Научная статья на тему 'Reformation of the prosecution authorities in order to build confidence of society'

Reformation of the prosecution authorities in order to build confidence of society Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Romanenko Yevhen Oleksandrovych

Після здобуття Україною незалежності й обрання європейського шляху розвитку, виникла необхідність у реформуванні органів прокуратури в контексті імплементації міжнародних стандартів як захисту прав і свобод громадян, так і організації та діяльності прокуратури. З ухваленням нової редакції Закону України “Про прокуратуру” у 2014 р. розпочався черговий етап реформування прокуратури. Водночас, після ухвалення зазначеного Закону в органах прокуратури не відбулося повноцінного кадрового перезавантаження з метою очищення лав прокурорів від осіб, які не відповідають вимогам доброчесності і професійності. Продовжувалось втілення негативної практики корпоративної закритості професії прокурора та розвиток корупції. Наслідком високого рівня корупції в українському суспільстві стала зневіра людей у справедливості системи державного управління та місцевого самоврядування, у чесності та порядності правоохоронних органів і суддів. Тому сьогоднішня модель функціонування органів прокуратури є незадовільною ані з точки зору рівня підтримки її суспільством, ані з точки зору належного рівня виконання прокурорами своїх повноважень. З прийняттям Закону України “Про внесення змін до деяких законодавчих актів України щодо першочергових заходів із реформи органів прокуратури” розпочався процес першочергових і багато в чому тимчасових заходів, пов’язаних передусім із кадровим перезавантаженням органів прокуратури шляхом атестації чинних прокурорів. Також надається можливість усім доброчесним кандидатам, які мають належні теоретичні знання та практичні навички, на конкурсних засадах обійняти посаду прокурора в будь-якому органі прокуратури. Так, Закон передбачає створення Офіса генерального прокурора, окружних прокуратур, запровадження атестації для всіх діючих прокурорів. Крім того, на базі Національної академії прокуратури України буде створено Тренінговий центр прокурорів.После обретения Украиной независимости и избрание европейского пути развития, возникла необходимость в реформировании органов прокуратуры в контексте имплементации международных стандартов как защиты прав и свобод граждан, так и организации и деятельности прокуратуры. С принятием новой редакции Закона Украины “О прокуратуре” в 2014 начался очередной этап реформирования прокуратуры. Вместе с тем после принятия указанного Закона в органах прокуратуры не произошло полноценной кадровой перезагрузки с целью очищения рядов прокуроров от лиц, не соответствующих требованиям добропорядочности и профессионализма. Продолжалось воплощение негативной практики корпоративной закрытости профессии прокурора и развитие коррупции. Следствием высокого уровня коррупции в украинском обществе стало разочарование людей в справедливости системы государственного управления и местного самоуправления, в честности и порядочности правоохранительных органов и судей. В результате сегодняшняя модель функционирования органов прокуратуры является неудовлетворительной ни с точки зрения уровня поддержки ее обществом, ни с точки зрения надлежащего уровня выполнения прокурорами своих полномочий. С принятием Закона Украины “О внесении изменений в некоторые законодательные акты Украины относительно первоочередных мер по реформе органов прокуратуры” начался процесс первоочередных и во многом временных мер, связанных прежде всего с кадровой перезагрузкой органов прокуратуры путем аттестации действующих прокуроров. Также предоставляется возможность всем добропорядочным кандидатам, принадлежащие теоретические знания и практические навыки, на конкурсной основе занять пост прокурора в любом органе прокуратуры. Так, Закон предусматривает создание Офиса генерального прокурора, окружных прокуратур, введение аттестации для всех действующих прокуроров. Кроме того, на базе Национальной академии прокуратуры Украины будет создан Тренинговый центр прокуроров.After Ukraine gained independence and elected a European path of development, there was a need to reform the prosecutors’ bodies in the context of the implementation of the international standards both for the protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms and for the organization and operation of the prosecutor’s office. With the adoption of the new wording of the Law of Ukraine “On the Prosecutor’s Office” in 2014 another stage of reforming the prosecutor’s office began. At the same time, after the adoption of the said Law, no full-fledged personnel reboot took place in the prosecutor’s office for the purpose of clearing the ranks of prosecutors from persons who do not meet the requirements of integrity and professionalism. The negative practice of corporate secrecy of the prosecutor’s profession and the development of corruption continued. The high level of corruption in the Ukrainian society has resulted in people’s disregard for the fairness of the public administration and local self-government, for the honesty and integrity of the law enforcement agencies and judges. As a result, the current model of functioning of the prosecution bodies is unsatisfactory, neither in terms of the level of support it has by the society, nor in terms of the proper level of performance by the prosecutors of their powers. With the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Priority Measures for the Reform of the Prosecutor’s Authorities”, the process of first and largely temporary measures, first and foremost, related primarily to the personnel reloading of the prosecution bodies by attestation of the current prosecutors began. It also provides an opportunity for all virtuous candidates who have the appropriate theoretical knowledge and practical skills, on a competitive basis, to hold the office of prosecutor in any body of the prosecutor’s office. Thus, the law provides for the establishment, of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the district prosecutor’s offices, the introduction of attestation for all existing prosecutors. In addition, a Training Center for Prosecutors will be established at the National Academy of the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Reformation of the prosecution authorities in order to build confidence of society»

