, CO2, SO2, NOx, O2 Microclimatic conditions
The tables below shows improve of working conditions in the environment where repairs are carried out:
table 4
No. Measured environment Rotor Excavator Takraf SRs 1300 B
Level of Noise/ dB/ Level of Noise /Lx/ Microclimatic Conditions
1 Com. Cab no 1 67 420 T- 22.70C L.R 55.6% L.a. 0.00 m/s
2 Com. Cab no 2 68 420 T- 22.90C L.R 69.3% L.a. 0.00 m/s
Com. Cab. ... Command cabin
table 5
No. Measured environment Rotor Excavator Takraf SRs 1300 M
Level of Noise / dB/ c Microclimatic Conditions
1 Com. Cab no 1 66 420 T- 21..30C L.R 58.2% L.a. 0.00 m/s
2 Com. Cab no 2 67 420 T- 21.90C L.R 66.7% L.a. 0.01 m/s
table 6
No. Measured environment Rotor Excavator Takraf SRs 470
Level of Noise / dB/ Level of Lighting / Lx / Microclimatic Conditions
1 Com. Cab no 1 67 420 T- 22..70C R.H. 55.6% A.m. 0.00 m/s
2 Com. Cab no 2 67 420 T- 22.90C R.H. 69.3% A.m. 0.01 m/s
From the tables it can be concluded that after repair are significantly improved ergonomic working conditions such as noise, lighting and microclimatic conditions.
For noise reduction work is done on these options usually: Reduction of noise at its source, Follow the path towards reducing noise, and Noise reduction in admissions.
In cases where noise can not decrease with technical measures at the source of noise, followed the path towards the noise, and in recognition of the noise, then must be used personal (individual) protective equipment. table 7
f <H
Noise protection m a
1 i
Physiological Technical and personal Legal and social
Reduce development and acceptance in both a source paths
Personal complaints, petitions
Construction of the production procedure
Rules and regulations, regulations and standards
Individual protection from noise using these tools:
Protective corners, 2.Protectors in the form of headset, 3. Protective helmets; 4. Protective clothing; 5.Other.
Worker as a basic factor of ergo system, has great value so adaptation of working conditions and equipments represents ergonomic duty in mining industry.
Solving work problems, respectively reports human - machine - working and living environment, ergonomics as a scientific discipline treats so many comprehensive and intensive ways.
Presentation of parameters reduce noise, adjust lighting, and microclimatic conditions in tables no. 4, 5 and 6, brings the conclusion that after the repair of stated excavator is achieved a visible improvement ergonomic duty in this mining working environment, where, according to European standards noise is reduced to 66 and 67 dB, lighting at 420 Lx, temperature around 220C, relative humidity in a cabin K-1 about 56-58%, while in K-2 about 66-69%, and air movement around 0.00 m / s.
Therefore in this way made adaptation of working conditions and psychological and physiological capacities of human, to achieve the maximum productivity that is possible without damaging human health.
Measurement of noise monitoring in Sibovc Institution"INKOS" March -November 2009 Administrative Guidance No.8/2009 of Republic of Kosovo Administrative Guidance 2002/49/ EU
Dr. Nuredini H., "Security techniques in mining" /f.189 - 199/ Prishtina,1996
Рецензент: проф. д-р Симеон Василев