Научная статья на тему 'Receipt of new composite materials by processing of household and technogenic wastes of power and metallurgical productions'

Receipt of new composite materials by processing of household and technogenic wastes of power and metallurgical productions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Sapinov R.V., Zhakupov A.N., Sadu A.

In the article the authors give the analysis of existent traditional building materials and prospect of their replacement with new materials on the basis of technogenic and domestic wastes. So very perspective of using composite material, for making of sett, borders, sewage hatches, roof, sewage-pipes and other, on the basis of technogenic wastes ash, metallurgical slag, sand and domestic LDPE wastes are offered in this article. Thus, the new material excels the operating qualities of traditional building materials on the basis of cement and sand. Except all other new material is deprived of such features of traditional materials on the basis of cement as dehumidification and fragility. It will allow to avoid destruction of new material, under act of winter, negative temperatures (after penetration of moisture). The inevitable losses, related to the damage of products at transporting, stevedorages and editing, will disappear also.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Receipt of new composite materials by processing of household and technogenic wastes of power and metallurgical productions»

SRSTI 67.09.05

R. V. Sapinov1, A. N. Zhakupov2, A. Sadu3

1,2Master of Engineering and Technology, senior teacher, department of «Mechanics and petroleum engineering», S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar, 140008, Republic of Kazakhstan; 3student, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar, 140008, Republic of Kazakhstan e-mail: 1 ruslan.sapinov@mail.ru; 2alibekJ85@mail.ru; 3 s.alua.s@mail.ru


In the article the authors give the analysis of existent traditional building materials and prospect of their replacement with new materials on the basis of technogenic and domestic wastes. So very perspective of using composite material, for making of sett, borders, sewage hatches, roof, sewage-pipes and other, on the basis of technogenic wastes - ash, metallurgical slag, sand and domestic LDPE wastes are offered in this article. Thus, the new material excels the operating qualities of traditional building materials on the basis of cement and sand. Except all other new material is deprived ofsuch features of traditional materials on the basis of cement as dehumidification andfragility. It will allow to avoid destruction of new material, under act of winter, negative temperatures (after penetration of moisture). The inevitable losses, related to the damage of products at transporting, stevedorages and editing, will disappear also.

Keywords: technogenic wastes, domestic wastes, plastic, building materials, ecology, composite materials, innovations, economy.


Presently the problems of ecology and processing of technogenic wastes in the Pavlodar region cost still sharply. In area is located the largest hydroelectric power station (HEPS), warm power station (WPS) and metallurgical productions, producing thousands of tons of wastes as a coal ash and slags. Besides it, there is a problem with processing of domestic wastes as a plastic packing from a polyethylene(LDPE). Annually on an area are taken out the about 650 thousand tons of hard domestic wastes (HDW), the volume of the accumulated wastes makes 5,2 million tons. Also annually appears more than 180,0 million tons of wastes, such as: stripping breeds, wastes of production and consumption, from them processed only 20 %. In accordance with Ecological Code users of nature develop measures, on realization of that annually are expended considerable facilities (2014 year - 19,8 milliards of tenge, 2015 year - about 15,0 milliards of tenge.).

However processing of wastes is not conducted of enterprises of fuel and energy complex (ALL «HEPS-1 of Ekibastuz» of the name of B. Nyrzhanov, JSC «Power corporation of Eurasian», ALL «HEPS-2 of Ekibastuz», JSC «Pavlodar energy») [1].

Today are conducted many researches in area of processing of technogenic wastes [2], the different variants of processing of domestic wastes(LDPE) are developed, the different charts of processing are offered [3], [4], [5] different variants of the use of product of processing of wastes are offered [6], [7], [8], [9].

There are even variants of the use in medicine [10] and as purifiers for water and air [11], [12], but a problem is apparently distant from a decision. In connection with this, innovative methods of utilization or repeated utilization of wastes, for the production of different types of products as alternative from traditional materials it will be been foods by actual.

Wide demand at the market of building materials is used by a sett, sidewalk tile, borders made from sand and cement. Except it metallic tile and other materials use for a roof. Also sewage hatches and rings (usually cast-iron) and different sewage-pipes from cast-iron and plastic are widely used.

All these types of products from traditional materials, in spite of their popularity, have a row of substantial defects. So the sett and borders, made with the use of cement, have absorption of water from 2 % to 5 % [3].

In the conditions of the Pavlodar area affects on longevity of the sett even made with the observance of technology, perniciously enough. It can be looked after on the Pavlodar embankment, and in other places of Pavlodar, where practically all setts came in uselessness during 4-5 years (pic.1).

1st May Street (opposite the Manakbai market) Picture 1 - The condition of cobblestones in Pavlodar in 2017

Sewage hatches and rings from cast-iron besides costliness and large weight are subject to the acts of vandalism, and made from a concrete short-lived and unfunctional.

Thus products are made from material of allowing avoiding all these defects, together being technogenic wastes will use undoubted advantage.