UDC: 347.963


Romanenko Yevhen Oleksandrovych,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Science in public administration, vice-rector, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (044) 264-52-54, e-mail: poboss1978@ gmail.com, https//orcid.org/0000-0003-2285-0543

Романенко €вген Олександрович,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, професор, заслужений юрист Украï-ни, Президент Всеукратськог асамблеï докторiв наук з державного управлтня, проректор, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, тел.: (044) 264-52-54, e-mail: poboss1978@gmail.com, https// orcid.org/0000-0003-2285-0543

Романенко Евгений Александрович,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, заслуженный юрист Украины, Президент Всеукраинской ассамблеи докторов наук по государственному управлению, проректор, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 264-52-54, e-mail: poboss1978@gmail.com, https//orcid.org/0000-0003-2285-0543



Abstract. After Ukraine gained independence and elected a European path of development, there was a need to reform the prosecutors' bodies in the context of the implementation of the international standards both for the protection of citizens' rights and freedoms and for the organization and operation of the prosecutor's office. With the adoption of the new wording of the Law of Ukraine "On the Prosecutor's Office" in 2014 another stage of reforming the prosecutor's office began. At the same time, after the adoption of the said Law, no full-fledged personnel reboot took place in the prosecutor's office for the purpose of clearing

the ranks of prosecutors from persons who do not meet the requirements of integrity and professionalism.

The negative practice of corporate secrecy of the prosecutor's profession and the development of corruption continued. The high level of corruption in the Ukrainian society has resulted in people's disregard for the fairness of the public administration and local self-government, for the honesty and integrity of the law enforcement agencies and judges.

As a result, the current model of functioning of the prosecution bodies is unsatisfactory, neither in terms of the level of support it has by the society, nor in terms of the proper level of performance by the prosecutors of their powers. With the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Priority Measures for the Reform of the Prosecutor's Authorities", the process of first and largely temporary measures, first and foremost, related primarily to the personnel reloading of the prosecution bodies by attestation of the current prosecutors began. It also provides an opportunity for all virtuous candidates who have the appropriate theoretical knowledge and practical skills, on a competitive basis, to hold the office of prosecutor in any body of the prosecutor's office.

Thus, the law provides for the establishment of the Prosecutor General's Office, the district prosecutor's offices, the introduction of attestation for all existing prosecutors. In addition, a Training Center for Prosecutors will be established at the National Academy of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine.

Keywords: corporate secrecy, public trust, Prosecutor General's Office, prosecutors' attestation, downsizing, prosecutors' salaries.


Анотащя. Шсля здобуття УкраТною незалежност й обрання европей-ського шляху розвитку, виникла необхщшсть у реформуванш оргашв про-куратури в контекст iмплементацiТ мiжнародних стандарпв як захисту прав i свобод громадян, так i оргашзаци та дiяльностi прокуратури. З ухваленням новоТ редакцп Закону УкраТни "Про прокуратуру" у 2014 р. розпочався чер-говий етап реформування прокуратури. Водночас шсля ухвалення зазначе-ного Закону в органах прокуратури не вщбулося повноцшного кадрового перезавантаження з метою очищення лав прокурорiв вщ осiб, як не ввдпов^ дають вимогам доброчесносп i професшность

Продовжувалось втшення негативно'' практики корпоративно'' закри-тост професп прокурора та розвиток корупци. Наслвдком високого рiвня корупци в украТнському сусшльст стала зневiра людей у справедливост системи державного управлшня та мюцевого самоврядування, у чесносп та порядност правоохоронних оргашв i суддiв.

