Научная статья на тему 'Reserch on the refining process of prepressed cotton oil'

Reserch on the refining process of prepressed cotton oil Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Hamrokulova Muborak, Qodirov Yuldoshxon

This work deals with research on high temperature neutralization of prepressed cotton oil at the presence of carbamide and usage of different excesses and strength of alkali. It has been determined that the excess of refined oil at all alkali strength is higher than without its application, but on the contrary, the chromaticity of refined oil is higher without application of carbamide, the difference in the chromaticity decreases if alkali solution in low concentration is used.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Reserch on the refining process of prepressed cotton oil»

The amount of radionuclides, which was given in with 95-97% of productivity after adsorptive refining.

that schedule, is conformed to Rules of Sanitation, and Conformed 0283-10.


According to the research, Navbakhor bentonite is more effectively than Logon bentonite. In the result of adsorptive refining of cotton seed oil, it has decreased to 4 red index of the colour of oil. Oil has been produced

The aim is by activating local bentonites to refine ad-sorptively the cotton seed oil, besides this, to reduce the color index of cotton seed oil as the requirement of state standards and it has been cleared that it has conformed to the safety index of people's health.

It means that this refined cotton seed oil is edible for use.


1. Руссу В. И., Окопная Н. Т., Стратулат Г. В., Ропот В. М. Исследование адсорбционных процессов и адсорбентов. - Ташкент: Фан. - 1979. - С. 257-259.

2. Дубин М. М. Адсорбенты, их получение, свойства и применение. - Л.: Наука, - 1975. - С. 92.

3. Надиров Н. К. Теорические основы активации и механизма действия природных сорбентов в процессе осветления растителных масел. - М.: Пищевая промышленность, - 1973. - С. 97-98.

4. Руководство по методам исследования, техническому контролю и учету производства в масложировой промышленности. - Ленинград: ВНИИЖ, - 1975. - Т. 2. - С. 223.

D OI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-16-11.12-49-52

Hamrokulova Muborak, senior teacher, Fergana politexnical institute Qodirov Yuldoshxon, professor, Tashkent chemical-technological institute E-mail: Ulug85bek77@mail.ru

Reserch on the refining process of prepressed cotton oil

Abstract: This work deals with research on high temperature neutralization of prepressed cotton oil at the presence of carbamide and usage of different excesses and strength of alkali. It has been determined that the excess of refined oil at all alkali strength is higher than without its application, but on the contrary, the chromaticity of refined oil is higher without application of carbamide, the difference in the chromaticity decreases if alkali solution in low concentration is used.

Keywords: cotton oil, carbamide, prepressed, refined, research, neutralization, soapstock.

Cotton oil is difficultl-refined oil among vegetable oil the chromaticity decreases and the output of refined

oil increases at use of alkali solution with concentration 700, 800 g/l, carbamide solution with concentration of 50-55%, in number of it 0,1-2,0% from weight of initial oil. It has been determined that the optimum quantity of carbamide is 0,1% from weight of initial oil.

In order to improve the quality of oils, decrease in its losses at high-temperature neutralization of prepressed cotton oil, before addition of alkali solution, it has been loaded aqueous carbamide solution with concentration of 50% in number of 1,0% from weight of initial oil. In experiments it has been used prepressed cotton oil with neutralization number 3,03 mg KOH, chromaticity on

oils, because of the maintenance of colouring pigments in it, such as gossypol and its derivatives [1]. In this connection at cotton oil refining it is necessary to find optimum regimes for the extraction of gossypol from it and its derivatives that give the dark-painted colour to oil. One of extraction methods of gossypol, especially its derivatives is presented in the work [2], such as the changed and connected forms in which are available free aldehyde groups with the help of carbamide. To remove changed forms of gossypol carbamide is used at the refining high-acid cotton oils obtained from low-grade seeds. It is noted that at the refining high-acid cotton

Lovibond: in a layer of 1,0 sm 10 red unit, 18 blue at 35 yellow units. At neutralization it has been also used alkali solution with concentration 700; 508; 400; 296,7; 201,2 g/l, excess of alkali 0,5; 1,0; 1,0; 1,2% from oil weight, a quantity of water for coagulation of soap stock makes 4,0% from oil weight, neutralization temperature — 60 0 C, duration of neutralization — 30 minutes, duration of process of concretion — 6-8 hours.

Acid number of the refined and unrefined cotton oil is defined by the present method [3], chromaticity in the colorimeter Lovibond.

