РЕАЛИЗАЦИЯ И ЗАЩИТА ПРАВ РЕБЕНКА В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ ИЗРАИЛЬ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Право»

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Ключевые слова
Израиль / права детей / свобода / международное право / международные организации / ООН / нормативно-правовой акт. / Israel / children's rights / freedom / international law / international organizations / UN / legal act.

Аннотация научной статьи по праву, автор научной работы — Типпа З.А.

В статье рассматриваются вопросы защиты прав детей в Республике Израиль: свобода их реализации в государстве, основные права ребенка, которые позволяют ему реализовать собственный потенциал. Опорой для изучения этой темы стали нормативно-правовые акты международного и местного уровня (на уровне государства), регулирующие проблемы реализации этих прав. Неотъемлемой частью исследования является вопрос соблюдения норм данных актов органами государственной власти Израиля и, в частности, международными организациями.

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The article deals with the protection of children's rights in the Republic of Israel: the freedom of their realization in the state, the basic rights of the child, which allow him/her to realize his/her own potential. The basis for the study of this topic is the normative-legal acts of international and local level (at the level of the state), regulating the problems of realization of these rights. An integral part of the study is the issue of compliance with the norms of these acts by public authorities of Israel and, in particular, by international organizations.


Для цитирования: Типпа З.А. РЕАЛИЗАЦИЯ И ЗАЩИТА ПРАВ РЕБЕНКА В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ ИЗРАИЛЬ = REALIZATION AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN'S RIGHTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF ISRAEL / Науч. рук. к.п.н, С.С. Эмирильясова, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Крымского филиала ФЕБОУВО «РЕУП» // Океанский менеджмент. - 2024. - № 1С(23). - С.80-82.

Типпа З.А.,

студентка 2 курса факультета непрерывного образования Крымского филиала ФГБОУВО «РГУП»

Научный руководитель: Эмирильясова С.С., доцент кафедры иностранных языков Крымского филиала ФГБОУВО «РГУП», к.п.н.


Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются вопросы защиты прав детей в Республике Израиль: свобода их реализации в государстве, основные права ребенка, которые позволяют ему реализовать собственный потенциал. Опорой для изучения этой темы стали нормативно-правовые акты международного и местного уровня (на уровне государства), регулирующие проблемы реализации этих прав. Неотъемлемой частью исследования является вопрос соблюдения норм данных актов органами государственной власти Израиля и, в частности, международными организациями.

Ключевые слова: Израиль, права детей, свобода, международное право, международные организации, ООН, нормативно-правовой акт.


Abstract: The article deals with the protection of children's rights in the Republic of Israel: the freedom of their realization in the state, the basic rights of the child, which allow him/her to realize his/her own potential. The basis for the study of this topic is the normative-legal acts of international and local level (at the level of the state), regulating the problems of realization of these rights. An integral part of the study is the issue of compliance with the norms of these acts by public authorities of Israel and, in particular, by international organizations.

Keywords: Israel, children's rights, freedom, international law, international organizations, UN, legal act.

According to Israel's Basic Law, the State recognises and guarantees citizens fundamental rights:

- The right to life;

The right to liberty and security of person;

The right to privacy;

The right to determine and identify one's nationality;

The right to business and private property;

The right to free labour and leisure;

The right to have access to a public trial on an adversarial basis;

The right to inviolability of personal correspondence;

- The right not to incriminate oneself;

Freedom of thought, speech and creativity;

The right to education [6].

Thus, it should be concluded that all children have the same rights. The only question is the activity of the state to realise them in full and to ensure the free and peaceful existence of each person and, of course, minors.

The Israel National Council for the Child is the oldest and largest children's rights organisation in Israel, established in 1980 by the President of Israel.

The Israel National Council for the Child is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation that advocates for children's rights and welfare. The organisation serves all religions, ethnicities and income levels in Israel [8].

This council takes many actions on behalf of Israeli children. Every year the ombudsmen receive thousands of calls of violations of children's rights. The NCC as it states, "provide support and services for children in distress," and seeks to "influence public policy and raise public awareness of children's rights and issues affecting their welfare and well-being ... [and] initiate innovative projects that address complex problems at home, in school, and in the community."