Тому сьогодшшня модель функщонування оргашв прокуратури е неза-довшьною аш з точки зору рiвня шдтримки ТТ сусшльством, аш з точки зору належного рiвня виконання прокурорами своТх повноважень. З прийняттям

Закону Украши "Про внесення змiн до деяких законодавчих акпв Украши щодо першочергових заходiв iз реформи оргашв прокуратури" розпочався процес першочергових i багато в чому тимчасових заходiв, пов'язаних пе-редусiм iз кадровим перезавантаженням оргашв прокуратури шляхом атес-таци чинних прокурорiв. Також надаеться можливiсть усiм доброчесним кандидатам, яю мають належнi теоретичнi знання та практичш навички, на конкурсних засадах обшняти посаду прокурора в будь-якому оргаш про-куратури.

Так, Закон передбачае створення Офюа генерального прокурора, окруж-них прокуратур, запровадження атестацií для вах дiючих прокурорiв. Крiм того, на базi Нацiональноí академií прокуратури Украши буде створено Тре-шнговий центр прокурорiв.

Ключовi слова: корпоративна закритють, довiра суспiльства, офiс генерального прокурора, атестащя прокурорiв, скорочення чисельносп, зароб^-на плата прокурорiв.


Аннотация. После обретения Украиной независимости и избрание европейского пути развития, возникла необходимость в реформировании органов прокуратуры в контексте имплементации международных стандартов как защиты прав и свобод граждан, так и организации и деятельности прокуратуры. С принятием новой редакции Закона Украины "О прокуратуре" в 2014 начался очередной этап реформирования прокуратуры. Вместе с тем после принятия указанного Закона в органах прокуратуры не произошло полноценной кадровой перезагрузки с целью очищения рядов прокуроров от лиц, не соответствующих требованиям добропорядочности и профессионализма.

Продолжалось воплощение негативной практики корпоративной закрытости профессии прокурора и развитие коррупции. Следствием высокого уровня коррупции в украинском обществе стало разочарование людей в справедливости системы государственного управления и местного самоуправления, в честности и порядочности правоохранительных органов и судей.

В результате сегодняшняя модель функционирования органов прокуратуры является неудовлетворительной ни с точки зрения уровня поддержки ее обществом, ни с точки зрения надлежащего уровня выполнения прокурорами своих полномочий. С принятием Закона Украины "О внесении изменений в некоторые законодательные акты Украины относительно первоочередных мер по реформе органов прокуратуры" начался процесс первоочередных и во многом временных мер, связанных прежде всего с кадровой перезагрузкой органов прокуратуры путем аттестации действующих прокуроров. Также предоставляется возможность всем добропорядочным кандидатам, принадлежащие теоретические знания и практические навыки, на конкурсной основе занять пост прокурора в любом органе прокуратуры.

Так, Закон предусматривает создание Офиса генерального прокурора, окружных прокуратур, введение аттестации для всех действующих прокуроров. Кроме того, на базе Национальной академии прокуратуры Украины будет создан Тренинговый центр прокуроров.

Ключевые слова: корпоративная закрытость, доверие общества, офис генерального прокурора, аттестация прокуроров, сокращение численности, заработная плата прокуроров.

Formulation of the problem. In the

context of the construction of a democratic rule of law in Ukraine and its integration into the European legal space, the modernization of all its bodies, including the prosecutor's office, of which the state of law and order in the state depends, is of particular importance.

With the adoption of the new version of the Law of Ukraine "On the Prosecutor's Office" in 2014, another stage of reforming the prosecutor's office began. Thus, prosecutors were deprived of general oversight functions, which have been a requirement of the Council of Europe for Ukraine since 1995. And with the start of the State Bureau of Investigation, the prosecutor's office also lost the function of pre-trial investigation. [1]

At the same time, after the adoption of the said Law, no full-fledged personnel reboot took place in the prosecutor's office for the purpose of clearing the ranks of prosecutors from persons who do not meet the requirements of integrity and professionalism.

The said Law continued the implementation of the negative practice of corporate secrecy of the prosecutor's profession. That is, any person, despite his/her professional experience and level of professional training, had the right to occupy only the lowest position

in the system of prosecuting authorities. Thus, the opportunities for wide recruitment of new staff at all the levels of the prosecutor's office were blocked.

As a result, the current model of functioning of the prosecution bodies is unsatisfactory, neither in terms of the level of support it has by the society, nor in terms of the proper level of performance of the prosecutors' powers. [2] Thus, according to a poll conducted by the Razumkov Center, as of February 2019, only 2,1 % of the population fully trusted the public prosecutor's office, and 34,8 % did not fully trust it.