Mean of results of researches is presented in tab. 1., from which follows that with decrease in the strength of caustic alkali at excess of 0,5%, the consumption of alkali 7,78 kg/t the output increases, the chromaticity decreases and the acid number ofrefined oil almost does not change with use of carbamide and without it. It is necessary to note that the output of the refined oil in all strengths of

It is obtained at the strength of alkali 700 g/l, and the further decrease in the strength of alkali leads to the decrease in the chromaticity of the refined oil. It is necessary to note that the highest chromaticity of the refined oil is attained at the strength of alkali 700 g/l with application of carbamide and without it, and also at the duration of coagulation process 48-50 hours. From this it follows that in the neutralization process at high temperature and high strength of alkali the large quantity of heat which was possibly promotes an increase of temperature on a boundary of phases deposits. It is thus possible that native gossypol passes in the changed form that does not enter interaction with the caustic sodium and gives phaeochrous colour to the neutralized oil.

alkali higher at carbamide use, than without its application. The chromaticity of refined oil on the contrary, higher without carbamide application, the chromaticity difference decreases at use of the solution of alkali of low concentration. For the research of the influence of duration of soap stock coagulation on indicators of the refined oil experiments have been carried out at the temperature of neutralization 25-300 C, the consumption of alkali 7,78 kg/t, and its excess 0,5% from the oil weight.

Results of research (tab. 2) show that at the duration of soap stock coagulation 6-8 hours the output of the refined oil is lower than at the duration of coagulation process 48-50 hours, except for concentration of alkali 296,7 and 201,2 g/l. The chromaticity of the refined oil is almost equal, except for at the strength of alkali 700/g/l.

And at the duration of soap stock coagulation 4850 hours there are the maximum output and high chromaticity of the refined oil.

At increase in the coagulation process, it is possible to be the desorption of colouring substances from soap-stock in the refined oil. The maximum output of the refined oil at the coagulation duration of soapstock 4850 hours is possible connected by that thus there is an allocation of neutral fat which passes from soapstock in oil.

At high-temperature neutralization prepressed cotton oil irrespective ofpresence and absence of carbamide, the decrease in the strength of alkali positively influences on the decrease in chromaticity of the refined oil, i. e. at the strength of alkali 400; 296,7; 201,2 g/l the chromaticity of the refined oil almost does not change. At the strength of alkali 700; 508 g/l the chromaticity of the refined oil considerably differs from the refined without

Table 1. - Influence of carbomide on the refining process of cotton oil

Strength of alkali, g/l Output Indicators of refined oil

Soap stock % Oil % Chromaticity in 13,5 sm layer, r. unite. at 35 yellow Acid number, mg КОН

Carbomide consumption 1,0%

700,0 8,97 93,36 22,0;3,0blue 0,297

508,0 8,74 93,67 17,2; 1,0 blue 0,287

400,0 8,89 93,76 17,2; 1,0 blue 0,291

296,7 10,76 94,16 14,5; 1,0 blue 0,284

201,2 11,49 93,77 15,0; 1,0 blue 0,285

Without carbomide

700,0 10,08 92,64 26,0; 7,0 blue 0,3

508,0 12,48 92,89 27,0; 7,0 blue 0,3

400,0 10,70 92,96 17,0; 1,0 blue 0,297

296,7 10,88 93,88 16,0; 1,0 blue 0,298

201,2 11,68 93,94 18,0;1,0 blue 0,293

carbamide application in comparison with its applica- tralization prepressed cotton oil positively influences on tion at excess of alkali 1,0 and 1,2% from the oil weight the decrease in the chromaticity of the refined oil if to use (tab. 3). Carbamide presence at high-temperature neu- strong caustic alkali solutions, i. e. 700; 508 g/l are used.

Table 2. - Influence of the duration of concretion process on cotton oil indicators

Strength of alkali, g/l Output Indicators of rei lined oil

Soapstock % Oil % Chromaticity in 13,5 sm layer, r. unite. at 35 yellow Acid number, mg KOH

Duration of the coagulation process 6-8 hours

700,0 9,20 92,68 16,0,-2,5 blue 0,282

508,0 9,97 92,07 16,0,-1,0 blue 0,280

400,0 11,36 91,82 16,0,-2,0 blue 0,284

296,7 10,63 93,70 12,0,-0,9 blue 0,281

201,2 11,11 93,88 13,0,-0,5 blue 0,284

Duration of the coagulation process 48-50 hours

700,0 7,78 94,19 22,0,-4,0 blue 0,30

508,0 10,26 93,75 16,0; 1,5 blue 0,289

400,0 10,76 93,13 16,0,-1,0 blue 0,289

296,7 11,56 93,47 12,8; blue 0,287

201,2 11,77 93,54 12,9,-0,5 blue 0,288

The output of the refined oil is more at application of all strengths of caustic alkali with carbamide use than without its application, and is considerable higher an output at the strength of caustic alkali 700; 508 g/l.

Factory data testifies that steaming and roasting pulp is carried out with the big maintenance of peeling (i. e. in peeling with considerable quantity, than it is


provided by the order) in the obtained oil the quantity of pigments giving blue coloring to oil increases. It is necessary to note that if in initial prepressed cotton oil it contains more pigments giving blue coloring to oil the increase in the excess of alkali does not influence positively on the decrease in the chromaticity of the refined oil (tab. 3) 3.