Materials and research methods. Aim of experiment: receipt of material for making of building materials by addition in the molten plastic mass of fillers - ash and sand in different proportions. During an experiment the particles of the ground up plastic

of different factions are used. Materials for research were prepared from former in the use canister (LDPE) (pic.2, a), ash of Ekibastuz coal (pic.2, b), river sand (pic.2, c), aspiration ash of metallurgical production from filters with an aggregate is a scoop-stoven aggregate is a scoop-stove (pic.2, d). Plastic canister were ground up to faction 2x2x1 mm. Sand and ash are preliminary dried out in a muffle stove at the temperature 100 °C, during 20 minutes.

a) 6) b) c)

a) - chopped plastic (LDPE), b) - river sand, c) - ash of Ekibastuz coal, d) - aspiration ash of metallurgical production Picture 2 - Used raw materials

The physical parameters of materials are driven to the table 1

Table 1 - The physical properties of pre-product

Bulk closeness, g/cm3 temperature of melting, 0C, tensile strength at a break, Mpa absorption of water for 24 hours., % faction

LDPE 0,9 115 12 < 0,1 20x20x1mm, 2x2x1 mm

Coal ash 0,8 1300 - 1 mm

Metallurgical slag 2,7 1400 - 25 mkm

River sand 1,52 1700 - 2 mm

For heating of plastic to the temperature of melting the muffle stove of laboratory is used on a base PSU the name of S.Toraighyrov.

Picture 3 - Muffle furnace SNOL

The compression of standards for shaping and further mechanical tests was conducted on the press of pelleter with a hand drive, by effort 50 H. As a result of experiment a few models were got. Models are prepared from plastic materials by faction a 20x20x1 mm, with the proportions of fillers 1:1:1 (pic.4, a) and 1:1,5:0,5 (pic.4,b) and with application of dyes have a mat brown color, not broken up at falling from a height more than 2 meters to the hard surface. Were tested by a compression on durability through the hydro hammer's HHS 100 MG4 (pic. 6). During realization of test of destruction of model did not happen. Mechanical descriptions are driven to the table 2. Except it at models it was certain absorption of water for SAUS 4650-80 (table 2).

a) b)

a) - with the proportions of fillers 1:1:1, b) - with the proportions of fillers 1:1,5:0,5 mm Picture 4 - are models with dye from plastic materials by faction a 20x20x1 mm

Next models were prepared from plastic materials by faction 2x2x1 mm, with the proportions of fillers 0,5:1:1,5.

Picture 5 - Models with dye from plastic materials by faction a 2x2x1 mm, with the proportions of fillers 0,5:1,5:1

For test of models a compression on durability the hydro hammer of HHS 100 MG4 was also used (pic. 6). During realization of test of destruction of model did not happen. Except it at standards it was certain absorption of water for SAUS 4650-80 (table 2)

Picture 6 - A press hydraulic HHS 100 MG4

A model was further made from plastic materials by faction 2x2x1 mm, with the proportions of fillers 1:1:0,5 mm, and with the use of metallurgical slag (pic. 7). During realization of test the maximally possible loading of 105,8 kH and press was attained an automatically power-off on an overload. Durable descriptions of model are indicated to the table 2.

Picture 7 - is a standard from plastic materials by faction 2x2x1 mm, with the proportions of fillers 1:1,5:0,5 and with the use of metallurgical slag

Table 2 - Mechanical descriptions of standards

Durability, Mna Absorption of water %

Standard №1 proportion of fillers 1: 1: 1 (plastic, ash, sand) 40 <1

Standard №2 proportion of fillers 1: 1,5: 0,5 (plastic, ash, sand) 40 <1

Standard №3 proportion of fillers 0,5: 1,5: 1 (plastic, ash, sand) 22,46 <1

Standard №4 proportion of fillers 1: 1,5: 0,5 (plastic, ash, sand) 54 <1

Concrete M200 19,26 > 5

Concrete M400 40 4,2


Thus got models do not yield to on mechanical descriptions the most durable brands of concrete, and models under a number 4 excels even. Thus material has a aesthetically beautifUl kind enough, possesses high plasticity and stability to the shock loading, the subzero has as compared to the concretes of absorption of water (4, 2 brands of М400). It will allow to avoid destruction of material after abundant fallouts and offensive of subzero temperatures. For the industrial production of goods from this material it is expedient to apply a screw extruder, as it is offered in-process the Tomsk's scientists [6], however passing the stage of receipt of granules, to add a filler on the stage of melting of PET. It will allow to shorten expenses on the repeated melting of material and as standards the factions made directly from the ground up wastes a 20х20х1 mm conduct itself not worse what standards of faction a 2х2х1 mm, their quality will not suffer. Except bottles, for making of building materials it is possible to use other wastes of container and packing [13], preliminary dividing them on the brands of plastics, because their mixing is not desirable. For this purpose it is possible to set garbage tanks in the courts of dwelling-houses for the different types of plastic that will facilitate their processing considerably.


1 http://doklad.ecogosfond.kz/os-pavlodarskaya-obl

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3 http://stroyres.net/kamennye-materialy/bruschatka

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Material received on 14.02.18.

Р. В. Сапинов1, А. Н. Жакупов2, А. Саду3

Турмыстык пластикалык жэне энергетика мен металлургия енд1р1стердщ техногендж калдыктарын ецдеуше катысты жаца композитт материалдарды кабылдау

1,2,3С. ТораЙFыров атындаFы Павлодар мемлекетлк университет^ Павлодар к., 140008, Казахстан Республикасы.

Материал баспаFа 14.02.18 тYстi.

Р. В. Сапинов1, А. Н. Жакупов2, А. Саду3

Получение новых композитных материалов путем переработки бытовых пластиковых и техногенных отходов энергетических и металлургических производств

1,2,3Павлодарский государственный университет имени С. Торайгырова,

г. Павлодар, 140008, Республика Казахстан. Материал поступил в редакцию 14.02.18.

Мащлада автор decmypMi курылыс материалдарын талдау жэне оларды техногендж жэне турмыстъщ калдыктар негiзiнде жаца материалдармен алмастыру мумктд^т бередi.

В настоящей статье автор дает анализ существующих традиционных строительных материалов и перспективу их замены новыми материалами на основе техногенных и бытовых отходов.

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