Thus, the further reform of the prosecuting authorities is possible only if the first steps are taken to assess the compliance of the existing prosecutors with the criteria of professional competence, integrity and professional ethics. As well as providing opportunities for other candidates with appropriate training to hold positions in the prosecutors' offices at all levels.

In view of this, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Priority Measures for the Reform of the Prosecutor's Authorities". [3] The main purpose of the law is to create the preconditions for the establishment of a system of prosecutors whose activity is based on the

principles of efficiency, professionalism, independence and responsibility.

Analysis of the recent research and publications. In the domestic and foreign legal science there is a considerable amount of work devoted to the study of the organization and activities of the prosecutor's office, the problems of its reform in the context of the experience of the European countries. As the legal system of Ukraine, as well as the legal systems of other countries of the post-Soviet space, are in a state of transitional development, only for these states, and accordingly for the components of the state mechanism, these reform issues are the most tangible, which caused a considerable amount of work on the problems of reforming the prosecutor's office during the years of Ukraine's independence. It is possible to specify the works of such authors as: I. O. Bylytsia, Ye. A. Bezkrovny, M. I. Bortun, D. M. Dobrovolsky, D. S. Dyachkov, S. V. Kivalov, I. O. Kis-litsyna, I. S. Kovalchuk, O. L. Kopy-lenko, V. M. Kravchuk, I. V. Nazarov, S. V. Podkopayev, Yu. E. Polyansky, O. H. Svyda, H. P. Sereda, V. V. Sukho-nos, O. O. Khrapenko and many others. However, there are almost no publications on changes in the work of the prosecutor's office in order to restore the public confidence that have been occurring in the last six months due to changes in the legislation of Ukraine.

The purpose of the article — in connection with the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Priority Measures for the Reform of the Prosecutor's Authorities" which aims to restore the public confidence, create preconditions for building a prosecutor's

office system, whose activity is based on the principles of efficiency, professionalism, independence and responsibility to show changes in the formation of the staffing of prosecuting authorities, attestation, changes in the number, structure and salaries of the prosecutors.

Presentation of the main material. The newly elected government of Ukraine declared that one of the first measures of its activity should be a complete restart of the law enforcement system in our country. This comprehensive reform should also fully affect the prosecuting authorities, which in turn should restore the confidence in the prosecuting authorities and create an updated law enforcement structure in the criminal sphere. The first step in restarting the prosecutorial system by the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, was introduced in the Verk-hovna Rada on 29.08.2019, and identified as an urgent draft law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Priority Measures for the Reform of the Prosecutor's Authorities". [2] The law is aimed at introducing priority and, in many respects, temporary measures, first and foremost, related to the personnel reloading of the prosecutors' bodies by attestation of the current prosecutors, as well as to enable all virtuous candidates who have the proper theoretical knowledge and practical skills to compete for prosecutor in any body of the prosecutor's office. The main purpose of the law is to create the preconditions for the construction of a new system of prosecutors, whose activity is based on the principles of efficiency, professionalism, independence and responsibility.

The draft law proposed to amend the Law of Ukraine "On the Prosecutor's Office", as well as a number of other Laws related mainly to the need to change the names of the prosecuting authorities.

The main provisions of the draft law are the following:

• instead of the current structure of the prosecuting authorities, the construction after the attestation of the prosecutors of the new structure in the form of: Prosecutor General's Office, Regional Prosecutor's Offices, District Prosecutor's Offices. Granting the Prosecutor General the right to liquidate and reorganize the district and regional prosecutors' offices.

• liquidation of the military prosecutor's offices, but at the same time establishing the right of the Prosecutor General, if necessary, to create specialized prosecutor's offices on the rights of the structural subdivision of the Office of the Prosecutor General, regional prosecutor's offices, district prosecutor's offices;

• reduction of the maximum number of the employees of the prosecutor's office from 15000 to 10000 persons;

• giving the Prosecutor General the authority to approve: a strategy for the development of the prosecutor's office; a system for assessing the quality of the work of the prosecutors; the procedure for measuring and regulating the burden on the prosecutors; the procedure for reviewing allegations of maladministration by a prosecutor holding an administrative position, the job responsibilities assigned to the respective administrative position;

• providing opportunities for all the candidates with a law degree and se-

niority in law to participate in selection for the positions in all the prosecuting authorities;