Strength of alkali, g/l Output of soap stock, % Output of soap stock, % Indicators of rei fined oil

Chromaticity in 13,5 sm layer, r. unite. at 35 yellow Acid number, mg KOH

Excess of alkali 1,0% from the oil weight, alkali consumption 13,22 kg/t, carbamide consumption 1,0% from the weight

700,0 12,85 93,09 12,0 0,229

508,0 13,63 93,61 11,0 0,219

400,0 13,79 93,42 12,0 0,20

296,7 15,77 92,26 11,0 0,20

201,2 17,64 92,63 12,0 0,21

Excess of alkali 1,0% from the oil weight, alkali consumption 13,22 kg/t, without carbamide consumption

700,0 13,98 88,02 19,0; 3,0 blue 0,253

508,0 15,72 88,33 19,0; 0,1 blue 0,261

400,0 13,50 92,65 12,0 0,237

296,7 15,02 92,12 13,0 0,239

201,2 17,22 90,95 12,0 0,229

Excess of alkali 1,2% from the oil weight, alkali consumptic oil weig )n 15,4 kg/t, carbamide consumption 1,0% from the ht

700,0 14,31 91,61 12,0 0,221

508,0 22,50 85,36 13,0 0,217

Excess of alkali 1,2% from the oil weight, alkali consumption 15,4 kg/t, without carbamide

700,0 19,32 85,50 22,0; 2 blue 0,227

508,0 26,20 80,11 21,0; 0,2 blue 0,229

At high-temperature neutralization prepressed cotton oil with the application of various strengths of alkali at presence and absence of carbamide it is revealed interesting regularity, i. e. the difference in outputs and the chromaticity of the refined oil is observed at the big and small excess of alkali. It is necessary to note that especially big difference in outputs and chromaticity is observed at the strength of alkali 700; 508 g/l and excess of alkali of 0,5% from the oil weight i. e. 93,36-92,64% and 93,6792,89% (tab. 1), and at excess of alkali of 1,0% from the oil weight accordingly makes 93,09-88,01% and 93,6188,33% (tab. 3). The difference in chromaticity at excess of alkali of 0,5% from the oil weight 22 r.unit. 3,0 blue -26 r. unit 7 blue; and 17,2 r.unit 1,0 blue.-27 r.unit 7 blue (tab. 1), at excess of alkali of 1,0% from the oil weight of 12 r. unit -19 r.unit 3,0 blue. And 11 r.unit -19 r.unit 0,1 accordingly. The small difference on the output and chromaticity is observed at the strength of alkali 400; 296,7; 201,2 g/l and excess of alkali of 0,5% from the oil weight i. e. 93,76-92,96%, 94,16-93,88%, 93,77-93,94% (tab. 1), and at excess of alkali of 1,0% from weight of oil i. e. 93,42-92,65%, 92,26-92,12%, 92,63-90,95 (tab. 2) Accordingly the difference in chromaticity at excess of alkali of 0,5% from the oil weight, 17,2 r.unit 1,0 blue -17 r.unit 1,0 blue, 14,5 r.unit 1,0 blue — 16,0 r.unit

1,0 blue, 15,0 r. unit 1,0 blue — 18 r. unit 1,0 blue (tab. 1.), at excess of alkali of 1,0% from the oil weight 12-12 r. unit; 11,0-13,0 r. unit; 12,0-12,0 r.unit (tab. 3).

The further research is directed on studying of the influence of carbamide on the indicators of the refined oil at high-temperature neutralization of prepressed cotton oil with acid number 8,96 mg the KOH, chromaticity in 1 sm layer is not visible. Experiments have been carried out at the excess of alkali of 1,2% from the oil weight and the consumption of alkali 20 kg/t. Mean of results of researches are presented in table 4 from which follows that in all used strengths of alkali the output of the refined oil is higher in the presence ofcarbamide than at its absence.The chromaticity of the refined oil is higher in the presence of carbamide than without its application if it is not to considered the blue coloring ofthe refined oil. Blue coloring in the refined oil is much lower in the presence of carbamide than in its absence in all strengths of caustic alkali used by us. It is necessary to note that the increase in the output of the refined oil in the presence of carbamide is not in regular intervals with change ofthe strength ofalkali. The maximum increase in the output of the refined oil is achieved at the concentration of alkali 201,2 g/l (3,22%), and the minimum increase in the output ofoil is attained at the concentration of alkali 700 g/l and 296,7 g/l (0,1 and 0,18%).

Table 4. - Refining indicators of cotton oil

Strength of alkali, g/l Output Indicators of refined oil

soap stock,% oil,% chromaticity in 13,5 sm layer, r. unite. at 35 yellow Acid number, mg КОН

Carbamide consumption 1,0% from the oil weight

700,0 21,39 85,58 19,0; 8blue 0,289

508,0 25,91 82,83 26,0; 6blue 0,291

400,0 25,60 83,84 17,0; 8blue 0,284

296,7 27,91 82,46 20,0; 8blue 0,293

201,2 29,44 83,99 20,0; 7blue 0,293

Without carbamide

700,0 17,44 85,48 13,0; 12 blue 0,290

508,0 26,90 80,77 22,0; 10 blue 0,291

400,0 27,16 81,93 20,0; 9 blue 0,287

296,7 28,84 82,28 15,0; 11 blue 0,291

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201,2 30,32 80,77 17,0; 11 blue 0,292


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