The aim of this organisation is to enable the children of Israel to grow up in an atmosphere of strength, honesty, security and success. This can only be realised through hard, dedicated work and by engaging people who will work to make real progress.

These goals are achieved through the following work at the Israel National Council for the Child:

Working to promote children's rights in all areas.

Developing proactive legislation that protects children's rights.

Working with policy makers to promote appropriate legislation.

Educating educators and other professionals on children's rights issues.

Serving as a central appeal to children and young people whose rights have been violated.

Striving to raise public awareness of children's rights.

Preventing abuse of children by adults.

Monitoring the quality and accessibility of services for children.

Identifying areas of concern directly affecting children and their well-being.

Educating parents and children about children's rights and welfare.

Alerting responsible authorities to policy or service deficiencies [8].

Regarding the history of the body's activities:

In February 1990, the NCC published a report that concluded that abused children in Israel faced a shortage of juvenile court judges and case backlogs, and proposed the creation of a nationwide child protection authority.

Every year since 1992, the NCC has published "The State of the Child in Israel - Statistical Summary", which contains data on Israeli children.

In 1998, NCC set up the Child Victim Assistance Project, run by a solicitor, to provide child victims and their supportive families with protection and support.

The NCC has sought for many years to end corporal punishment against children within Israel. According to Director Yitzchek Cadman, even blows "that are neither ethical nor educational [have] devastating results". In January 2000, after fsrael's Supreme Court clarified, in an opinion written by Justice Dorit Beinisch, that corporal punishment of children by parents "is not educationally effective and causes serious harm to the child." The NCC chief executive said: "have finally recognised the right of children not to be subjected to violence of any kind, even when those who use force call it an 'educational' or 'punitive' tool" [1].

In December 2007, the NCC chief executive warned about the "potential damage to the mental health of a child abused by online paedophiles" and warned that maintaining child pornography is not only illegal but has the effect of lending support to a campaign that harms children. He added: "We still warn our children regarding lollipops from strangers in the street, but today what? A stranger is in the house".

In 2010, NCC helped draft a Knesset bill providing state compensation to children who endure physical or sexual abuse. In November 2011, NCC's executive director noted that as of spring 2011, due to a legislative amendment, Israeli law prohibits the employment of anyone in Israel who has been "convicted of using or advertising child pornography in any work with children." [4]

In January 2012, the NCC reported that more than 1,000 Israeli children and teenagers were missing and said the number could have been reduced if the flow of information between the Israeli Ministry of Welfare and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and the Israeli police had been improved. Most of the missing children (980) were more than 12 years old.

In December 2013, the Israeli Knesset approved a bill regulating "the rights, duties and authority of all parties involved in the foster care process: the family, the children and the biological parents".

The Knesset Commission for the Rights of the Child is a special Knesset commission dedicated to the protection of children's rights.

According to the Knesset's website, the Commission is concerned with the protection of children and the promotion of the status of children and adolescents in order to fulfil their rights under the International Convention on the Rights of the Child. The concept of child protection includes the realisation of the principle of the good of the child, the prevention of discrimination, the right to develop in dignity, and the right of the child and adolescent to express his or her opinion and participate in matters concerning his or her interests [4].

The Commission was established in 1999, during the cadence of the 15th Knesset, with Tamar Guzhanski as the first chairperson.

Every child, according to Israeli law, has all human rights.

Every child has the full right to a quiet and peaceful life, and this right cannot be violated. Violation of any of a child's rights by relatives or by others is a criminal offence in Israel. [3]

One should not forget the principles approved by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. One of the countries that ratified this legal act is Israel.

One of these principles is that any physical impact that causes pain, shame, fear, offence to a child is physical violence. [5]

According to an Israeli Supreme Court precedent decision, domestic violence is not only physical violence, but also moral violence, which can often be more severe than physical violence. [ 1]

It is important to note that the principle of "favouring the good and interests of the child" applies in all matters relating to the status of minors in Israeli law.

The Prevention of Domestic Violence Law was enacted in Israel in 1991. According to this law, a child who has suffered domestic violence, as well as any family member or stranger who is aware of domestic violence, has the right to apply to the social service, the police or the court for a court order to prevent the violence [7].