• transformation of the National Academy of the Prosecutors Office of Ukraine into the Training Center for Prosecutors of Ukraine;

• raising the prosecutor's basic salary from 12 to 15 subsistence wages for able-bodied persons. Setting a limit of 25 % for the maximum amount of the prosecutor's award based on the results of the calendar year, which is calculated solely according to the prosecutor's evaluation of the work;

• establishing that prosecutors who, on the day the Law enters into force, hold positions of prosecutors in the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, regional prosecutor's offices, district prosecutor's offices, military prosecutor's offices may be transferred to the prosecutor's office in the Office of the Prosecutor General, regional prosecutor's offices only by attestation. The attestation does not cover the prosecutors of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office.

• the attestation of the prosecutors is conducted by the staffing committees that evaluate the professional competence of the prosecutors, their professional ethics and integrity;

• the attestation of the prosecutors includes the following stages: 1) passing the examination in the form of anonymous written testing in order to identify the level of knowledge and skills in the application of the law, the suitability to exercise the powers of the prosecutor; 2) conducting an interview in order to assess the prosecutor's compliance with the requirements of the professional competence, professional

ethics and integrity. Prosecutors perform a written practical task to identify the level of the practical knowledge and skills. In case of unsuccessful passing of the attestation, the prosecutor is dismissed;

• the persons who did not hold the position of the prosecutor at the time of entry into force of the Law have the right, subject to the presence of higher legal education and seniority of work in the field of law, to participate in the open competition for the vacant positions of the prosecutor in the Office of the Prosecutor General, regional prosecutor's offices, district prosecutor's offices, which appeared after the release of the prosecutors of their own volition, failure to pass prosecutors' attestation, or for other reasons;

• temporarily, until September 1, 2021, the powers of the Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of the Prosecutors shall be terminated, and it shall be established that the Prosecutor General: approves the procedure for the selection by the recruitment commissions for the vacant position of the prosecutor; determines the order of replacement of the temporarily vacant posts of the prosecutors in the prosecutor's office; appoints persons to administrative positions in the Office of the Prosecutor General and to the post of the head of the Regional Prosecutor's Office (with the approval of the Commission for Selection of the Governing Body of the Prosecutor's Offices); determines the procedure for consideration of the disciplinary complaints by the stuffing commissions about the disciplinary misconduct by the prosecutor and the disciplinary proceedings; determines the procedure for making

a decision by the stuffing commissions based on the results of the disciplinary proceedings and in the presence of the grounds stipulated by the Law of Ukraine "On the Prosecutor's Office", on imposing on the prosecutor a disciplinary punishment or the decision on impossibility of further stay of the person in the position of the prosecutor.

Due to the fact that the draft law provides for a significant reduction of the maximum number of prosecutors and the abolition of additional allowances for the prosecutors (except for the years of service and administrative duties), the adoption of the draft law did not require additional expenditures from the State Budget of Ukraine.

In our opinion, the main scientific and expert department of VR has made a number of important comments. [4] The proposal of the draft law on renaming the Prosecutor General's Authority of Ukraine to the Office of the Prosecutor General is not legally grounded. First, the word "office" is a word of a foreign language and has no organic relationship with the official Ukrainian language. In the Ukrainian language and culture portal the term "office" is defined as "an institution; cabinet, chancellery; representation of a company, any firm, enterprise; chancellery service, office space"1. That is, the term has nothing to do with the sphere of justice and the system of the state bodies in Ukraine. However, if the term Prosecutor General's Office is used to refer to the highest authority in the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine, it seems that all the other structural units and heads

https://www.slovnyk.ua/index.php?swrd= %D0%BE%D1%84%D1%96%D1%81

of this body have only the functions of ensuring the activity of the Prosecutor General.

The proposal of the draft law on reducing the maximum number of prosecutors from 15 to 10 thousand persons (part one of Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Prosecutor's Office" in the draft version) was also of concern. According to the aggregated statistical and analytical data on the activities of the prosecution bodies in 20 1 82, in Ukraine during the year 2018, the investigators of the National Police investigated 2 056 844 criminal proceedings, which, by virtue of the Article 37 of the CCP, requires the appointment of a procedural supervisor for each of them.

At present, based on the number of registered proceedings, the burden on the prosecutor alone reaches:

• in the local prosecutor's offices in Kyiv — up to 600 proceedings per year;

• in the Brovar Local Prosecutor's Office — more than 450 proceedings per year;

• in the local prosecutor's offices of Lviv — more than 350 proceedings per year.

The remainder of criminal proceedings as of January 1, 2019 more than one million is also evidenced by the significant burden on the police investigators and procedural leaders, of which more than 5,5 thousand have been reported to suspects.

Reducing the number of prosecutors to 10000 will inevitably increase and unduly burden them. This situation, in our view, will significantly hamper the

2 https://www.gp.gov.ua/ua/vlada.html? m=publications&_t=rec&id=248318

implementation of the criminal proceedings, in particular, the provision of a speedy, complete and impartial investigation of the criminal proceedings.

It should be noted that the new wording of this article excludes the influence of the prosecuting authorities on determining the number. Such a restriction on the powers of the Council of Prosecutors of Ukraine, the body of prosecutorial self-government, may adversely affect the work of the whole system of the prosecutorial bodies in the future. The process of determining the maximum number of the prosecutors should be justified and take into account the burden placed on each prosecutor. Therefore, before making such changes to the law it was necessary to first conduct a comprehensive scientific and practical study of the burden on an individual prosecutor, depending on the level of the prosecutorial system in which he/she works, and to establish a national standard for such workload, and only then could the maximum be determined the boundaries of the pro-secutorial staff that are necessary for the proper functioning of the system of the prosecuting authorities.

Nevertheless, the Law Enforcement Committee considered at its meeting on September 9, 2019 about 70 comments on the text of the draft law and decided to recommend the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to adopt it as a basis and in general with further technical and legal revision. On September 10 the people's deputies supported in the first reading and as a basis the draft law on the reform of the prosecution bodies. 287 people's deputies voted for it. On September 19 the Verkhovna Rada voted in the second reading in the

"turbo mode" for the draft law on the reform of the prosecutor's office. 259 deputies voted in favour of this decision, 23 people's deputies from "European Solidarity" opposed.

On October 2, 2019, the Prosecutor General Ruslan Ryaboshapka approved the Regulations on the Procedure for the Attestation by the Prosecutors of the Attestation for the Implementation of the Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Priority Measures for the Reform of Pro_ secutor's Authorities". The document establishes the procedure for the attestation for the prosecutors and prosecuting authorities of all the levels. According to the document, prosecutors of the General, regional and district prosecutor's offices, as well as the units of the military prosecutor's office may, up to October 15 this year, apply to be certified and transferred to the Office of the Prosecutor General, regional or district prosecutor's office.

The attestation will be conducted by relevant staffing committees in three stages. The first two will assess the law's knowledge and ability, as well as general aptitude and skills through automated anonymous testing. The last step is to check their professional competence and integrity at the interview, that will also include performing a situ-ational task. Each stage will be held in the personal presence of the prosecutor.

To conduct the interview the stuffing commission may receive from all the prosecutor's offices, the Council of the Prosecutors of Ukraine, the Secretariat of the Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of the Prosecutors, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the State Bureau of Inves-

tigation, the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, other agencies any information necessary for the purposes of the attestation of the prosecutor, including:

1) the number of disciplinary proceedings against the prosecutor in the Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of the Prosecutors and their results;

2) the number of complaints received by the prosecutors to the Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of Prosecutors and the Council of the Prosecutors of Ukraine, with a brief description of the nature of the complaints;

3) the prosecutor's adherence to the rules of the professional ethics and integrity:

a) the appropriateness of the costs and property of the prosecutor and his or her family, as well as those of close relatives, to the declared income, including copies of relevant declarations made by the prosecutor in accordance with anti-corruption legislation;

b) other data on the prosecutor's compliance with the requirements of the anti-corruption legislation;

c) data on the compliance of the prosecutor's behaviour with the requirements of the professional ethics;

d) materials of a secret check of the prosecutor's integrity;

4) information on the prosecutor's occupation of administrative positions in the prosecutor's office with copies of the relevant decisions.

Natural and legal persons, state authorities and local self-government will

be able to submit to the relevant stuffing commission information that may indicate that the prosecutor does not meet the criteria of competence, professional ethics and integrity, which may be taken into account by the stuffing commission. The members of the commission may even take into account anonymous information received from individuals or entities. This power of the stuffing commission is of great concern, since such anonymous information about the prosecutor may not be objective and not even true, and its use may hinder the positive attestation of the prosecutor.