Any child whose rights are being violated may report it by any means available to him or her. If a child's rights are violated at home, he or she can report it at school or day care centre. If a child's rights are violated outside the home (on the street, in the yard, at school or at kindergarten), he or she can tell his or her

parents. Every child can go directly to the police, and since violation of a child's rights in Israel is a serious criminal offence, the police are obliged to open a case as soon as they become aware of such an offence.

If a child is subjected to domestic violence, the police may arrest both parents, they may be deprived of parental rights and prohibited from approaching the child. According to Section 368 gimel of the Israeli Penal Code, physical, moral or sexual abuse of a child is punishable by 7 years imprisonment, and if the abuse was committed by the person responsible for the child at the time of the offence, by 9 years imprisonment [3].

Remember always: every child is a Person, a Personality, and any violence against children is unacceptable and cannot be justified. These principles are observed in Israel and on the basis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration is the first universal international document that proclaimed and systematized the fundamental rights and freedoms that should be granted to every human being [2].

Thus, we can conclude that the state is trying its best to give children the best of everything, backing it up with action and lawmaking!

Reference bibliographic list

1. Воробьев В.П., Воробьева E.B. Верховный суд в конституционно-правовой системе государства Израиль. М.: МЕИМО-Университет, 2008. 26 с.

2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Source: Great Russian Encyclopedia. [Electronic resource] URL: https://bigenc.rU/c/vseobshchaia-deklaratsiia-Drav-cheloveka-75529b

3. Israeli Criminal Law. [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.academia.edu/32587173/Israel_criminal_law_law.

4. Knesset Commission on the Rights of the Child. [Electronic resource] URL: https://dic.acadeinic.ru/dic.nsl7ruwiki/1809702.

5. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989). [Electronic

resource] URL:


6. Constitution of the State of Israel. [Electronic resource] URL: https://pohtsim.ru/threads/konstitucija-gosudarstva-izrail.3789/.

7. Elon Menachem. Jewish law /Trans, from Hebrew St. Petersburg: Legal Center Press, 2002. 609 p.

8. The Israel National Council for the Child. [Electronic resource] URL: https://web.archive.Org/web/20130121203953/littp://www.children.org.iEindex_eng.asp.

Для цитирования: Бровко K.P. К ВОПРОСУ О СУДЕБНОЙ ЗАЩИТЕ ПРАВ ДЕТЕЙ В НОВОЙ ЗЕЛАНДИИ = ON THE ISSUE OF JUDICIAL PROTECTION OF CHILDREN'S RIGHTS IN NEW ZEALAND / Науч. рук. к.ф.н, доцент Э.Р. Айвазов, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Крымского филиала ФГБОУВО «РГУП» // Океанский менеджмент. - 2024. - № 1С(23). - С.82-85.

Бровко К. Р.,

студентка 3 курса ФНО СПО Крымского филиала ФЕБОУВО «РГУП»

Научный руководитель: Айвазова Э.Р., доцент кафедры иностранных языков Крымского филиала ФГБОУВО «РГЪЧ1», к.ф.н., доцент


Аннотация: В статье изложены основные положения организации судебной системы Новой Зеландии, а также рассматриваются особенности положения несовершеннолетних в рамках ювенальной юстиции. Рассматриваются проблемы детей в сфере образования и этнических особенностей (притеснений), а также проблемы использования принципов общего права - как основного метода рассмотрения преступлений в государстве. Изучаются основные пути решения проблем, касающихся положения детей Новой Зеландии.

Ключевые слова: Новая Зеландия, судебная система, защита детей, Маори, права, ЮНИСЕФ.


Abstract: The article describes the main aspects of the organization of the judicial system of New Zealand, and reviews the specifics of the situation of minors in the juvenile justice system. The problems of children in education and ethnicity , as well as the problems of using common law principles as the main method of dealing with crimes in the state are explored. Also the main ways of solving problems of New Zealand's children are studied.

Keywords: New Zealand, judicial system, child protection, Maori, rights, UNICEF.

In the 21 century one of the central goals of United Nations and each country all over the world to save sovereignty and rights, interests of each citizen and especially children [13]. Military actions, humanitarian disasters, environmental problems, high birth rates, child mortality - actual problems, not counting others international crisis. Statistically speaking, the population of the New Zealand, a monarchy and independent

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