The interview must take the form of a committee meeting, during which the members of the commission have the right to ask questions of the prosecutor with whom they are interviewed regarding his professional competence, professional ethics and integrity. And the decision on the success or failure of passing the attestation by the prosecutor is made by voting. The results of the attestation will be published on the official website of the Prosecutor General's Authority of Ukraine (the Office of the Prosecutor General).

By October 15, 2019, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Prosecutor General's Authority of Ukraine had declared its intention to pass the attestation. 1083 prosecutor of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine by October 15, 2019 filed a statement of intent to pass the attestation. According to the Prosecutor General's Authority of Ukraine, on December 19, 2019, the third final stage of the Prosecutor General's attestation of the prosecutors has ended. At this stage, 769 prosecutors were admitted by the Prosecutor General's Au-

thority of Ukraine, which successfully passed the two previous stages of the attestation. According to the results of the writing of the practical task and the interview on the decision of the stuffing commissions, 610 prosecutors successfully passed the third stage of the attestation (i.e. 56 %), 154 — not successfully, 5 — did not appear. The attestation of the regional and district prosecutors will begin in 2020.

On December 11, 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers, by Decree № 1155, approved the salary schemes of the prosecutors of the Office of the Prosecutor General, regional, district prosecutor's offices, and their equivalent. [5] The salary of the Prosecutor General increased 2,5 times from 37 thousand UAH to 93 648 UAH. At the same time, the salary of the first deputy prosecutor general was set at 89 326 UAH, the deputy — 86 445 UAH. The salary of the head of the administration is set at 40 thousand UAH, the head of the department — 38,6 thousand UAH, the head of the unit — 36,8 thousand UAH. The salary of the prosecutor of the Office of the Prosecutor General's Office amounts to 28,8 thousand UAH.

The salary of the head of the district prosecutor's offices is 32 273 UAH, the deputy chief 29967 UAH, the head of the department 24204 UAH and the prosecutor 22764 UAH.

To give the right to the heads of prosecutor's offices within the established remuneration fund to establish:

• an allowance for the intensity of work or for performing particularly important work of up to 100 percent of the salary. In case of untimely completion of the tasks, deterioration of the quality of work and violation of the labour

discipline, this allowance is canceled or its size is reduced;

• monthly service allowance for seniority: more than one year in the amount of 10 percent, more than three years — 15 percent, more than five years — 18 percent, more than 10 years — 20 percent, more than 15 years — 25 percent, more than 20 years — 30 percent, more than 25 years — 40 percent, more than 30 years — 45 percent, more than 35 years — 50 percent of the salary;

• allowance for the discharge of the duties of a temporarily absent prosecutor in an administrative position, or of a vacant administrative position — of 50 percent of the salary of a temporarily absent prosecutor or of a vacant position in proportion to the additional workload.

To pay prosecutors to the prosecuting authorities:

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1) a foreign language knowledge and use allowance: one European — 10 percent, one Eastern, Ugro — Finnish or African — 15 percent, two or more languages — 25 percent of the salary;

2) surcharge for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Candidate of Sciences) or Doctor of Science in the respective specialty — in the amounts of 5 and 10 percent of the salary respectively;

3) bonus for the honourary title of "Honoured" — 5 percent of the salary.

The Prosecutor General Ruslan Ryaboshapka determined the structure of the Office of the Prosecutor General by Order № 99-mц of December 21, 2019. [6] The Office will be composed of the Prosecutor General, his first deputies, deputies, the Deputy Prosecutor General — the head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office,

the patronage service (on the rights of the Department).

The Prosecutor General's Office includes the following departments:

• information-analytical and organizational support, control of performance and checks of the state of organization of the prosecutorial work,

• personnel work and public service;

• criminal policy and analytics;

• the organization and procedural guidance of the pre-trial investigations by the police and fiscal authorities and in criminal proceedings concerning organized crime;

• oversight of the special law enforcement agencies;

• Specialized prosecutor's office in the field of supervision of the criminal proceedings on war crimes and in the sphere of the defense-industrial complex (under the rights of the Department);

• procedural guidance in particularly important criminal proceedings;

• procedural guidance in criminal proceedings on torture and other serious violations of the rights of the citizens by the law enforcement agencies;

• procedural guidance in criminal proceedings for the crimes committed in connection with the mass protests in 2013-2014;

• representation of state interests in the court;

• Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (under the rights of the Department);

• Inspectorate General (under the rights of the Department);

• supervision in criminal proceedings of the crimes committed in armed conflict;

• international legal cooperation and asset recovery;

• supervising the observance of the laws in the execution of court decisions in criminal proceedings, other enforcement measures in the places of detention, as well as probation;

• planned financial activities, accounting and reporting;

• organization and procedural guidance of the pre-trial investigations of the bodies of the State Bureau of Investigation;

• information technology;

• documentary support;

• logistics and resources.

The departments include administrations and units.

The Prosecutor General's Office was launched on January 2, 2020.

Conclusions. Summing up, it should be noted that the amendments provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Priority Measures for the Reform of the Prosecutor's Authorities" of September 19, 2019 are intended to reform the prosecutorial system as a whole, the process of attestation of all prosecutors is intended to clear the bodies of the prosecutor's office and restore the public confidence in them.


1. Zakon Ukrainy "Pro prokuraturu" : vid 14 zhovtnia 2014 r., № 1697-VII [Law of Ukraine "On Public prosecutor's office" from October 14, 2014, № 1697-VII]. (n.d.). zakon.rada.gov. ua. Retrieved from https://zakon. rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1697-18 [in Ukrainian].

2. Romanenko Ye. O. (2017). Novyi orhan u strukturi Yevrosoiuzu [A new body in the structure of the European Union]. Formuvannia efektyvnykh me-khanizmiv derzhavnoho upravlinnia ta menedzhmentu v umovakh suchasnoi ekonomiky: teoriia ipraktyka - Formation of effective mechanisms of public administration and management in the modern economy: theory and practice: Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference. V. M. Oharenko, O. V. Pokataieva, et al. (eds.). (p. 217-218). Zaporizhzhia: KPU [in Ukrainian].

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4. Vysnovok na proekt Zakonu Ukrainy "Pro vnesennia zmin do deiakykh za-konodavchykh aktiv Ukrainy shcho-do pershocherhovykh zakhodiv iz reformy orhaniv prokuratury" [Opinion on the draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Priority Measures for the Reform of the Prosecutor's Office"]. (n.d.). www.gp.gov.ua. Retrieved from https://www.gp.gov.ua/ ua/vlada.html?_m=publications&_ t=rec&id=248318 [in Ukrainian].

5. Postanova Kabinetu ministriv Ukrainy "Pro umovy oplaty pratsi prokuroriv" : vid 11 hrudnia 2019 r., № 1155 [Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On the conditions of remuneration of prosecutors" from December 11, 2019, № 1155].

(n.d.). www.kmu.gov.ua. Retrieved from https://www.kmu.gov.ua/npas/ pro-umovi-oplati-praci-prokuror-iv-1155-111219 [in Ukrainian].

6. Nakaz Heneralnoi prokuratury Ukrainy "Pro zatverdzhennia struk-tury Ofisu Heneralnoho prokurora": vid 21 hrudnia 2019 roku № 99-shts [Order of General Prosecutor of Ukraine "On Approval of the structure of the Attorney General's Office" from December 21, 2019 № 99-sch]. (n.d.). old.gp.gov.ua. Retrieved from https://old.gp.gov.ua/ua/file_down-loader.html?_m=fslib&_t=fsfile&_ c=download&file_id=208108 [in Ukrainian].


1. Про прокуратуру. Закон Украши вщ 14 жовтня 2014р. №1697-VII.

2. Романенко G. О. Новий орган у структурi бвросоюзу // Формуван-ня ефективних механiзмiв державного управлiння та менеджменту в

умовах сучасноí економ1ки: теор1я 1 практика : матер1али V М1жнарод-ноí науково-практичноí конферен-цií 24 листопада 2017 р. / за ред. В. М. Огаренка, О. В. Покатаевоí та ш. Запорiжжя: КПУ, 2017. С. 217218.

3. Про внесення змiн до деяких за-конодавчих акпв Украíни щодо першочергових заходiв iз рефор-ми органiв прокуратури. Закон Украши вщ 19 вересня 2019 року № 113-1Х.

4. Висновок на проект Закону Укрш-ни "Про внесення змш до деяких законодавчих акпв Украíни щодо першочергових заходiв iз рефор-ми оргашв прокуратури" https:// www.gp.gov.ua/ua/vlada.html7_ m=publications&_t =rec&id =248318.

5. Про умови оплати працi прокурорiв. Постанова Кабшету мiнiстрiв Укрш-ни вiд 11 грудня 2019 р. № 1155.

6. Про затвердження структури Офюу Генерального прокурора. Генераль-на прокуратура Украши. Наказ вщ 21 грудня 2019 року № 99-шц.

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